The Question No PROG Will Dare Answer

None. I'd like a balanced budget amendment with a plan to pay off the debt.

I also propose strict term limits on both Houses of Congress.

I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, neither will ever happen. We haven't had a budget since the day Barry came into office - just a CR that allows them to go on spending like crazy. Congressmen and Senators vote themselves raises in the dead of night (when the rest of America is sleeping) and live in luxury in Georgetown.

Term limits? You'll never see them.

actually they passed a pay bill that is automatic and needs not to be voted on in the future. But they said if they got their pay raise the professional ethics and work would improve, but it has gotten worse.
None. I'd like a balanced budget amendment with a plan to pay off the debt.

I also propose strict term limits on both Houses of Congress.

What departments and/or programs would you be willing to cut to go along with the monstrous tax increases I suppose you'd want.

Every time a tax reduction policy is announced on income, fees and taxes go up on other items. Nothing new, Reagan raised taxes sky high after his so called income tax reduction.
You know, Paul, Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. We won the mid-term elections, this is our due. Dick Cheney to Paul O'Neill, then Treasury Secretary
There isn't a trillion dollar deficit anymore you know. I think it's around 825 billion currently and expected to go down further next year saying sequester stays intact, which it looks like it will.

The deficit is shrinking a LOT faster then any point since 1948. In fact oddly the ONLY time the deficit actually goes down is UNDER A DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT!!! Reagan? Bush Sr? Bush Jr? All grew the deficit every year they were in office.

But of course we don't hear about this from Right wingers.
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So you want more regulation on Wall Street? Okay, we are down with that.


The original post was a good one...poses a good question for discussion, but as usual has little hope of being legitimately addressed by the Board Bolsheviks.

The best you'll get is a dodge--change of topic like the one above; the worst you'll get is name calling like "nutter" and that's it. Certainly it won't be long before George Bush or Ronald Reagan gets blamed.

But, its a good try. We'll see what you get.

Now. This first response to the OP, is about regulation of Wall Street. That's a clear dodge of the OP, but it too is a legitimate question.

I am a Heartland Conservative and I think that Wall Street in New York City in the heart of Liberal Land is absolutely filled up with crooks who ought to be in jail....and it seems that the Board Bolshevicks actually agree. Perhaps everyone agrees. They nearly took down this country under Bush even though he tried to put a stop to the mortgage lending scam in 2006--and got shut down by Barney Frank and his Democratic controlled committee.

The person to prosecute the abuses and fraud from the meltdown was Obama and his bogus attorney general--- but they have done absolutely nothing BECAUSE IT IS WHERE A HUGE AMOUNT OF THEIR DONATIONS COME FROM.

Democrats blame Republicans for the Wall Street assholes and Republicans blame Democrats for them...but it looks like the fact is that both take their money and leave them conspicuously unprosecuted.


So, this thread now has two legitimate questions:

1) What debt do you Bolsheviks believe that the U.S.A. can stand before it collapses like your last experiment in the Soviet Union, and

2) Who is most to blame for the Wall Streeters in Yankee Land collecting most of the wealth in this country, and if it is the Republicans, why? And why hasn't Obama/Holder done something about it after 5 years in control?

So does this post make you a Proletariat or Bourgeois?

Neither. Only the Socialists think in those terms...and even they won't admit they do today.

I am involved in what's left of Jefferson's Meritocracy.
None of the above. What we have in the US is a vague notion of government is somehow the answer coupled with pandering for votes and bribing American citizens with our own money. The Maoists and Bolsheviks and Trotskyites and all those at least has some real hard political thought process to hang their hats on. There may be a few people in the US that are guided by some real political doctrine, but we have nothing of the sorts. I mean, where are the great Democrat thinkers and their debates, either public or private, on the best political thought of the day?

Simply put, the real followers of Marxism had a plan. We're making it up as we go along toward some nebulous end state.

The progs don't think the debt affects them....they think a bunch of rich GOPers will lose their shirts which they're thrilled about. And when they lose their worthless jobs, they truly believe they can live as well on welfare. Where will the welfare come from? The same rich GOPers who lost their shirts....there is no dumber animal on the planet than an American democrat.

Of course you remember when Bush was racking up tremendous war time debt the bed wetters were howling and I believe the moonbat messiah called it "unpatriotic". Under his regime the debt has doubled, one war ended on schedule just afetr we got stuck with his dumbass, and the other is winding down so there's no "war time" excuse.

The only rational answer of what level of debt we should have is %0.

This year our INTEREST PAYMENT ALONE is $395,845,239,236.39, and it reduced the principle not one cent.

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

That's nearly 400 BILLION dollars given to banks, including Chinese banks. There's NO EXCUSE for us to have a 16 TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT, up from 8 TRILLION after your messiah promised to cut it in half and your party controlled most of the government since 2009. YOUR PARTY has DOUBLED the debt, and has resisted all efforts to reduce spending vehemently.

They've spent "stimulus" level amonts of money by passing 4 years worth of "continuing resolutions", and the only budgets your messiah even bothered to offer were laughed out of congess with ZERO votes.

The republicrats better take over the gov't by 2016 and get a balanced budget amendment passed.
None. I'd like a balanced budget amendment with a plan to pay off the debt.

I also propose strict term limits on both Houses of Congress.

I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, neither will ever happen. We haven't had a budget since the day Barry came into office - just a CR that allows them to go on spending like crazy. Congressmen and Senators vote themselves raises in the dead of night (when the rest of America is sleeping) and live in luxury in Georgetown.

Term limits? You'll never see them.

actually they passed a pay bill that is automatic and needs not to be voted on in the future. But they said if they got their pay raise the professional ethics and work would improve, but it has gotten worse.

"When the slave becomes the Master......."

We send those people to Washington to work for WE, the People. Funny thing, though; They head their little butts up to DC and suddenly - WE WORK FOR THEM.

Again - never the way the Founding Fathers envisioned this country.
Are we Maoist's or Bolsheviks? Two vastly different political ideologies.

Maoists are as different from Bolsheviks as M&M's are from Hershey Kisses

It's hard to keep up with you mouthbreathers, democrats have been called Nazis, Maoists, and Bolsheviks.

And at various points in time, each was correct. Currently, the shameful democrats promote fascism - the merger of government and corporate power structures - as Kaiser and Blue Cross effect federal policy with the KGB (IRS) acting as muscle for them.

The common thread is the establishment of autocratic rule and a command economy - which is the unrelenting dream of democrats.
You know, Paul, Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. We won the mid-term elections, this is our due. Dick Cheney to Paul O'Neill, then Treasury Secretary

In those days the debt was a percentage of the GDP....that is no longer is now 107% of GDP......again, what's the number or don't you care if there is a default?
There isn't a trillion dollar deficit anymore you know. I think it's around 825 billion currently and expected to go down further next year saying sequester stays intact, which it looks like it will.

The deficit is shrinking a LOT faster then any point since 1948. In fact oddly the ONLY time the deficit actually goes down is UNDER A DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT!!! Reagan? Bush Sr? Bush Jr? All grew the deficit every year they were in office.

But of course we don't hear about this from Right wingers.
You know, Paul, Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. We won the mid-term elections, this is our due. Dick Cheney to Paul O'Neill, then Treasury Secretary

In those days the debt was a percentage of the GDP....that is no longer is now 107% of GDP......again, what's the number or don't you care if there is a default?

In those days, Reagan was paying over 10% interest on his debt
My theory that leftists neither understand, care about, or think the debt affects them is being show clearly here. A simple that so hard to name? C'mon moonbats.....what is the LIMIT to the madness?
There isn't a trillion dollar deficit anymore you know. I think it's around 825 billion currently and expected to go down further next year saying sequester stays intact, which it looks like it will.

The deficit is shrinking a LOT faster then any point since 1948. In fact oddly the ONLY time the deficit actually goes down is UNDER A DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT!!! Reagan? Bush Sr? Bush Jr? All grew the deficit every year they were in office.

But of course we don't hear about this from Right wingers. our "deficit" goes to zero. By the time Obarry leaves office we will OWE 20 Trillion Dollars!! I dunno - maybe right before his royal highness leaves, we can transfer the 20 Trillion we owe over to the "deficit" and it will just magically "disappear"....

What a country!! :cuckoo:
There isn't a trillion dollar deficit anymore you know. I think it's around 825 billion currently and expected to go down further next year saying sequester stays intact, which it looks like it will.

The deficit is shrinking a LOT faster then any point since 1948. In fact oddly the ONLY time the deficit actually goes down is UNDER A DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT!!! Reagan? Bush Sr? Bush Jr? All grew the deficit every year they were in office.

But of course we don't hear about this from Right wingers.

SHRINKING eh? Does the debt look like it's shrinking too?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
You know, Paul, Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. We won the mid-term elections, this is our due. Dick Cheney to Paul O'Neill, then Treasury Secretary

In those days the debt was a percentage of the GDP....that is no longer is now 107% of GDP......again, what's the number or don't you care if there is a default?

In those days, Reagan was paying over 10% interest on his debt

In "those days" the interest rate was based on our ability to pay not smoke and mirrors from the Fed. Simple question....what's the NUMBER?

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