The Question No PROG Will Dare Answer

None. I'd like a balanced budget amendment with a plan to pay off the debt.

I also propose strict term limits on both Houses of Congress.

What departments and/or programs would you be willing to cut to go along with the monstrous tax increases I suppose you'd want.

Incrementally increase the retirement age for SS benefits, decrease military spending. Simplify the tax codes (lower rates and remove all deductions). Tax all capital gains as ordinary income.
There isn't a trillion dollar deficit anymore you know. I think it's around 825 billion currently and expected to go down further next year saying sequester stays intact, which it looks like it will.

The deficit is shrinking a LOT faster then any point since 1948. In fact oddly the ONLY time the deficit actually goes down is UNDER A DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT!!! Reagan? Bush Sr? Bush Jr? All grew the deficit every year they were in office.

But of course we don't hear about this from Right wingers.

SHRINKING eh? Does the debt look like it's shrinking too?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The thing about the "debt clock" that amazes me as much as anything?

"Official Unemployed"

"Actual Unemployed"

If that doesn't tell you how OUR government lies to us on a daily basis, then nothing will.

The "Actual Unemployment" is TWICE as high as they tell us. And they fools get away with it. Day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year.
None. I'd like a balanced budget amendment with a plan to pay off the debt.

I also propose strict term limits on both Houses of Congress.

What departments and/or programs would you be willing to cut to go along with the monstrous tax increases I suppose you'd want.

DHS, TSA, DEA, ATF, bloated military budget, non humanitarian foreign aid, corporate welfare, paying farmers not to grow crops... That could save a buck or two.
There isn't a trillion dollar deficit anymore you know. I think it's around 825 billion currently and expected to go down further next year saying sequester stays intact, which it looks like it will.

The deficit is shrinking a LOT faster then any point since 1948. In fact oddly the ONLY time the deficit actually goes down is UNDER A DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT!!! Reagan? Bush Sr? Bush Jr? All grew the deficit every year they were in office.

But of course we don't hear about this from Right wingers.

SHRINKING eh? Does the debt look like it's shrinking too?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The rate at which it's going up is. And if you're asking for 900 billion in budget cuts...well, let's just say that's something that has never before been accomplished in history. So good luck with that :)
None. I'd like a balanced budget amendment with a plan to pay off the debt.

I also propose strict term limits on both Houses of Congress.

What departments and/or programs would you be willing to cut to go along with the monstrous tax increases I suppose you'd want.

Incrementally increase the retirement age for SS benefits, decrease military spending. Simplify the tax codes (lower rates and remove all deductions). Tax all capital gains as ordinary income.

Even if we had the time to do that (we don't), all you'd cut is the military? And tax profits twice though capital gains? And make old people work longer? Seriously? :eusa_eh:
My theory that leftists neither understand, care about, or think the debt affects them is being show clearly here. A simple that so hard to name? C'mon moonbats.....what is the LIMIT to the madness?


I actually don't think some of the posters in this thread understand the Debt as distinguished from the yearly Deficit. Or perhaps they hope the other readers won't.

Under Reagan, who sure enough got dug up and blamed in this very thread, the US DEBT was a trillion dollars.

Now its 17 trillion dollars.

Obama runs up a trillion dollar deficit EACH year for awhile...then the Sequester and a recalcitrant House of Representatives force him to quit pissing away money as fast as he wants, so the yearly DEFICIT goes down by maybe 15%....and his Bolsheviks on this board take credit. In the meantime the DEBT of the USA keeps getting more and more out of control....Obama called it Unpatriotic when it was at about 7 trillion.

In the meantime, the obvious dodge of the clear question posed in the OP continues. Its getting embarrassing. Run Liberals run.
No Political Group anywhere on Earth could turn a 825 billion dollar deficit into a surplus in one year, that's totally chaotic and destructive. The absolute best you could ask for is a shrinking deficit, which it is, and no increases, or limited increases, in spending, which is what's happening.
From what I've seen, the debt is projected to go to around 125% of gnp, but then it should decrease as the boomers die off and the millenials, who are even more numerous than us boomers, enter the work force. But, I'm not a progressive, so maybe I'm not eligible to post. (-:

But, yeah, generally Boo is right. Additionally, whatever deal they do on the debt ceiling, a supermajority wants spending cuts, so the dems will have to comply or face the consequences in 14. Coburn says he has 250billion in identified waste, and there's easily 500bil. Each piece of waste can't be eliminated because you'd end up just ending stuff like SNAP or medicare, but there's no way to convince voters there's not 5% out there that can be cut ... but give the managers discretion where to cut.
None. I'd like a balanced budget amendment with a plan to pay off the debt.

I also propose strict term limits on both Houses of Congress.

What departments and/or programs would you be willing to cut to go along with the monstrous tax increases I suppose you'd want.

DHS, TSA, DEA, ATF, bloated military budget, non humanitarian foreign aid, corporate welfare, paying farmers not to grow crops... That could save a buck or two.

Well slap my sister and buy me a Cadillac.....FINALLY we got a fella who sees some cuts. They're all leftist dodges to save the social programs but what the hell, everybody is going to get a haircut before it implodes.....good start. :banana:
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From what I've seen, the debt is projected to go to around 125% of gnp, but then it should decrease as the boomers die off and the millenials, who are even more numerous than us boomers, enter the work force. But, I'm not a progressive, so maybe I'm not eligible to post. (-:

But, yeah, generally Boo is right. Additionally, whatever deal they do on the debt ceiling, a supermajority wants spending cuts, so the dems will have to comply or face the consequences in 14. Coburn says he has 250billion in identified waste, and there's easily 500bil. Each piece of waste can't be eliminated because you'd end up just ending stuff like SNAP or medicare, but there's no way to convince voters there's not 5% out there that can be cut ... but give the managers discretion where to cut.

You realize there's no "bailout" money left when the banks screw the pooch next time, right? Nobody is "too big to fail" next time. So, like I said in the OP, since nothing changed in the banker's perspective after their meeting with Obama in 2009, the wolf is still beside the sled. So what's the NUMBER we will no longer go past? You can do it....a guess is good enough.
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No Political Group anywhere on Earth could turn a 825 billion dollar deficit into a surplus in one year, that's totally chaotic and destructive. The absolute best you could ask for is a shrinking deficit, which it is, and no increases, or limited increases, in spending, which is what's happening.

Oh there's a way to do it alright....but it would involve driiling every drop of OIL we can get our mitts on.....would you agree to try that?

The original post was a good one...poses a good question for discussion, but as usual has little hope of being legitimately addressed by the Board Bolsheviks.

The best you'll get is a dodge--change of topic like the one above; the worst you'll get is name calling like "nutter" and that's it. Certainly it won't be long before George Bush or Ronald Reagan gets blamed.

But, its a good try. We'll see what you get.

Now. This first response to the OP, is about regulation of Wall Street. That's a clear dodge of the OP, but it too is a legitimate question.

I am a Heartland Conservative and I think that Wall Street in New York City in the heart of Liberal Land is absolutely filled up with crooks who ought to be in jail....and it seems that the Board Bolshevicks actually agree. Perhaps everyone agrees. They nearly took down this country under Bush even though he tried to put a stop to the mortgage lending scam in 2006--and got shut down by Barney Frank and his Democratic controlled committee.

The person to prosecute the abuses and fraud from the meltdown was Obama and his bogus attorney general--- but they have done absolutely nothing BECAUSE IT IS WHERE A HUGE AMOUNT OF THEIR DONATIONS COME FROM.

Democrats blame Republicans for the Wall Street assholes and Republicans blame Democrats for them...but it looks like the fact is that both take their money and leave them conspicuously unprosecuted.


So, this thread now has two legitimate questions:

1) What debt do you Bolsheviks believe that the U.S.A. can stand before it collapses like your last experiment in the Soviet Union, and

2) Who is most to blame for the Wall Streeters in Yankee Land collecting most of the wealth in this country, and if it is the Republicans, why? And why hasn't Obama/Holder done something about it after 5 years in control?

So does this post make you a Proletariat or Bourgeois?

Neither. Only the Socialists think in those terms...and even they won't admit they do today.

I am involved in what's left of Jefferson's Meritocracy.

No, it's how a Marxist thinks.
Good for you on Jefferson, he was something of an odd ball. He wrote the harshest slavery return law in Virginia and turned around and wrote the Declaration of Independence.
No Political Group anywhere on Earth could turn a 825 billion dollar deficit into a surplus in one year, that's totally chaotic and destructive. The absolute best you could ask for is a shrinking deficit, which it is, and no increases, or limited increases, in spending, which is what's happening.

Oh there's a way to do it alright....but it would involve driiling every drop of OIL we can get our mitts on.....would you agree to try that?

Other then ANWR, Marcellus, and a few California coastlines...we pretty much are.

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