The REAL Michael Brown

This pic just surfaced showing Brown throwing a Bloods sign:


There's also some sort of attempt to cover up his juvenile record.....notice the referral to something from two years ago:

Gray said even if a juvenile record existed, it`s not relevant. He said, ‘How anything that occurred two years ago is somehow connected to the last few seconds of Mike Brown Jr`s life, I just don`t see any connection between the two. So it appears it`s just an effort as more character assassination as he tries to lay in peace.’

The juvenile court officer criticized the requests, calling it nothing more than ‘public curiosity’ with ‘no legitimate interest.’ She asked the Judge to protect the integrity of the juvenile court system.

Michael Brown 8217 s juvenile record had no serious criminal conviction

I had this discussion with someone else, and I googled tons of images of white girls throwing gang signs. Fact is, it's not an absolute that Brown was a gangbanger, he might have been just posing for the camera.
I had this discussion with someone else, and I googled tons of images of white girls throwing gang signs. Fact is, it's not an absolute that Brown was a gangbanger, he might have been just posing for the camera.

Bloods, Crips, Blackstone Rangers et al take their signs pretty seriously.....I'm no expert but I don't believe you'd want to flash a Bloods sign if you weren't affiliated in some way.....All this is intended to show is that his "gentle giant" reputation was a joke....same as with Trayvon when the pic of him in a football uniform was replaced by one showing his tats and holding a pistol.

white girls gang signs - Bing Images

Look at all the pretty white gang members......they couldn't possibly be posing.

So what? See any of them throwing the Bloods "B"? Stupid white chicks doing hand jive hasn't got anything to do with anything.

They are throwing gang signs.

Some of them are showing the Bloods sign.

No they're not....stop wasting my time.

Yes, some of them are. And it doesn't listed several gangs. Are you saying that the Bloods are somehow more particular about non-affiliated people throwing their signs?

This pic just surfaced showing Brown throwing a Bloods sign:


There's also some sort of attempt to cover up his juvenile record.....notice the referral to something from two years ago:

Gray said even if a juvenile record existed, it`s not relevant. He said, ‘How anything that occurred two years ago is somehow connected to the last few seconds of Mike Brown Jr`s life, I just don`t see any connection between the two. So it appears it`s just an effort as more character assassination as he tries to lay in peace.’

The juvenile court officer criticized the requests, calling it nothing more than ‘public curiosity’ with ‘no legitimate interest.’ She asked the Judge to protect the integrity of the juvenile court system.

Michael Brown 8217 s juvenile record had no serious criminal conviction

I had this discussion with someone else, and I googled tons of images of white girls throwing gang signs. Fact is, it's not an absolute that Brown was a gangbanger, he might have been just posing for the camera.

Doesn't matter one bit if he was a gang banger,or a choir boy,his actions on that day led directly to his death,his fault and nobody else.
"LOL"? That's exactly what I'm saying ya retard...quit pretending you know anything about street gang don't.

I guess neither do all those people who throw gang signs in photos in an attempt to look tough. Apparently, those are old photos and they've all been warned.

Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college, not a problem for his teachers.

People aren't one-dimensional. That thirty-second clip wasn't the whole Michael Brown. Except to simpletons.
Brown was never headed to college. He intended to apply at a trade school at some point. That's not college.
I'm not against the grand jury ruling, but what is this supposed to prove?

I think the O/P should introduce himself to the fury going on at UVA and other college campuses where fraternities like Phi Kappa Psi and the rich white frat boys who have been getting away with raping first year female students for years. Oh, they aren't thugs...they're just felony criminals.

And maybe the O/P needs a wake-up call and should check out The Vine and Instagram and see what all kids under the age of 20 do in front of a camera.

Right. And based on other accounts, he was a young man headed to college, not a problem for his teachers.

People aren't one-dimensional. That thirty-second clip wasn't the whole Michael Brown. Except to simpletons.
Brown was never headed to college. He intended to apply at a trade school at some point. That's not college.

Right. That fact doesn't fit your narrative.
I understand he was going to be accepted to Harvard Law School as an Affirmative Action student. They were looking for the next Obama and thinking that if Obama had a son, he would look like Brown.
A cop lost his job for picking any black guy like the OP did and say it was Mike Brown...then again...a lie is half way around the world before the truth puts its pants on

I'm glad you posted this

Last night on MSNBC, they interviewed Browns accomplice in the theft. He went through his story of the shooting and at one point said, more than once, that it would have been impossible for MB to have hidden a weapon because he was wearing basket shorts.

Do those look like basketball shorts?
I'm not against the grand jury ruling, but what is this supposed to prove?
One thing it proves is everyone hasn't jumped onto the Mike Brown R.I.P. bandwagon.

I am no friend to excessively aggressive cops, so when I first heard that an "unarmed teen-age boy was shot in the back and killed by a Missouri cop" it pissed me off and I was ready to protest. But when I saw the convenience store video and heard the facts my feelings did a 180.

Michael Brown was a gang-banging punk, a bullying young thug who believed in taking what he wanted by force. I believe he attacked that baby-face cop and he got what he asked for.

I further believe the killing could have been avoided but I have absolutely no regret that it wasn't. I believe Patrolman Wilson did society a favor by killing that vicious punk, because Brown would have harmed many innocent people if his worthless life had not been cut short.

What perturbs me greatly is the amazing amount of sympathy being demonstrated by people all over America, many of them White. It seems the PC brainwash has blinded them to the fact that Michael Brown deserved what he got. I can only wonder if their expressed sympathy for Brown is actually misdirected hostility for police in general.

Where I come from, "thug" means you are part of a group of organized crime, usually one of the newer, more expendable, less prestigious members. We wouldn't consider some reckless teen with a bad attitude and some minor solitary crimes under his belt to be a "thug" unless he belonged to a gang.

"Gangbangin'" would refer to the practice of rollin' with a crew to commit violent crimes.

MB appeared to be neither a "thug" nor a "gangbanger" from our perspective.

Your definition of "THUG" is wrong. Thugs come in many versions. I deal with thugs every day. I don't get my definition out of a woman's magazine. I get it from direct observation and interaction.

Street level drug users and sellers can be thugs.

Aggressive pan handlers can be thugs.

Homeless people can be thugs.

Pimps can and almost always are thugs.

Gang bangers are thugs at every level.

People who rob with or without weapons are thugs.

There are female thugs. Many female prostitutes are thugs robbing their johns and other prostitutes. A prostitute robbed and stabbed a john to death not 200 feet from where I sit writing this reply last summer.

Many small inner city gangs are made up completely of females that rob other females and the elderly including home invasion robbery with and without weapons.

These are just several "Thugs" you may have overlooked and in no way the total list of THUGS.

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