The Question No PROG Will Dare Answer

No Political Group anywhere on Earth could turn a 825 billion dollar deficit into a surplus in one year, that's totally chaotic and destructive. The absolute best you could ask for is a shrinking deficit, which it is, and no increases, or limited increases, in spending, which is what's happening. let me get this straight...Sequester goes into effect (85 Billion) and the Dems go absolutely CRAZY, screaming and yelling, gnashing their teeth and screaming at FOX news because we are KILLING THE COUNTRY. Yet our current spending was STILL higher than the sequester so the net effect was actually zero.

And this is YOUR idea of "slowing down" spending?

You folks live in "never-never land" and Barry is your Tinker Bell.....
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My theory that leftists neither understand, care about, or think the debt affects them is being show clearly here. A simple that so hard to name? C'mon moonbats.....what is the LIMIT to the madness?


I actually don't think some of the posters in this thread understand the Debt as distinguished from the yearly Deficit. Or perhaps they hope the other readers won't.

Under Reagan, who sure enough got dug up and blamed in this very thread, the US DEBT was a trillion dollars.

Now its 17 trillion dollars.

Obama runs up a trillion dollar deficit EACH year for awhile...then the Sequester and a recalcitrant House of Representatives force him to quit pissing away money as fast as he wants, so the yearly DEFICIT goes down by maybe 15%....and his Bolsheviks on this board take credit. In the meantime the DEBT of the USA keeps getting more and more out of control....Obama called it Unpatriotic when it was at about 7 trillion.

In the meantime, the obvious dodge of the clear question posed in the OP continues. Its getting embarrassing. Run Liberals run.

nothing better than a cart wheel stuck in a rut. Do you, or have you the ability to communicate without your BS Marxist implications or do you suffer from brain damage?
No Political Group anywhere on Earth could turn a 825 billion dollar deficit into a surplus in one year, that's totally chaotic and destructive. The absolute best you could ask for is a shrinking deficit, which it is, and no increases, or limited increases, in spending, which is what's happening. let me get this straight...Sequester goes into effect (85 Billion) and the Dems go absolutely VRAZY, screaming and yelling, gnashing their teeth and screaming at FOX news because we are KILLING THE COUNTRY. Yet our current spending was STILL higher than the sequester so the net effect was actually zero.

And this is YOUR idea of "slowing down" spending?

You folks live in "never-never land" and Barry is your Tinker Bell.....

Ah yes, the fairy freaks from another site. How unoriginal.
What departments and/or programs would you be willing to cut to go along with the monstrous tax increases I suppose you'd want.

DHS, TSA, DEA, ATF, bloated military budget, non humanitarian foreign aid, corporate welfare, paying farmers not to grow crops... That could save a buck or two.

Well slap my sister and buy me a Cadillac.....FINALLY we got a fella who sees some cuts. They're all leftist dodges to save the social programs but what the hell, everybody is going to get a haircut before it implodes.....good start. :banana:

As far as social programs go, I think SS is untouchable. Remove SS from the general fund. Welfare... Personally, I think any able bodied person should work. I wouldn't have a problem with some limitations. We should continue to help those with handicaps and disabilities. Healthcare? ACA looks like a big giveaway to insurance companies. Would have been better to just allow folks to opt in to Medicare. Artsy fartsy stuff? Let patrons of the arts pay for it, not taxpayers. Food stamps? I'd continue the program, but make sure it is for food items only. Lots of folks just getting by. No doubt there are lots of other programs I am unaware of. There is a veritable alphabet soup of agencies, bureaus, and programs out there.
From what I've seen, the debt is projected to go to around 125% of gnp, but then it should decrease as the boomers die off and the millenials, who are even more numerous than us boomers, enter the work force. But, I'm not a progressive, so maybe I'm not eligible to post. (-:

But, yeah, generally Boo is right. Additionally, whatever deal they do on the debt ceiling, a supermajority wants spending cuts, so the dems will have to comply or face the consequences in 14. Coburn says he has 250billion in identified waste, and there's easily 500bil. Each piece of waste can't be eliminated because you'd end up just ending stuff like SNAP or medicare, but there's no way to convince voters there's not 5% out there that can be cut ... but give the managers discretion where to cut.

You realize there's no "bailout" money left when the banks screw the pooch next time, right? Nobody is "too big to fail" next time. So, like I said in the OP, since nothing changed in the banker's perspective after their meeting with Obama in 2009, the wolf is still beside the sled. So what's the NUMBER we will no longer go past? You can do it....a guess is good enough.

No one actually "knows" the answer, even economists. You seem to assert you know the figure, but you cannot.

Moreover, you seem to premise that the impending debt doom will fall because of another credit meltdown. I suppose that is possible, but estimates of what the wall street bailout actually cost ... or will cost in the end ... are simply not that onerous, in relation to debt drivers such as retiring boomers and a low birth rate.

Cost of Government Bailouts Continues to Decline -

Even using sources that are a bit less mainstream, you have to do creative accounting to get to the 13 trillion fiigure

Total Wall Street Bailout Cost - SourceWatch

The actual amount "disbursed" is around 4.5 trillion, but even THAT figure is counting federal reserve funds that the fed can PULL OUT of the economy, and it probably will have to do so because somewhere down the line there has to be some inflation once the economy has worked out all th bad debt.

One of Bushii's great malapropisms was "the econ got drunk and now it's got a hangover."

Well, he was pouring the jager shots. LOL And, don't take that to mean I'm a big obama guy.

The bailout in the savings and loan crisis, in the end, had a modest cost. We actually MADE money in the 1930s.

However, I think you do have a good point that neither party really had the stones to put in place penalties that would directly and individually punsish institutions for excessive risk.
At least so far....maybe today we'll get a breakthrough. :eusa_shifty:

HOW MUCH DEBT are you willing to allow the government shysters to put us in? What's the number when even the maoists say enough is enough? We're at $17T now....many economists think $20T is the tipping point. Obama has raised the debt-ceiling 7 times after screaming like a woman when Dubya did it. He's added $6T to the debt and continues to run $1T yearly deficits. After $20T, another financial meltdown of any kind, could tip us over into default. Surely you leftists don't believe Wall Street has stopped dealing in mortgage-based derivatives. Surely you don't believe criminal enterprises like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have stopped rigging the futures markets. So how much is close to the edge of diaster are you willing to tread?


Oh great. Another ignernt rw who doesn't know what "raising the debt ceiling" really means.

Nor does he seem to know why it needs to be raised.
Got a number, Slick? :eusa_eh:

Yep, show me the facts

Huh? The facts are all over this thread.....did you look at the debt clock yet? You might want to have some valium handy if you've never seen the real numbers.

You do know that the National Debt Clock reflects debt built up by all presidents don't you?
I'm not arguing that "O" isn't in a class all by himself, but he isn't the only president that is responsible for the almost $17 trillion dollars of the total debt. Some of the debt attributed to "O" comes from programs by other presidents, such as the annual debt created by Medicare Part D.
I'm a non-partisan who believes in the truth, no partisan hackery from this poster. Can you say that?
You do know that the National Debt Clock reflects debt built up by all presidents don't you?
I'm not arguing that "O" isn't in a class all by himself, but he isn't the only president that is responsible for the almost $17 trillion dollars of the total debt. Some of the debt attributed to "O" comes from programs by other presidents, such as the annual debt created by Medicare Part D.
I'm a non-partisan who believes in the truth, no partisan hackery from this poster. Can you say that?

Oh great. Another ignernt rw who doesn't know what "raising the debt ceiling" really means.

Nor does he seem to know why it needs to be raised.

Hey Einstein... what does *IGNERNT* mean?

You goddamn moron... shut your fucking DUMB ASS pie hole.

In answer to the OP, the "top limit" to the debt for leftards is WHATEVER OBAMA TELLS THEM IT SHOULD BE. They wouldn't DARE have an ORIGINAL thought, and then have it contradict their MESSIAH.
Oh great. Another ignernt rw who doesn't know what "raising the debt ceiling" really means.

Nor does he seem to know why it needs to be raised.

Keep walkin troll.....this isn't one of your kind's either put up or shut the fuck up here.

That's why I LOVE Uncle Sam's Misguided Children (Brother retired E-8). Tell it like it is. :clap2:
Oh great. Another ignernt rw who doesn't know what "raising the debt ceiling" really means.

Nor does he seem to know why it needs to be raised.

Keep walkin troll.....this isn't one of your kind's either put up or shut the fuck up here.

Already did.

The thrad went to several pages and explained, OVER AND OVER, what the debt ceiling is, what it means and how and why it gets raised.

Finally, the left gave up because, to a person, not one rw was willing to open their mind and actually LEARN anything.

Look around you. Its pretty likely you're sitting in front of a computer. If so, YOU have access to GOOGLE DOT COM.

Use it.

Just grow up and stop insisting that someone take you by the hand and tell you what you want to hear instead of the facts.

Hint: the reason no one is giving you some magic number is that none exists.
Oh great. Another ignernt rw who doesn't know what "raising the debt ceiling" really means.

Nor does he seem to know why it needs to be raised.

Keep walkin troll.....this isn't one of your kind's either put up or shut the fuck up here.

You'll find a few of those mouth breathing retards here pard, never expect an honest, intelligent conversation with them. For one they're too fucking stupid, and second they're not interested.

Fellow veteran here, US Air Force, 10/1979 - 9/1987, E-7, service connected disabled vet.
The obvious answer for leftards is, "there is no debt ceiling, they want to tax and spend with utterly no limitations." If that causes the nation into default, they don't give a fuck, just as long as their welfare checks are coming in and their obama phones are still on.
What departments and/or programs would you be willing to cut to go along with the monstrous tax increases I suppose you'd want.

Incrementally increase the retirement age for SS benefits, decrease military spending. Simplify the tax codes (lower rates and remove all deductions). Tax all capital gains as ordinary income.

Even if we had the time to do that (we don't), all you'd cut is the military? And tax profits twice though capital gains? And make old people work longer? Seriously? :eusa_eh:

We have plenty of time. The US Treasury notes are the most secure investment in the world. Ordinary capital gains are already taxed at the same income bracket. Only long term capital gains receive a break and cap out 15% for no reason other than greed. There is no double tax on profit. Yes people are living much longer and are healthier than they were when SS was started.

Besides you wanted a number didn't you?
Every time a tax reduction policy is announced on income, fees and taxes go up on other items. Nothing new, Reagan raised taxes sky high after his so called income tax reduction.

Knock off the thread is asking for a NUMBER......either answer or leave.

After you get a number then it's "What Programs......."

Yep, start anywhere you please but please start somewhere. How about we abolish every dept where there is task-redundacy (like DHS goes and the FBI and CIA stays) and everybody get's cut 30%...EVERYBODY. No further debt increase, means-test SS and Medicare, and indict every banker son of a bitch who participated in the Heist of the Century circa 2008. Yes?
We have plenty of time. The US Treasury notes are the most secure investment in the world.

Really? So why is it the FED is buying the majority of them? We've pretty much played that hand out too....Bernake was going to stop it last month but he hasn't and it looks like he can't....the only investors in the Stock Market anymore are institutional and of course the banks. It's all a sham.....we're probably already fucked.

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