The race pimping trump did at the SOTU

I like to stay away from these kinds of threads, but I will say:

Trump got 8% of the Black vote is 2016.

Would the OP bet he will get less in 2020?

I will bet he gets MORE. Anyone who has been paying attention for three years would do the same.
He will not get any more than 10 percent. If you've lived as a black person for the last 3 years you wouldn't be making such an unwise bet.

I don't see how you see it as an unwise bet, if you won't take me up on it. I think maybe you are full of shit and/or an idiot..
government school

if that's not an oxymoron, it should be.....~S~
There is nothing wrong with public schools. Maybe if we stopped electing dumb fucks as legislators, the quality of our government would improve.
If there weren't stupid, they would do well in the private's why they are in government....especially democrats who have never held a private job
government school

if that's not an oxymoron, it should be.....~S~
There is nothing wrong with public schools. Maybe if we stopped electing dumb fucks as legislators, the quality of our government would improve.
Agreed, so let's get rid of Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Waters, Lewis, Jackson and Green for starters.

We need to get rid of most of the republicans. They seem unable to abide by the law or perform their constitutional duty pertaining to executive oversight.

So vote them out! Which one of the potential geriatric dim candidates is your preference?

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People used this trump stunt to declare how trump is doing things for blacks. But he really wasn't. In fact, the scholarship he presented to that girl was for a school that was not as good as the one she was attending.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

President Donald Trump turned a Philadelphia fourth grader into a poster child for the school-choice movement Tuesday when he told the nation thousands of students were “trapped in failing government schools” and announced that she was finally getting a scholarship to attend the school of her choice. But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School…

But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School III.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters
Pot, meet kettle.

You are the biggest race pimp there is.

Nope, I don't race pimp. Everything I say is supported by fact.

And legend. You are a legend in your own mind.

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IM2 = Snowflake white boy posing as angry black man, to whip up race baiting hatred

I wonder if any real black people at this forum are dumb enough to fall for his charade?'s likely
Trump has done nothing for blacks and if Obama had given a black kid a scholarship, those like you would be hollering about Obamas racism.
obama did not do much either....

That disingenuous argument doesn't cut it here. If Obama had tried to implement a program for only blacks, you guys would have howled to high heaven about him being a racist. He did far more than trump.
What did he do?

You were shown that, don't ask again.

If Obama did so much for black people, why was there so much unrest among them during his presidency? So many protests, riots, lootings, store burnings, etc. Where did all that go?

The sad truth is, Obama didn't do jack shit for black people, except stir up racial unrest and division.

Preach it!

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obama did not do much either....

That disingenuous argument doesn't cut it here. If Obama had tried to implement a program for only blacks, you guys would have howled to high heaven about him being a racist. He did far more than trump.
What did he do?

You were shown that, don't ask again.

If Obama did so much for black people, why was there so much unrest among them during his presidency? So many protests, riots, lootings, store burnings, etc.

Where did all that go?

He couldn't do all that was necessary because people like you would have cried racist. Trump does nothing then repeats one stat over and over and you want to tell me how he's doing so much for black people.

The unrest was not due to Obama. So again, try that disingenuous bullshit lie with your dumb white right wing faggot friends.

He is correct you know. Oboe was too busy supplying billions to terrorists. He had none left to help his underprivileged voter base.

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So it's ok to do it if you're black like Obama, but wrong for a white President who has actually dome some pretty remarkable things for minorities?

Trump has done nothing for blacks and if Obama had given a black kid a scholarship, those like you would be hollering about Obamas racism.
obama did not do much either....

That disingenuous argument doesn't cut it here. If Obama had tried to implement a program for only blacks, you guys would have howled to high heaven about him being a racist. He did far more than trump.
i have blacks in my immediate family so no i wouldnt....

You know good and well what would have happened had Obama run on a pro black platform or governed on one. So let's not play stupid.

He didn’t favor blacks?

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And here comes the trump ass lickers to defend the racist once again.

You get to complain, whenever you get off your knees for oboe Sharpton and Farakan.

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And you get to complain about Sharpton once your cult leader recants his "very fine people" comment. Your sword cuts both ways.

Are your feelings hurting.

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And the tantrums begin...
Philly schools are pitiful, so a charter school for kids actually wanting to learn makes sense these days.
No it doesn't. Those schools will still remain and will be made worse by shifting their funding into for profit charter schools. It makes infinitely more sense to improve the schools we have.

You from Philadelphia?

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What did he do?

You were shown that, don't ask again.

If Obama did so much for black people, why was there so much unrest among them during his presidency? So many protests, riots, lootings, store burnings, etc.

Where did all that go?

He couldn't do all that was necessary because people like you would have cried racist. Trump does nothing then repeats one stat over and over and you want to tell me how he's doing so much for black people.

The unrest was not due to Obama. So again, try that disingenuous bullshit lie with your dumb white right wing faggot friends.

There you go again, playing the eternal victim and blaming whitey for all your problems. So it was those evil "white supremacists" who prevented Obama from helping the poor black folks? And it was those evil white folks who made the black folks burn down their own neighborhoods?

You're such a phony. Do you really believe that people can't see right through you?

You can't accept the truth. Whites like you tried running Obama out of the 2008 primary for words he didn't say just because he attended a church. He had to make a speech for words said by someone else and those words weren't even racist. So we all know what would happened if Obama would have governed with a pro black agenda. And stop trying to talk about burning things down when white boys burnt up a town because they couldn't get any more pumpkins.

A church with a strong racist, marxist and anti-American dogma.

It is a shame that in this country that that was not a deal breaker for you dems.
Philly schools are pitiful, so a charter school for kids actually wanting to learn makes sense these days.
No it doesn't. Those schools will still remain and will be made worse by shifting their funding into for profit charter schools. It makes infinitely more sense to improve the schools we have.
Those who truly care about their children's education should have alternatives to schools with thugs and their thug parents. I would not send my kid to the same schools with parents like IM2.

Can you blame me?

You love your children, and it shows.

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Unemployment among young Black men was in double digits during the Hussein years. Under the Trump administration it's at a historic low. The current democrat governor of Va. admitted to racist follies involving blackface and KKK garb while in college but hypocrite lefties don't care.

And neither IM2, nor rightwinger can tell me what Trump did wrong in the SOTU.
He pissed Pelosi off and she is white!



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