The REAL Michael Brown

I'm not against the grand jury ruling, but what is this supposed to prove?
One thing it proves is everyone hasn't jumped onto the Mike Brown R.I.P. bandwagon.

I am no friend to excessively aggressive cops, so when I first heard that an "unarmed teen-age boy was shot in the back and killed by a Missouri cop" it pissed me off and I was ready to protest. But when I saw the convenience store video and heard the facts my feelings did a 180.

Michael Brown was a gang-banging punk, a bullying young thug who believed in taking what he wanted by force. I believe he attacked that baby-face cop and he got what he asked for.

I further believe the killing could have been avoided but I have absolutely no regret that it wasn't. I believe Patrolman Wilson did society a favor by killing that vicious punk, because Brown would have harmed many innocent people if his worthless life had not been cut short.

What perturbs me greatly is the amazing amount of sympathy being demonstrated by people all over America, many of them White. It seems the PC brainwash has blinded them to the fact that Michael Brown deserved what he got. I can only wonder if their expressed sympathy for Brown is actually misdirected hostility for police in general.

Where I come from, "thug" means you are part of a group of organized crime, usually one of the newer, more expendable, less prestigious members. We wouldn't consider some reckless teen with a bad attitude and some minor solitary crimes under his belt to be a "thug" unless he belonged to a gang.

"Gangbangin'" would refer to the practice of rollin' with a crew to commit violent crimes.

MB appeared to be neither a "thug" nor a "gangbanger" from our perspective.

Your definition of "THUG" is wrong. Thugs come in many versions. I deal with thugs every day. I don't get my definition out of a woman's magazine. I get it from direct observation and interaction.

Street level drug users and sellers can be thugs.

Aggressive pan handlers can be thugs.

Homeless people can be thugs.

Pimps can and almost always are thugs.

Gang bangers are thugs at every level.

People who rob with or without weapons are thugs.

There are female thugs. Many female prostitutes are thugs robbing their johns and other prostitutes. A prostitute robbed and stabbed a john to death not 200 feet from where I sit writing this reply last summer.

Many small inner city gangs are made up completely of females that rob other females and the elderly including home invasion robbery with and without weapons.

These are just several "Thugs" you may have overlooked and in no way the total list of THUGS.
Or pushing little guys around and attacking cops.
Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college, not a problem for his teachers.

People aren't one-dimensional. That thirty-second clip wasn't the whole Michael Brown. Except to simpletons.

It was most certainly him the day he committed suicide-by-cop. The irony is MB probably had no extra "love" for lefties than he did for that shop keeper.
Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college, not a problem for his teachers.

People aren't one-dimensional. That thirty-second clip wasn't the whole Michael Brown. Except to simpletons.

It was most certainly him the day he committed suicide-by-cop. The irony is MB probably had no extra "love" for lefties than he did for that shop keeper.

Suicide by cop is actually the most sensible explanation that I've heard about this. If the official story is to be believed, then Michael Brown had a death wish. Otherwise, it doesn't make much sense.
I'm not against the grand jury ruling, but what is this supposed to prove?
One thing it proves is everyone hasn't jumped onto the Mike Brown R.I.P. bandwagon.

I am no friend to excessively aggressive cops, so when I first heard that an "unarmed teen-age boy was shot in the back and killed by a Missouri cop" it pissed me off and I was ready to protest. But when I saw the convenience store video and heard the facts my feelings did a 180.

Michael Brown was a gang-banging punk, a bullying young thug who believed in taking what he wanted by force. I believe he attacked that baby-face cop and he got what he asked for.

I further believe the killing could have been avoided but I have absolutely no regret that it wasn't. I believe Patrolman Wilson did society a favor by killing that vicious punk, because Brown would have harmed many innocent people if his worthless life had not been cut short.

What perturbs me greatly is the amazing amount of sympathy being demonstrated by people all over America, many of them White. It seems the PC brainwash has blinded them to the fact that Michael Brown deserved what he got. I can only wonder if their expressed sympathy for Brown is actually misdirected hostility for police in general.

Where I come from, "thug" means you are part of a group of organized crime, usually one of the newer, more expendable, less prestigious members. We wouldn't consider some reckless teen with a bad attitude and some minor solitary crimes under his belt to be a "thug" unless he belonged to a gang.

"Gangbangin'" would refer to the practice of rollin' with a crew to commit violent crimes.

MB appeared to be neither a "thug" nor a "gangbanger" from our perspective.

Your definition of "THUG" is wrong. Thugs come in many versions. I deal with thugs every day. I don't get my definition out of a woman's magazine. I get it from direct observation and interaction.

Street level drug users and sellers can be thugs.

Aggressive pan handlers can be thugs.

Homeless people can be thugs.

Pimps can and almost always are thugs.

Gang bangers are thugs at every level.

People who rob with or without weapons are thugs.

There are female thugs. Many female prostitutes are thugs robbing their johns and other prostitutes. A prostitute robbed and stabbed a john to death not 200 feet from where I sit writing this reply last summer.

Many small inner city gangs are made up completely of females that rob other females and the elderly including home invasion robbery with and without weapons.

These are just several "Thugs" you may have overlooked and in no way the total list of THUGS.

Perhaps you missed the part where I said "from our perspective" and "where I come from, "thug" means ____."

As in, that is how we have always defined "thugs", meaning the way we define "thugs" is relative to our perspective and by no means an objective definition.

I get my "definition" from experience.

Of course, to Mundanes, anyone who commits crime and doesn't worship the Law is a "thug".

Feel free to define "thug" however you wish. We just feel it's rather pathetic and inaccurate to call the common "drug" user a "thug", or to call the common weed dealer a "thug". Its like, makin' them out to be something more than they are.

"Direct observation and interaction" lol. That's like assuming you know a religion based on what you have observed and who you have interacted with, without actually ever experiencing it firsthand.

Mundanes... been trippin' since the beginning of Time

I'm not against the grand jury ruling, but what is this supposed to prove?
One thing it proves is everyone hasn't jumped onto the Mike Brown R.I.P. bandwagon.

I am no friend to excessively aggressive cops, so when I first heard that an "unarmed teen-age boy was shot in the back and killed by a Missouri cop" it pissed me off and I was ready to protest. But when I saw the convenience store video and heard the facts my feelings did a 180.

Michael Brown was a gang-banging punk, a bullying young thug who believed in taking what he wanted by force. I believe he attacked that baby-face cop and he got what he asked for.

I further believe the killing could have been avoided but I have absolutely no regret that it wasn't. I believe Patrolman Wilson did society a favor by killing that vicious punk, because Brown would have harmed many innocent people if his worthless life had not been cut short.

What perturbs me greatly is the amazing amount of sympathy being demonstrated by people all over America, many of them White. It seems the PC brainwash has blinded them to the fact that Michael Brown deserved what he got. I can only wonder if their expressed sympathy for Brown is actually misdirected hostility for police in general.

Where I come from, "thug" means you are part of a group of organized crime, usually one of the newer, more expendable, less prestigious members. We wouldn't consider some reckless teen with a bad attitude and some minor solitary crimes under his belt to be a "thug" unless he belonged to a gang.

"Gangbangin'" would refer to the practice of rollin' with a crew to commit violent crimes.

MB appeared to be neither a "thug" nor a "gangbanger" from our perspective.

Your definition of "THUG" is wrong. Thugs come in many versions. I deal with thugs every day. I don't get my definition out of a woman's magazine. I get it from direct observation and interaction.

Street level drug users and sellers can be thugs.

Aggressive pan handlers can be thugs.

Homeless people can be thugs.

Pimps can and almost always are thugs.

Gang bangers are thugs at every level.

People who rob with or without weapons are thugs.

There are female thugs. Many female prostitutes are thugs robbing their johns and other prostitutes. A prostitute robbed and stabbed a john to death not 200 feet from where I sit writing this reply last summer.

Many small inner city gangs are made up completely of females that rob other females and the elderly including home invasion robbery with and without weapons.

These are just several "Thugs" you may have overlooked and in no way the total list of THUGS.

Perhaps you missed the part where I said "from our perspective" and "where I come from, "thug" means ____."

As in, that is how we have always defined "thugs", meaning the way we define "thugs" is relative to our perspective and by no means an objective definition.

I get my "definition" from experience.

Of course, to Mundanes, anyone who commits crime and doesn't worship the Law is a "thug".

Feel free to define "thug" however you wish. We just feel it's rather pathetic and inaccurate to call the common "drug" user a "thug", or to call the common weed dealer a "thug". Its like, makin' them out to be something more than they are.

"Direct observation and interaction" lol. That's like assuming you know a religion based on what you have observed and who you have interacted with, without actually ever experiencing it firsthand.

Mundanes... been trippin' since the beginning of Time

Get a grip princess. I didn't call the common drug user or seller "thugs". I said they "CAN" be thugs and that statement is 100% accurate and true. I can't count the times I have been physically threatened telling drug users and sellers to take their business off the property I am being paid to protect.

That is quite a leap going straight from "those that worship the law" to those that break the law using violent means.
I'm not against the grand jury ruling, but what is this supposed to prove?
One thing it proves is everyone hasn't jumped onto the Mike Brown R.I.P. bandwagon.

I am no friend to excessively aggressive cops, so when I first heard that an "unarmed teen-age boy was shot in the back and killed by a Missouri cop" it pissed me off and I was ready to protest. But when I saw the convenience store video and heard the facts my feelings did a 180.

Michael Brown was a gang-banging punk, a bullying young thug who believed in taking what he wanted by force. I believe he attacked that baby-face cop and he got what he asked for.

I further believe the killing could have been avoided but I have absolutely no regret that it wasn't. I believe Patrolman Wilson did society a favor by killing that vicious punk, because Brown would have harmed many innocent people if his worthless life had not been cut short.

What perturbs me greatly is the amazing amount of sympathy being demonstrated by people all over America, many of them White. It seems the PC brainwash has blinded them to the fact that Michael Brown deserved what he got. I can only wonder if their expressed sympathy for Brown is actually misdirected hostility for police in general.

Where I come from, "thug" means you are part of a group of organized crime, usually one of the newer, more expendable, less prestigious members. We wouldn't consider some reckless teen with a bad attitude and some minor solitary crimes under his belt to be a "thug" unless he belonged to a gang.

"Gangbangin'" would refer to the practice of rollin' with a crew to commit violent crimes.

MB appeared to be neither a "thug" nor a "gangbanger" from our perspective.

Your definition of "THUG" is wrong. Thugs come in many versions. I deal with thugs every day. I don't get my definition out of a woman's magazine. I get it from direct observation and interaction.

Street level drug users and sellers can be thugs.

Aggressive pan handlers can be thugs.

Homeless people can be thugs.

Pimps can and almost always are thugs.

Gang bangers are thugs at every level.

People who rob with or without weapons are thugs.

There are female thugs. Many female prostitutes are thugs robbing their johns and other prostitutes. A prostitute robbed and stabbed a john to death not 200 feet from where I sit writing this reply last summer.

Many small inner city gangs are made up completely of females that rob other females and the elderly including home invasion robbery with and without weapons.

These are just several "Thugs" you may have overlooked and in no way the total list of THUGS.

Perhaps you missed the part where I said "from our perspective" and "where I come from, "thug" means ____."

As in, that is how we have always defined "thugs", meaning the way we define "thugs" is relative to our perspective and by no means an objective definition.

I get my "definition" from experience.

Of course, to Mundanes, anyone who commits crime and doesn't worship the Law is a "thug".

Feel free to define "thug" however you wish. We just feel it's rather pathetic and inaccurate to call the common "drug" user a "thug", or to call the common weed dealer a "thug". Its like, makin' them out to be something more than they are.

"Direct observation and interaction" lol. That's like assuming you know a religion based on what you have observed and who you have interacted with, without actually ever experiencing it firsthand.

Mundanes... been trippin' since the beginning of Time

I can't count the times I have been physically threatened telling drug users and sellers to take their business off the property I am being paid to protect.

So then you are a rent-a-cop? I suppose that explains why you might consider just about anyone who commits a violent crime to be a "thug".


Your occupation is even more pathetic than a police officer. "Protecting property", lol. Yeah. As in, you sit your fat ass in the car 90% of the time hoping something "exciting" happens. And when it does it's some teenager slingin weed, then after you "make" him leave by threatening to call the real 5-0, you go home feelin' like a hero LMAO

Some "job" that is lol

Like Trayvon Martin, the liberals like to post pictures of them when they were pre teens to make them look innocent, but here's the real Michael Brown in his natural habitat.


285 pounds of thuggery.

Still think he's a victim?
Is that his lying buddy in the background?
Like Trayvon Martin, the liberals like to post pictures of them when they were pre teens to make them look innocent, but here's the real Michael Brown in his natural habitat.


285 pounds of thuggery.

Still think he's a victim?

Even if that was MB in the picture, I see nothing "wrong" with it. In fact I kinda like this picture ^_^

Nowadays Mundanes consider everyone who isn't completely indoctrinated by the Law- as they are- to be "thugs".

You post like you suffer from syphilitic dementia.
Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college, not a problem for his teachers.

People aren't one-dimensional. That thirty-second clip wasn't the whole Michael Brown. Except to simpletons.
Anyone produced an application, or an ACT or SAT score, to prove he was ""headed to college".

Millions of kids "head to college", run up debt and drop out.

If he was "headed to college", where is the proof?

If he was no trouble to his teachers, where is his discipline record?
Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college, not a problem for his teachers.

People aren't one-dimensional. That thirty-second clip wasn't the whole Michael Brown. Except to simpletons.
Anyone produced an application, or an ACT or SAT score, to prove he was ""headed to college".

Millions of kids "head to college", run up debt and drop out.

If he was "headed to college", where is the proof?

If he was no trouble to his teachers, where is his discipline record?

Dead kid's not on trial.

Didn't you know that?
Like Trayvon Martin, the liberals like to post pictures of them when they were pre teens to make them look innocent, but here's the real Michael Brown in his natural habitat.


285 pounds of thuggery.

Still think he's a victim?

Even if that was MB in the picture, I see nothing "wrong" with it. In fact I kinda like this picture ^_^

Nowadays Mundanes consider everyone who isn't completely indoctrinated by the Law- as they are- to be "thugs".

Your renfair arrogance is cute, but I trust realize that you are every bit as mundane as those you denigrate.
Oddly, guys like Martin and Brown are the flowers of black American culture. They had almost seen their teens through without killing anyone as far as anyone knew.
One thing it proves is everyone hasn't jumped onto the Mike Brown R.I.P. bandwagon.

I am no friend to excessively aggressive cops, so when I first heard that an "unarmed teen-age boy was shot in the back and killed by a Missouri cop" it pissed me off and I was ready to protest. But when I saw the convenience store video and heard the facts my feelings did a 180.

Michael Brown was a gang-banging punk, a bullying young thug who believed in taking what he wanted by force. I believe he attacked that baby-face cop and he got what he asked for.

I further believe the killing could have been avoided but I have absolutely no regret that it wasn't. I believe Patrolman Wilson did society a favor by killing that vicious punk, because Brown would have harmed many innocent people if his worthless life had not been cut short.

What perturbs me greatly is the amazing amount of sympathy being demonstrated by people all over America, many of them White. It seems the PC brainwash has blinded them to the fact that Michael Brown deserved what he got. I can only wonder if their expressed sympathy for Brown is actually misdirected hostility for police in general.

Where I come from, "thug" means you are part of a group of organized crime, usually one of the newer, more expendable, less prestigious members. We wouldn't consider some reckless teen with a bad attitude and some minor solitary crimes under his belt to be a "thug" unless he belonged to a gang.

"Gangbangin'" would refer to the practice of rollin' with a crew to commit violent crimes.

MB appeared to be neither a "thug" nor a "gangbanger" from our perspective.

Your definition of "THUG" is wrong. Thugs come in many versions. I deal with thugs every day. I don't get my definition out of a woman's magazine. I get it from direct observation and interaction.

Street level drug users and sellers can be thugs.

Aggressive pan handlers can be thugs.

Homeless people can be thugs.

Pimps can and almost always are thugs.

Gang bangers are thugs at every level.

People who rob with or without weapons are thugs.

There are female thugs. Many female prostitutes are thugs robbing their johns and other prostitutes. A prostitute robbed and stabbed a john to death not 200 feet from where I sit writing this reply last summer.

Many small inner city gangs are made up completely of females that rob other females and the elderly including home invasion robbery with and without weapons.

These are just several "Thugs" you may have overlooked and in no way the total list of THUGS.

Perhaps you missed the part where I said "from our perspective" and "where I come from, "thug" means ____."

As in, that is how we have always defined "thugs", meaning the way we define "thugs" is relative to our perspective and by no means an objective definition.

I get my "definition" from experience.

Of course, to Mundanes, anyone who commits crime and doesn't worship the Law is a "thug".

Feel free to define "thug" however you wish. We just feel it's rather pathetic and inaccurate to call the common "drug" user a "thug", or to call the common weed dealer a "thug". Its like, makin' them out to be something more than they are.

"Direct observation and interaction" lol. That's like assuming you know a religion based on what you have observed and who you have interacted with, without actually ever experiencing it firsthand.

Mundanes... been trippin' since the beginning of Time

I can't count the times I have been physically threatened telling drug users and sellers to take their business off the property I am being paid to protect.

So then you are a rent-a-cop? I suppose that explains why you might consider just about anyone who commits a violent crime to be a "thug".


Your occupation is even more pathetic than a police officer. "Protecting property", lol. Yeah. As in, you sit your fat ass in the car 90% of the time hoping something "exciting" happens. And when it does it's some teenager slingin weed, then after you "make" him leave by threatening to call the real 5-0, you go home feelin' like a hero LMAO

Some "job" that is lol

There you go again... running off at the mouth with hardly enough information to form any opinion what so ever.

I am NOT a rent a cop. I am a friend of the owner of the property. He needed someone to act as "the new sherrif in town" so the city wouldn't confiscate his land and buildings. This was at the end of 2009. My friend purchased the Seattle Motor Inn and the Robb's 125th Street Grill the motel surrounds sometime in 2007 I think. My friend leased the motel to a guy that turned the 65 rooms into a literal den of prostitution and drug dealing. The City closed the motel and threated to take it because in 2009 there were 160 police responses to the location. My gig was supposed to be around 4 months. It has been much longer than I or the police or the owner had intended. It isn't so bad because I have plenty of room to work on my inventions and do repairs on other peoples things and sometimes vehicles. My vocation track has been mostly auto repair inventor.. making money at creating prototypes from my own and others ideas. Plus I took on two huge pitbulls to assist at the security gig and now I've become attatched to them and I am trying to figure out how to incorporate them into my "normal" life living aboard my 1958 35 foot Chris Craft Commander.

The security surrounding the restaurant over the last few years has allowed it to become wildly successfull as it is one of the few places one can go to eat in North Aurora Seattle with no fear of being robbed or your car broken into. Many elderly now come here and I feel a certain sense of moral obligation to keep it safe for these people. I doubt the owner could justify the cost of what I provide as I live on site and not many would want to live in the motel and deal with hundreds of assholes every day keeping the property and the restaurant goer's safe 24/7. I wouldn't be here myself if I did not care about the people involved.

I do not wear some cheezy uniform nor would I perform this service for strangers.

Now ENOUGH about me! I know a thug when I see one! They come in many shapes...sizes...genders..etc..etc..

Brown WAS a THUG ! THAT is what drew the attention of the cops to him and that is what got him killed.
Oddly, guys like Martin and Brown are the flowers of black American culture. They had almost seen their teens through without killing anyone as far as anyone knew.

In the media's eyes that's true....but there are thousands of young blacks not acting like idiots, pursuing a decent life, and afraid of the thug types they've had to navigate through their own lives. Let's not condemn the whole generation even if they place the race card under stress.....they're trying to make it in a white world...if the roles were reversed, we'd have a chip on our shoulders too.
Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college, not a problem for his teachers.

People aren't one-dimensional. That thirty-second clip wasn't the whole Michael Brown. Except to simpletons.
Anyone produced an application, or an ACT or SAT score, to prove he was ""headed to college".

Millions of kids "head to college", run up debt and drop out.

If he was "headed to college", where is the proof?

If he was no trouble to his teachers, where is his discipline record?

Dead kid's not on trial.

Didn't you know that?
Nobody is on trial, didn't you know that?
Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college, not a problem for his teachers.

People aren't one-dimensional. That thirty-second clip wasn't the whole Michael Brown. Except to simpletons.
Anyone produced an application, or an ACT or SAT score, to prove he was ""headed to college".

Millions of kids "head to college", run up debt and drop out.

If he was "headed to college", where is the proof?

If he was no trouble to his teachers, where is his discipline record?

Dead kid's not on trial.

Didn't you know that?
Nobody is on trial, didn't you know that?

Of course I did.
Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college, not a problem for his teachers.

People aren't one-dimensional. That thirty-second clip wasn't the whole Michael Brown. Except to simpletons.

And since I'm no "simpleton" and capable of reading body language, I see something you must have difficulty seeing, or at least denying to yourself what you're seeing.
If you are capable, you will see someone reaching for someone else's property without a care in the world, without the need to hide. Someone who is not only used to getting their way, but someone who even dares others to challenge him. Someone who has taken others property many times, and someone who is used to bullying.
Did any of them carry out a strong arm robbery and pick a fight with a cop that has just caught them with the merchandise they stole?

white girls gang signs - Bing Images

Look at all the pretty white gang members......they couldn't possibly be posing.

So what? See any of them throwing the Bloods "B"? Stupid white chicks doing hand jive hasn't got anything to do with anything.

They are throwing gang signs.

Some of them are showing the Bloods sign.
Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college, not a problem for his teachers.

People aren't one-dimensional. That thirty-second clip wasn't the whole Michael Brown. Except to simpletons.

And since I'm no "simpleton" and capable of reading body language, I see something you must have difficulty seeing, or at least denying to yourself what you're seeing.
If you are capable, you will see someone reaching for someone else's property without a care in the world, without the need to hide. Someone who is not only used to getting their way, but someone who even dares others to challenge him. Someone who has taken others property many times, and someone who is used to bullying.

No, you see into his bad behavior someone who is used to acting that way.

But that doesn't mean he always acted that way.
Did any of them carry out a strong arm robbery and pick a fight with a cop that has just caught them with the merchandise they stole?

white girls gang signs - Bing Images

Look at all the pretty white gang members......they couldn't possibly be posing.

So what? See any of them throwing the Bloods "B"? Stupid white chicks doing hand jive hasn't got anything to do with anything.

They are throwing gang signs.

Some of them are showing the Bloods sign.

I don't know. Are you saying that white girls who throw gang signs are incapable of committing robbery and fighting with cops?

I didn't think you were.

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