Sorry bout that,

1. Its not illegal to fuck a women, while being married or unmarried, its not illegal to pay her to remain silent about it.
2. Its not illegal for an attorney to pay a whore to remain silent.
3. There is no *there there*.
4. So there is no reason to RAID Trumps lawyers office,...we have rapidly sunk into a third world shithole, the 4th amendment has been ripped out do to the liberals in NY.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
What does "with a presidential candidate" mean? It's perfectly legal to pay a whore to shut her yap. It's called an NDA. All those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated?

The double standard here is 10 miles wide.
Fucking moron, paying her to prevent everyone from knowing he cheated on his wife, who was at home with his newborn baby, was beneficial to his candidacy. That makes it of value to his campaign. And there is no double standard. That standard applies to everyone.
It's still as much of a ludicrous stretch as the first time you posted it AND the idea that half of America will sit still and let Trump be removed over a tryst(witch hunted into a campaign financing illegality)is equally ludicrous

Correct. He won't be impeached because he banged a porn star. He might be impeached because he broke election law when he set up her pay off.
Election finances don't get guys impeached. Their campaigns get fined.
No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
What does "with a presidential candidate" mean? It's perfectly legal to pay a whore to shut her yap. It's called an NDA. All those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated?

The double standard here is 10 miles wide.
Fucking moron, paying her to prevent everyone from knowing he cheated on his wife, who was at home with his newborn baby, was beneficial to his candidacy. That makes it of value to his campaign. And there is no double standard. That standard applies to everyone.
It's still as much of a ludicrous stretch as the first time you posted it AND the idea that half of America will sit still and let Trump be removed over a tryst(witch hunted into a campaign financing illegality)is equally ludicrous

Correct. He won't be impeached because he banged a porn star. He might be impeached because he broke election law when he set up her pay off.
Election finances don't get guys impeached. Their campaigns get fined.

We'll see.
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.

Dershowitz may have been confusing this with recent Netandyahoo legal problems.
We know for a fact Obama spent a lot of U$ Taxpayer Dollar$ to Interfere in Israel's election, and when that didn't work like it failed here with their Russian Propaganda Collusion Campaign, they then launched a Fake Investigation to force Netanyahoo out in Israel. Lib Tards are stupid and predictable. They pull the same stunts everywhere they go, even if it is overseas. Hell Obama also interfered in Russia's Elections in precisely the same way.

BTW Left Tards, where is your Out Cry against Real Election Interference in Israel's Election by Obama?

There is no outcry, because it is not true....!!! Just another fake news sound bite you bought in to!

Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel

Sorry bout that,

1. Its not illegal to fuck a women, while being married or unmarried, its not illegal to pay her to remain silent about it.
2. Its not illegal for an attorney to pay a whore to remain silent.
3. There is no *there there*.
4. So there is no reason to RAID Trumps lawyers office,...we have rapidly sunk into a third world shithole, the 4th amendment has been ripped out do to the liberals in NY.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
What does "with a presidential candidate" mean? It's perfectly legal to pay a whore to shut her yap. It's called an NDA. All those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated?

The double standard here is 10 miles wide.
Fucking moron, paying her to prevent everyone from knowing he cheated on his wife, who was at home with his newborn baby, was beneficial to his candidacy. That makes it of value to his campaign. And there is no double standard. That standard applies to everyone.
It's still as much of a ludicrous stretch as the first time you posted it AND the idea that half of America will sit still and let Trump be removed over a tryst(witch hunted into a campaign financing illegality)is equally ludicrous
There’s nothing your half can do to save Trump should he be impeached.
Let me translate that into reality/fact talk:"We, who are governed by our feelings, want revenge over Hillarys loss so we demand the duly elected POTUS be removed"
Participating trophies did you all No Good, contests actually do have winners and losers and dealing with that is part of the maturation process that you were denied
And we all know Dershowitz has never been wrong. You might want to take a peek at Morrison vs Olson
and mueller is always right? can't make this shit up.

Wait and see what the investigation turns up.
do I have a choice? Do you? you know you know no more than me right?

All I know is they are still working on it, and Trump looks really scared.
how so does trump look scared exactly?
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.


Um... Just to catch you up, the Constitution is so trampled, you can barely read the “Welcome” anymore. I think that ship has pretty much sailed.
And we all know Dershowitz has never been wrong. You might want to take a peek at Morrison vs Olson
and mueller is always right? can't make this shit up.

Wait and see what the investigation turns up.
do I have a choice? Do you? you know you know no more than me right?

people know Trump is a lying bitch and you dont.
not at all. show me a lie
No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not change the reality that it is illegal to bribe a whore with $130K to stay silent with a presidential candidate just before the election as that is a value to the campaign and constitutes an in-kind contribution.
What does "with a presidential candidate" mean? It's perfectly legal to pay a whore to shut her yap. It's called an NDA. All those spurned gold diggers who accused Trump were of great value to the Hillary campaign. Shouldn't they be investigated?

The double standard here is 10 miles wide.
Fucking moron, paying her to prevent everyone from knowing he cheated on his wife, who was at home with his newborn baby, was beneficial to his candidacy. That makes it of value to his campaign. And there is no double standard. That standard applies to everyone.
It's still as much of a ludicrous stretch as the first time you posted it AND the idea that half of America will sit still and let Trump be removed over a tryst(witch hunted into a campaign financing illegality)is equally ludicrous
There’s nothing your half can do to save Trump should he be impeached.
Let me translate that into reality/fact talk:"We, who are governed by our feelings, want revenge over Hillarys loss so we demand the duly elected POTUS be removed"
Participating trophies did you all No Good, contests actually do have winners and losers and dealing with that is part of the maturation process that you were denied
Your endless bitching about Hillary doesn't save Trump either. If he's going to be impeached, there's nothing you can do to save him.

Nixon was a "duly elected POTUS." When he broke the law, he was on his way to being impeached, but resigned to avoid it.

Clinton was also a "duly elected POTUS." When he broke the law, he was impeached.

If it is proven that Trump broke the law, he too will be impeached.
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.

Dershowitz may have been confusing this with recent Netandyahoo legal problems.
We know for a fact Obama spent a lot of U$ Taxpayer Dollar$ to Interfere in Israel's election, and when that didn't work like it failed here with their Russian Propaganda Collusion Campaign, they then launched a Fake Investigation to force Netanyahoo out in Israel. Lib Tards are stupid and predictable. They pull the same stunts everywhere they go, even if it is overseas. Hell Obama also interfered in Russia's Elections in precisely the same way.

BTW Left Tards, where is your Out Cry against Real Election Interference in Israel's Election by Obama?

There is no outcry, because it is not true....!!! Just another fake news sound bite you bought in to!

Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel
Barry did that, yep!!! good boy.
we'll see if Cohen puts his mouth where he put his money .... he looks like a chickenshit - if Mueller squeezes him hard enough Trump might be in deep shit.
we'll see if Cohen puts his mouth where he put his money .... he looks like a chickenshit - if Mueller squeezes him hard enough Trump might be in deep shit.
wow, dude, you're a sick individual. wow.
Sorry bout that,

1. Harvard, LAW PROFESSOR, exclaim the raid of Cohens office to acquire info about whatever is against his American Constitutional Rights!
2. Alan Dershowitz, comes out with statement read all about it, like I said what Mueller just did should get him jail time, there is no excuse.
3. READ IT HERE:Mueller-violated-Michael-Cohens-constitutional-rights-just-seizing-records-says-Dershowitz.html
4. Exert: Site would let me borrow a sample,....it could be deleted.

When Trump said his lawyer did things behind his back, it opened the lawyer up for investigation.

Trump's lawyer said he took at a hundred and thirty thousand dollar loan from the bank. What did he tell them it was for? Paying off a porn star?

Trump's lawyer started a pretend business to pay the porn star. What did he report the new business did? Pay off porn stars.

Lying to a federal bank is a felony.

What is wrong with these right wingers? Why do they want to be in charge when they don't know anything? And the idiots that vote them into office are pitiful. Just pitiful.
Good luck trying to prove that mess.
Let me know what you found out.
Trump has already committed a crime, he has obstructed justice, and continues to do so.
1. That is the biggest hunk of nonsensical bullshit I have ever heard.

2. Assume that he has obstructed justice in the performance of his constitutionally enumerated executive duties. How is that the continuance or furtherance of a crime, justifying the seizure of his confidential communications? And if you tell me that he continues to obstruct justice, I want some specifics.

Was firing Comey obstruction? (it wasn't) That is a singular past act. Crime-fraud does not apply

Was it refusing to turn over documents in the investigation? (it wasn't) Reports I have seen indicate that Cohen was cooperating with authorities. That's why this raid was such a shock.
Hey dipshit. Many of the best constitutional minds in the country say Trump definitely committed obstruction of justice when he fired Comey “ for that Russian thing.”
But we know you’re not biased and are more experienced then they are.

Firing Comey was not obstruction of justice, and Trump's comments about the firing do not constitute evidence of obstruction of justice. No real constitutional mind would ever honestly say so.

The simple fact that the FBI took information from Cohen's office that would be covered under attorney/client privilege, made that raid unconstitutional. There should have been an independent agent, such as a judge, there to protect that information from seizure.
Sorry bout that,

1. Only a few understand the level of unconstitutional rape that this is, the only way this can happen is if the Deep State makes it happen, I point my finger at the Clintons, in general, and the rest of the totality of the politicians in Washington DC.
2. Where is the outrage from the republicans who sit in a chair?
3. In this action the silence if deafening, and telling.
4. Might be time to get the pitch forks ready, and tar and feathers.

There is nothing unconstitutional about this nor does it become unconstitutional because it ruffled your feathers. If there’s evidence Cohen violated the law, he exposes himself to a constitutionally backed search & seizure. No attorney can hide behind attorney-client privilege to break the law. Once an attorney breaks a law, they lose that shield of attorney-client privilege.

No, that does not break the seal of attorney/client privilege. You seem to ignore that an illegal act by the attorney does not deprive the client of attorney/client privilege. No search warrant is an unlimited license to look for possible crimes, nor can it be used to bypass the law.
The whole Mueller investigation is an intentional distraction to cover up the fact that The Obama Administration and Clinton Campaign were working with Russia and Vladimir Putin to keep President Trump from being Elected.

And this more than anything is why The Mueller Investigation looks so Irrational, Desperate, and Chaotic, with little to No Direction, or even Defined Boundaries. Not even The US Constitution is a barrier or a protection to The Dictatorial Powers of Robert Mueller.

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