The real face of voter fraud

Now post the links to the fraud investigations they are involved in.

Real links, not Infowars bullshit.
Says the hack whose OP is a link from the hacks at Vox!

View attachment 237052
Don't be stupier than you have to be son. My link to vox is internally linked to several different sources including local TV affiliates and national news sources, all of which are more reputable that rwnj blogs like Infowars.
The real face of voter fraud is red, not blue. More details emerge in the North Carolina election case.

North Carolina 9th District voter fraud scandal: new evidence emerges - Vox

Just like a cheating spouse, republicans are prone to accusing others of crimes they commit themselves.

Why are you libtards against voter id's?

There is only one reason as we all know....

You tards want to cheat...…..
I support a National ID
Once 98 percent of Americans have one, we need to rely on signatures just like we always did
Can anyone point to a case where someone shows up to vote and finds someone had voted already under their name?

That is what voter ID will stop
The real face of voter fraud is red, not blue. More details emerge in the North Carolina election case.

North Carolina 9th District voter fraud scandal: new evidence emerges - Vox

Just like a cheating spouse, republicans are prone to accusing others of crimes they commit themselves.
Voter ID Now!!!
The kind of fraud the GOP committed in NC cannot be stopped by Voter ID.

I have told you tards this a hundred times if I have told you once. Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur.

But this never penetrates your thick pointy heads.
The real face of voter fraud is red, not blue. More details emerge in the North Carolina election case.

North Carolina 9th District voter fraud scandal: new evidence emerges - Vox

Just like a cheating spouse, republicans are prone to accusing others of crimes they commit themselves.

Why are you libtards against voter id's?

There is only one reason as we all know....

You tards want to cheat...…..
Voter ID cannot stop the types of voter fraud which occur, retard.

Did you even read the link?

Read it, and then come back here and tell us how Voter ID could have stopped the Republicans from committing that fraud.

This should be fun.
Vox is a liberal rag.

Yeah and didn't the left say there was no such thing as voter fraud??

Thought I saw that a few times on threads on this board.

Yeah, they did. That's right.
Nope. I have told you tards at least a hundred times that Voter ID does not stop the types of fraud which occur.

It can't be helped if you read that and see, "There is no voter fraud", and then you circle back around to demanding your impotent Voter ID.

No one can stop you from being that fucking stupid. Your propagandists count on it, in fact.
The real face of voter fraud is red, not blue. More details emerge in the North Carolina election case.

North Carolina 9th District voter fraud scandal: new evidence emerges - Vox

Just like a cheating spouse, republicans are prone to accusing others of crimes they commit themselves.

Why are you libtards against voter id's?

There is only one reason as we all know....

You tards want to cheat...…..

The question is not IDs. It is about demanding a special photo ID that 10-12% of eligible voters do not have.

Those not having them are disproportionately Democrat voters.

It is called voter suppression.
The real face of voter fraud is red, not blue. More details emerge in the North Carolina election case.

North Carolina 9th District voter fraud scandal: new evidence emerges - Vox

Just like a cheating spouse, republicans are prone to accusing others of crimes they commit themselves.
Voter ID Now!!!
The kind of fraud the GOP committed in NC cannot be stopped by Voter ID.

I have told you tards this a hundred times if I have told you once. Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur.

But this never penetrates your thick pointy heads.
I've told you one hundred times to take a shower, but that's never penatrated either.

Voter ID Now!!!
The real face of voter fraud is red, not blue. More details emerge in the North Carolina election case.

North Carolina 9th District voter fraud scandal: new evidence emerges - Vox

Just like a cheating spouse, republicans are prone to accusing others of crimes they commit themselves.

Why are you libtards against voter id's?

There is only one reason as we all know....

You tards want to cheat...…..
Mean while as usual the onlyh peop[le getting caught cheat are repugs. Of course the reason all of you are so worried about it is because you know you are willing to do it. Ain't it strange how the one who yells loudest is typically the one that is guilty.
Can anyone point to a case where someone shows up to vote and finds someone had voted already under their name?

That is what voter ID will stop
thats not the only results of voter ID,,,
Actually, that's the only use for Voter ID. It isn't any good against the types of actual fraud which occur.

At least once a month, some tard comes trotting on here to tell us about some voter fraud somewhere, and then all the other brainless parroting tards start their squawking about the need for Voter ID.

Then I have fun pointing out to them that the state in question already has Voter ID and it didn't stop the fraud.

You know why? Because the kind of fraud which occurs is almost never of the in-person voter fraud variety. It's almost always a poll worker or absentee ballot fraud.
The real face of voter fraud is red, not blue. More details emerge in the North Carolina election case.

North Carolina 9th District voter fraud scandal: new evidence emerges - Vox

Just like a cheating spouse, republicans are prone to accusing others of crimes they commit themselves.
Voter ID Now!!!
The kind of fraud the GOP committed in NC cannot be stopped by Voter ID.

I have told you tards this a hundred times if I have told you once. Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur.

But this never penetrates your thick pointy heads.
I've told you one hundred times to take a shower, but that's never penatrated either.

Voter ID Now!!!
You are like watching a robot hit itself over the head with a hammer.

Can anyone point to a case where someone shows up to vote and finds someone had voted already under their name?

That is what voter ID will stop
thats not the only results of voter ID,,,
Actually, that's the only use for Voter ID. It isn't any good against the types of actual fraud which occur.

At least once a month, some tard comes trotting on here to tell us about some voter fraud somewhere, and then all the other brainless parroting tards start their squawking about the need for Voter ID.

Then I have fun pointing out to them that the state in question already has Voter ID and it didn't stop the fraud.

You know why? Because the kind of fraud which occurs is almost never of the in-person voter fraud variety. It's almost always a poll worker or absentee ballot fraud.

you have a self imposed ignorance,

I sure hope you havent breed with anyone cause we dont need anymore of that kind of stupidity
Can anyone point to a case where someone shows up to vote and finds someone had voted already under their name?

That is what voter ID will stop
thats not the only results of voter ID,,,
Actually, that's the only use for Voter ID. It isn't any good against the types of actual fraud which occur.

At least once a month, some tard comes trotting on here to tell us about some voter fraud somewhere, and then all the other brainless parroting tards start their squawking about the need for Voter ID.

Then I have fun pointing out to them that the state in question already has Voter ID and it didn't stop the fraud.

You know why? Because the kind of fraud which occurs is almost never of the in-person voter fraud variety. It's almost always a poll worker or absentee ballot fraud.

you have a self imposed ignorance,

I sure hope you havent breed with anyone cause we dont need anymore of that kind of stupidity
Tell us how Voter ID would have stopped the Republicans from committing their fraud in North Carolina.

I'll wait here.
Can anyone point to a case where someone shows up to vote and finds someone had voted already under their name?

That is what voter ID will stop
thats not the only results of voter ID,,,
Actually, that's the only use for Voter ID. It isn't any good against the types of actual fraud which occur.

At least once a month, some tard comes trotting on here to tell us about some voter fraud somewhere, and then all the other brainless parroting tards start their squawking about the need for Voter ID.

Then I have fun pointing out to them that the state in question already has Voter ID and it didn't stop the fraud.

You know why? Because the kind of fraud which occurs is almost never of the in-person voter fraud variety. It's almost always a poll worker or absentee ballot fraud.

you have a self imposed ignorance,

I sure hope you havent breed with anyone cause we dont need anymore of that kind of stupidity
Tell us how Voter ID would have stopped the Republicans from committing their fraud in North Carolina.

I'll wait here.

who said it would???

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