The radicalization of white Americans

We have had to do something to protect ourselves from the 12 percent of the population (blacks) who commit 90 percent of the violent crime. Trump is helping but there are so many uneducated white hating black criminals it's an epidemic.

"Racism has produced in white society a mental health problem: characteristic responses among many whites are dominated by unfounded fear of blacks, hatred, suspicion, guilt, shame, and jealousy. These words are the language of disease."'

You definitely aren't white. I don't fear you; have no reason to hate you; I'm only suspicious because you act suspicious. I have no guilt, shame nor am I jealous of your ugly mug.

It appears to me you are one of those putting others down so that you can feel good about yourself.
The OP is the biggest pussy on this site. Period.
Dude gives a colic newborn a run for their money in the whining dept.
Grow up, faggot.

I've had nothing but disagreements with the OP, but wish you have challenged his thread rather than to dwell on his character.

I'm not sure what he even considers radicalization? Does he mean people that want their country back? I have no idea where he's going.
He posts this asinine shit daily. His character is all thats left.
It all has the same point. Whites are racist and blacks are victims. Thats all it boils down to, n00b.

If he feels that way, wouldn't his life be better if he hopped a plane to Uganda, Zimbabwe, or maybe Sierra Leone? There ain't no whites to blame there and he'd save himself a lot of disappointments.

I'll do that when you hop on a plane to Iceland instead of complaining about what the government doesn't give whitey that whitey thinks he's entitled to.

The only thing I want from the government is to be left the Hell alone.
In 1921 one of the most commercially successful black neighborhoods in the US was burned to the ground by whites.

Tulsa race riot - Wikipedia

Most AmerickKKans have never heard of this.

Can't you just feel the white love?

Even in 1921 folks wanted to Make AmeriKKKa White Again.

They still do.

LOL, loon talks about some crap that happened almost 100 years ago, and this is pertinent to today how? If it even happened!
USMB is full of these examples.

The radicalization of white Americans
By German Lopez

We need to talk about homegrown extremism too.

The common causes of radicalization
One thing experts emphasize: There is no single pathway to radicalization, and there are many contributors to radicalization. But generally, radicalization takes root when someone has some sort of problem — whether about his own life, society at large, or something else entirely — and a radical ideology or group provides an answer to that problem. He may seek out that radical ideology himself, or a group will come to him.

J.M. Berger, an expert on terrorism and author of Jihad Joe: Americans Who Go to War in the Name of Islam, explained in a talk that sources of grievances can be broadly broken into two categories: personal issues and social issues.

For personal, he cited economic insecurity, loss of a loved one, exposure to violence, relocation, religious conversion, and some kinds of mental illness.

For social, he cited war and insurgency, rapidly changing demographics, swift changes in civil society or civil rights, watershed changes in communication technology, efforts to foment uncertainty by state actors, and economic upheaval.

Arlie Hochschild, a sociologist and author of Strangers in Their Own Land, provided an apt analogy for how many white Americans feel: As they see it, they’re all in a line toward a hill with prosperity at the top. But over the past few years, globalization and income stagnation have caused the line to stop moving. And from their perspective, other groups — black and brown Americans, women — are now cutting in the line, because they’re getting new (and more equal) opportunities through new anti-discrimination laws and policies like affirmative action.

A common thread among people who are radicalized is a lack of purpose in life, which radical views — especially if a person acts on them — can help fill. “People tend to be seeking some meaning in their lives,” Bloom said. “They want to be part of something bigger than themselves.”

Peter Bergen, an expert on radicalization at New America, put this bluntly: They’re people we would often consider losers. “If you look at the attackers in this country, that is not a bad description,” Bergen said. “They are often people whose lives aren’t going well.”

The radicalization of white Americans

Yeah, I doubt there's many white American ISIS wanna-be's here, dumbass.

Matter-of-fact, the last American Jihadi they caught was black, 'sup?

American ISIS Member Caught on Syrian Battlefield, Militia Says

Minnesota dad-of-nine Abdirahmaan Muhumed killed fighting for ISIS in Syria: report - NY Daily News

This is not about white Amercans wanting to be ISIS.

It is about how losers like you end up as white suprmacists.

But I'm not a loser or a white supremacist. If anything would drive me to be one, it would be you, motherfucker!

Fortunately I have grown up around a lot of fantastic black people, so I don't judge them by you.

If you were a black person that's been in my life, you would be "Doodoo"

Doodoo never wanted to pitch in on anything that was a group effort, hoarded his money and spent it on himself later ( and we caught him) , and he was a thief (we caught him there, too) and he used to shit himself randomly and had a general foul attitude, just like you.
In 1921 one of the most commercially successful black neighborhoods in the US was burned to the ground by whites.

Tulsa race riot - Wikipedia

Most AmerickKKans have never heard of this.

Can't you just feel the white love?

Even in 1921 folks wanted to Make AmeriKKKa White Again.

They still do.

LOL, loon talks about some crap that happened almost 100 years ago, and this is pertinent to today how? If it even happened!

Yeah we get it. Everything whitey do be bad. Everything the black man does is good. Let the black man rule over whitey. Give all whitey money to the black man. Give all of whitey possessions to the black man. Let the black man kill off whitey. Then the world will be perfection, it will be perfect, it will be heaven.

Too bad some blacks do not understand the idea that we if we tried to get along things would be better. If we each tried to excel on our own and not at the cost of someone else. But unfortunately some have the idea that the only way to make race relations better is to put down and degrade the other race.

The reason we are at this point is because whitey does not want to get along. Whitey has what he has at the expense of everybdy else.

"Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false."

"Racism has produced in white society a mental health problem: characteristic responses among many whites are dominated by unfounded fear of blacks, hatred, suspicion, guilt, shame, and jealousy. These words are the language of disease."
Oh yes affirmative action was all about not getting along. It was all about expense of others.

Yes I have no doubt that those like Neil Degrasse Tyson, Whitney Housten and other successes are convinced that they are held back by whitey.

Have you ever considered that racism is a two way street? If you hate whitey then why would you expect anything less in return?
Yeah we get it. Everything whitey do be bad. Everything the black man does is good. Let the black man rule over whitey. Give all whitey money to the black man. Give all of whitey possessions to the black man. Let the black man kill off whitey. Then the world will be perfection, it will be perfect, it will be heaven.

Too bad some blacks do not understand the idea that we if we tried to get along things would be better. If we each tried to excel on our own and not at the cost of someone else. But unfortunately some have the idea that the only way to make race relations better is to put down and degrade the other race.

The reason we are at this point is because whitey does not want to get along. Whitey has what he has at the expense of everybdy else.

"Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false."

"Racism has produced in white society a mental health problem: characteristic responses among many whites are dominated by unfounded fear of blacks, hatred, suspicion, guilt, shame, and jealousy. These words are the language of disease."
Oh yes affirmative action was all about not getting along. It was all about expense of others.

Yes I have no doubt that those like Neil Degrasse Tyson, Whitney Housten and other successes are convinced that they are held back by whitey.

Have you ever considered that racism is a two way street? If you hate whitey then why would you expect anything less in return?

"Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false."
Affirmative action.....

This distorted reality includes the inability of some white men to understand that the reason such things are being done because white men did not allow others in these professions based on race and sex.

Because affirmative action has helped whites the most.
Speaking against whites who are racists is not hatred of whites as a race. Unless YOU are saying that all whites are racists.

It is a dislike for whites who still practice racism.

You guys are dumb. Straight stump stupid.
Yeah we get it. Everything whitey do be bad. Everything the black man does is good. Let the black man rule over whitey. Give all whitey money to the black man. Give all of whitey possessions to the black man. Let the black man kill off whitey. Then the world will be perfection, it will be perfect, it will be heaven.

Too bad some blacks do not understand the idea that we if we tried to get along things would be better. If we each tried to excel on our own and not at the cost of someone else. But unfortunately some have the idea that the only way to make race relations better is to put down and degrade the other race.

The reason we are at this point is because whitey does not want to get along. Whitey has what he has at the expense of everybdy else.

"Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false."

"Racism has produced in white society a mental health problem: characteristic responses among many whites are dominated by unfounded fear of blacks, hatred, suspicion, guilt, shame, and jealousy. These words are the language of disease."
Oh yes affirmative action was all about not getting along. It was all about expense of others.

Yes I have no doubt that those like Neil Degrasse Tyson, Whitney Housten and other successes are convinced that they are held back by whitey.

Have you ever considered that racism is a two way street? If you hate whitey then why would you expect anything less in return?

"Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false."
Affirmative action.....

This distorted reality includes the inability of some white men to understand that the reason such things are being done because white men did not allow others in these professions based on race and sex.

Because affirmative action has helped whites the most.
Speaking against whites who are racists is not hatred of whites as a race. Unless YOU are saying that all whites are racists.

It is a dislike for whites who still practice racism.

You guys are dumb. Straight stump stupid.

What you said is dumb. It's some words strung together that don't equal a coherent idea.
Yeah we get it. Everything whitey do be bad. Everything the black man does is good. Let the black man rule over whitey. Give all whitey money to the black man. Give all of whitey possessions to the black man. Let the black man kill off whitey. Then the world will be perfection, it will be perfect, it will be heaven.

Too bad some blacks do not understand the idea that we if we tried to get along things would be better. If we each tried to excel on our own and not at the cost of someone else. But unfortunately some have the idea that the only way to make race relations better is to put down and degrade the other race.

The reason we are at this point is because whitey does not want to get along. Whitey has what he has at the expense of everybdy else.

"Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false."

"Racism has produced in white society a mental health problem: characteristic responses among many whites are dominated by unfounded fear of blacks, hatred, suspicion, guilt, shame, and jealousy. These words are the language of disease."
Oh yes affirmative action was all about not getting along. It was all about expense of others.

Yes I have no doubt that those like Neil Degrasse Tyson, Whitney Housten and other successes are convinced that they are held back by whitey.

Have you ever considered that racism is a two way street? If you hate whitey then why would you expect anything less in return?

"Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false."
Affirmative action.....

This distorted reality includes the inability of some white men to understand that the reason such things are being done because white men did not allow others in these professions based on race and sex.

Because affirmative action has helped whites the most.
Speaking against whites who are racists is not hatred of whites as a race. Unless YOU are saying that all whites are racists.

It is a dislike for whites who still practice racism.

You guys are dumb. Straight stump stupid.

What you said is dumb. It's some words strung together that don't equal a coherent idea.

I can't help it that you're a dumb ass.

Constitutional Myth #8: The 14th Amendment Doesn't Exist

America today is what we call a democracy -- because of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Amendment has been called "the second Constitution," because of the number and importance of the changes it made. But to hear many of 21st Century's far-right "constitutionalists" tell the American story, the Fourteenth Amendment doesn't exist. Or, at least, not as something that affects the way we live today.

These people are what I call "Fourteenth Amendment deniers." Their radical right-wing agenda is much more attainable if the values of human equality, and basic civil and political rights, are read out of the document. So, like Sgt. Schultz in Hogan's Heroes, they look at the text and see "nothing -- nothing!"

The most radical of them simply proclaim that the Fourteenth Amendment doesn't count; it wasn't validly adopted. Southern Senators and Representatives weren't seated in the Congress that proposed it at the end of the Civil War, they argue, so that body was illegitimate. In 1957, with the prospect of school desegregation staring it in its all-white face, the Georgia State Legislature went so far as to pass a resolution declaring that "the so-called 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States are null and void and of no effect."

This old white-supremacist myth lives on, but only in the remote hills and hollers where militiasmen mingle with men in sheets.

Constitutional Myth #8: The 14th Amendment Doesn't Exist - The Atlantic
Yeah we get it. Everything whitey do be bad. Everything the black man does is good. Let the black man rule over whitey. Give all whitey money to the black man. Give all of whitey possessions to the black man. Let the black man kill off whitey. Then the world will be perfection, it will be perfect, it will be heaven.

Too bad some blacks do not understand the idea that we if we tried to get along things would be better. If we each tried to excel on our own and not at the cost of someone else. But unfortunately some have the idea that the only way to make race relations better is to put down and degrade the other race.

The reason we are at this point is because whitey does not want to get along. Whitey has what he has at the expense of everybdy else.

"Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false."

"Racism has produced in white society a mental health problem: characteristic responses among many whites are dominated by unfounded fear of blacks, hatred, suspicion, guilt, shame, and jealousy. These words are the language of disease."
Oh yes affirmative action was all about not getting along. It was all about expense of others.

Yes I have no doubt that those like Neil Degrasse Tyson, Whitney Housten and other successes are convinced that they are held back by whitey.

Have you ever considered that racism is a two way street? If you hate whitey then why would you expect anything less in return?

"Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false."
Affirmative action.....

This distorted reality includes the inability of some white men to understand that the reason such things are being done because white men did not allow others in these professions based on race and sex.

Because affirmative action has helped whites the most.
Speaking against whites who are racists is not hatred of whites as a race. Unless YOU are saying that all whites are racists.

It is a dislike for whites who still practice racism.

You guys are dumb. Straight stump stupid.
Well we can play at this all day but I will never convince a bigot and racist that they need to change since in their view it is others that need to conform to their reality.
Yeah we get it. Everything whitey do be bad. Everything the black man does is good. Let the black man rule over whitey. Give all whitey money to the black man. Give all of whitey possessions to the black man. Let the black man kill off whitey. Then the world will be perfection, it will be perfect, it will be heaven.

Too bad some blacks do not understand the idea that we if we tried to get along things would be better. If we each tried to excel on our own and not at the cost of someone else. But unfortunately some have the idea that the only way to make race relations better is to put down and degrade the other race.

The reason we are at this point is because whitey does not want to get along. Whitey has what he has at the expense of everybdy else.

"Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false."

"Racism has produced in white society a mental health problem: characteristic responses among many whites are dominated by unfounded fear of blacks, hatred, suspicion, guilt, shame, and jealousy. These words are the language of disease."
Oh yes affirmative action was all about not getting along. It was all about expense of others.

Yes I have no doubt that those like Neil Degrasse Tyson, Whitney Housten and other successes are convinced that they are held back by whitey.

Have you ever considered that racism is a two way street? If you hate whitey then why would you expect anything less in return?

"Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false."
Affirmative action.....

This distorted reality includes the inability of some white men to understand that the reason such things are being done because white men did not allow others in these professions based on race and sex.

Because affirmative action has helped whites the most.
Speaking against whites who are racists is not hatred of whites as a race. Unless YOU are saying that all whites are racists.

It is a dislike for whites who still practice racism.

You guys are dumb. Straight stump stupid.

What you said is dumb. It's some words strung together that don't equal a coherent idea.

I can't help it that you're a dumb ass.

Constitutional Myth #8: The 14th Amendment Doesn't Exist

America today is what we call a democracy -- because of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Amendment has been called "the second Constitution," because of the number and importance of the changes it made. But to hear many of 21st Century's far-right "constitutionalists" tell the American story, the Fourteenth Amendment doesn't exist. Or, at least, not as something that affects the way we live today.

These people are what I call "Fourteenth Amendment deniers." Their radical right-wing agenda is much more attainable if the values of human equality, and basic civil and political rights, are read out of the document. So, like Sgt. Schultz in Hogan's Heroes, they look at the text and see "nothing -- nothing!"

The most radical of them simply proclaim that the Fourteenth Amendment doesn't count; it wasn't validly adopted. Southern Senators and Representatives weren't seated in the Congress that proposed it at the end of the Civil War, they argue, so that body was illegitimate. In 1957, with the prospect of school desegregation staring it in its all-white face, the Georgia State Legislature went so far as to pass a resolution declaring that "the so-called 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States are null and void and of no effect."

This old white-supremacist myth lives on, but only in the remote hills and hollers where militiasmen mingle with men in sheets.

Constitutional Myth #8: The 14th Amendment Doesn't Exist - The Atlantic

I didn't say the 14th doesn't exist. I said it was illegally ratified. Jurists agree:

The Fourteenth Amendment is Unconstitutional - Judge L.H. Perez

Looks like YOU'RE the dumbass
In 1921 one of the most commercially successful black neighborhoods in the US was burned to the ground by whites.

Tulsa race riot - Wikipedia

Most AmerickKKans have never heard of this.

Can't you just feel the white love?

Even in 1921 folks wanted to Make AmeriKKKa White Again

Those people are all dead
The OP is the biggest pussy on this site. Period.
Dude gives a colic newborn a run for their money in the whining dept.
Grow up, faggot.

I've had nothing but disagreements with the OP, but wish you have challenged his thread rather than to dwell on his character.

I'm not sure what he even considers radicalization? Does he mean people that want their country back? I have no idea where he's going.
He posts this asinine shit daily. His character is all thats left.
It all has the same point. Whites are racist and blacks are victims. Thats all it boils down to, n00b.

Yea, there are 2 or 3 guys who only post about race, it's predicable, boring and very trite.
Left Wingers make everything about race because they are racist.
The OP is the biggest pussy on this site. Period.
Dude gives a colic newborn a run for their money in the whining dept.
Grow up, faggot.

I've had nothing but disagreements with the OP, but wish you have challenged his thread rather than to dwell on his character.

I'm not sure what he even considers radicalization? Does he mean people that want their country back? I have no idea where he's going.
Dylann Roof readily comes to mind, hell any white person who has planned to harm and/or kill black people due to their race and then actually carried out their plans all fall into that category, including the miscreants who dragged James Byrd to his death by a rope tied to a pickup truck down in Jasper, Texas.

And that doesn't even take into account those who work in law enforcement. Amber Guyger anyone?
How Guyger is being groomed to get away with murder:
Amber Guyger's new look is no accident, say attorneys skilled in remaking a client

The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
Last edited:
The OP is the biggest pussy on this site. Period.
Dude gives a colic newborn a run for their money in the whining dept.
Grow up, faggot.

I've had nothing but disagreements with the OP, but wish you have challenged his thread rather than to dwell on his character.

I'm not sure what he even considers radicalization? Does he mean people that want their country back? I have no idea where he's going.
Dylann Roof readily comes to mind, hell any white person who has planned to harm and/or kill black people due to their race and then actually carried out their plans all fall into that category, including the miscreants who dragged James Byrd to his death by a rope tied to a pickup truck down in Jasper, Texas.

And that doesn't even take into account those who work in law enforcement. Amber Guyger anyone?
How Guyger is being groomed to get away with murder:
Amber Guyger's new look is no accident, say attorneys skilled in remaking a client

The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing

I realize that this is probably a waste of time, but for the sake of someone who might get something out it I'm putting in the time.

At some level the whites have been radicalized. Being white I blame the parents, the government, doctors / mental health officials and then Big Pharma... in that order. Behind them come major power brokers with globalist aspirations. Shall we start at the top?

The standard bearer for the whites is that fat slob that inherited a fortune and has a God complex. This guy bitches about so - called "illegal immigration" while employing undocumented foreigners. Still, the cultists hang on his every word as if it were manna from Heaven. He tells them today that he is against gun control, yet his history is that of being a total gun control freak. He even wrote in a book published in 2000 that he was for waiting periods and against "assault weapons." Despite signing onto the bump stock ban (which violated the Constitution in three different ways), his loyal subjects worship at his feet. The POS picks an Attorney General that is in favor of seizing your private property and using to the benefit of government. It is called asset forfeiture. In addition this pick for Attorney General is for the expansion of the so - called "Patriot Act."

Underneath the standard bearer are the legions of misguided followers that want to do the left's dirty work and put up a wall around America. They seem to ignore the fact that their standard bearer moans about the Democrats wanting the wall before he was for it. It's a socialist solution looking for a problem to solve. Furthermore, the fat slob's legions of loyal subjects worship at the altar of the wall as a symbol of their new found culture - ignoring the fact that their attitudes about the immigration issue were pioneered and developed by National Socialists. You aren't even allowed to agree with them that a problem exists unless you pay homage to their wall.

The whites have been programmed, Pavlovian style, to adopt a policy of guaranteed destruction for their race (which is why the left will allow it to happen.) Their drug culture and the rejection of their God in favor of socialism and self destruction that is manifested in the drugs they take, the tattoos, body piercings, and philosophy of hatred and intolerance cannot be over-stated. It ends with their youth engaging in horrific acts of violence where their average mass shootings are many times larger than that of blacks who commit "mass shootings."

At the other end of the spectrum are blacks that hate, loathe and despise the whites. How dare the white man to have a culture of his own! They tell us they want to get along, but want to remove our history, tearing down our monuments, memorials, statues and plaques. They want to tell us how to live our lives and have helped program the people so that the slightest verbal faux pas or unintentional act is proof of their underlying racism. Whites have to walk on egg shells, bury their history and culture, and then be instilled with a guilt complex for acts they had no part in.

Meanwhile, the whites commit a few mass murders (having been programmed to do so) and those average half a dozen to over 60 at a time. But, the black people attack their own in their own neighborhoods, knocking off 3 or 4 here and there for a total that exceeds what the whites do (and blacks are still the minority.) Both sides try to present their side of having the higher moral ground.

To put the relationship into perspective, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, killing thousands. They beat, tortured and starved American POWs, forcing them to live in squalor, filth, and disease ridden conditions the like of which none of us can begin to fathom. When the war ended, we shook hands and became friends. The Japanese still have their culture, laying claim to being the most racially pure race on earth (albeit questionable as there are the others who outnumber them in raw numbers while not necessarily percentage of population.)

The blacks bitch about slavery, forgetting that the whites did not invent slavery, but were the leaders in abolishing it. Adding insult to injury, the blacks want to vote for Democrats. There is the party where the government attends to your every need - your health care, education, personal relationships, everything... the complete Nanny State. It's government slavery, but the whites won't be in control of it.

While I lament the passing of the greatest nation in the annals of history with its high moral standards, commitment to Liberty, belief in God, and an attitude of independence and self reliance, I fear the black people uniting with the mixed multitude to bring America down to the level of Venezuela or Zimbabwe. Blacks have never been able to create nor sustain a civilization on their own. I realize that they will not stop until they are in control. So, we can B.S. each other all day long, but this is a power struggle. You shouldn't worry about a radicalization of the white race. Their current strategies absolutely guarantee their demise within the next two election cycles - one if their standard bearer loses the next election.
In 1921 one of the most commercially successful black neighborhoods in the US was burned to the ground by whites.

Tulsa race riot - Wikipedia

Most AmerickKKans have never heard of this.

Can't you just feel the white love?

Even in 1921 folks wanted to Make AmeriKKKa White Again

Those people are all dead

I would imagine so BUT the hate within the white man for the black man is STILL ALIVE & festering.


And vice versa. It's dishonest to say it doesn't cut both ways and there isn't guilty on both sides.
In 1921 one of the most commercially successful black neighborhoods in the US was burned to the ground by whites.

Tulsa race riot - Wikipedia

Most AmerickKKans have never heard of this.

Can't you just feel the white love?

Even in 1921 folks wanted to Make AmeriKKKa White Again

Those people are all dead

I would imagine so BUT the hate within the white man for the black man is STILL ALIVE & festering.


And vice versa. It's dishonest to say it doesn't cut both ways and there isn't guilty on both sides.

There is no vice versa.

It's dishonest to say it cuts both ways because one side is mad at how they were/are treated while the other sides keeps committing the wrongs.

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