The race pimping trump did at the SOTU

IM2 = Snowflake white boy posing as angry black man, to whip up race baiting hatred I wonder if any real black people at this forum are dumb enough to fall for his charade?'s likely
... Why is it that white scabs like you actually think blacks agree with your bullshit?
What makes you think they are all mindless haters like you?

Three polls show huge jump in minority voters’ support for Trump

Mindless hate is a claim made by white racists who can't deal with blacks that don't just shut up and take their racism. I'm a member of an black discussion forum far larger than this one and I know that the shit you guys think would be shut down real quick there.
maybe it's not a race thing at all IM2, i've been around long enough to see our major metropolis's degrade into poverty , which affects all races

Well to make a point, what other group fits? I mean the demofks love holding back black kids
government school

if that's not an oxymoron, it should be.....~S~
There is nothing wrong with public schools. Maybe if we stopped electing dumb fucks as legislators, the quality of our government would improve.
FAIL: Detroit's school board president is a functional illiterate

Good Evening,

If you saw Sunday's Free Press that shown Robert Bobb the emergency financial manager for Detroit Public Schools, move Mark Twain to Boynton which have three times the number seats then students and was one of the reason's he gave for closing school to many empty seats.

Based on the Free Press Map where it shows that the most of children who live in 48217 is near Gleason by the former Mark Twain. Why did Bobb think the larger numbers of our children would cross Fort St. to attend the Boynton school site calling it Mark Twain, make's no sense unless the plan is to destroy the public schools that's remained in our neighborhood. ….. When Bobb moved Mark Twain to Boynton, 48217 lose about 200 hundred students some of the student attended Mark Twain on Gleason came from out side the city of Detroit.

And the arbitrary mention of Detroit must be made. Apparently that's a requirement in alt right forums.
maybe it's not a race thing at all IM2, i've been around long enough to see our major metropolis's degrade into poverty , which affects all races

It is a race thing sparky. It's time whites stopped denying it. Again, you will be shown this.
IM2 = Snowflake white boy posing as angry black man, to whip up race baiting hatred I wonder if any real black people at this forum are dumb enough to fall for his charade?'s likely
... Why is it that white scabs like you actually think blacks agree with your bullshit?
What makes you think they are all mindless haters like you?

Three polls show huge jump in minority voters’ support for Trump

Mindless hate is a claim made by white racists who can't deal with blacks that don't just shut up and take their racism. I'm a member of an black discussion forum far larger than this one and I know that the shit you guys think would be shut down real quick there.

Do you guys all speak Ebonics over there?
Could THIS be IQ2..... (I think it's very possible)

This is your typical Trump hating Snowflake

Man accused of driving through Republican voter registration tent arrested
No one was injured; Jacksonville vehicle attack draws nationwide response
I like to stay away from these kinds of threads, but I will say:

Trump got 8% of the Black vote is 2016.

Would the OP bet he will get less in 2020?

I will bet he gets MORE. Anyone who has been paying attention for three years would do the same.
He will not get any more than 10 percent. If you've lived as a black person for the last 3 years you wouldn't be making such an unwise bet.
You mean you weren't black under obama?
government school

if that's not an oxymoron, it should be.....~S~
There is nothing wrong with public schools. Maybe if we stopped electing dumb fucks as legislators, the quality of our government would improve.

You are the result of government schools, dude. Angry, ignorant, blaming others for your failures.

A typical product of a crappy school system. Just what they want. YOU are the person who keeps those people in government .


If you went to a private school, then all private schools need to be shut down. You keep repeating the same ignorant screed. I am not blaming. I am stating a conclusion based in fact.

No, dumbass. I went to a public school before they got taken over by social failures, and communist sympathizers. Like you.
IM2 = Snowflake white boy posing as angry black man, to whip up race baiting hatred I wonder if any real black people at this forum are dumb enough to fall for his charade?'s likely
... Why is it that white scabs like you actually think blacks agree with your bullshit?
What makes you think they are all mindless haters like you?

Three polls show huge jump in minority voters’ support for Trump

Mindless hate is a claim made by white racists who can't deal with blacks that don't just shut up and take their racism. I'm a member of an black discussion forum far larger than this one and I know that the shit you guys think would be shut down real quick there.

No, it has more to do with your complete inability to back up the shit you say. That is why you are called mindless.

That Sayit is excited about blacks joining his side, hardly seems indicative of racism on his part.

If the idea on that "black discussion forum" are so strong, and powerful, then post them here.

You won't, because on some level, you know the only reason it seems that way, is because you don't liet anyone join who will call you lefties on your hysterical bullshit.
And here comes the trump ass lickers to defend the racist once again.

You get to complain, whenever you get off your knees for oboe Sharpton and Farakan.

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And you get to complain about Sharpton once your cult leader recants his "very fine people" comment. Your sword cuts both ways.

Are your feelings hurting.

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And the tantrums begin...

Said the race baiting fucktard.

Sad little girl you are. I’m going to call you Nancy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And here comes the trump ass lickers to defend the racist once again.

You get to complain, whenever you get off your knees for oboe Sharpton and Farakan.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And you get to complain about Sharpton once your cult leader recants his "very fine people" comment. Your sword cuts both ways.

Are your feelings hurting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And the tantrums begin...

Take it easy Nancy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You get to complain, whenever you get off your knees for oboe Sharpton and Farakan.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And you get to complain about Sharpton once your cult leader recants his "very fine people" comment. Your sword cuts both ways.

Are your feelings hurting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And the tantrums begin...

Said the race baiting fucktard.

Sad little girl you are. I’m going to call you Nancy.

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I think you might be responding to the wrong post.
And you get to complain about Sharpton once your cult leader recants his "very fine people" comment. Your sword cuts both ways.

Are your feelings hurting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And the tantrums begin...

Said the race baiting fucktard.

Sad little girl you are. I’m going to call you Nancy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I will call you, race baiting fucktard number two.

Your support of race baiting fucktard number one is noted.

Unfortunate you feel bad Nancy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Are your feelings hurting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And the tantrums begin...

Said the race baiting fucktard.

Sad little girl you are. I’m going to call you Nancy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I will call you, race baiting fucktard number two.

Your support of race baiting fucktard number one is noted.

Unfortunate you feel bad Nancy. MAGA

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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Are your feelings hurting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And the tantrums begin...

Said the race baiting fucktard.

Sad little girl you are. I’m going to call you Nancy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I will call you, race baiting fucktard number two.

Your support of race baiting fucktard number one is noted.

Unfortunate you feel bad Nancy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you seriously here to support the Charlottesville Lie?

if so, state so clearly so that I can ridicule you as a filthy liar.
People used this trump stunt to declare how trump is doing things for blacks. But he really wasn't. In fact, the scholarship he presented to that girl was for a school that was not as good as the one she was attending.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

President Donald Trump turned a Philadelphia fourth grader into a poster child for the school-choice movement Tuesday when he told the nation thousands of students were “trapped in failing government schools” and announced that she was finally getting a scholarship to attend the school of her choice. But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School…

But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School III.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

Trump is attempting to appeal to black voters transactionally. He gave the black WWII fighter pilot a medal, the black girl a scholarship. He touts the low unemployment numbers for blacks workers are his achievement, when in fact, employment opportunities for blacks have decreased from the Obama Presidency.

A pro-Trump PAC has gotten into trouble for holding campaign rallies for black voters which feature free cash give-aways. Trump thinks that black voters can be bought. In polite terms he thinks that black voters will vote for "free shit", and that black votes are transactional. If he gives them enough, they'll vote for him.

Trump appeals to white voters using different tactics: he appeals to their "feelings". Feeling like white people are screwed over. Feeling like no one has their best interests at heart. The need to "drain the swamp".

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