The Questions Carlson Won't Be Asking Putin

I am an antiwar sympathizer and coincidentally it's again and again and again, America being prowar.
Does that make me a Russian sympathizer?

And coincidentally, I'm an atheist who is an antiwar sympathizer, again and again and again.
You can pretend to be anything you want to pretend to be but a rose by any other name is still a rose.
You dumbass what fucking good would it do to hold that kind of an interview... there is a war going on and frankly the reason it began is foggy at best... Getting Putin's mind set is critical in this interview.... people are dying someone needs to find out why... our president doesn't care... fuck he should be talking to Putin... why isn't he?....

The last time he talked to Putin he greenlighted the invasion into Ukraine.
Then criticize the insane dictator for invading European countries three times under cover of an offensive nuclear threat.
No discussion is possible with you if you're alrady convinced that all leaders of countries that oppose America's continuous war, are insane.
Your character is being judged by your need to depend on insults, Christian.
Christians are called to stand for good and oppose evil. Luckily Russian incompetence is negating the need for that. What a bunch clowns.
Move to Russia. Problem solved.
No need

If the WEF/Democrat takeover of America and the great reset becomes reality, most Americans and Russians will be dead.

If the WEF/Democrat takeover of America fails, there will be Nuremberg 2.0 trials and all the traitors will be hunted down and tried for treason to humanity.
Criticize which country claiming to be a democratic republic, for 40 wars of aggression since the end of WW2 alone?

Regardless of what Putin says to Carlson, your track record is stamped on your forehead.
You can't do it. So your little comment about being anti war was just a contrived, little lie you used to try to wiggle out from under your own dumb comments.

I figured as much.
No need

If the WEF/Democrat takeover of America and the great reset becomes reality, most Americans and Russians will be dead.

If the WEF/Democrat takeover of America fails, there will be Nuremberg 2.0 trials and all the traitors will be hunted down and tried for treason to humanity.
You have a vivid imagination. :rolleyes:
He's a despot. An insignificant nothing. Just like Russia is.
This discussion is illustrating just how significant Russia has become!
I can't talk to you here anymore unless you provide some substance instead of your uninteresting behaviour. Be warned.

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