The REAL Michael Brown

Like Trayvon Martin, the liberals like to post pictures of them when they were pre teens to make them look innocent, but here's the real Michael Brown in his natural habitat.


285 pounds of thuggery.

Still think he's a victim?
I wonder if he knows where those bills have been and how many of them have been in the hands of those who touched their dicks without washing their hands before they touched the money? Nasty very nasty.
I'm not against the grand jury ruling, but what is this supposed to prove?

Proves a lot actually. Then again I am not a blinded moron liberal who cannot see past the bullshit narrative that the left wing media pushes night and day.

I would love to ask if that was a white guy holding a gun and it was a white guy that was shot by a black cop......

Oh wait. There was a case of a white unarmed young man being shot by a cop. Only a few days after this fat thug received instant karma.

Nothing hyped, no riots by white people. Nothing.

Liberals and their hypocritical shit.
You crackers know that picture in the OP is not a photo of Michael Brown right? But hey, you guys totally aren't racist.

I find that hateful racist derogative term just as offensive as the N word. Does that mean that other members of this forum that disagree with you are allowed to call you "n!gger" without you throwing out the race card?
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I'm not against the grand jury ruling, but what is this supposed to prove?
One thing it proves is everyone hasn't jumped onto the Mike Brown R.I.P. bandwagon.

I am no friend to excessively aggressive cops, so when I first heard that an "unarmed teen-age boy was shot in the back and killed by a Missouri cop" it pissed me off and I was ready to protest. But when I saw the convenience store video and heard the facts my feelings did a 180.

Michael Brown was a gang-banging punk, a bullying young thug who believed in taking what he wanted by force. I believe he attacked that baby-face cop and he got what he asked for.

I further believe the killing could have been avoided but I have absolutely no regret that it wasn't. I believe Patrolman Wilson did society a favor by killing that vicious punk, because Brown would have harmed many innocent people if his worthless life had not been cut short.

What perturbs me greatly is the amazing amount of sympathy being demonstrated by people all over America, many of them White. It seems the PC brainwash has blinded them to the fact that Michael Brown deserved what he got. I can only wonder if their expressed sympathy for Brown is actually misdirected hostility for police in general.

I totally agree and heya neighbor, I'm from Bricktown.
Like Trayvon Martin, the liberals like to post pictures of them when they were pre teens to make them look innocent, but here's the real Michael Brown in his natural habitat.


285 pounds of thuggery.

Still think he's a victim?

I love USMB nutters. They are almost never in the loop on anything.

Any person with an ounce of self respect would leave this forum after posting something as stupid as the OP here did.
Like Trayvon Martin, the liberals like to post pictures of them when they were pre teens to make them look innocent, but here's the real Michael Brown in his natural habitat.


285 pounds of thuggery.

Still think he's a victim?

Epic fail. That is not Michael Brown, it is a punk named Joda Cain. In fact, the Kansas City police officer who posted that picture claiming it was Michael Brown was facing or had to endure a departmental review...

Here, read... The more you know and all that...

Kansas City officer faces review for Michael Brown Facebook posts:

Read more:

KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) - A Kansas City Police Department officer vented on Facebook about the Michael Brown shooting, and now he faces an internal review.

Officer Marc Catron's postings have produced outrage on social media, particularly because he made strong comments about Michael Brown. He shared a picture that he and others have claimed is Brown in a compromising position, but it's actually an accused killer from Oregon.

A spokeswoman for the Kansas City Police Department said this is a personnel issue that will be addressed with the officer. The department also provided a copy of the department's eight-page social media policy.
"Because members of this department are held to a higher standard than general members of the public, the online activities of members of this department shall reflect such professional expectations and standards," the department policy states.

Two cousins were accused in Oregon of using a sledge hammer to kill their great-grandmother last year. In one of the photos, Joda Cain has a wad of money stuffed in his mouth while pointing a gun at the camera.

People have posted this photo of Cain to Facebook, including KCTV5's Facebook page, claiming that it's Brown, when it's not. Catron posted the photo of Cain to his Facebook page and wrote, "I'm sure young Michael Brown is innocent and just misunderstood. I'm sure he is a pillar of the Ferguson community."
Like Trayvon Martin, the liberals like to post pictures of them when they were pre teens to make them look innocent, but here's the real Michael Brown in his natural habitat.


285 pounds of thuggery.

Still think he's a victim?

I love USMB nutters. They are almost never in the loop on anything.

Any person with an ounce of self respect would leave this forum after posting something as stupid as the OP here did.
Whether it's Brown or some other thug, that picture reflects who Brown was, not some innocent little boy as hacks like you would have us believe. He was a thug and he died a thug.
Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college,.

Yeah? What did he do, filled out an application to a local community college?
He was going over to the college to rob some guilty liberals so they could write editorials about how they deserved it, and how good they felt from being robbed by black folks.
Like Trayvon Martin, the liberals like to post pictures of them when they were pre teens to make them look innocent, but here's the real Michael Brown in his natural habitat.


285 pounds of thuggery.

Still think he's a victim?

I love USMB nutters. They are almost never in the loop on anything.

Any person with an ounce of self respect would leave this forum after posting something as stupid as the OP here did.
Whether it's Brown or some other thug, that picture reflects who Brown was, not some innocent little boy as hacks like you would have us believe. He was a thug and he died a thug.
Da' Thug Life is short.
I'm not against the grand jury ruling, but what is this supposed to prove?
One thing it proves is everyone hasn't jumped onto the Mike Brown R.I.P. bandwagon.

I am no friend to excessively aggressive cops, so when I first heard that an "unarmed teen-age boy was shot in the back and killed by a Missouri cop" it pissed me off and I was ready to protest. But when I saw the convenience store video and heard the facts my feelings did a 180.

Michael Brown was a gang-banging punk, a bullying young thug who believed in taking what he wanted by force. I believe he attacked that baby-face cop and he got what he asked for.

I further believe the killing could have been avoided but I have absolutely no regret that it wasn't. I believe Patrolman Wilson did society a favor by killing that vicious punk, because Brown would have harmed many innocent people if his worthless life had not been cut short.

What perturbs me greatly is the amazing amount of sympathy being demonstrated by people all over America, many of them White. It seems the PC brainwash has blinded them to the fact that Michael Brown deserved what he got. I can only wonder if their expressed sympathy for Brown is actually misdirected hostility for police in general.

A good deal of the blame in all this goes directly to can't swing a dead cat without hitting one of their crapumentaries on the civil rights movement....Endlessly rehashing video of the firehoses, police dogs chewing on po Willy....the dead Jews who thought they could come down from Staten Island and tell Southern man how to live.....:eusa_eh:
Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college,.

Yeah? What did he do, filled out an application to a local community college?
He was going over to the college to rob some guilty liberals so they could write editorials about how they deserved it, and how good they felt from being robbed by black folks.

Of course. "Those people" don't go to college!

Hearty laugh, laugh, guffaw......
Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college,.

Yeah? What did he do, filled out an application to a local community college?
He was going over to the college to rob some guilty liberals so they could write editorials about how they deserved it, and how good they felt from being robbed by black folks.

Of course. "Those people" don't go to college!

Hearty laugh, laugh, guffaw......
I wonder what percentage of alternative school kids go on to college and graduate.

Less than 1% nationwide I'd bet.

You cannot imagine the money wasted on "alternative schools" and "redirection academies".

I taught in them for years, fewer that 5% ever even got a GED.

I did teach some damned good life skills though.
Maybe this is Brown's mother doin the GETDOWN GETFUNKY...they all look alike. :laugh:

Jesus, where do you find this stuff????

:laugh: When you haven't worked in 3 years THANKS TO FUCKING OBAMA there is time to explore for hidden delights.
Sad to say, OSU/Michigan leaves a little time too!!!!!!

Ten times in eleven years!!!

WHY did they have to say THAT????

I got Les Mile's travel money to Michigan!!!!

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