The REAL reason blacks are angry: They are out of excuses


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
The cops are a scapegoat. The TRUE reason...and deep down they know it...that the protesters and activists are angry is that they are out of excuses. Reality has finally hit them in the face that their success or failure is 100% ONLY due to personal choices.

Cant say slavery did it. Look Jews and hispanics who were discriminated against and are just as poor.

Cant say you arent allowed to work. We have a black president. Black military generals. Black police chiefs and sherriffs. 3 of the most powerful positions in society....and blacks can obtain them

Cant say you cant get an education. Blacks are prized recruits to college campus.
They finally realize...its up to their CHOICES.

It wont be handed to them. millions of successful blacks have can obtain it all. No one is oppressing them.

And they HATE it. They know it means working hard...up through entry that they just feel they are too good or too do. Cant "sellout" ya know?
This isn't anger it's rage. It's the temper tantrum of a toddler that hears no for the first time.

We have a class of people that have been given for 50 years. They were given affirmative action in jobs. They were given welfare. They were given unearned grades in school and passed along through college. They were given housing and obamaphones. They have been given so much for so long that they can't believe it when they are denied the right to commit crimes against white people.

It's not like white people don't deserve it. It's justifiable vengeance and their right. It's right to beat up old people, disabled boys and burn the girls alive. By virtue of skin color black people earned this this right.

If there aren't any white people around hispanics and asians will have to do as a substitute.
Yep. Society has tried to GIVE them so much. But they wont work and earn their own way. Crime is their answer.
The cops are a scapegoat. The TRUE reason...and deep down they know it...that the protesters and activists are angry is that they are out of excuses. Reality has finally hit them in the face that their success or failure is 100% ONLY due to personal choices.

Cant say slavery did it. Look Jews and hispanics who were discriminated against and are just as poor.

Cant say you arent allowed to work. We have a black president. Black military generals. Black police chiefs and sherriffs. 3 of the most powerful positions in society....and blacks can obtain them

Cant say you cant get an education. Blacks are prized recruits to college campus.

Bullshit. Blacks have been getting more angry by the day since a bag of Skittles was blown out of Trayvon Martin's hands two years ago.

They took exception to Jordan Davis being shot to death because the music in his car was too loud at a 7-11.

They don't like black grandmothers getting beaten up by highway patrolmen.

Something was really wrong when the NY coroner ruled Garner's death a homicide by the cop who illegally choked him then walked free.

Don't even go to Ferguson where the blacks have white-ass redneck cops to deal with everyday. That is just a sampler of what goes on every day in this country.

Stay in your white trailer trash neighborhood and keep the shades down.
Yet, idiots like noteapartyplease attempt to defend their high crime rate. I really hope this bastard finds out violently by the black community that he is wrong. Up close...
I don't ever remember a time when blacks weren't angry. Heck liberals encourage blacks to be angry.
Yet, idiots like noteapartyplease attempt to defend their high crime rate. I really hope this bastard finds out violently by the black community that he is wrong. Up close...

All these white liberals that excuse or deflect black crime live comfortably in their lily white communities where they are safe and sound.
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Yet, idiots like noteapartyplease attempt to defend their high crime rate. I really hope this bastard finds out violently by the black community that he is wrong. Up close...
He's right.

Trayvon Martin should have been allowed to beat George Zimmerman to death. The mentally disturbed grandmother should have been allowed to wander the freeway safely. She should have been permitted to kick the highway patrolman. Michael Brown broke no law robbing the store. He should have been allowed to kill officer Wilson. Eric Garner was rightfully and lawfully selling cigarettes. The two assassinated cops should never have been on the street. The white diners had no real business in that restaurant.

NoTeaPartyPleez is absolutely right saying that white people should stay in their own neighborhood.

Integration doesn't work. It has failed.
Its just finally hitting home for them that excuses arent valid; most people see cries of racism now as "crying wolf" and dont care anymore.

They are gonna have to be humble and work hard at a lot of entry level jobs amd work their way up....or....stay poor and miserable for life.

That reality pisses them off so the cling to crime and violent rap music to lash out...and get mad that society doesnt accept that.
The shocking truth is that Muslims, Arabs and African blacks have been trading in slaves for hundreds of years LOOOOOONG before before white American Southerners, just a fact. Let's put the blame were it lies. Blacks and Muslims. So were are we again? White people are racist? Something like that. And all those Muslims that still accept slavery in Africa because the so called victims are "infidels"? What IS that? because it's far worse. But they are black, so we can ignore it.
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The African elephant in the room is negroes generally are simply not as intelligent as other races. This isn't a 'myth' it's scientifically proven in countless unbiased blind tests.
"All men were not created equal" when it comes to basic intelligence.
How do you "sit down" and discuss anything rationally with a bunch of people with an average 80 IQ?
Never going to happen.
The negro race has now actually become a parody of itself. Want proof? Watch Rev. Al.
The negro darling of BOBO and MSNBC.
There's never ever going to be any "good paying jobs" for negroes who aren't mentally capable of learning grade two math and english.
The cops are a scapegoat. The TRUE reason...and deep down they know it...that the protesters and activists are angry is that they are out of excuses. Reality has finally hit them in the face that their success or failure is 100% ONLY due to personal choices.

Cant say slavery did it. Look Jews and hispanics who were discriminated against and are just as poor.

Cant say you arent allowed to work. We have a black president. Black military generals. Black police chiefs and sherriffs. 3 of the most powerful positions in society....and blacks can obtain them

Cant say you cant get an education. Blacks are prized recruits to college campus.

Well then whites have even less of an excuse for thier violence. Oh sorry they do, they need Ritalin
The cops are a scapegoat. The TRUE reason...and deep down they know it...that the protesters and activists are angry is that they are out of excuses. Reality has finally hit them in the face that their success or failure is 100% ONLY due to personal choices.

Cant say slavery did it. Look Jews and hispanics who were discriminated against and are just as poor.

Cant say you arent allowed to work. We have a black president. Black military generals. Black police chiefs and sherriffs. 3 of the most powerful positions in society....and blacks can obtain them

Cant say you cant get an education. Blacks are prized recruits to college campus.

Bullshit. Blacks have been getting more angry by the day since a bag of Skittles was blown out of Trayvon Martin's hands two years ago.

They took exception to Jordan Davis being shot to death because the music in his car was too loud at a 7-11.

They don't like black grandmothers getting beaten up by highway patrolmen.

Something was really wrong when the NY coroner ruled Garner's death a homicide by the cop who illegally choked him then walked free.

Don't even go to Ferguson where the blacks have white-ass redneck cops to deal with everyday. That is just a sampler of what goes on every day in this country.

Stay in your white trailer trash neighborhood and keep the shades down.

Its easier for them to pretend that killing an unarmed person is no biggie and usually isnt met with objection.

Its also easier for them to ignore the hundred of white people who are protesting too.
The cops are a scapegoat. The TRUE reason...and deep down they know it...that the protesters and activists are angry is that they are out of excuses. Reality has finally hit them in the face that their success or failure is 100% ONLY due to personal choices.

Cant say slavery did it. Look Jews and hispanics who were discriminated against and are just as poor.

Cant say you arent allowed to work. We have a black president. Black military generals. Black police chiefs and sherriffs. 3 of the most powerful positions in society....and blacks can obtain them

Cant say you cant get an education. Blacks are prized recruits to college campus.

Bullshit. Blacks have been getting more angry by the day since a bag of Skittles was blown out of Trayvon Martin's hands two years ago.

They took exception to Jordan Davis being shot to death because the music in his car was too loud at a 7-11.

They don't like black grandmothers getting beaten up by highway patrolmen.

Something was really wrong when the NY coroner ruled Garner's death a homicide by the cop who illegally choked him then walked free.

Don't even go to Ferguson where the blacks have white-ass redneck cops to deal with everyday. That is just a sampler of what goes on every day in this country.

Stay in your white trailer trash neighborhood and keep the shades down.
Fuck Trevor and fuck you. Being black is no longer an excuse. Get a fucking education, pull your damn pants up, straighten your hat, turn off the gangsta rap and GET A FUCKING JOB
The cops are a scapegoat. The TRUE reason...and deep down they know it...that the protesters and activists are angry is that they are out of excuses. Reality has finally hit them in the face that their success or failure is 100% ONLY due to personal choices.

Cant say slavery did it. Look Jews and hispanics who were discriminated against and are just as poor.

Cant say you arent allowed to work. We have a black president. Black military generals. Black police chiefs and sherriffs. 3 of the most powerful positions in society....and blacks can obtain them

Cant say you cant get an education. Blacks are prized recruits to college campus.

Bullshit. Blacks have been getting more angry by the day since a bag of Skittles was blown out of Trayvon Martin's hands two years ago.

They took exception to Jordan Davis being shot to death because the music in his car was too loud at a 7-11.

They don't like black grandmothers getting beaten up by highway patrolmen.

Something was really wrong when the NY coroner ruled Garner's death a homicide by the cop who illegally choked him then walked free.

Don't even go to Ferguson where the blacks have white-ass redneck cops to deal with everyday. That is just a sampler of what goes on every day in this country.

Stay in your white trailer trash neighborhood and keep the shades down.

But they don't get mad at blacks that kills more of them than any other race. Why is that?
The cops are a scapegoat. The TRUE reason...and deep down they know it...that the protesters and activists are angry is that they are out of excuses. Reality has finally hit them in the face that their success or failure is 100% ONLY due to personal choices.

Cant say slavery did it. Look Jews and hispanics who were discriminated against and are just as poor.

Cant say you arent allowed to work. We have a black president. Black military generals. Black police chiefs and sherriffs. 3 of the most powerful positions in society....and blacks can obtain them

Cant say you cant get an education. Blacks are prized recruits to college campus.

Bullshit. Blacks have been getting more angry by the day since a bag of Skittles was blown out of Trayvon Martin's hands two years ago.

They took exception to Jordan Davis being shot to death because the music in his car was too loud at a 7-11.

They don't like black grandmothers getting beaten up by highway patrolmen.

Something was really wrong when the NY coroner ruled Garner's death a homicide by the cop who illegally choked him then walked free.

Don't even go to Ferguson where the blacks have white-ass redneck cops to deal with everyday. That is just a sampler of what goes on every day in this country.

Stay in your white trailer trash neighborhood and keep the shades down.
Fuck Trevor and fuck you. Being black is no longer an excuse. Get a fucking education, pull your damn pants up, straighten your hat, turn off the gangsta rap and GET A FUCKING JOB

Coming from someone with a Felony this is hilarious. What landed you in the Pokey? The newest Lil Wayne Record?
Its just finally hitting home for them that excuses arent valid; most people see cries of racism now as "crying wolf" and dont care anymore.

They are gonna have to be humble and work hard at a lot of entry level jobs amd work their way up....or....stay poor and miserable for life.

That reality pisses them off so the cling to crime and violent rap music to lash out...and get mad that society doesnt accept that.

So black people getting arrested 4 times more than whites for drug possession when drug use is equal among the races isn't racist? Black being viewed 4 years older and less innocent than whites what they actually are isn't racist? That police who dehumanize black children also tended to have records of violence toward those children?

Yeah, no they are TOTALLY MAKING THIS UP and they have no reputable research from let's say UCLA and the American Psychlogy Association to back that up. Racism doesn't exist.

I do find it funny that the people most upset about pointing out actual racism are the racist themselves. You know they feel guilty about it, yet they can show any humility and say "Yeah, it's not right to judge a person based on their skin color."
The cops are a scapegoat. The TRUE reason...and deep down they know it...that the protesters and activists are angry is that they are out of excuses. Reality has finally hit them in the face that their success or failure is 100% ONLY due to personal choices.

Cant say slavery did it. Look Jews and hispanics who were discriminated against and are just as poor.

Cant say you arent allowed to work. We have a black president. Black military generals. Black police chiefs and sherriffs. 3 of the most powerful positions in society....and blacks can obtain them

Cant say you cant get an education. Blacks are prized recruits to college campus.

Bullshit. Blacks have been getting more angry by the day since a bag of Skittles was blown out of Trayvon Martin's hands two years ago.

They took exception to Jordan Davis being shot to death because the music in his car was too loud at a 7-11.

They don't like black grandmothers getting beaten up by highway patrolmen.

Something was really wrong when the NY coroner ruled Garner's death a homicide by the cop who illegally choked him then walked free.

Don't even go to Ferguson where the blacks have white-ass redneck cops to deal with everyday. That is just a sampler of what goes on every day in this country.

Stay in your white trailer trash neighborhood and keep the shades down.

But they don't get mad at blacks that kills more of them than any other race. Why is that?

OMG, yes they do. For the 1000th time, they speak out against gang violence all the time, even in Chicago.

Let me guess, you'll ignore this too.

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