The real motive of the Democratic Party....Exposed.

Gop is all racists . That’s why minorities favor Dems .

Is that what you’ve been programmed to believe?
Because the GOP wants to control our borders and stop illegal immigration?

When you only care about targeting brown people , thats racists .

Wasting money on a dopey Wall is not controlling immigration.
Targeting brown why? Explain

To impress their racist base .

Your race baiting didn’t work in 2016. Time to change strategy.
Wasting money on a dopey Wall is not controlling immigration.
is voting for liberals controlling immigration timmy? are you still going to do it anyway?

Immigration has been controlled for centuries! You righties fall for the gop racist boogeyman fear mongering.

Ever notice you never talk about the Canadian border ?

Timmy, I know even you are too smart to make retarded, childish comments like this. Just in case I’m wrong...I offer my teachings.

Canadians, are first world humans, for the most part they love their homeland and all it offers. They aren’t real excited by the opportunity and free shit offered by the US...and frankly most have the iQ to understand and respect the federal laws of other nations. Furthermore, Canadians tend to be ambitious, moral and intelligent so the ones that may get across are likely to become an asset to the US.

Now, Mexico and Mexicans on the other hand....well, you know.

Hopefully you can pretend to be wise and see the clear differences between our neighboring nations.

Glad to see you are up front with your racism .

Let me ask you . Cons are afraid of terrorists getting into the USA . What’s a bigger threat ? Terrorists sneaking in from hippeee Canada and their Mid East immigration pipeline , or Mexico were there are few local Muslims border is much more controlled ?
True. The GOP does the same thing.

We have no real options.

Agree. The Dems don’t have a monopoly on pandering to the “less fortunate”.

While often impossible, the political duty of elected politicians is to develop a governorship to “work” for all citizens...The Democrats, through actions, have flat out made it clear....they do not intend to work for anyone other than the welfare class, illegals and total nut jobs...period.
I’ve haven’t really seen or heard that from the GOP in recent years.
Dem Politicians are motivated by greed.
Dem Voters are motivated by hate.
Dem Voters fall into three basic categories:
the kind that hate white people, the kind that hate Christians and the kind that hate rich people.
Wasting money on a dopey Wall is not controlling immigration.
is voting for liberals controlling immigration timmy? are you still going to do it anyway?

Immigration has been controlled for centuries! You righties fall for the gop racist boogeyman fear mongering.

Ever notice you never talk about the Canadian border ?

Timmy, I know even you are too smart to make retarded, childish comments like this. Just in case I’m wrong...I offer my teachings.

Canadians, are first world humans, for the most part they love their homeland and all it offers. They aren’t real excited by the opportunity and free shit offered by the US...and frankly most have the iQ to understand and respect the federal laws of other nations. Furthermore, Canadians tend to be ambitious, moral and intelligent so the ones that may get across are likely to become an asset to the US.

Now, Mexico and Mexicans on the other hand....well, you know.

Hopefully you can pretend to be wise and see the clear differences between our neighboring nations.

Glad to see you are up front with your racism .

Let me ask you . Cons are afraid of terrorists getting into the USA . What’s a bigger threat ? Terrorists sneaking in from hippeee Canada and their Mid East immigration pipeline , or Mexico were there are few local Muslims border is much more controlled ?

Okay Timmy...let’s work this from another angle...this is actually getting fun.
My daughter drives home from USC at night once in a while...she could take a route through Compton to get home....but I insist that she not drive through there as the propensity for criminal activity is quite we all know Compton is predominantly inhabited by Blacks.....So I ask you, in giving my daughter the aforementioned advise am I being WISE or am I being a RACIST?
School of Michael Moore?Look, in the real world, winners get the praise, the trophies etc.....In a Democratic world losers get championed, the trophies...Doesn’t that seem a little strange to you?Imagine if you congratulated you child and took him/her out for ice cream everytime they got straight F’s. Make any sense?

School of Common Sense. You can keep your duopoly. Americans are starting to wise to the republicrats.

Why do you hate absolute clarity?

Hey, why are you obsessed with False Dichotomy? :dunno:

Kind of limits your horizons doncha think?

Sometimes the only way to communicate clearly with unreasonable people incapable of rational thought is through illustration, demonstration and dichotomy. You know this.
Bear in mind, you making the declaration that something is false simply indicates that you refuse to believe it. That’s all...nothing more. I know your type. I have you pegged.

"False Dichotomy" is what the fallacy is CALLED, Brainiac.

It means the fallacious (false) idea that everything is divided into two types.

It isn't. That's why it's false.

Fucking DUH.
Gop is all racists . That’s why minorities favor Dems .

Is that what you’ve been programmed to believe?
Because the GOP wants to control our borders and stop illegal immigration?

When you only care about targeting brown people , thats racists .

Wasting money on a dopey Wall is not controlling immigration.
Targeting brown why? Explain

To impress their racist base .
So you’re saying 50% of the country is racist? I agree everyone of you libturds
Wasting money on a dopey Wall is not controlling immigration.
is voting for liberals controlling immigration timmy? are you still going to do it anyway?

Immigration has been controlled for centuries! You righties fall for the gop racist boogeyman fear mongering.

Ever notice you never talk about the Canadian border ?

Timmy, I know even you are too smart to make retarded, childish comments like this. Just in case I’m wrong...I offer my teachings.

Canadians, are first world humans, for the most part they love their homeland and all it offers. They aren’t real excited by the opportunity and free shit offered by the US...and frankly most have the iQ to understand and respect the federal laws of other nations. Furthermore, Canadians tend to be ambitious, moral and intelligent so the ones that may get across are likely to become an asset to the US.

Now, Mexico and Mexicans on the other hand....well, you know.

Hopefully you can pretend to be wise and see the clear differences between our neighboring nations.

Glad to see you are up front with your racism .

Let me ask you . Cons are afraid of terrorists getting into the USA . What’s a bigger threat ? Terrorists sneaking in from hippeee Canada and their Mid East immigration pipeline , or Mexico were there are few local Muslims border is much more controlled ?
Timmy can’t find a point to argue
Gop is all racists . That’s why minorities favor Dems .
Why do you say that?

Because they are the party that accepts racists . And they have a lot of talking points based in racism .
Like what exactly? Oh you’re just saying something stupid cause you have no evidence. Gotcha

No evidence ? Lol.

I’ll start. Why do Cons want to save all these confederate statues ? Those guys were “democrats “ . So why, 150 years later , are republicans defend confederates and their flag?
Gop is all racists . That’s why minorities favor Dems .

Is that what you’ve been programmed to believe?
Because the GOP wants to control our borders and stop illegal immigration?

When you only care about targeting brown people , thats racists .

Wasting money on a dopey Wall is not controlling immigration.
Targeting brown why? Explain

To impress their racist base .
So you’re saying 50% of the country is racist? I agree everyone of you libturds

Racist or racist accepting .
School of Michael Moore?Look, in the real world, winners get the praise, the trophies etc.....In a Democratic world losers get championed, the trophies...Doesn’t that seem a little strange to you?Imagine if you congratulated you child and took him/her out for ice cream everytime they got straight F’s. Make any sense?

School of Common Sense. You can keep your duopoly. Americans are starting to wise to the republicrats.

Why do you hate absolute clarity?

Hey, why are you obsessed with False Dichotomy? :dunno:

Kind of limits your horizons doncha think?

Sometimes the only way to communicate clearly with unreasonable people incapable of rational thought is through illustration, demonstration and dichotomy. You know this.
Bear in mind, you making the declaration that something is false simply indicates that you refuse to believe it. That’s all...nothing more. I know your type. I have you pegged.

"False Dichotomy" is what the fallacy is CALLED, Brainiac.

It means the fallacious (false) idea that everything is divided into two types.

It isn't. That's why it's false.

Fucking DUH.

Use caution there have dichotomy and you have false dichotomy right...think about it there Yoda.
If you insist on keeping this “I’m smarter than you” contest shit going it’s just a matter of time before Xelor logs in and wipes his/her ass with you AGAIN. You know this...tread lightly.
Wasting money on a dopey Wall is not controlling immigration.
is voting for liberals controlling immigration timmy? are you still going to do it anyway?

Immigration has been controlled for centuries! You righties fall for the gop racist boogeyman fear mongering.

Ever notice you never talk about the Canadian border ?

Timmy, I know even you are too smart to make retarded, childish comments like this. Just in case I’m wrong...I offer my teachings.

Canadians, are first world humans, for the most part they love their homeland and all it offers. They aren’t real excited by the opportunity and free shit offered by the US...and frankly most have the iQ to understand and respect the federal laws of other nations. Furthermore, Canadians tend to be ambitious, moral and intelligent so the ones that may get across are likely to become an asset to the US.

Now, Mexico and Mexicans on the other hand....well, you know.

Hopefully you can pretend to be wise and see the clear differences between our neighboring nations.

Glad to see you are up front with your racism .

Let me ask you . Cons are afraid of terrorists getting into the USA . What’s a bigger threat ? Terrorists sneaking in from hippeee Canada and their Mid East immigration pipeline , or Mexico were there are few local Muslims border is much more controlled ?

Okay Timmy...let’s work this from another angle...this is actually getting fun.
My daughter drives home from USC at night once in a while...she could take a route through Compton to get home....but I insist that she not drive through there as the propensity for criminal activity is quite we all know Compton is predominantly inhabited by Blacks.....So I ask you, in giving my daughter the aforementioned advise am I being WISE or am I being a RACIST?

NOT USC!!! University of Spoiled Chidren.
is voting for liberals controlling immigration timmy? are you still going to do it anyway?

Immigration has been controlled for centuries! You righties fall for the gop racist boogeyman fear mongering.

Ever notice you never talk about the Canadian border ?

Timmy, I know even you are too smart to make retarded, childish comments like this. Just in case I’m wrong...I offer my teachings.

Canadians, are first world humans, for the most part they love their homeland and all it offers. They aren’t real excited by the opportunity and free shit offered by the US...and frankly most have the iQ to understand and respect the federal laws of other nations. Furthermore, Canadians tend to be ambitious, moral and intelligent so the ones that may get across are likely to become an asset to the US.

Now, Mexico and Mexicans on the other hand....well, you know.

Hopefully you can pretend to be wise and see the clear differences between our neighboring nations.

Glad to see you are up front with your racism .

Let me ask you . Cons are afraid of terrorists getting into the USA . What’s a bigger threat ? Terrorists sneaking in from hippeee Canada and their Mid East immigration pipeline , or Mexico were there are few local Muslims border is much more controlled ?

Okay Timmy...let’s work this from another angle...this is actually getting fun.
My daughter drives home from USC at night once in a while...she could take a route through Compton to get home....but I insist that she not drive through there as the propensity for criminal activity is quite we all know Compton is predominantly inhabited by Blacks.....So I ask you, in giving my daughter the aforementioned advise am I being WISE or am I being a RACIST?

NOT USC!!! University of Spoiled Chidren.

So, am I being wise or am I being a racist?
Do you see the correlation?
Don’t dumb yourself down for the fear of being considered a racist.
is voting for liberals controlling immigration timmy? are you still going to do it anyway?

Immigration has been controlled for centuries! You righties fall for the gop racist boogeyman fear mongering.

Ever notice you never talk about the Canadian border ?

Timmy, I know even you are too smart to make retarded, childish comments like this. Just in case I’m wrong...I offer my teachings.

Canadians, are first world humans, for the most part they love their homeland and all it offers. They aren’t real excited by the opportunity and free shit offered by the US...and frankly most have the iQ to understand and respect the federal laws of other nations. Furthermore, Canadians tend to be ambitious, moral and intelligent so the ones that may get across are likely to become an asset to the US.

Now, Mexico and Mexicans on the other hand....well, you know.

Hopefully you can pretend to be wise and see the clear differences between our neighboring nations.

Glad to see you are up front with your racism .

Let me ask you . Cons are afraid of terrorists getting into the USA . What’s a bigger threat ? Terrorists sneaking in from hippeee Canada and their Mid East immigration pipeline , or Mexico were there are few local Muslims border is much more controlled ?

Okay Timmy...let’s work this from another angle...this is actually getting fun.
My daughter drives home from USC at night once in a while...she could take a route through Compton to get home....but I insist that she not drive through there as the propensity for criminal activity is quite we all know Compton is predominantly inhabited by Blacks.....So I ask you, in giving my daughter the aforementioned advise am I being WISE or am I being a RACIST?

NOT USC!!! University of Spoiled Chidren.

Really! You get a real world question and you provide a dumber than sh*t answer. BTW, you may want to work on your spelling skills.

School of Common Sense. You can keep your duopoly. Americans are starting to wise to the republicrats.

Why do you hate absolute clarity?

Hey, why are you obsessed with False Dichotomy? :dunno:

Kind of limits your horizons doncha think?

Sometimes the only way to communicate clearly with unreasonable people incapable of rational thought is through illustration, demonstration and dichotomy. You know this.
Bear in mind, you making the declaration that something is false simply indicates that you refuse to believe it. That’s all...nothing more. I know your type. I have you pegged.

"False Dichotomy" is what the fallacy is CALLED, Brainiac.

It means the fallacious (false) idea that everything is divided into two types.

It isn't. That's why it's false.

Fucking DUH.

Use caution there have dichotomy and you have false dichotomy right...think about it there Yoda.
If you insist on keeping this “I’m smarter than you” contest shit going it’s just a matter of time before Xelor logs in and wipes his/her ass with you AGAIN. You know this...tread lightly.

And yours would be the false ones there, loser.

Hey, you made your bed, and you lie in it. A lot.
Immigration has been controlled for centuries! You righties fall for the gop racist boogeyman fear mongering.

Ever notice you never talk about the Canadian border ?

Timmy, I know even you are too smart to make retarded, childish comments like this. Just in case I’m wrong...I offer my teachings.

Canadians, are first world humans, for the most part they love their homeland and all it offers. They aren’t real excited by the opportunity and free shit offered by the US...and frankly most have the iQ to understand and respect the federal laws of other nations. Furthermore, Canadians tend to be ambitious, moral and intelligent so the ones that may get across are likely to become an asset to the US.

Now, Mexico and Mexicans on the other hand....well, you know.

Hopefully you can pretend to be wise and see the clear differences between our neighboring nations.

Glad to see you are up front with your racism .

Let me ask you . Cons are afraid of terrorists getting into the USA . What’s a bigger threat ? Terrorists sneaking in from hippeee Canada and their Mid East immigration pipeline , or Mexico were there are few local Muslims border is much more controlled ?

Okay Timmy...let’s work this from another angle...this is actually getting fun.
My daughter drives home from USC at night once in a while...she could take a route through Compton to get home....but I insist that she not drive through there as the propensity for criminal activity is quite we all know Compton is predominantly inhabited by Blacks.....So I ask you, in giving my daughter the aforementioned advise am I being WISE or am I being a RACIST?

NOT USC!!! University of Spoiled Chidren.

Really! You get a real world question and you provide a dumber than sh*t answer. BTW, you may want to work on your spelling skills.

What does "sh*t" spell?

Careful what you wish for.
Gop is all racists . That’s why minorities favor Dems .
Why do you say that?

Because they are the party that accepts racists . And they have a lot of talking points based in racism .
Like what exactly? Oh you’re just saying something stupid cause you have no evidence. Gotcha

No evidence ? Lol.

I’ll start. Why do Cons want to save all these confederate statues ? Those guys were “democrats “ . So why, 150 years later , are republicans defend confederates and their flag?
It’s called history that’s why. An era to never forget and not repeat.

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