The Questions Carlson Won't Be Asking Putin

Let's seeeeee....

Invaded Georgia. Invaded Crimea. Invaded Eastern Ukraine. Interfered in 2016 election. Massacring civilians in Syria.

Nope. Can't think of a thing...
All on democrats watch... maybe just try a little diplomacy demtards....
I was a Republican all my life until 2017. Unlike far left New York limousine liberal Donald Trump.

I was too embarrassed to be a Republican after Trump was elected.

Apparently you have no such shame.
I was a Republican all my life until 2017. Unlike far left New York limousine liberal Donald Trump.

I was too embarrassed to be a Republican after Trump was elected.

Apparently you have no such shame.
Instead you back an incestuous brain dead pervert. You are at the top of your game.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Libs just want revenge on Putin for 2016... its TDS on parade!!!
And dummies with no morality or ethics don't understand that the onus for that lies on the insane dictator to stop invading European countries.
And how European countries are different from Asian, African or American? And no, Putin is pretty sane. He do what is necessary.
I had no idea that Independents did that! WOW!
Ever notice how magaturds seem to blame Independents for every fucking thing under the sun (when they aren't blaming the other party), calling them 'traitors', 'fence sitters', 'leftist' as well as every other slur, until it's an election year?

Weird stuff.
Not one of these libs complained when Hillary took the reset button to Putin and Russia... its all about 2016... and they want Putin's head no matter how many must die to get it...
Ever notice how magaturds seem to blame Independents for every fucking thing under the sun (when they aren't blaming the other party), calling them 'traitors', 'fence sitters', 'leftist' as well as every other slur, until it's an election year?

Weird stuff.
I never noticed it. Got a source to back up your bullshit?
Of course I know how long it has lasted. I wasn't seeking information. I was asking the question to imply how impotent the Russian military is.
Sure, just make it more clear on what your motive is. The question was misleading and suspect of being purposely. So to the question:

There are at least two answers worth exploring further.

1. The mutually agreed upon rules and limitations of the war are being adhered to by Russia and America. This doesn't permit Russia to act without restraint. (I'm not suggesting nuclear) I offer as proof the fact that America hasn't conquered Russia.

2. Russia has never attempted to do more than secure a buffer zone of the Ukraine's territory for the purpose of defending Russia's borders against Nato (US) aggression. Coincidentally, that's the main issue that Tucker Carlson is intent on exposing.
Ever notice how magaturds seem to blame Independents for every fucking thing under the sun (when they aren't blaming the other party), calling them 'traitors', 'fence sitters', 'leftist' as well as every other slur, until it's an election year?

Weird stuff.
The MAGA tards have not noticed that Independents have doubled in recent years. We now make up 40 percent of the voters, while Dems and Pubs are 25 percent each.

Both parties brag about defections from their opposition without realizing the vast majority of defections are AWAY from both parties, not TOWARD theirs.

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