The REAL Michael Brown

Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college, not a problem for his teachers.

People aren't one-dimensional. That thirty-second clip wasn't the whole Michael Brown. Except to simpletons.

And since I'm no "simpleton" and capable of reading body language, I see something you must have difficulty seeing, or at least denying to yourself what you're seeing.
If you are capable, you will see someone reaching for someone else's property without a care in the world, without the need to hide. Someone who is not only used to getting their way, but someone who even dares others to challenge him. Someone who has taken others property many times, and someone who is used to bullying.

No, you see into his bad behavior someone who is used to acting that way.

But that doesn't mean he always acted that way.

Watch it yourself s-l-o-w-l-y, then come back here and tell me that was the first time he had ever taken anything in his life.
Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college, not a problem for his teachers.

People aren't one-dimensional. That thirty-second clip wasn't the whole Michael Brown. Except to simpletons.

And since I'm no "simpleton" and capable of reading body language, I see something you must have difficulty seeing, or at least denying to yourself what you're seeing.
If you are capable, you will see someone reaching for someone else's property without a care in the world, without the need to hide. Someone who is not only used to getting their way, but someone who even dares others to challenge him. Someone who has taken others property many times, and someone who is used to bullying.

No, you see into his bad behavior someone who is used to acting that way.

But that doesn't mean he always acted that way.

Watch it yourself s-l-o-w-l-y, then come back here and tell me that was the first time he had ever taken anything in his life.

I have no way of knowing.
Like Trayvon Martin, the liberals like to post pictures of them when they were pre teens to make them look innocent, but here's the real Michael Brown in his natural habitat.


285 pounds of thuggery.

Still think he's a victim?

He's dead, isn't he?
It was also stated he had been in an alternative school. Those are usually for those that are discipline problems.
Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college, not a problem for his teachers.

People aren't one-dimensional. That thirty-second clip wasn't the whole Michael Brown. Except to simpletons.
Like Trayvon Martin, the liberals like to post pictures of them when they were pre teens to make them look innocent, but here's the real Michael Brown in his natural habitat.


285 pounds of thuggery.

Still think he's a victim?

He's dead, isn't he?
It was a tragedy no doubt.

We do not have a civil society here, in which citizens feel they have duties and obligations to the whole.

Here, half think the other half owe them something.

11% of Ferguson voted in the last local election.

An 11% turnout in Australia would be unheard of , and a national disgrace.

As would the burning and looting we see, I suppose.
Your point would be? I see it as having less to do with the price of tea in China than anything else.
Did any of them carry out a strong arm robbery and pick a fight with a cop that has just caught them with the merchandise they stole?

white girls gang signs - Bing Images

Look at all the pretty white gang members......they couldn't possibly be posing.

So what? See any of them throwing the Bloods "B"? Stupid white chicks doing hand jive hasn't got anything to do with anything.

They are throwing gang signs.

Some of them are showing the Bloods sign.

I don't know. Are you saying that white girls who throw gang signs are incapable of committing robbery and fighting with cops?

I didn't think you were.
Your point would be? I see it as having less to do with the price of tea in China than anything else.

My point is that the original discussion about what his "gang sign" photos meant, if anything at all, has now morphed into something else.

Sure, some people are just posers who want to look like thugs in photos, but they aren't Michael Brown, who did all this other stuff, so yeah, he had to be in a gang.

Logically, that doesn't cut it.
I could care less his color. If I had seen anyone strong arm that clerk and steal those cigars and shortly after had a confrontation with a cop that had just heard about the robbery, that cop would have the benefit of the doubt, until proven otherwise. Jmo.
Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college, not a problem for his teachers.

People aren't one-dimensional. That thirty-second clip wasn't the whole Michael Brown. Except to simpletons.

It was most certainly him the day he committed suicide-by-cop. The irony is MB probably had no extra "love" for lefties than he did for that shop keeper.

Suicide by cop is actually the most sensible explanation that I've heard about this. If the official story is to be believed, then Michael Brown had a death wish. Otherwise, it doesn't make much sense.
It was senseless. That is exactly why so many are fighting the facts. The true narrative many liberals want to avoid is how and why this young man got to that point. Why do so many?

Instead the discussion has become twisted into it being criminal to defend yourself from attacks :dunno:
Someone could not be in a gang, and also be guilty of a crime.Do the pictures ask more questions of his character, along with the robbery? Yes.
Your point would be? I see it as having less to do with the price of tea in China than anything else.

My point is that the original discussion about what his "gang sign" photos meant, if anything at all, has now morphed into something else.

Sure, some people are just posers who want to look like thugs in photos, but they aren't Michael Brown, who did all this other stuff, so yeah, he had to be in a gang.

Logically, that doesn't cut it.
Your point would be? I see it as having less to do with the price of tea in China than anything else.

My point is that the original discussion about what his "gang sign" photos meant, if anything at all, has now morphed into something else.

Sure, some people are just posers who want to look like thugs in photos, but they aren't Michael Brown, who did all this other stuff, so yeah, he had to be in a gang.

Logically, that doesn't cut it.
Hey stupid OP. Check the legal forum where I posted proof that's a phony photo.

Even if it really Brown, so what?

What us that person doing that deserves death?

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I could care less his color. If I had seen anyone strong arm that clerk and steal those cigars and shortly after had a confrontation with a cop that had just heard about the robbery, that cop would have the benefit of the doubt, until proven otherwise. Jmo.

He had paid for the cigarillos. It's on the video the prosecutor chose not to show.

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You, as usual, lie.
I could care less his color. If I had seen anyone strong arm that clerk and steal those cigars and shortly after had a confrontation with a cop that had just heard about the robbery, that cop would have the benefit of the doubt, until proven otherwise. Jmo.

He had paid for the cigarillos. It's on the video the prosecutor chose not to show.

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I could care less his color. If I had seen anyone strong arm that clerk and steal those cigars and shortly after had a confrontation with a cop that had just heard about the robbery, that cop would have the benefit of the doubt, until proven otherwise. Jmo.

He had paid for the cigarillos. It's on the video the prosecutor chose not to show.

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For crying out loud that goofy vid/lie is taking stupid to a whole new level.
Attorney of Brown Acquaintance Confirms Michael Brown Stole the Cigars National Review Online
I could care less his color. If I had seen anyone strong arm that clerk and steal those cigars and shortly after had a confrontation with a cop that had just heard about the robbery, that cop would have the benefit of the doubt, until proven otherwise. Jmo.

He had paid for the cigarillos. It's on the video the prosecutor chose not to show.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal
For crying out loud that goofy vid/lie is taking stupid to a whole new level.
Attorney of Brown Acquaintance Confirms Michael Brown Stole the Cigars National Review Online
Well, it is Luddly passing it around,...
I could care less his color. If I had seen anyone strong arm that clerk and steal those cigars and shortly after had a confrontation with a cop that had just heard about the robbery, that cop would have the benefit of the doubt, until proven otherwise. Jmo.

He had paid for the cigarillos. It's on the video the prosecutor chose not to show.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal
For crying out loud that goofy vid/lie is taking stupid to a whole new level.
Attorney of Brown Acquaintance Confirms Michael Brown Stole the Cigars National Review Online
Well, it is Luddly passing it around,...

Yep and since I posted PROOF, all you damn KKK lovers all turn tail and run.

I could care less his color. If I had seen anyone strong arm that clerk and steal those cigars and shortly after had a confrontation with a cop that had just heard about the robbery, that cop would have the benefit of the doubt, until proven otherwise. Jmo.

He had paid for the cigarillos. It's on the video the prosecutor chose not to show.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal
For crying out loud that goofy vid/lie is taking stupid to a whole new level.
Attorney of Brown Acquaintance Confirms Michael Brown Stole the Cigars National Review Online
Well, it is Luddly passing it around,...

Yep and since I posted PROOF, all you damn KKK lovers all turn tail and run.

Grow a brain Luddly

His own buddy admits it, Al Sharpton acknowledges it and the whole friggin' cry from the left was "Does stealing deserve death?"

Too little too lame too late

And stop accusing me of being a democrat. Please
Kkk lover? Wasn't Byrd a Dem til the day he died? And no condemnation from other Dem's by having him expelled for being a grand wizard?
Let me explain something to you, buddy. You are almost as despicable as he was.
Turning tail and running? No, you are the one that runs with lies.
I could care less his color. If I had seen anyone strong arm that clerk and steal those cigars and shortly after had a confrontation with a cop that had just heard about the robbery, that cop would have the benefit of the doubt, until proven otherwise. Jmo.

He had paid for the cigarillos. It's on the video the prosecutor chose not to show.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal
For crying out loud that goofy vid/lie is taking stupid to a whole new level.
Attorney of Brown Acquaintance Confirms Michael Brown Stole the Cigars National Review Online
Well, it is Luddly passing it around,...

Yep and since I posted PROOF, all you damn KKK lovers all turn tail and run.


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