The Radical Right Wing Breitfart Site Caught Spreading Lies Once Again

instead it was the Boston Globe... oh wait, they arent right wing.

That just about sums it up. If the boston globe was a little bit right of center they would also be part of this thread.


UPDATE: responded, telling the Washington Post‘s Erik Wemple, “The story arrived deep within our site from a third party vendor who partners on some finance and market pages on our site.” The editorial staff itself did not approve it:

Brian McGrory, the Globe’s editor, explains that no editorial official at his paper ever made a decision to post the piece.

“The story arrived deep within our site from a third party vendor who partners on some finance and market pages on our site,” says McGrory. It was never on the homepage, says McGrory. “We never knew it was there till we heard about it from outside.” Since the posting went up, McGrory attests to having done “urgent work to get it the hell down,” something that appears to have happened, though not as quickly as McGrory would have liked. “The idea that we’d have a partner on our site is actually news to me,” says McGrory, who vows to “address our relationship with that vendor.”

Paul Krugman Bankrupt? Boston Globe, Fall For Satirical Daily Currant Story | Mediaite


So the editor did not do his job and the false report got put up on Boston globe and it is some how different than what your're bitching about now? UOOOOH THE HYPROCRCY IS THICK IN THIS THREAD.
Bigreb is awfully mad about the Boston Globe posting a fake article and retracting but can't find anger for Breitbart posting a fake article and not retracting. Why would that be?
No way, I love showing the hypocrisy of the left.
REPORTER: Hey, boss, I just heard a really juicy story that commie Paul Krugman filed for bankruptcy!

BREITBART EDITOR: Did you check the bankruptcy court filings?


BREITBART EDITOR: Did you speak with Krugman?


BREITBART EDITOR: Did you speak with the person who originated the story?


BREITBART EDITOR: How do you know it is true?

REPORTER: Because I want it to be.

BREITBART EDITOR: Attaboy! Run it!

The Daily Currant is the same site the Washington Post cited in a false report last month that former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin was joining Al Jazeera.

Read more: Paul Krugman Bankruptcy Story False, Spreads - Business Insider

But that was just an honest mistake, because, OBAMA AKBAR...
Do you have any idea how often I've seen people site The Onion as a source for a story? I've seen it here on USMB, by both the left and the right, as well as "official" news agencies once or twice. It happens.

Hell, I got nailed using WikiQuote, earlier today.

It's easy to get duped. All you can do is own up to your mistakes.
they worry over some website, but think nothing of our lamestream media being in the pocket of Obama and the Dnc

I'd take Breitbart over pmsNbc, cnn, abc, cbs nbc

That's the typical response from those on the radical right. They could care less if they are being lied to, just as long as it's the propaganda they want to hear :cuckoo:

To you, anything non liberal is extreme.
You live in Canada. Therefore your opinion doesn't count.

My opinion counts just as much as yours does on an internet message board.

Incidentally, the Canadian Radio and Television Commission refused to license FOX News to broadcast in Canada, saying they were not a news network, but rather a station who's sole agenda was to promote and publicize partisan political commentary. And Canada has a Conservative government that wasn't afraid to acknowledge that FOX is not broadcasting the truth.

No it doesn't. The absence of skin in the game renders you without the right to an opinion.
Mind your own business.
On your bullshit about Fox. Ask me if I care.
I suppose the Canadian govt allows the other nets up there. Shows their liberal bias.
Case closed. Shut it. Go opine on a site dealing with issues in your own nation.
WHAT Socalism, moron hater dupes? A GOP health plan, or trying to raise taxes a bit on the bloated rich- see sig pp1.

YES, radical a-hole Pubs ARE feared. They in effect obstruct ANYTHING the reelected president wants to do for recovery, and fear monger nonstop anything he does do. Radical in every sense of the word, a snarling, disastrous disgrace, now killing themselves off in polite, intelligent society...
I don't know what kind of person besides perhaps a brainwashed subhuman that would ever take the breitfart site seriously, but unfortunately there are many of those among us.

This one is downright hysterical what the propaganda site is spreading now,..

"’s Big Journalism website on Monday fell for a fake report on a satire website which claimed that Nobel Price-winning economist had filed for bankruptcy.

Business Insider reported that Big Journalism’s Larry O’Connor ran with the satirical report from The Daily Currant in an effort to smear Krugman.

Krugman took to his New York Times blog on Monday to explain that he had been “Breaitbarted” and reminded readers that had also recently published a false story linking Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to the non-existent group “Friends of Hamas.”

“I wanted to wait and see which right-wing media outlets would fall for the hoax,” Krugman wrote. “And came through!”

Breitbart uses satire website to smear Krugman with false bankruptcy report | The Raw Story

Is it "spreading lies" if someone intentionally duped you?!? :cuckoo:

Bad journalism - sure... but the only LIE is your bullshit desperately trying to paint them as liars. Once again you prove yourself to be a fuck'n moron.
Bigreb is awfully mad about the Boston Globe posting a fake article and retracting but can't find anger for Breitbart posting a fake article and not retracting. Why would that be?
No way, I love showing the hypocrisy of the left.

The only thing you are doing is making an ass out of yourself and the rest of the far right.

Being a hypocrite makes you and the left the biggest horse ass of all time.
I don't know what kind of person besides perhaps a brainwashed subhuman that would ever take the breitfart site seriously, but unfortunately there are many of those among us.

This one is downright hysterical what the propaganda site is spreading now,..

"’s Big Journalism website on Monday fell for a fake report on a satire website which claimed that Nobel Price-winning economist had filed for bankruptcy.

Business Insider reported that Big Journalism’s Larry O’Connor ran with the satirical report from The Daily Currant in an effort to smear Krugman.

Krugman took to his New York Times blog on Monday to explain that he had been “Breaitbarted” and reminded readers that had also recently published a false story linking Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to the non-existent group “Friends of Hamas.”

“I wanted to wait and see which right-wing media outlets would fall for the hoax,” Krugman wrote. “And came through!”

Breitbart uses satire website to smear Krugman with false bankruptcy report | The Raw Story

Someone must be reading Breitbarts blog or he wouldn't have been murdered with Arsenic poisoning over it - even his autopsy was an attempted coverup until the coroner reported live over the air that Breitbart had indeed been murdered by arsenic poisoning. Guess what happened to Breitbarts coroner for exposing the truth of how he died? He died of arsenic poisoning himself right after. Guess Putin isn't the only one who has taken to romanticizing murder of his victims through poison ( Liventko - political opponent Putin murdered by poison) these days, eh? - Jeremiah
Business Insider reported

just for your all's information, the business insider and raw story, are radical left wing sites..

so them talking about "smearing" people is quite hilarious since that's all they do, just look at their article and this thread by the op.

pot meet kettle:eusa_whistle:
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Do you have any idea how often I've seen people site The Onion as a source for a story? I've seen it here on USMB, by both the left and the right, as well as "official" news agencies once or twice. It happens.

I've done it.

Conservatives NEVER check the news outlet if they want the story to be true. They even skip over posters like Oddball who does know what it means to have a story in the Onion and post like it's true.


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