The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty

Mohammed lived in 600 A-D. Today we have whole manuscripts going back to 300 A.D. which is 300 years before he was born. We also have separate letters that predate all of these by a few hundred years all of which give an accurate representation of the original writings (autographs.)
The Torah and the New Testament were changed, altered, and corrupted, long before Muhammad was born and Islam became a religion. ...... :cool:

you forgot------the general Islamic khutbah jumaat feces fling includes that standard------they change it all the time to fit
whatever are their current lies--------I got it in a mosque from
a visiting genius from Al Azhar----as well as dozens of other muslims
Mohammed lived in 600 A-D. Today we have whole manuscripts going back to 300 A.D. which is 300 years before he was born. We also have separate letters that predate all of these by a few hundred years all of which give an accurate representation of the original writings (autographs.)

give up----even if you cite that dead sea scrolls----the standard meccaist spit is ------DA JEWS FORGED THEM
Mohammed lived in 600 A-D. Today we have whole manuscripts going back to 300 A.D. which is 300 years before he was born. We also have separate letters that predate all of these by a few hundred years all of which give an accurate representation of the original writings (autographs.)
Again, no one knows what language the original N.T. was written.

Or if there was even an original N.T. ....... :cool:
Mohammed lived in 600 A-D. Today we have whole manuscripts going back to 300 A.D. which is 300 years before he was born. We also have separate letters that predate all of these by a few hundred years all of which give an accurate representation of the original writings (autographs.)
Again, no one knows what language the original N.T. was written.

Or if there was even an original N.T. ....... :cool:

ROFLMAO-----the original Koran was not even written----
in fact needed did JIBRIL -------
The Torah and the New Testament were changed, altered, and corrupted, long before Muhammad was born and Islam became a religion. ...... :cool:

How did Mohammad the terrorist know if any book was corrupted or not, if the illiterate couldn't even fucking read a single word? Or was it because he said so and he happened to be the biggest baddest Arabian thug holding a sword at the time?
It's hilarious how frightened the juden are of muslims and Islam.

That's because the juden know their day of reckoning is close at hand. ....... :cool:
You chose the correct politico-religious ideology to convert to. The cult of Mohammedans has all the built in Jew hatred required for self-hating losers. ....... :cool:
I speak as a Muslim.

Christians and Jews, you should not expect a book put together 2000 years ago to be authentic and in its original form in this day and age. This can only happen if God makes it to happen miraculously. The world has always been full of intrigues and dishonest people and organizations have always existed. You lose credibility when you refer to the Bible or the Torah (today's Torah, if Judaism claims to exist by the Torah).

No, what is actually happening is that while the rest of the civilized world was promoting freedom and equal justice, education and liberty and advancing in ways unimaginable to the superstitious and uneducated, Islam was systematically killing off anyone with the intelligence and courage to oppose it leaving entire countries bereft of intelligent life and filled to the brim with stupid cowards.,

All your dreams of taking over the world will be shut up in the womb like a still born birth.

When you kill thousands of chickens because ten were infected, that's uncivilization. When you wear makeup or add implants to your body, that's uncivilization. When you send your mothers and fathers to retreat homes, and live with a dog inside your houses, that's uncivilization.

Great Muslims have always been known for their impact on the world. Look to the example of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), who taught love to human beings so that today, humans respond and Islam became the fastest growing religion in this planet. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the one whom we credit for the wonderful rise of the Arab and Turk civilizations. The western world only reconciled the Church and science thanks to St Thomas Aquinas who taught the theories of the Muslim philosopher Averroes (I don't know if this is his name in English, and I may be mistaken on which actual Muslim philosopher it was). So whatever the West achieved as of today, they owe it to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family, the master of all nations).

Pakistan's late Benazir Bhutto also made a valuable impact in the world, though Islam does not favour that women occupy supreme positions of power. Ibn Arabi and Rumi are very popular in the Western World. Muhammad Hisham Kabbani continues to impact America's interaction with Islam. This world without the Muslims, that's unconceivable.

Even where Islam is spreading, we aren't seeing an Islam that is compatible with the modern world, but rather the extremist, Wahhabi-flavored fundamentalist Islam.

New Muslims (converts) are not likely to be extremists. They may be exposed to extremist theological doctrines, but they usually don't join extremist groups.

the Qur'an is not written in 100% Arabic but has some Hebrew, Persian and even Greek words. If Arabic is the language of heaven and the Qur'an was dictated perfectly why does the Qur'an contains foreign words that are Hebrew, Greek and Persian?

The Qur'an is in perfect Arabic.

Arabic is not the language of heaven. It is the language of the people of heaven.

If a Muslim rejects the Bible he must also reject the Qur'an because Mohammed appeals to the Bible as an authority. If he accepts the Bible he must then reject the Qur'an, because of the contradictory stories that challenge essential eternal truths.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) have said at times to Jews or Christians, to look in their own books, because he knew that the truth they denied was still in those books. How did he know ? Maybe it simply made sense, maybe God told him. There were books revealed to Jesus and Moses, from God, and the Qur'an talks about those books, the Gospel and the Torah. Other prophets were also revealed other books, from God.

No errors in the Bible.

As a Muslim, the Christian's belief that the Bible is the word of God reminds me of the Santa Claus tale. The day children realise it is just a tale, it will break their hearts.
What's hilarious is how Muslims constantly point their fingers at Jews when faced with the savagery of their religion and culture.
I speak as a Muslim.

Christians and Jews, you should not expect a book put together 2000 years ago to be authentic and in its original form in this day and age. This can only happen if God makes it to happen miraculously. The world has always been full of intrigues and dishonest people and organizations have always existed. You lose credibility when you refer to the Bible or the Torah (today's Torah, if Judaism claims to exist by the Torah).

No, what is actually happening is that while the rest of the civilized world was promoting freedom and equal justice, education and liberty and advancing in ways unimaginable to the superstitious and uneducated, Islam was systematically killing off anyone with the intelligence and courage to oppose it leaving entire countries bereft of intelligent life and filled to the brim with stupid cowards.,

All your dreams of taking over the world will be shut up in the womb like a still born birth.

When you kill thousands of chickens because ten were infected, that's uncivilization. When you wear makeup or add implants to your body, that's uncivilization. When you send your mothers and fathers to retreat homes, and live with a dog inside your houses, that's uncivilization.

Great Muslims have always been known for their impact on the world. Look to the example of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), who taught love to human beings so that today, humans respond and Islam became the fastest growing religion in this planet. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the one whom we credit for the wonderful rise of the Arab and Turk civilizations. The western world only reconciled the Church and science thanks to St Thomas Aquinas who taught the theories of the Muslim philosopher Averroes (I don't know if this is his name in English, and I may be mistaken on which actual Muslim philosopher it was). So whatever the West achieved as of today, they owe it to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family, the master of all nations).

Pakistan's late Benazir Bhutto also made a valuable impact in the world, though Islam does not favour that women occupy supreme positions of power. Ibn Arabi and Rumi are very popular in the Western World. Muhammad Hisham Kabbani continues to impact America's interaction with Islam. This world without the Muslims, that's unconceivable.

Even where Islam is spreading, we aren't seeing an Islam that is compatible with the modern world, but rather the extremist, Wahhabi-flavored fundamentalist Islam.

New Muslims (converts) are not likely to be extremists. They may be exposed to extremist theological doctrines, but they usually don't join extremist groups.

the Qur'an is not written in 100% Arabic but has some Hebrew, Persian and even Greek words. If Arabic is the language of heaven and the Qur'an was dictated perfectly why does the Qur'an contains foreign words that are Hebrew, Greek and Persian?

The Qur'an is in perfect Arabic.

Arabic is not the language of heaven. It is the language of the people of heaven.

If a Muslim rejects the Bible he must also reject the Qur'an because Mohammed appeals to the Bible as an authority. If he accepts the Bible he must then reject the Qur'an, because of the contradictory stories that challenge essential eternal truths.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) have said at times to Jews or Christians, to look in their own books, because he knew that the truth they denied was still in those books. How did he know ? Maybe it simply made sense, maybe God told him. There were books revealed to Jesus and Moses, from God, and the Qur'an talks about those books, the Gospel and the Torah. Other prophets were also revealed other books, from God.

No errors in the Bible.

As a Muslim, the Christian's belief that the Bible is the word of God reminds me of the Santa Claus tale. The day children realise it is just a tale, it will break their hearts.

It's really funny how you place your terrorist handbook according to an illiterate caravan robber named Mohammed, in front of other holy books.

So according to ignorant Muslim75 Neanderthal, it's not okay for women to wear makeup, but okay for women to be forced to cover themselves from head to toe and treated like property and cattle by chauvinist Muslim pigs like him.

Aside from the fact that Muslim Arabs invaded great civilizations and then took credit for their achievements, what is Islam contributing to modern civilization today? Span the globe and you will see one backwards ass medieval cesspool of intolerance, corruption, oppression, and violence after another.

Today the word Islam and and Muslim are synonymous with terror and intolerance. Mostly because they are trying to follow the teachings of the Koran and emulate the "prophet".
Mohammed lived in 600 A-D. Today we have whole manuscripts going back to 300 A.D. which is 300 years before he was born. We also have separate letters that predate all of these by a few hundred years all of which give an accurate representation of the original writings (autographs.)
Again, no one knows what language the original N.T. was written.

Or if there was even an original N.T. ....... :cool:
Hebrew or Greek.
I speak as a Muslim.

Christians and Jews, you should not expect a book put together 2000 years ago to be authentic and in its original form in this day and age. This can only happen if God makes it to happen miraculously. The world has always been full of intrigues and dishonest people and organizations have always existed. You lose credibility when you refer to the Bible or the Torah (today's Torah, if Judaism claims to exist by the Torah).

No, what is actually happening is that while the rest of the civilized world was promoting freedom and equal justice, education and liberty and advancing in ways unimaginable to the superstitious and uneducated, Islam was systematically killing off anyone with the intelligence and courage to oppose it leaving entire countries bereft of intelligent life and filled to the brim with stupid cowards.,

All your dreams of taking over the world will be shut up in the womb like a still born birth.

When you kill thousands of chickens because ten were infected, that's uncivilization. When you wear makeup or add implants to your body, that's uncivilization. When you send your mothers and fathers to retreat homes, and live with a dog inside your houses, that's uncivilization.

Great Muslims have always been known for their impact on the world. Look to the example of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), who taught love to human beings so that today, humans respond and Islam became the fastest growing religion in this planet. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the one whom we credit for the wonderful rise of the Arab and Turk civilizations. The western world only reconciled the Church and science thanks to St Thomas Aquinas who taught the theories of the Muslim philosopher Averroes (I don't know if this is his name in English, and I may be mistaken on which actual Muslim philosopher it was). So whatever the West achieved as of today, they owe it to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family, the master of all nations).

Pakistan's late Benazir Bhutto also made a valuable impact in the world, though Islam does not favour that women occupy supreme positions of power. Ibn Arabi and Rumi are very popular in the Western World. Muhammad Hisham Kabbani continues to impact America's interaction with Islam. This world without the Muslims, that's unconceivable.

Even where Islam is spreading, we aren't seeing an Islam that is compatible with the modern world, but rather the extremist, Wahhabi-flavored fundamentalist Islam.

New Muslims (converts) are not likely to be extremists. They may be exposed to extremist theological doctrines, but they usually don't join extremist groups.

the Qur'an is not written in 100% Arabic but has some Hebrew, Persian and even Greek words. If Arabic is the language of heaven and the Qur'an was dictated perfectly why does the Qur'an contains foreign words that are Hebrew, Greek and Persian?

The Qur'an is in perfect Arabic.

Arabic is not the language of heaven. It is the language of the people of heaven.

If a Muslim rejects the Bible he must also reject the Qur'an because Mohammed appeals to the Bible as an authority. If he accepts the Bible he must then reject the Qur'an, because of the contradictory stories that challenge essential eternal truths.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) have said at times to Jews or Christians, to look in their own books, because he knew that the truth they denied was still in those books. How did he know ? Maybe it simply made sense, maybe God told him. There were books revealed to Jesus and Moses, from God, and the Qur'an talks about those books, the Gospel and the Torah. Other prophets were also revealed other books, from God.

No errors in the Bible.

As a Muslim, the Christian's belief that the Bible is the word of God reminds me of the Santa Claus tale. The day children realise it is just a tale, it will break their hearts.
Dishonest people like the lying pedophile moooohamut. The Bible is the word of the one true God. Live with it lying satan worshiper.
Mohammed lived in 600 A-D. Today we have whole manuscripts going back to 300 A.D. which is 300 years before he was born. We also have separate letters that predate all of these by a few hundred years all of which give an accurate representation of the original writings (autographs.)
Again, no one knows what language the original N.T. was written.

Or if there was even an original N.T. ....... :cool:
Hebrew or Greek.

I thought it was Aramaic.
Muslim75 you seem to have Ignored most of the evidence I have given to show the Quran is bunk, like the age of Noah being 950 years, and the fables in the Quran that say Jesus brought clay birds to life. So maybe you can explain how the Quran can say that an ant talked. Or maybe you will ignore that too.

sura 27.18 At length, when they came to a (lowly) valley of ants, one of the ants said: "O ye ants, get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you (under foot) without knowing it."
sura 27.18 At length, when they came to a (lowly) valley of ants, one of the ants said: "O ye ants, get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you (under foot) without knowing it."
Scientists are well aware that Ants can communicate with each other.

So why do you view this a problem? ..... :cool:
sura 27.18 At length, when they came to a (lowly) valley of ants, one of the ants said: "O ye ants, get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you (under foot) without knowing it."
Scientists are well aware that Ants can communicate with each other.

So why do you view this a problem? ..... :cool:

Ants do not talk, they communicate by chemical smells. Do you really think an ant can construct a sentence?
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sura 27.18 At length, when they came to a (lowly) valley of ants, one of the ants said: "O ye ants, get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you (under foot) without knowing it."
Scientists are well aware that Ants can communicate with each other.

So why do you view this a problem? ..... :cool:

Your ignorance is a problem only for you. ..... :cool:

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