The racist history of the confederate flag


what year were you born rightwinger?

I remember these protests

really? did you watch them front your mommies lap on the black and white tv? is it your earliest memory?

i don't remember any of that. it was ancient history by the time i because aware of the larger outside world.
The flag was used as a means to put Civil Rights marchers in their place


why is that photo in black and white?

oh, because it so so old that color film was not in common use.

sometime in the 50s, most likely. perhaps early 60s.

Why do you think they chose the confederate flag as a symbol of their counter-protest against civil rights?

What was this guy trying to say?

did they?

looks like one guy, on the spur of the moment.

he doesn't even have a flag pole.

What message was he presenting?
Why did he choose to brazenly hold THAT flag as Civil Rights marchers went past?
Democrat motto: Never let a good crisis or dead bodies go to waste

USE them to further your HATEFUL political agenda
These bullshit side shows are really getting old, this has nothing to do with current politics.

These photos have EVERYTHING to do with the current protest against the flag

THIS is why that flag is hated so much by blacks

Actually this is why the left is hated so much, the protest against the flag are a political invention of the left to attempt exploit the blood of innocent people to continue to divide Americans for political gain. There have been many threads posted form the left with this same theme, most have been move out of politics, as this one should be, it's nothing but leftist divisive propaganda.

actually, not so much.

slavery was not a result of the civil war, and very few blacks fought it the war.

a descendant of union soldiers might have something to complain about.

of course those soldiers, the ones that lived, were part of the american society that put the civil war behind them and healed the nation's wounds.

and their children's children's children do not have the moral authority to undo those choices.
Does this mean that the Dukes of hazard is now a racists show? If so, this is not the America I want to be a part of because the Dukes of hazard was awesome.

actually, not so much.

slavery was not a result of the civil war, and very few blacks fought it the war.

a descendant of union soldiers might have something to complain about.

of course those soldiers, the ones that lived, were part of the american society that put the civil war behind them and healed the nation's wounds.

and their children's children's children do not have the moral authority to undo those choices.

That flag was used to violently ensure the institution of slavery would last forever

Thankfully, it lost
your thread title is a lie.

you claim to be discussing the history of the flag, but you discuss it's beginning and then jump forward almost one hundred years.

how could you jump over it's use by southern units in WWII?

that was a huge part of it's development from a historical battle flag to a symbol of the south.
Lets see a link. I know of a possible few anecdotal example of individual soldiers showing the flag on branches and such temporarily. I could find no unit that flew it into a battle and hence, fought under it. But maybe you have a source.
I bet some liberal on this thread will randomly approach a conservative and ask the guy why he supports the confederacy. That guy will just wonder what the fuck is he talking about.
This is sad. A flag is an inanimate object and cannot control who uses it and why they use it. The flag of choice at most KKK rallies is the Stars and Stripes, as anyone can confirm by Googling images of KKK meetings. See, for example:

Klansmen holding American flags at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Montgomery Alabama. Jim Peppler Southern Courier Photograph Collection

The Real Flag Of The Ku Klux Klan - KKK

The Confederate constitution, FYI, allowed for the admission of free states--yes, free states--to the Confederacy and banned the overseas slave trade. At least two-thirds of Southern families held no slaves. There were as many free blacks in the South as there were in the North, if not more. Thousands of blacks served in the Confederate army as combat soldiers. The Confederate government showed far more respect for freedom of the press and citizens' civil liberties than did the U.S. government.

Black Confederates

Surprising Facts About the Confederacy
This is sad. A flag is an inanimate object and cannot control who uses it and why they use it. The flag of choice at most KKK rallies is the Stars and Stripes, as anyone can confirm by Googling images of KKK meetings. See, for example:

Klansmen holding American flags at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Montgomery Alabama. Jim Peppler Southern Courier Photograph Collection

The Real Flag Of The Ku Klux Klan - KKK

The Confederate constitution, FYI, allowed for the admission of free states--yes, free states--to the Confederacy and banned the overseas slave trade. At least two-thirds of Southern families held no slaves. There were as many free blacks in the South as there were in the North, if not more. Thousands of blacks served in the Confederate army as combat soldiers. The Confederate government showed far more respect for freedom of the press and citizens' civil liberties than did the U.S. government.

Black Confederates

Surprising Facts About the Confederacy
The Confederate Constitution was nearly identical to ours with the exception that it guarantees the institution of slavery
Almost a second amendment for slavery
The flag was used as a means to put Civil Rights marchers in their place


why is that photo in black and white?

oh, because it so so old that color film was not in common use.

sometime in the 50s, most likely. perhaps early 60s.

Why do you think they chose the confederate flag as a symbol of their counter-protest against civil rights?

What was this guy trying to say?

did they?

looks like one guy, on the spur of the moment.

he doesn't even have a flag pole.

What message was he presenting?
Why did he choose to brazenly hold THAT flag as Civil Rights marchers went past?

at a guess, probably trying to claim that the entire south was with him in opposing them.

why do you think some us military units sometimes flew the flag in WWII?
What is commonly referred to as the "Confederate Flag" is really the flag used by some militias organized by the briefly-lived Confederate state government of Tennessee (Though a squarer version was used later by the army of Northern Virginia).

The real flag of the CSA looks just like the present-day flag of Georgia, but without the Seal of Georgia.


It is worth noting the irony that the same Confederate government in Tennessee passed a law to confiscate privately owned firearms, in order to further their war effort.
The flag was used as a means to put Civil Rights marchers in their place


why is that photo in black and white?

oh, because it so so old that color film was not in common use.

sometime in the 50s, most likely. perhaps early 60s.

Why do you think they chose the confederate flag as a symbol of their counter-protest against civil rights?

What was this guy trying to say?

did they?

looks like one guy, on the spur of the moment.

he doesn't even have a flag pole.

What message was he presenting?
Why did he choose to brazenly hold THAT flag as Civil Rights marchers went past?

at a guess, probably trying to claim that the entire south was with him in opposing them.

why do you think some us military units sometimes flew the flag in WWII?
Good god......did you ever see the Jim Crow south?

Do you know how many white southerners joined the picket lines?
Next to zero

How many of those units were integrated? Zero
why is that photo in black and white?

oh, because it so so old that color film was not in common use.

sometime in the 50s, most likely. perhaps early 60s.

Why do you think they chose the confederate flag as a symbol of their counter-protest against civil rights?

What was this guy trying to say?

did they?

looks like one guy, on the spur of the moment.

he doesn't even have a flag pole.

What message was he presenting?
Why did he choose to brazenly hold THAT flag as Civil Rights marchers went past?

at a guess, probably trying to claim that the entire south was with him in opposing them.

why do you think some us military units sometimes flew the flag in WWII?
Good god......did you ever see the Jim Crow south?

Do you know how many white southerners joined the picket lines?
Next to zero

How many of those units were integrated? Zero

how many of any units were integrated in wwii?

what message were those southerns in wwii, who flew the flag trying to send?

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