The Real Jew?

You worthless antisemites can deny anything, no wonder the indisputable proof the Holocaust is so easily deniable to you!

There were a lot more people killed in the holocaust other than just juice
What possible new nakba awaits Area C and Gaza?

The more time they waste, the closer they come to not having peace when it really matters.

Their choice I suppose.

@ Jos

Keep in mind, even though I proved your cited source is a liar who is willing to stand up to the world and say straightforwardly that Iran has no homosexuals.

I did not call you a liar.

You did not prove that what I believe to be wrong, yet called me a liar and cited the source of a known grand liar. :eusa_whistle:

That's why I neg repped you.
but no link to back up your claim "Iran enriching uranium past the twenty percent need for medical isotopes."?:eusa_liar:
As to your other point that it's a lie that "Iran has no homosexuals" can you name one, Alive?.
As to your other point that it's a lie that "Iran has no homosexuals" can you name one, Alive?.[/SIZE]

I proved your source a liar. Prove me one.

And regarding your above response. I will not qualify such inanity with a response.

Again, like the last time you brought this topic up, Why such a huge amount of hate for one particular group? Why are Jews different from Irish, Koreans, Germans, Kenyans?
The Irish, (South) Koreans, Germans and Kenyans have 0 nuclear weapons.

Israel has hundreds.

Why do you correctly blame some Muslims for antisemitism and turn a blind eye to Israeli apartheid?

"Israel refuses entry to Palestinian firefighters being honored for Carmel fire assistance.

But your hate has nothing to do with nuclear weapons. Why don't you hate on the Russians, the indians, the chinese?

Why do you have so much weird in your soul that this itty bitty country with a microscopic population is more important to you than anything else. What are your views on Football? You can can't be bothered. It is the Joooooos that matter. Do you like Big Bang Theory? You are probably too busy hating on Howard to notice Sheldon is a bit of clueless jerk. What do you thing of the new congress? You don't care about tax policy, the deficit, the health care bill.... All you care about is Cantor is Majority leader, and next in line for Speaker.

You really need a life, dude.
You worthless antisemites can deny anything, no wonder the indisputable proof the Holocaust is so easily deniable to you!

There were a lot more people killed in the holocaust other than just juice

Jews, not juice. Yes, alot of other people died in WW2, but I guess Jews felt it the most because we are such a small nation. For instance, my dad's entire family (his parents, 2 sisters, and a brother) were killed. Almost every Jewish family I know is like that. And Hitler kept screaming "Jews" the most. But, like Netanyahu said regarding a possible threat by Iran, what starts out against the Jews, ends up engulfing the entire world.
You worthless antisemites can deny anything, no wonder the indisputable proof the Holocaust is so easily deniable to you!

There were a lot more people killed in the holocaust other than just juice

Jews, not juice. Yes, alot of other people died in WW2, but I guess Jews felt it the most because we are such a small nation. For instance, my dad's entire family (his parents, 2 sisters, and a brother) were killed. Almost every Jewish family I know is like that. And Hitler kept screaming "Jews" the most. But, like Netanyahu said regarding a possible threat by Iran, what starts out against the Jews, ends up engulfing the entire world.

Jewice were not a nation in WW2, my grandfathers brother also died at auschwitz
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Your deal with a guy that admits he lived in his mom's basement well into middle age! Just like Chaz

Again, like the last time you brought this topic up, Why such a huge amount of hate for one particular group? Why are Jews different from Irish, Koreans, Germans, Kenyans?
The Irish, (South) Koreans, Germans and Kenyans have 0 nuclear weapons.

Israel has hundreds.

Why do you correctly blame some Muslims for antisemitism and turn a blind eye to Israeli apartheid?

"Israel refuses entry to Palestinian firefighters being honored for Carmel fire assistance.

But your hate has nothing to do with nuclear weapons. Why don't you hate on the Russians, the indians, the chinese?

Why do you have so much weird in your soul that this itty bitty country with a microscopic population is more important to you than anything else. What are your views on Football? You can can't be bothered. It is the Joooooos that matter. Do you like Big Bang Theory? You are probably too busy hating on Howard to notice Sheldon is a bit of clueless jerk. What do you thing of the new congress? You don't care about tax policy, the deficit, the health care bill.... All you care about is Cantor is Majority leader, and next in line for Speaker.

You really need a life, dude.

As to your other point that it's a lie that "Iran has no homosexuals" can you name one, Alive?.[/SIZE]

I proved your source a liar. Prove me one.

And regarding your above response. I will not qualify such inanity with a response.

Ahmadinejad predicted Israel will "vanish from the page of time" but said nothing about "wiped off the map."

Iran hasn't invaded any neighbors in over 200 years.

Israel has, with full US support, and will probably do so again.

What about the very recent Iran-Iraq war in which about 1 million died? And also, if someone was not violent in the past, but suddenly starts to make threatening warnings to other ppl, should he be ignored? That's like saying if someone has been a virgin in the past, he should be regarded as one forever. (In college, I got an A in Logic.)
"The war began when Iraq invaded Iran, launching a simultaneous invasion by air and land into Iranian territory on 22 September 1980 following a long history of border disputes, and fears of Shia insurgency among Iraq's long-suppressed Shia majority influenced by the Iranian Revolution. Iraq was also aiming to replace Iran as the dominant Persian Gulf state.

"Although Iraq hoped to take advantage of revolutionary chaos in Iran and attacked without formal warning, they made only limited progress into Iran and within several months were repelled by the Iranians who regained virtually all lost territory by June, 1982..."

As far as I know, Iran hasn't threatened anything except self-defense.

That's quite different from Israel's constant state of aggressive war against her neighbors.

Iran - Iraq War - wiki
Ahmadinejad predicted Israel will "vanish from the page of time" but said nothing about "wiped off the map."
How long are you and the other antisemites going to deny the words that came out of the man's mouth during a televised speech. You worthless antisemites can deny anything, no wonder the indisputable proof the Holocaust is so easily deniable to you!

Iran hasn't invaded any neighbors in over 200 years.
The Islamic regime is VERY YOUNG you uneducated poverty case! They were born in 1979! 31 years old, they are younger than me. HOWEVER, shortly after their birth, they had a DECADE long war!

They started a war with Iraq by aiding the Shia rebellion and pushing for a civil war in Iraq! Over 1 million people lost their lives in a decade of war! None of Israel's wars have ever come close to the length or destruction of that war!

Iran has taken over Lebanon through its satelite army in Hezbollah. Iran has attacked Argentina! They aren't boy scounts

Israel has, with full US support, and will probably do so again.
Really! You are such a revisionist guided by blind hatred and simply lack if intelligence! NOT one US soldier has ever fought in any Israeli wars NOT ONE. In fact the only foreign fighters to ever fight for Israel were in '53 (her smallest war). EVERY SINGLE ISRAELI WAR WAS A WAR AGAINST A GENOCIDIAL OPPONENT HELL BEND ON HERE DESTRUCTION and besides the Lebanon War and Gaza Warm every Israel war was against multiple much larger opponent who were publically calling for a second Holocaust!.

Always US Backing! LOL, you revisionist pussy!
In '48 and '53 the US put an total arms embargo on the entire middle east including Israel, while the Soviets were arming the Arabs to the teeth. In '53 the British, French and Israelis wanted to completely destroy the Egyptians military machine and make sure another Suez Canal incident couldn't occur. But the Americans fearing a larger war with the Soviets put a total cabash on the plan.
In '67 yes we gave them arms, but that was to combat the Soviets who again were arming the Arabs to the teeth. It was more of a cold war strategy that worked in our favor.
In '73 we gave weopans but again no soldiers.
The list goes on and on for '83, '06 and '09!

Your a worthless joker! 63 year boy that never moved out of mother dearists basement! I pitty you!

Try to get one right...

Yo' moma's basement awaits.

"The war began when Iraq invaded Iran, launching a simultaneous invasion by air and land into Iranian territory on 22 September 1980 following a long history of border disputes, and fears of Shia insurgency among Iraq's long-suppressed Shia majority influenced by the Iranian Revolution. Iraq was also aiming to replace Iran as the dominant Persian Gulf state.

"Although Iraq hoped to take advantage of revolutionary chaos in Iran and attacked without formal warning, they made only limited progress into Iran and within several months were repelled by the Iranians who regained virtually all lost territory by June, 1982.

"For the next six years, Iran was on the offensive.[18] Despite calls for a ceasefire by the United Nations Security Council, hostilities continued until 20 August 1988. The last prisoners of war were exchanged in 2003."

Who's going to "win" Israel's civil war?

My money's on the racist rabbis.

Iran-Iraq War - wiki
Again, like the last time you brought this topic up, Why such a huge amount of hate for one particular group? Why are Jews different from Irish, Koreans, Germans, Kenyans?
The Irish, (South) Koreans, Germans and Kenyans have 0 nuclear weapons.

Israel has hundreds.

Why do you correctly blame some Muslims for antisemitism and turn a blind eye to Israeli apartheid?

"Israel refuses entry to Palestinian firefighters being honored for Carmel fire assistance.

But your hate has nothing to do with nuclear weapons. Why don't you hate on the Russians, the indians, the chinese?

Why do you have so much weird in your soul that this itty bitty country with a microscopic population is more important to you than anything else. What are your views on Football? You can can't be bothered. It is the Joooooos that matter. Do you like Big Bang Theory? You are probably too busy hating on Howard to notice Sheldon is a bit of clueless jerk. What do you thing of the new congress? You don't care about tax policy, the deficit, the health care bill.... All you care about is Cantor is Majority leader, and next in line for Speaker.

You really need a life, dude.
Now tell us why you continuously apologize for racist rabbis and war criminals?

You seem to believe Jews are entitled to live under a different moral compass than the rest of us.

They're not.

And it isn't hate to point that out.
Here's a few...

The Irish, (South) Koreans, Germans and Kenyans have 0 nuclear weapons.

Israel has hundreds.

Why do you correctly blame some Muslims for antisemitism and turn a blind eye to Israeli apartheid?

"Israel refuses entry to Palestinian firefighters being honored for Carmel fire assistance.

But your hate has nothing to do with nuclear weapons. Why don't you hate on the Russians, the indians, the chinese?

Why do you have so much weird in your soul that this itty bitty country with a microscopic population is more important to you than anything else. What are your views on Football? You can can't be bothered. It is the Joooooos that matter. Do you like Big Bang Theory? You are probably too busy hating on Howard to notice Sheldon is a bit of clueless jerk. What do you thing of the new congress? You don't care about tax policy, the deficit, the health care bill.... All you care about is Cantor is Majority leader, and next in line for Speaker.

You really need a life, dude.
Now tell us why you continuously apologize for racist rabbis and war criminals?

You seem to believe Jews are entitled to live under a different moral compass than the rest of us.

They're not.

And it isn't hate to point that out.

I don't defend anything wrong Israel does. It is a state like any other. What is unusual is when one of the soldiers goes off the reservation and does wrong, there always and investigation and usually harsh punishment for an offender.
I have made no defenses here. I have just asked a question. Why are you so bent out of shape about Israel? Rather than spend your time in your mom's basement typing hate, you should go to Community college (you can probably qualify for all kinds of student aid) and learn a skill to get you out of the basement.

The amount of time you spend worrying about a country 9000 miles away from you can be better spent leaning a useful skill. So you can get a decent job somewhere.
Not at all. I hit you because you called me a liar. You have never proven me a liar, but I proved your cited source Nejad a liar.

That's why I negged you. If I could again, I would. :eusa_drool:

Meanwhile they continue enriching uranium past the twenty percent need for medical isotopes.
I suggest you made that up, got any proof?

Hi, you have received -3 reputation points from Ropey.
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Thanks, thats all the "proof" I need


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Again, like the last time you brought this topic up, Why such a huge amount of hate for one particular group? Why are Jews different from Irish, Koreans, Germans, Kenyans?

I presume this is really a rhetorical question.

You and I both know why some people are so obsessed with Jews.

This place is rife with brownshirts.

Sometimes they openly acknowledge their hatred, sometimes they try to couch their hatred behind the maquarde of asking "innocent" questions.

But the fact is one knows these people by their obsession about Jews and Isreal.

Now if they tell you that they are upset about Isreal (as I am, too actually) then you have to pretend to believe them, because as an American one ought to have the right to object to our foreign policy.

But Isreal is hardly the ONLY cxountry that we support that has a miserable record for human rights.

But these people never seem to be bothered by those other nations, do they?

That's rather telling as far as I am concerned.
But your hate has nothing to do with nuclear weapons. Why don't you hate on the Russians, the indians, the chinese?

Why do you have so much weird in your soul that this itty bitty country with a microscopic population is more important to you than anything else. What are your views on Football? You can can't be bothered. It is the Joooooos that matter. Do you like Big Bang Theory? You are probably too busy hating on Howard to notice Sheldon is a bit of clueless jerk. What do you thing of the new congress? You don't care about tax policy, the deficit, the health care bill.... All you care about is Cantor is Majority leader, and next in line for Speaker.

You really need a life, dude.
Now tell us why you continuously apologize for racist rabbis and war criminals?

You seem to believe Jews are entitled to live under a different moral compass than the rest of us.

They're not.

And it isn't hate to point that out.

I don't defend anything wrong Israel does. It is a state like any other. What is unusual is when one of the soldiers goes off the reservation and does wrong, there always and investigation and usually harsh punishment for an offender.
I have made no defenses here. I have just asked a question. Why are you so bent out of shape about Israel? Rather than spend your time in your mom's basement typing hate, you should go to Community college (you can probably qualify for all kinds of student aid) and learn a skill to get you out of the basement.

The amount of time you spend worrying about a country 9000 miles away from you can be better spent leaning a useful skill. So you can get a decent job somewhere.
Or perhaps you could embellish your tale of the off-the-reservation IDF commando who was stabbed to death and thrown into the sea last Memorial Day on the Mavi Marmara?

If that's too taxing, comment on the state sanctioned racist rabbis who think all non Jews are here to serve the chosen people.
Now tell us why you continuously apologize for racist rabbis and war criminals?
Judophobes, calling others racists. Hilarious.
You seem to believe Jews are entitled to live under a different moral compass than the rest of us.
Hilariously jurassic drivel.
True or False, Bigot?

"'Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us.' Explaining why God allowed non-Jews long lives, he added: 'Imagine that your donkey would die, you’d lose your income. [The donkey] is your servant. …

"'That’s why he [the gentile] gets a long life, to work well for the Jew.'”

Israel's Racist Rabbis
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