Sorry bout that,

1. Its not illegal to fuck a women, while being married or unmarried, its not illegal to pay her to remain silent about it.
2. Its not illegal for an attorney to pay a whore to remain silent.
3. There is no *there there*.
4. So there is no reason to RAID Trumps lawyers office,...we have rapidly sunk into a third world shithole, the 4th amendment has been ripped out do to the liberals in NY.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
What does "with a presidential candidate" mean? It's perfectly legal to pay a whore to shut her yap. It's called an NDA. All those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated?

The double standard here is 10 miles wide.
Fucking moron, paying her to prevent everyone from knowing he cheated on his wife, who was at home with his newborn baby, was beneficial to his candidacy. That makes it of value to his campaign. And there is no double standard. That standard applies to everyone.

The fact that it was beneficial to his candidicy proves nothing. As I already pointed out, all those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated? The double standard is 10 miles wide.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its not illegal to fuck a women, while being married or unmarried, its not illegal to pay her to remain silent about it.
2. Its not illegal for an attorney to pay a whore to remain silent.
3. There is no *there there*.
4. So there is no reason to RAID Trumps lawyers office,...we have rapidly sunk into a third world shithole, the 4th amendment has been ripped out do to the liberals in NY.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
What does "with a presidential candidate" mean? It's perfectly legal to pay a whore to shut her yap. It's called an NDA. All those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated?

The double standard here is 10 miles wide.
Fucking moron, paying her to prevent everyone from knowing he cheated on his wife, who was at home with his newborn baby, was beneficial to his candidacy. That makes it of value to his campaign. And there is no double standard. That standard applies to everyone.

The fact that it was beneficial to his candidicy proves nothing. As I already pointed out, all those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated? The double standard is 10 miles wide.
Money has to be involved, ya fucking moron, and you said they weren’t paid.
Why should a lawyer find it disturbing that if there's probable cause I helped a client commit a crime the cops could get a search warrant for my documents referencing work for that client? The rules of legal ethics are clear that lawyers must steer clear of clients breaking the law, and even quit working for them if it's impossible to avoid being involved in a crime.

One of your primary problems is your lack of ability to see both sides.

You are so left indoctrinated that you are easily manipulated to believe everything one side does is evil and corrupt while the other completely innocent and righteous.

When the day comes (if it ever does), that you see that BOTH sides are FOS and serving a cause that does not benefit you, you will see things more clearly.

And your statement is laughable......ever heard of DEFENSE Lawyers? They WORK for criminals all the time. It's their job. There's even an entire branch for CRIMINAL DEFENSE
I inadvertently failed to give my place in line at Subway to an older woman with a walker, so I'm self-counseling patience at least for awhile. (-: My wife is out of town again, and I'm not cooking during the week.

When a lawyer represents and "evil doer" the lawyer may not "help futher" the evil doer's evil act. That is the lawyer can't help the robber hide the money. The lawyer must raise any defense the robber has to show he isn't the robber, such as he wasn't there or he couldn't be seen because of his mask, but the lawyer may not help the robber commit another offense. For that reason, lawyers don't want clients to tell them they are innocent or guilty. It is not only irrelevant to the job, but if a lawyer knows - not merely suspects but actually knows - the client will commit perjury, he is supposed to not ask the questions.

Similarly, once a lawyer becomes an active participant in a crime - for example being an accessory to the robber committing perjury - there is no attny-client privilege to his action in the perjury. If a lawyer violates a law in assisting a client Illegally move money, there is no attny-client privilege.

And while it's not analogous to Trump-Cohen, but is relevant to your misunderstanding about legal ethics and duty...... if an attorney is defending a client of a criminal charge, and the attney learns the client is planning a future crime that is separate from the criminal charge, the lawyer has legal duty to report the crime. The best practice is to inform the judge in private before going to the cops, but if violence is involved, the lawyer has to do what he has to do.
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.

Dershowitz may have been confusing this with recent Netandyahoo legal problems.
We know for a fact Obama spent a lot of U$ Taxpayer Dollar$ to Interfere in Israel's election, and when that didn't work like it failed here with their Russian Propaganda Collusion Campaign, they then launched a Fake Investigation to force Netanyahoo out in Israel. Lib Tards are stupid and predictable. They pull the same stunts everywhere they go, even if it is overseas. Hell Obama also interfered in Russia's Elections in precisely the same way.

BTW Left Tards, where is your Out Cry against Real Election Interference in Israel's Election by Obama?

That's right, Fuck You!

Obama & Clinton are International Political Criminals.

Fuck Mueller and his pack of demons too. May they all burn in Hell together!
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.

Dershowitz may have been confusing this with recent Netandyahoo legal problems.
We know for a fact Obama spent a lot of US Taxpayer dollars to Interfere in Israel's election, and when that didn't work like it failed here, they then launched a Fake Investigation to force Netanyahoo out.

Obama & Clinton are International Political Criminals.

Then so was Reagan and every other post-WWII potus.
was Trumps name on the warrant ?


study that all of you stupid shit RW's.
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.

Dershowitz may have been confusing this with recent Netandyahoo legal problems.
We know for a fact Obama spent a lot of US Taxpayer dollars to Interfere in Israel's election, and when that didn't work like it failed here, they then launched a Fake Investigation to force Netanyahoo out.

Obama & Clinton are International Political Criminals.

Then so was Reagan and every other post-WWII potus.
Everyone except President Trump then because he has not interfered in any election.

Obama and Clinton just can't help themselves. They are Evil and Corrupt and they Were Compelled to Solicit the Help Of Putin's KGB Spies and pay The Kremlin and their agents, over $12 Million Dollars for help in defeating Trump by Creating a Work of Fiction authored by Steele, Skirpal, and other Russian Bad Actors, and then passed their contraband back up through the chain to Obama and Clinton all the while Laundering The Money they used to pay for it. They Invited Putin to interfere in our Elections, and not only helped him, they fucking paid him to do it.

Obama and Clinton should face a Firing Squad and be shot to death on Live TV for such Treachery.
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. Its not illegal to fuck a women, while being married or unmarried, its not illegal to pay her to remain silent about it.
2. Its not illegal for an attorney to pay a whore to remain silent.
3. There is no *there there*.
4. So there is no reason to RAID Trumps lawyers office,...we have rapidly sunk into a third world shithole, the 4th amendment has been ripped out do to the liberals in NY.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
What does "with a presidential candidate" mean? It's perfectly legal to pay a whore to shut her yap. It's called an NDA. All those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated?

The double standard here is 10 miles wide.
Fucking moron, paying her to prevent everyone from knowing he cheated on his wife, who was at home with his newborn baby, was beneficial to his candidacy. That makes it of value to his campaign. And there is no double standard. That standard applies to everyone.
It's still as much of a ludicrous stretch as the first time you posted it AND the idea that half of America will sit still and let Trump be removed over a tryst(witch hunted into a campaign financing illegality)is equally ludicrous
Sorry bout that,

1. Its not illegal to fuck a women, while being married or unmarried, its not illegal to pay her to remain silent about it.
2. Its not illegal for an attorney to pay a whore to remain silent.
3. There is no *there there*.
4. So there is no reason to RAID Trumps lawyers office,...we have rapidly sunk into a third world shithole, the 4th amendment has been ripped out do to the liberals in NY.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
What does "with a presidential candidate" mean? It's perfectly legal to pay a whore to shut her yap. It's called an NDA. All those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated?

The double standard here is 10 miles wide.
Fucking moron, paying her to prevent everyone from knowing he cheated on his wife, who was at home with his newborn baby, was beneficial to his candidacy. That makes it of value to his campaign. And there is no double standard. That standard applies to everyone.
It's still as much of a ludicrous stretch as the first time you posted it AND the idea that half of America will sit still and let Trump be removed over a tryst(witch hunted into a campaign financing illegality)is equally ludicrous
There’s nothing your half can do to save Trump should he be impeached.
To the Putin Butt Puppets who want Trump Impeached.....as does Putin and Assad, and every Illegal Alien, and Every Radical Islamocist, I have to ask you...

Exactly why do you want Trump Impeached and for what? What is the crime he committed?

Please frame your answer from The Kremlin's Point of view, or Putin's Point of view, who would have rather had Pliable Clinton to deal with.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its not illegal to fuck a women, while being married or unmarried, its not illegal to pay her to remain silent about it.
2. Its not illegal for an attorney to pay a whore to remain silent.
3. There is no *there there*.
4. So there is no reason to RAID Trumps lawyers office,...we have rapidly sunk into a third world shithole, the 4th amendment has been ripped out do to the liberals in NY.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
What does "with a presidential candidate" mean? It's perfectly legal to pay a whore to shut her yap. It's called an NDA. All those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated?

The double standard here is 10 miles wide.
Fucking moron, paying her to prevent everyone from knowing he cheated on his wife, who was at home with his newborn baby, was beneficial to his candidacy. That makes it of value to his campaign. And there is no double standard. That standard applies to everyone.
It's still as much of a ludicrous stretch as the first time you posted it AND the idea that half of America will sit still and let Trump be removed over a tryst(witch hunted into a campaign financing illegality)is equally ludicrous
There’s nothing your half can do to save Trump should he be impeached.

Sure there is ... scream Clinton/Obama at the top of their lungs 24/7/365 all the way to their grave.
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.

Dershowitz may have been confusing this with recent Netandyahoo legal problems.
We know for a fact Obama spent a lot of US Taxpayer dollars to Interfere in Israel's election, and when that didn't work like it failed here, they then launched a Fake Investigation to force Netanyahoo out.

Obama & Clinton are International Political Criminals.

Then so was Reagan and every other post-WWII potus.
Everyone except President Trump then because he has not interfered in any election.

Obama and Clinton just can't help themselves. They are Evil and Corrupt and they Were Compelled to Solicit the Help Of Putin's KGB Spies and pay The Kremlin and their agents, over $12 Million Dollars for help in defeating Trump by Creating a Work of Fiction authored by Steele, Skirpal, and other Russian Bad Actors, and then passed their contraband back up through the chain to Obama and Clinton all the while Laundering The Money they used to pay for it. They Invited Putin to interfere in our Elections, and not only helped him, they fucking paid him to do it.

Obama and Clinton should face a Firing Squad and be shot to death on Live TV for such Treachery.
you really believe your shit, don't you. It's amazing.
No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
What does "with a presidential candidate" mean? It's perfectly legal to pay a whore to shut her yap. It's called an NDA. All those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated?

The double standard here is 10 miles wide.
Fucking moron, paying her to prevent everyone from knowing he cheated on his wife, who was at home with his newborn baby, was beneficial to his candidacy. That makes it of value to his campaign. And there is no double standard. That standard applies to everyone.
It's still as much of a ludicrous stretch as the first time you posted it AND the idea that half of America will sit still and let Trump be removed over a tryst(witch hunted into a campaign financing illegality)is equally ludicrous
There’s nothing your half can do to save Trump should he be impeached.

Sure there is ... scream Clinton/Obama at the top of their lungs 24/7/365 all the way to their grave.
Sure, they can (and will) do that — but it’s not going to save Trump. :badgrin:
No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
What does "with a presidential candidate" mean? It's perfectly legal to pay a whore to shut her yap. It's called an NDA. All those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated?

The double standard here is 10 miles wide.
Fucking moron, paying her to prevent everyone from knowing he cheated on his wife, who was at home with his newborn baby, was beneficial to his candidacy. That makes it of value to his campaign. And there is no double standard. That standard applies to everyone.
It's still as much of a ludicrous stretch as the first time you posted it AND the idea that half of America will sit still and let Trump be removed over a tryst(witch hunted into a campaign financing illegality)is equally ludicrous
There’s nothing your half can do to save Trump should he be impeached.

Sure there is ... scream Clinton/Obama at the top of their lungs 24/7/365 all the way to their grave.
If it were only a silent scream.
What does "with a presidential candidate" mean? It's perfectly legal to pay a whore to shut her yap. It's called an NDA. All those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated?

The double standard here is 10 miles wide.
Fucking moron, paying her to prevent everyone from knowing he cheated on his wife, who was at home with his newborn baby, was beneficial to his candidacy. That makes it of value to his campaign. And there is no double standard. That standard applies to everyone.
It's still as much of a ludicrous stretch as the first time you posted it AND the idea that half of America will sit still and let Trump be removed over a tryst(witch hunted into a campaign financing illegality)is equally ludicrous
There’s nothing your half can do to save Trump should he be impeached.

Sure there is ... scream Clinton/Obama at the top of their lungs 24/7/365 all the way to their grave.
Sure, they can (and will) do that — but it’s not going to save Trump. :badgrin:
I don't really see Trump being convicted of impeachment ... unless there's a memo to Vlad, and I doubt that.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its not illegal to fuck a women, while being married or unmarried, its not illegal to pay her to remain silent about it.
2. Its not illegal for an attorney to pay a whore to remain silent.
3. There is no *there there*.
4. So there is no reason to RAID Trumps lawyers office,...we have rapidly sunk into a third world shithole, the 4th amendment has been ripped out do to the liberals in NY.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
What does "with a presidential candidate" mean? It's perfectly legal to pay a whore to shut her yap. It's called an NDA. All those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated?

The double standard here is 10 miles wide.
Fucking moron, paying her to prevent everyone from knowing he cheated on his wife, who was at home with his newborn baby, was beneficial to his candidacy. That makes it of value to his campaign. And there is no double standard. That standard applies to everyone.
It's still as much of a ludicrous stretch as the first time you posted it AND the idea that half of America will sit still and let Trump be removed over a tryst(witch hunted into a campaign financing illegality)is equally ludicrous

Correct. He won't be impeached because he banged a porn star. He might be impeached because he broke election law when he set up her pay off.

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