The Real Jew?

I still don't have an answer. What do you do here to make things here better? Why do you spend all your time hating one tiny country out of more than 100?

What is your internal broke spring that makes you this way?
A Jew is a Jew. It is not worth the effort trying to categorize them.
I think you're overreacting when you say that.

Noam Chomsky and Avigdor (and Joe) Lieberman are all Jews.

If you substitute Noam for either of the other two in US or Israeli politics, you would have a much different world today.

LOL, your a Joker! Your saying there are only two types of Jews a radical Communist douche bag in every sense of the word in Chomsky and a clueless liberal in Lieberman. However, there is are also HIGHLY religious Jews, there are secular Jews (the majority of Israelis population), there are non-affiliated Jews and then there are the Conservative Jews such as Eric Cantor, Michael Medved, Marc Levin and Michael Savage!

So if there are only two types of Jews where does best American Jewish Politician Eric Cantor fit in with the Radical Communist type (Chumpsky) or the clueless liberal type (Liebrman)?
No, Stupid.

You're the one saying there are only two types of Jews.

In answer to your Eric Cantor question, I would say he fits with Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir and your "uncle" Ariel.

In other words, he's a terrorist.

The USS Cole was bombarded deliberately. The USS Liberty was a case of friendly fire. But I guess you don't care about Americans killed by Muslims. Do you care about the victims of 9/11?
There was nothing "friendly" about the attack on the Liberty. You weren't there and neither was I, but those American sailors who survived that act of egregious treachery say it was deliberate. I believe them -- not you.

The question you need to answer is why would they lie? Why would the existing Secretary of State lie? Why would the Secretary of the Navy lie?

That was a deliberate and malicious attack and there has never been a congressional investigation in which the surviving crew members had a chance to testify publicly.


The USS Cole was bombarded deliberately. The USS Liberty was a case of friendly fire. But I guess you don't care about Americans killed by Muslims. Do you care about the victims of 9/11?
There was nothing "friendly" about the attack on the Liberty. You weren't there and neither was I, but those American sailors who survived that act of egregious treachery say it was deliberate. I believe them -- not you.

The question you need to answer is why would they lie? Why would the existing Secretary of State lie? Why would the Secretary of the Navy lie?

That was a deliberate and malicious attack and there has never been a congressional investigation in which the surviving crew members had a chance to testify publicly.


"Friendly fire" is a term used to denote an accidental killing in a time of war, by members of the same unit or allies. My point was that this is the only case of Americans being killed by Israelis, while Arabs/Muslims have targeted Americans in numerous cases--U.S.S. Cole, Beirut, African embassies, 9/11, aborted terrorist attacks (shoe bomber, Times Square bomber, which thank G-d did not go thru) etc, etc. Just in terms of sheer numbers alone, Americans should be more resentful of Muslims/Arabs.
Since you seem to be obsessed by this event alone, my question is why was an American ship in Israeli waters during a time of war, when it could possibly be hit accidentally? It made no sense for the Americans to be there anyway, and put themselves in harm's way. In any case, I am more concerned about the peace process in the here-and-now.
And you're right--I wasn't in Israel in 1967. But I have been in Israel many times over the years, and they worship anything American. Have you been to Israel?
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From Wiki:
"The combined air and sea attack (on Liberty) killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two Marines, and one civilian), wounded 170 crew members, and severely damaged the ship.[3]

"At the time, the ship was in international waters north of the Sinai Peninsula, about 25.5 nmi (29.3 mi; 47.2 km) northwest from the Egyptian city of Arish."

What if that peace process in the here-and-now requires looking into why elites in the US and Israel thought they could profit from the deliberate attempt to sink Liberty and murder all survivors?

If the Liberty intercepted Israeli radio communication ordering an assault on Syria's Golan Heights after Syria withdrew from the conflict, fortunes were made, probably in all three countries.

War is a Racket.
I think you're overreacting when you say that.

Noam Chomsky and Avigdor (and Joe) Lieberman are all Jews.

If you substitute Noam for either of the other two in US or Israeli politics, you would have a much different world today.

LOL, your a Joker! Your saying there are only two types of Jews a radical Communist douche bag in every sense of the word in Chomsky and a clueless liberal in Lieberman. However, there is are also HIGHLY religious Jews, there are secular Jews (the majority of Israelis population), there are non-affiliated Jews and then there are the Conservative Jews such as Eric Cantor, Michael Medved, Marc Levin and Michael Savage!

So if there are only two types of Jews where does best American Jewish Politician Eric Cantor fit in with the Radical Communist type (Chumpsky) or the clueless liberal type (Liebrman)?
No, Stupid.

You're the one saying there are only two types of Jews.

In answer to your Eric Cantor question, I would say he fits with Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir and your "uncle" Ariel.

In other words, he's a terrorist.

Speaking only for myself, I think my obsession with Israel and Jews...
Obsession is an illness George

Understandable why you would think that way George, since you are ill with a disease of obsession and self admitted.

Seek help...
Understandable why you would think that way George, since you are ill with a disease of obsession and self admitted.

Seek help...

:lol: I said the same thing to georgie boy.. He defiantly needs some therapy.:cuckoo:
Israel is now re-created as our Lord said it would be...

Israel is now re-created. It was meant to be. What is meant to be will happen regardless of you, me, George, etc. Hate will not change this course. We control our lives. The rest? It's out of our hands.

Moderation is the route, but there are those who only wish to see Israel dissolved. For the plethora of reasons which they have, it matters not.

We have passed through one Persian Empire and will pass through this attempt to create another one.
Not because I say so, but because probability demands it be so. Regardless of the hate spout of ones here. We will see how well Israel defends itself from the many and varied enemies who actually do have some power.

Those ones don't talk all that much though. They're too busy plotting. So are we... :thup:
Isn't it also telling that our support for Israel seemingly knows no bounds? It isn't only the $7million/day in military aid we bestow on a nation with hundreds of rogue nuclear weapons. That would be bad enough, in my opinion.

I think that's overstated.

There's plenty of countries that we are allied with whose record in civil rights are far worse.

That doesn't remotely excuse Isreal's record, of course, but I note that those other nations are never mentioned here.

That's because, generally speaking, the same people who apparently support the authoritarian nations that we are allied with, will not support Israel because they hate Jews.

Are they pissed that Egyptians live under a shamocracy? Or that we supported tyrannies all over Asia?

No, they're not. Not if you read the posts here everyday, as I do, at least.

That's a vexing event and of course complaining about it and calling for a response to it isn't something that I object to.

Like I suppose you do, I think Israel attacked that ship because it was covering up something.

It ought to be investigated thoroughly by a THIRD PARTY since I doubt US Congress has the balls to do it.

If you say so. I really don't know if that's true.

True. We support our allies.

We sabotaged East Timor's bid for independence, too, but you don't see our resident NAZIs bitching (or probably even knowing anything) about that.

You seem to want to try convince me that the USA is supportive of Israel.

Yeah, I know that's true. No need to beat that dead (but obvious) horse on my behalf. You're preaching to the choir.

I'm retorting: why are some posters here so obsessed with Israel's transgressions when our government support that same kind of transgressions (or much worse) in other countries?

Why don't our resident brownshort ALSO care about those victims of US foreign policy?

I'll tell you why, in case you're STILL missing my point...because they don't care about justice, they just hate JEWS.
Speaking only for myself, I think my obsession with Israel and Jews stems from a belief that a Jewish state in the middle of a geographical region that was and is overwhelmingly Arab could not have happened without western colonialism as a driving force.

Briefly, Israel was created to buy western arms (purchased by US taxpayers) and then raise some holy hell while the smokescreen of plucky little David versus the Arab Goliath concealed the amount of profits from Arab oil that was being diverted to London and New York banks.

What sets Israel apart from un-Democratic regimes around the world is her 200 plus nuclear weapons and what appears to be a growing divide within the Jewish state among Jews.

If civil war comes to Darfur or Saudi Arabia, it won't pose an existential threat to humanity. I'm not sure that's the case with Israel.

Finally, while there are no doubt Brownshirts posting here, there are also fanatics on Israel's side who immediately resort to juvenile invective and insults whenever someone questions Israel's motives. This is not done to facilitate an understanding of Israel's role in the world, and I think they know it.

Civil war won't come to Israel. It's true Rabin was assassinated, but that's still different from, and falls far short of the barbarous civil war that an Arab country like Lebanon might have. Jews are civilized and compassionate people.
I think you're overreacting when you say that.

Noam Chomsky and Avigdor (and Joe) Lieberman are all Jews.

If you substitute Noam for either of the other two in US or Israeli politics, you would have a much different world today.

LOL, your a Joker! Your saying there are only two types of Jews a radical Communist douche bag in every sense of the word in Chomsky and a clueless liberal in Lieberman. However, there is are also HIGHLY religious Jews, there are secular Jews (the majority of Israelis population), there are non-affiliated Jews and then there are the Conservative Jews such as Eric Cantor, Michael Medved, Marc Levin and Michael Savage!

So if there are only two types of Jews where does best American Jewish Politician Eric Cantor fit in with the Radical Communist type (Chumpsky) or the clueless liberal type (Liebrman)?
No, Stupid.

You're the one saying there are only two types of Jews.

In answer to your Eric Cantor question, I would say he fits with Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir and your "uncle" Ariel.

In other words, he's a terrorist.

First, I am not the one that worked for minimum wage his whole life!
Second, stop with the Uncle Ariel, I never claimed any Israeli politician (or American for that matter) was my Uncle, so your silly little you said he was your Uncle is getting old and is rather childish!
Third, you named two Jews at opposite ends of the spectrum and said these are the types of Jews.
Civil war won't come to Israel. It's true Rabin was assassinated, but that's still different from, and falls far short of the barbarous civil war that an Arab country like Lebanon might have. Jews are civilized and compassionate people.

Indeed, you should have seen the pain and shock throughout Israel when this happened. I was there and saw it.

Now if a Muslim killed one of his? They do it on their holiest days. Ramadan...

To this day, I am sickened by the act of this mentally damaged Jew.
Again, like the last time you brought this topic up, Why such a huge amount of hate for one particular group? Why are Jews different from Irish, Koreans, Germans, Kenyans?
The Irish, (South) Koreans, Germans and Kenyans have 0 nuclear weapons.

Israel has hundreds.

Why do you correctly blame some Muslims for antisemitism and turn a blind eye to Israeli apartheid?

"Israel refuses entry to Palestinian firefighters being honored for Carmel fire assistance.

Well, America, Russia, India, Pakistan, etc. have nuclear weapons. Doesn't Israel need nuclear weapons, when Iran threatens to wipe her off the map every other week?
This is not an accurate statement of what he actually said, regardless, Iran has the right to protect itself from Israel, who was created by/of terrorism. I hope Iran does develop nuclear defense capabilities against the parasitic state of Isntreal.
I don't defend anything wrong Israel does. It is a state like any other. What is unusual is when one of the soldiers goes off the reservation and does wrong, there always and investigation and usually harsh punishment for an offender.
I have made no defenses here. I have just asked a question. Why are you so bent out of shape about Israel? Rather than spend your time in your mom's basement typing hate, you should go to Community college (you can probably qualify for all kinds of student aid) and learn a skill to get you out of the basement.

The amount of time you spend worrying about a country 9000 miles away from you can be better spent leaning a useful skill. So you can get a decent job somewhere.
Or perhaps you could embellish your tale of the off-the-reservation IDF commando who was stabbed to death and thrown into the sea last Memorial Day on the Mavi Marmara?

If that's too taxing, comment on the state sanctioned racist rabbis who think all non Jews are here to serve the chosen people.
Crimes happen everywhere. Bigotry is part of the human genome for all I can see. Most everyone has a target, but you get to choose.

What interests me is why someone spends so much time on this message board, so much intellectual capital, so much of his emotional life on events 9000 miles away. Are you doing much about Racisim here in the US? Do you defend the rights of the local indians with as much fervor as you do people far distant?

We have gone over and over the facts and ways and means of Israel vs the Palestinians forever. We havent' moved forward an inch. Right now, I am interested in why one guy on one message board is so wrapped up in this, when He has so many more important fish to fry. I never see you argue tax policy, health care, trade issues, school policy...... just one country far away.

If Israel's nuke policy is bad, what then of our own, or that of North Korea, France, Iran, Pakistan, India, China, Russia...... You have never been in those discussions either.

I am interested in your motivations. What are they?
Maybe the man cares about his country and like many others is upset that Israel has a huge influence over the nations elected officials, and it doesn't matter how far away it is.
Or perhaps you could embellish your tale of the off-the-reservation IDF commando who was stabbed to death and thrown into the sea last Memorial Day on the Mavi Marmara?

If that's too taxing, comment on the state sanctioned racist rabbis who think all non Jews are here to serve the chosen people.
Crimes happen everywhere. Bigotry is part of the human genome for all I can see. Most everyone has a target, but you get to choose.

What interests me is why someone spends so much time on this message board, so much intellectual capital, so much of his emotional life on events 9000 miles away. Are you doing much about Racisim here in the US? Do you defend the rights of the local indians with as much fervor as you do people far distant?

We have gone over and over the facts and ways and means of Israel vs the Palestinians forever. We havent' moved forward an inch. Right now, I am interested in why one guy on one message board is so wrapped up in this, when He has so many more important fish to fry. I never see you argue tax policy, health care, trade issues, school policy...... just one country far away.

If Israel's nuke policy is bad, what then of our own, or that of North Korea, France, Iran, Pakistan, India, China, Russia...... You have never been in those discussions either.

I am interested in your motivations. What are they?
Maybe the man cares about his country and like many others is upset that Israel has a huge influence over the nations elected officials, and it doesn't matter how far away it is.

LOL, your a 9/11 truther, you stated Al Qaeda myth (regardless of the proof), you support America's enemies (such as Iran and Venezuela), as a communist you hope the American government is overthrown, LOL, who are you to critize anyone patriotism? You are by far one of the most biggest self-hating anti-american scumbags out there!
Myth of Systematic Oppression of Palestinians?

"Debate remains stifled, despite Peter Beinart’s important piece this year in the New York Review of Books describing growing alienation among young American Jews asked to 'check their liberalism at Zionism’s door.'

"Oh, sure, you can find all sorts of opinions about Israel all over the place; America remains an open society.

"But Aipac has systematically shunned a debate with J Street, the upstart Jewish organization that supports Israel, opposes the settlements and attempts to reclaim the progressive ideals of Zionism by saying that the systematic oppression of the Palestinians undermines Israel."

The 'Real Jew"...
Myth of Systematic Oppression of Palestinians?[/]

Palestinians are a fiction, boozer They're just Arabs like the rest of the suicide monkeys :lol:

Former PLO Leader Zuheir Mohsen...
The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.
Zuheir Mohsen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arab American Journalist Joe Farah...
There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of 1 percent of the landmass.

Palestine has never existed -- before or since -- as an autonomous entity. It was ruled alternately by Rome, by Islamic and Christian crusaders, by the Ottoman Empire and, briefly, by the British after World War I. The British agreed to restore at least part of the land to the Jewish people as their homeland.
Myths of the Middle East

Arab Commentator Azmi Bishara...
Well, I dont think there is a Palestinian nation at all. I think there is an Arab nation. I always thought so and I did not change my mind. I do not think there is a Palestinian nation, I think its a colonialist invention - Palestinian nation. When were there any Palestinians? Where did it come from? I think there is an Arab nation. I never turned to be a Palestinian nationalist, despite of my decisive struggle against the occupation. I think that until the end of the 19th century, Palestine was the south of Greater Syria.
Here's another.

Again, why Jews and Israel. One might make the same argument about the Irish, and it would make more sense. there are lots of Irish in Government at all levels There have been two Irish presidents in my lifetime. The Irish are a small minority with a goofy religion. (arguably a lot goofier than any form of Judaism from my Protestant perspective.

Again what do you do about issues that are here and really pressing? Do you give a rip about the Indians? Do you care about our bombs, and those targeted at us?

Even if Mr Cantor has a lot of authority, he has none at all in foreign affairs. He is big on tax policy. But Earl Blumenaur is also Jewish, and his views are like a photographic negative of Cantor's. Don't their opinions sort of cancel each other out?

Really, I don't care about your opinions about Jews. I am interested in the why them. Why does someone invest so much hate in people he does not know, does not know about, and who have less influence on his life than one of the planets orbiting Betelgeuse.
Again, why Jews and Israel. One might make the same argument about the Irish, and it would make more sense. there are lots of Irish in Government at all levels There have been two Irish presidents in my lifetime. The Irish are a small minority with a goofy religion. (arguably a lot goofier than any form of Judaism from my Protestant perspective.

Again what do you do about issues that are here and really pressing? Do you give a rip about the Indians? Do you care about our bombs, and those targeted at us?

Even if Mr Cantor has a lot of authority, he has none at all in foreign affairs. He is big on tax policy. But Earl Blumenaur is also Jewish, and his views are like a photographic negative of Cantor's. Don't their opinions sort of cancel each other out?

Really, I don't care about your opinions about Jews. I am interested in the why them. Why does someone invest so much hate in people he does not know, does not know about, and who have less influence on his life than one of the planets orbiting Betelgeuse.

Ireland pretty much resolved her issues with Britain. Israel/Palestine is a hot spot that could blow up the world.

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