Denerd is sillyboo's sock?
It's a distinct possibility.

Obviously, Deanrd is Rdean's sock account. From a psychological standpoint, Deanrd/Rdean needs socks to lie to himself. And now we see that he's drunk as hell at the same time as bobo is sloshed.

Look back at posts to see whether they nearly always post similarly.
It would not surprise me if there are only about 3-4 leftists on this site with a bunch of socks trying to CTR (correct the record) funded by George Soros.

when the new ones show up i mostly just out them on ignore
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.

Read up on
The Crime-Fraud Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege

and Dershowitz involvement in child sex crimes.

So that's why they accused him of fraud, solely so they could get a warrant to violate Trump's attorney-client privilege.
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.

When Trump said his lawyer did things behind his back, it opened the lawyer up for investigation.

Trump's lawyer said he took at a hundred and thirty thousand dollar loan from the bank. What did he tell them it was for? Paying off a porn star?

Trump's lawyer started a pretend business to pay the porn star. What did he report the new business did? Pay off porn stars.

Lying to a federal bank is a felony.

What is wrong with these right wingers? Why do they want to be in charge when they don't know anything? And the idiots that vote them into office are pitiful. Just pitiful.
That's the biggest pile of shit in this thread.
Any lawyer could have always been raided. All it takes is for the Feds to have some evidence said lawyer broke the law; sufficient to rise to the level of probable cause to justify a search warrant be issued.
If a LAWYER is breaking the law, this is not correct, in terms of seizing attorney-client communications. Clients control the privilege. Not lawyers. It would require client consent or evidence of a continuing crime or crime planning with the CLIENT being involved.

It is a VERY high burden.

I suspect the Fed District Judge is a commie democrat or nevertrumper and just rubber stamped that warrant. We shall see, I guess.
Great, even better. That only the increases the odds that they have something on trump too.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its not illegal to fuck a women, while being married or unmarried, its not illegal to pay her to remain silent about it.
2. Its not illegal for an attorney to pay a whore to remain silent.
3. There is no *there there*.
4. So there is no reason to RAID Trumps lawyers office,...we have rapidly sunk into a third world shithole, the 4th amendment has been ripped out do to the liberals in NY.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its not illegal to fuck a women, while being married or unmarried, its not illegal to pay her to remain silent about it.
2. Its not illegal for an attorney to pay a whore to remain silent.
3. There is no *there there*.
4. So there is no reason to RAID Trumps lawyers office,...we have rapidly sunk into a third world shithole, the 4th amendment has been ripped out do to the liberals in NY.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
A ludicrous stretch
Sorry bout that,

1. Its not illegal to fuck a women, while being married or unmarried, its not illegal to pay her to remain silent about it.
2. Its not illegal for an attorney to pay a whore to remain silent.
3. There is no *there there*.
4. So there is no reason to RAID Trumps lawyers office,...we have rapidly sunk into a third world shithole, the 4th amendment has been ripped out do to the liberals in NY.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
A ludicrous stretch

Watch what happens.
Why should a lawyer find it disturbing that if there's probable cause I helped a client commit a crime the cops could get a search warrant for my documents referencing work for that client? The rules of legal ethics are clear that lawyers must steer clear of clients breaking the law, and even quit working for them if it's impossible to avoid being involved in a crime.

One of your primary problems is your lack of ability to see both sides.

You are so left indoctrinated that you are easily manipulated to believe everything one side does is evil and corrupt while the other completely innocent and righteous.

When the day comes (if it ever does), that you see that BOTH sides are FOS and serving a cause that does not benefit you, you will see things more clearly.

And your statement is laughable......ever heard of DEFENSE Lawyers? They WORK for criminals all the time. It's their job. There's even an entire branch for CRIMINAL DEFENSE

You really are too stupid to be one person.

Yes, defence lawyers work on behalf of criminals all of the time. That doesn’t mean the lawyers are committing crimes but rather that the lawyers are defending clients who commit crimes.

Cohen’s Office was searched because the FBI has probable cause to believe that Cohen committed bank fraud.

Other lawyers don’t give a rat’s ass that Cohen’s Office was searched because this search has no effect on lawyers who don’t break the law, at all.
Any lawyer could have always been raided. All it takes is for the Feds to have some evidence said lawyer broke the law; sufficient to rise to the level of probable cause to justify a search warrant be issued.
If a LAWYER is breaking the law, this is not correct, in terms of seizing attorney-client communications. Clients control the privilege. Not lawyers. It would require client consent or evidence of a continuing crime or crime planning with the CLIENT being involved.

It is a VERY high burden.

I suspect the Fed District Judge is a commie democrat or nevertrumper and just rubber stamped that warrant. We shall see, I guess.
Great, even better. That only the increases the odds that they have something on trump too.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its not illegal to fuck a women, while being married or unmarried, its not illegal to pay her to remain silent about it.
2. Its not illegal for an attorney to pay a whore to remain silent.
3. There is no *there there*.
4. So there is no reason to RAID Trumps lawyers office,...we have rapidly sunk into a third world shithole, the 4th amendment has been ripped out do to the liberals in NY.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
What does "with a presidential candidate" mean? It's perfectly legal to pay a whore to shut her yap. It's called an NDA. All those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated?

The double standard here is 10 miles wide.
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.


The Democratic Party's abuse of power is frightening.
The Left Wingers are using the FBI like their Gestapo.
How much are they going to get away with?
They illegally used the DOJ and the FBI to spy on Trump and to smear Trump.
We are losing our democracy.
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.


Yeah, it's against the constitution for the US govt to gain a warrant to search for illegal activity.

You heard it here first guys.

What was the reason for the warrant?
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.


The Democratic Party's abuse of power is frightening.
The Left Wingers are using the FBI like their Gestapo.
How much are they going to get away with?
They illegally used the DOJ and the FBI to spy on Trump and to smear Trump.
We are losing our democracy.
The worst part of it where are the few good men in the FBI who will stand up to Progressive Fascism??
Sorry bout that,

1. Its not illegal to fuck a women, while being married or unmarried, its not illegal to pay her to remain silent about it.
2. Its not illegal for an attorney to pay a whore to remain silent.
3. There is no *there there*.
4. So there is no reason to RAID Trumps lawyers office,...we have rapidly sunk into a third world shithole, the 4th amendment has been ripped out do to the liberals in NY.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
What does "with a presidential candidate" mean? It's perfectly legal to pay a whore to shut her yap. It's called an NDA. All those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated?

The double standard here is 10 miles wide.
Fucking moron, paying her to prevent everyone from knowing he cheated on his wife, who was at home with his newborn baby, was beneficial to his candidacy. That makes it of value to his campaign. And there is no double standard. That standard applies to everyone.

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