The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty

I notice that most of your so called "facts" come from Juden and Christian sources.

But the fact remains that Islam is still a major dominate religion and will continue to grow and spread globally. ....... :thup:
Islam isn't winning the war of ideas. Islam isn't spreading because it can offer something that Christianity or Hinduism or Buddhism can't provide. Islam is only spreading because of third world birth rates and because of Islam's continued use of spreading by the sword.

Even where Islam is spreading, we aren't seeing an Islam that is compatible with the modern world, but rather the extremist, Wahhabi-flavored fundamentalist Islam. It's a return of the peak of Islamic thinking of the 11th century when math and science and art and literature took a backseat to the ramblings of a priesthood who had no interest at all with anything outside of the Quran. It's a frightening thought that is the future of the Muslim experience everywhere that there are Muslims, even in countries like the UK and France.
the Qur'an is not written in 100% Arabic but has some Hebrew, Persian and even Greek words. If Arabic is the language of heaven and the Qur'an was dictated perfectly why does the Qur'an contains foreign words that are Hebrew, Greek and Persian?
the Qur'an is not written in 100% Arabic but has some Hebrew, Persian and even Greek words. If Arabic is the language of heaven and the Qur'an was dictated perfectly why does the Qur'an contains foreign words that are Hebrew, Greek and Persian?
Where does the Quran say that arabic is the language of heaven?? ...... :cool:
I notice that most of your so called "facts" come from Juden and Christian sources.

But the fact remains that Islam is still a major dominate religion and will continue to grow and spread globally. ....... :thup:
So will disease.
If a Muslim rejects the Bible he must also reject the Qur'an because Mohammed appeals to the Bible as an authority. If he accepts the Bible he must then reject the Qur'an, because of the contradictory stories that challenge essential eternal truths.
But the Quranic version is a quarter of the length of the bible story of Joseph, and it leaves out all the important details that make the bible story understandable. I do not think anyone who did not know the bible story of Joseph could possibly make sense of sura 12.
What dilettante's like you don't understand is that Muslims are well aware of the story of Joseph in the Torah, so there wasn't any need for the Quran to repeat the entire story. What the Quran does is highlight the essentials of the story and correct any errors in the bible's version. ....... :cool:
No errors in the Bible. The big error was moooohamuts con job on all satan worshipers.
If a Muslim rejects the Bible he must also reject the Qur'an because Mohammed appeals to the Bible as an authority. If he accepts the Bible he must then reject the Qur'an, because of the contradictory stories that challenge essential eternal truths.
Incorrect. ..... :cool:

Muhummad was illiterate-----although he depended on the bible---he never read it. In order to fix things up since the Koran actually contradicts the bible----muslims claim that the
bible is very much altered CONSTANTLY because Christians and jews hate ISLAAAAM and the only reason the
bible exists is to dispute islam. Thus both Christians and jews alter the bible to make it inconsistent with the Koran-----get it?
The Torah and the New Testament were changed, altered, and corrupted, long before Muhammad was born and Islam became a religion. ...... :cool:
That's a problem for muhamnedans as Islam was an invention by Mo' who stole ruthlessly from christianity and Judaism. ...... :cool:
Mohammed had no Bible available in his native tongue, there was no Arabic translation until at least 200 years after he lived. So how did he know about the Bible? How could he say it was corrupted if he could not read it?( he is illiterate)

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