The racial chaos of America


Active Member
Aug 8, 2016
We can all feel it, can't we. Every single possible race in the world is now represented in America in huge numbers.

I hope you guys are happy, because it's what all of you wished for and got. You rejected racial identity, and instead, your whole life, believed in, and still come here to preach, about a "multicultural" utopia of all of the races of the world coming together and living in the harmony of infinite wealth and progress called America.

I am not kidding you when I say that there are white (and black, and jewish, etc. etc.) Americans who actually celebrate that they are going to be completely obliterated! They take pride in their own extinction!

Well, you got your wish and it isn't turning out how you wanted, and all you do is endlessly snipe at each other because of it. You know I'm right. You know in your heart the races will never get along.
I'm not sure it's that simple. Think back to 2008 and things were very much the same. Obama didn't create "black lives matter", it is funded by the top by very specific jewish interests who are using blacks, as well as permanent immigration, to destabilize America.
We were doing ok until Obama, Sharpton and Holder set us back 50 years.

Republicans like to say this, but it's bullshit. It isn't just a handful of figures who cause multiracialism to fail.

It's multiracialism that causes multiracialism to fail.

Races aren't built to co-exist in large numbers.

Nowhere on earth does "multiculturalism" actually work.

It is the biggest lie of the 20th and 21st centuries.
No, the country was doing OK in terms of Racial relations until THAT Black man was elected.
No, the country was doing OK in terms of Racial relations until THAT Black man was elected.

ANY Black man being elected would have proven that in terms of lawfully mandated policies that restricted all minorities in the past, there has definately been progress in the area of race relations.

But it has also been proven that the attitudes and beliefs that gave life to such policies in the past have not changed much at all.
We were doing ok until Obama, Sharpton and Holder set us back 50 years.

Races aren't built to co-exist in large numbers.


This is empty, cowardly nonsense. America has always been home to people of every sort, of every hue, and from every corner of the world.

Human beings have mixed and mingled since the very beginning. We would not be here otherwise.
We can all feel it, can't we. Every single possible race in the world is now represented in America in huge numbers.

I hope you guys are happy, because it's what all of you wished for and got. You rejected racial identity, and instead, your whole life, believed in, and still come here to preach, about a "multicultural" utopia of all of the races of the world coming together and living in the harmony of infinite wealth and progress called America.

I am not kidding you when I say that there are white (and black, and jewish, etc. etc.) Americans who actually celebrate that they are going to be completely obliterated! They take pride in their own extinction!

Well, you got your wish and it isn't turning out how you wanted, and all you do is endlessly snipe at each other because of it. You know I'm right. You know in your heart the races will never get along.

No. The way it's going the races and tribes will not get along. It will stay that way as long as there are those who threaten other people and their ways of life. If everyone would just live their own lives and not worry about what others are doing we'd be fine. Too bad,
We were doing ok until Obama, Sharpton and Holder set us back 50 years.
...It's multiracialism that causes multiracialism to fail. Races aren't built to co-exist in large numbers. Nowhere on earth does "multiculturalism" actually work. It is the biggest lie of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Nah. "Socialism will work this time" is the biggest lie, hands down.

We can all feel it, can't we. Every single possible race in the world is now represented in America in huge numbers.

I hope you guys are happy, because it's what all of you wished for and got. You rejected racial identity, and instead, your whole life, believed in, and still come here to preach, about a "multicultural" utopia of all of the races of the world coming together and living in the harmony of infinite wealth and progress called America.

I am not kidding you when I say that there are white (and black, and jewish, etc. etc.) Americans who actually celebrate that they are going to be completely obliterated! They take pride in their own extinction!

Well, you got your wish and it isn't turning out how you wanted, and all you do is endlessly snipe at each other because of it. You know I'm right. You know in your heart the races will never get along.

No. The way it's going the races and tribes will not get along. It will stay that way as long as there are those who threaten other people and their ways of life. If everyone would just live their own lives and not worry about what others are doing we'd be fine. Too bad,
Multicultural societies will never allow that.

One group will always feel threatened and seek to gain power over the others.
We can all feel it, can't we. Every single possible race in the world is now represented in America in huge numbers.

I hope you guys are happy, because it's what all of you wished for and got. You rejected racial identity, and instead, your whole life, believed in, and still come here to preach, about a "multicultural" utopia of all of the races of the world coming together and living in the harmony of infinite wealth and progress called America.

I am not kidding you when I say that there are white (and black, and jewish, etc. etc.) Americans who actually celebrate that they are going to be completely obliterated! They take pride in their own extinction!

Well, you got your wish and it isn't turning out how you wanted, and all you do is endlessly snipe at each other because of it. You know I'm right. You know in your heart the races will never get along.

Take pride in what you say. Get yourself a Hitler avatar.

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