The Questions Carlson Won't Be Asking Putin

Some other questions I didn't see Tucker ask, so I may as well post them here:

President Putin, at the start of Russia's full scale invasion of Ukraine you've claimed that it is not a real country. Do you still stand by those comments and how do you reconcile them with existing and active border agreements you've signed with Ukraine in 2003?

President Putin, 150+ countries in UN have officially recognized Russia as an aggressor for it's invasion of Ukraine under your orders. On what basis do you disgree with their judgement?

President Putin, Russia has annexed four eastern Ukrainian regions citing "referendums" conducted there, can you please explan how thats possible if your millitary has never had control of some of those regions to hold those votes?

President Putin, International Criminal Court has found you to be a war criminal
for forced deportation of Ukrainian children into Russia, which means that you would be arrested if you traveled to one of 123 ICC member countries. How do you plan to address this issue?

President Putin, you claim that Russia is a democracy, but there has been a brutal suppression of freedom of speech and any public contradiction or questioning of the invasion of Ukraine is effectively outlawed and punished by long jail sentances. How can you explain that seeming contradiction?

President Putin, what is the extent of impact do you think the sanctions resulting from this invasion have been? How do you see Russia's economic development over the next decade?
The MAGA tards have not noticed that Independents have doubled in recent years. We now make up 40 percent of the voters, while Dems and Pubs are 25 percent each.

Both parties brag about defections from their opposition without realizing the vast majority of defections are AWAY from both parties, not TOWARD theirs.
Yep. Diehards are gonna have a bad time.
That has been prove false by every source from every conceivable angle.
I know but they still believe it... so they want to kill Putin... and so for the first time in any of their lives they support paying for a war.... and anyone who doesn't support it is a Nazi Putin stooge to them....
I know but they still believe it... so they want to kill Putin... and so for the first time in any of their lives they support paying for a war.... and anyone who doesn't support it is a Nazi Putin stooge to them....
I have always supported paying for kicking the USSR and Russia in the nuts, dipshit.

This isolationist bullshit is what is going to lead us into WWIII. Just like "America First" isolationists in America and isolationists in Europe helped lead the world into WWII.

Let's seeeeee....

Invaded Georgia. Invaded Crimea. Invaded Eastern Ukraine.
Defended their border with Georgia that was being challenged by US interference.

Defended the mutually agreed upon arrangement on the Crimea. (and the people's inevitable choice)

Succeeded in finding a mutually agreed upon peace at Minsk, which was torn apart by the US/UK.
Interfered in 2016 election. Interfered in European elections. Massacring civilians in Syria. Continues to seek ways to interfere in US and European elections.
Election interference by all nations capable of such, is to be expected. Russia is nearly as guilty as the US.
Nope. Can't think of a thing...
In fact, that's what's making Tucker Carlson such a threat to uS propaganda.
Some other questions I didn't see Tucker ask, so I may as well post them here:

President Putin, at the start of Russia's full scale invasion of Ukraine you've claimed that it is not a real country. Do you still stand by those comments and how do you reconcile them with existing and active border agreements you've signed with Ukraine in 2003?

President Putin, 150+ countries in UN have officially recognized Russia as an aggressor for it's invasion of Ukraine under your orders. On what basis do you disgree with their judgement?

President Putin, Russia has annexed four eastern Ukrainian regions citing "referendums" conducted there, can you please explan how thats possible if your millitary has never had control of some of those regions to hold those votes?

President Putin, International Criminal Court has found you to be a war criminal
for forced deportation of Ukrainian children into Russia, which means that you would be arrested if you traveled to one of 123 ICC member countries. How do you plan to address this issue?

President Putin, you claim that Russia is a democracy, but there has been a brutal suppression of freedom of speech and any public contradiction or questioning of the invasion of Ukraine is effectively outlawed and punished by long jail sentances. How can you explain that seeming contradiction?

President Putin, what is the extent of impact do you think the sanctions resulting from this invasion have been? How do you see Russia's economic development over the next decade?

President Putin how much do you appreciate Obama and Biden for allowing you to take other countries for your own at will..

Follow up -
What did you contribute or intend to contribute to them
President Putin how much do you appreciate Obama and Biden for allowing you to take other countries for your own at will..

Follow up -
What did you contribute or intend to contribute to them
President Putin, is it true you have video tape of Joe Biden feeling up Nancy Pelosi in an elevator?
Defended the mutually agreed upon arrangement on the Crimea. (and the people's inevitable choice)
Mutually agreed upon? Put down the crack pipe son.

"The people's choice". Just like the Hitler apologists said after he invaded the Sudetenland.

Exactly like them.

What a dumbass.

In fact, that's what's making Tucker Carlson such a threat to uS propaganda.
If you are so far gone that you can't see Carlson is the number one lying propagandist in America, you are just too stupid to reach.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to wake up Hugo Chavez again to rig some Dominion machines for the Democrats.

I also need to call the Italian military satellite company to get ready to change Trump votes to Biden votes.
I have always supported paying for kicking the USSR and Russia in the nuts, dipshit.

This isolationist bullshit is what is going to lead us into WWIII. Just like "America First" isolationists in America and isolationists in Europe helped lead the world into WWII.

No one is endorsing isolationism... we don't have to be suckers though... we don't have to roll over... and we can be America first without being isolated....
And how European countries are different from Asian, African or American? And no, Putin is pretty sane. He do what is necessary.
Well one would have to pick up a historry book to understand the differences. Like, where our allies are, the unprecedented offensive nuke threat, how much Iraqi territory we kept, if our country looks out for US interests or Russian interests,etc. Educated people see a difference.
Let's seeeeee....

Invaded Georgia. Invaded Crimea. Invaded Eastern Ukraine. Interfered in 2016 election. Interfered in European elections. Massacring civilians in Syria. Continues to seek ways to interfere in US and European elections.

Nope. Can't think of a thing...
Well you may as well have not thought of anything because that was garbage, even the EU had to admit Saakashvili that US puppet strarted the war in Georgia, and Putin was not even President at the time, went into Ukraine to stop Genocide incorporated Crimea after a vote to stop those morons in Kiev handing the keys to Nato,no evidence Putin interfered in the US election or European elections, Syria Russia went in after the Syrian government asking for help to fight Isis and a whole bunch of other western backed head hacking terrorists, otherwise the black flag of Isis would be flying over Damascus with severed heads all over the place, there fixed it for you, by the way WTF is your Country doing in Syria stealing oil?
Russian stooge Walter Duranty Tucker Carlson will be interviewing KGB thug Vladimir Putin.

Here are the questions he won't be asking.


You had Sergei Magnitsky beaten, tortured, and murdered for revealing you and other Russian officials have been stealing from the Russian treasury. Just how many billions have you stolen from the Russian people?


How often are you in touch with Svetlana Krivonogikh?


38 businessmen and oligarchs have died under mysterious circumstances in the past few years. They fell out of windows to their deaths, or fell off a boat and drowned, or "committed suicide". Is this all just a coincidence?


One of your chief critics, Alexei Navalny, was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok, a KGB favorite. When he failed to die, you sentenced him to prison. Another activist, Vladimir Kara-Murza, was just sentenced to 25 years for speaking out against you. Are you thin-skinned, or what?


How many more American elections are you planning on interfering in?


You've been in power for 24 years now. To do so, you had your constitution re-written so you can basically be re-elected as many times as you wish. There's another election in Russia this year. Why do you bother rigging and stealing elections? Why not just declare yourself dictator for life?


You've invaded several countries under false pretenses, including Ukraine. You have mass murdered civilians and forcibly migrated countless thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia where they are being raped by your soldiers. Is child abduction and pedophilia okay if YOU do it?


I'm just asking questions...
Well one would have to pick up a historry book to understand the differences. Like, where our allies are, the unprecedented offensive nuke threat, how much Iraqi territory we kept, if our country looks out for US interests or Russian interests,etc. Educated people see a difference.
Allies? They are more recipients of safety rather than donors. In other words - our European "allies" are useless and ungrateful cowards and parasites, hardly more. Specifically Ukraine is a sponsor of corrupted Biden's family, it's not an ally of American nation.
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Sure, just make it more clear on what your motive is. The question was misleading and suspect of being purposely. So to the question:

There are at least two answers worth exploring further.

1. The mutually agreed upon rules and limitations of the war are being adhered to by Russia and America. This doesn't permit Russia to act without restraint. (I'm not suggesting nuclear) I offer as proof the fact that America hasn't conquered Russia.

2. Russia has never attempted to do more than secure a buffer zone of the Ukraine's territory for the purpose of defending Russia's borders against Nato (US) aggression. Coincidentally, that's the main issue that Tucker Carlson is intent on exposing.
Cool story, bro.

And you don't think you have a big fish story. :rofl:
If you are so far gone that you can't see Carlson is the number one lying propagandist in America, you are just too stupid to reach.
I'll grant you that Carlson is currently the biggest threat to established US propaganda. That could indeed by construed as him being the number one opposing propagandist.

Judging by the panic on this discussion, that's a pretty good guess. I think you're over-reacting to the threat. America has already fairly effectively come out with a barrage of counterspin to answer anything said by Putin.

I've deleted the rest of your comments because I don't respond to that sort of bad behaviour. Act according. Final warning.
President Putin how much do you appreciate Obama and Biden for allowing you to take other countries for your own at will.

Seriously dumbass?

This is what Putin's poodle Trump had to say about Russian invasion into Ukraine:

And you think this pathetic, embarrassing suck up was going to stop Putin from something? :slap:
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