The real reason for face masks

Fuck your grandparents. Vote for Joe!
You sad little hacks parrot non-science like it is your religious dogma.
boedicca the trump sheepess, who won't wear a mask to protect others. "I am a good woman, I won't wear a wask."
You sad little hacks parrot non-science like it is your religious dogma.
boedicca the trump sheepess, who won't wear a mask to protect others. "I am a good woman, I won't wear a wask."
MANY people already are only going through the mo
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!

There's another big reason: masks are a way of labeling the sheeple.

Indeed. By not wearing one you label yourself a stupid Trump cultist sheep.

Blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzz

You sad little hacks parrot non-science like it is your religious dogma.
So you must be totally cool with people who are HIV positive not disclosing their HIV status and having unprotected sex, right?

Non sequitur much? A healthy person not wearing a mask when the situation doesn't call for it (i.e. taking a walk outside in the sunshine) is not at all analogous to a person who has HIV withholding his HIV positive status from sexual partners.

Jeebus. It must be difficult to go through life with your non-existent reasoning function.
If you are not tested for COVID every day, you don't know if you are carrying the virus. Wear the mask when indoors or outside when social distancing is not possible. That's it. Don't go to Trump cult rallies, cram yourselves together without masks as you rave for your naked emperor. He's protected and doesn't give a shit about you.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal TDS ^^^

Your post is utter swill. The vast majority of people are not going to die from Covid; and it is already weakening per the pattern of most viruses. It affects mostly elderly people and those who have multiple co-morbidities. Throughout history, such people have been the ones to be isolated and protected. There is no reason for healthy people to live in fear and to be stripped of their Constitutional rights. The Gaslighting as been very overplayed.
There is no Constitutional right to infect other people. Wear the mask indoors or when social distancing isn't possible and we will flatten the curve. Stop trying to kill everyone's grandparents.

I work in an essential business. We never stopped working. Most people here wear loose cloth masks. Nobody here has died or even come close, and only a tiny handful has contracted the virus. Life goes on quite well in spite of the ridiculous fear mongering to influence the election.
That is good for you and your co-workers. Keep it up.

It's good for all the people we serve food to who keep coming back and back and back in good health. We know them.all. Thanks for your support!
Fuck your grandparents. Vote for Joe!
You sad little hacks parrot non-science like it is your religious dogma.
boedicca the trump sheepess, who won't wear a mask to protect others. "I am a good woman, I won't wear a wask."
You sad little hacks parrot non-science like it is your religious dogma.
boedicca the trump sheepess, who won't wear a mask to protect others. "I am a good woman, I won't wear a wask."
MANY people already are only going through the mo
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!

There's another big reason: masks are a way of labeling the sheeple.

Indeed. By not wearing one you label yourself a stupid Trump cultist sheep.

Blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzz

You sad little hacks parrot non-science like it is your religious dogma.
So you must be totally cool with people who are HIV positive not disclosing their HIV status and having unprotected sex, right?

Non sequitur much? A healthy person not wearing a mask when the situation doesn't call for it (i.e. taking a walk outside in the sunshine) is not at all analogous to a person who has HIV withholding his HIV positive status from sexual partners.

Jeebus. It must be difficult to go through life with your non-existent reasoning function.
If you are not tested for COVID every day, you don't know if you are carrying the virus. Wear the mask when indoors or outside when social distancing is not possible. That's it. Don't go to Trump cult rallies, cram yourselves together without masks as you rave for your naked emperor. He's protected and doesn't give a shit about you.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal TDS ^^^

Your post is utter swill. The vast majority of people are not going to die from Covid; and it is already weakening per the pattern of most viruses. It affects mostly elderly people and those who have multiple co-morbidities. Throughout history, such people have been the ones to be isolated and protected. There is no reason for healthy people to live in fear and to be stripped of their Constitutional rights. The Gaslighting as been very overplayed.
There is no Constitutional right to infect other people. Wear the mask indoors or when social distancing isn't possible and we will flatten the curve. Stop trying to kill everyone's grandparents.

I work in an essential business. We never stopped working. Most people here wear loose cloth masks. Nobody here has died or even come close, and only a tiny handful has contracted the virus. Life goes on quite well in spite of the ridiculous fear mongering to influence the election.
That is good for you and your co-workers. Keep it up.

It's good for all the people we serve food to who keep coming back and back and back in good health in spite of the fearmongering. We know them.all. Thanks for your wonderful sincere support!
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!

There's another big reason: masks are a way of labeling the sheeple.

Indeed. By not wearing one you label yourself a stupid Trump cultist sheep.

Blah blah blah so sleepy...zzzzz

You sad little hacks parrot non-science like it is your religious dogma.
So you must be totally cool with people who are HIV positive not disclosing their HIV status and having unprotected sex, right?

Non sequitur much? A healthy person not wearing a mask when the situation doesn't call for it (i.e. taking a walk outside in the sunshine) is not at all analogous to a person who has HIV withholding his HIV positive status from sexual partners.

Jeebus. It must be difficult to go through life with your non-existent reasoning function.
If you are not tested for COVID every day, you don't know if you are carrying the virus. Wear the mask when indoors or outside when social distancing is not possible. That's it. Don't go to Trump cult rallies, cram yourselves together without masks as you rave for your naked emperor. He's protected and doesn't give a shit about you.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal TDS ^^^

Your post is utter swill. The vast majority of people are not going to die from Covid; and it is already weakening per the pattern of most viruses. It affects mostly elderly people and those who have multiple co-morbidities. Throughout history, such people have been the ones to be isolated and protected. There is no reason for healthy people to live in fear and to be stripped of their Constitutional rights. The Gaslighting as been very overplayed.
There is no Constitutional right to infect other people. Wear the mask indoors or when social distancing isn't possible and we will flatten the curve. Stop trying to kill everyone's grandparents.

There is no Constitutional power for the government to place healthy people under house arrest, shut down businesses, shut down schools, force people out of jobs and into financial insolvency because some unelected bureaucrat predicts millions of deaths based on a bogus computer model.
The states have the power and authority to protect its citizens.

Yeah it's nice when they take our jobs and daily sustenance seriously even when pressured by globalist investors to give in to reform that puts us at the bottom of the heap. Our Democrat governor walks the fence of political correctness with that.
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!

good thing you are just a dumb deplorable, and not Dr. Faucci..

We all know that Trump is the real culprit in the spread of CV19 in America

how exactly did Trump spread it? be specific.
By having indoor rallies with no masks or social distancing for one. Just ask Herman Cain.

Herman Cain died from stage 4 colon cancer, not covid.
BornDecember 13, 1945
Memphis, Tennessee, U.S.
DiedJuly 30, 2020 (aged 74)
Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.
Cause of deathCOVID-19

thats a lie. He had been fighting colon cancer for years. That is what killed him. If the hospital coded it as covid in order to get more federal money then they are as crooked as you and the rest of the dem/lib cabal of liars.

This chinese created virus is serious of course, but not serious enough to destroy our economy. The fact that you are a mindless sheep does not change that FACT
Colon cancer is not what killed him. Going unmasked to a Trump rally and catching COVID killed him. Cause of Death on his death certificate is COVID. He would still be alive and fighting colon cancer if he had not caught a deadly virus that has killed 200,000 Americans like Herman Cain.

I get that as a Trumptard you have to emulate your dear leader and pretend this is no big deal...until someone you care about catches it and dies. I hope you never have to get to that point until you take this seriously. Despite what he says out loud, Trump knows how dangerous this virus is, he just doesn't care if YOU get it.

“I’m on a stage and it’s very far away,” Trump told a reporter from The Las Vegas Review Journal. “And so I’m not at all concerned.”

nothing in your post is true. you are a lying libtard, nothing more.
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
Sweden tried the herd immunity approach. It didn't work out very well

because none of the bullshit works, its a minor virus with a 99.8% survival rate. Shutting down the world's economy was utter stupidity, and it was done by China to save their crumbling economy.

So by having fewer people buying stuff is good for their economy. That makes about as much sense as testing to see if someone is a witch by burning them alive...except in this case they're doing to themselves.

The virus was exploited to affect the outcome of the 2020 election,case closed.

yes, we agree, and China wants Biden because they know that they have him under their thumbs.
How about this? You don't want to wear a mask? Stay home.

How about this: if you are scared of covid, stay home. Let the rest of us make our own choices and live our lives as we choose.
Nope, the law is on our side (of reality) and not yours, Redfish. So you will comply or stay home or pay the price.

there is no LAW involved here, you ignorant fool. No federal or state or city has passed a law regarding mask wearing.
Does Google not work for you? The internet is literally at your fingertips and still you remain woefully ignorant.

and you cite Berkley as a legitimate example, you really are dumb
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
Sweden tried the herd immunity approach. It didn't work out very well

because none of the bullshit works, its a minor virus with a 99.8% survival rate. Shutting down the world's economy was utter stupidity, and it was done by China to save their crumbling economy.

So by having fewer people buying stuff is good for their economy. That makes about as much sense as testing to see if someone is a witch by burning them alive...except in this case they're doing to themselves.

The virus was exploited to affect the outcome of the 2020 election,case closed.

No, but shutting down the US economy is good for China. come on, dude, think.
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
Sweden tried the herd immunity approach. It didn't work out very well

because none of the bullshit works, its a minor virus with a 99.8% survival rate. Shutting down the world's economy was utter stupidity, and it was done by China to save their crumbling economy.

So by having fewer people buying stuff is good for their economy. That makes about as much sense as testing to see if someone is a witch by burning them alive...except in this case they're doing to themselves.

The virus was exploited to affect the outcome of the 2020 election,case closed.

No, but shutting down the US economy is good for China. come on, dude, think.

What country's name is after the words "Made in..." on 90% of merchandise bought in the U.S.? So if people are buying have less money to spend...? Someone is winning?

And if many people now buy LESS from China because the virus came from there....? China is winning?????

Chinese restaurants were the first to be turned away from! Many owners of Chinese restaurants would send money back home to their families and many Chinese restaurants went under. So...?
We all know that Trump is the real culprit in the spread of CV19 in America

how exactly did Trump spread it? be specific.
By having indoor rallies with no masks or social distancing for one. Just ask Herman Cain.

Herman Cain died from stage 4 colon cancer, not covid.
BornDecember 13, 1945
Memphis, Tennessee, U.S.
DiedJuly 30, 2020 (aged 74)
Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.
Cause of deathCOVID-19

thats a lie. He had been fighting colon cancer for years. That is what killed him. If the hospital coded it as covid in order to get more federal money then they are as crooked as you and the rest of the dem/lib cabal of liars.

This chinese created virus is serious of course, but not serious enough to destroy our economy. The fact that you are a mindless sheep does not change that FACT
Colon cancer is not what killed him. Going unmasked to a Trump rally and catching COVID killed him. Cause of Death on his death certificate is COVID. He would still be alive and fighting colon cancer if he had not caught a deadly virus that has killed 200,000 Americans like Herman Cain.

I get that as a Trumptard you have to emulate your dear leader and pretend this is no big deal...until someone you care about catches it and dies. I hope you never have to get to that point until you take this seriously. Despite what he says out loud, Trump knows how dangerous this virus is, he just doesn't care if YOU get it.

“I’m on a stage and it’s very far away,” Trump told a reporter from The Las Vegas Review Journal. “And so I’m not at all concerned.”

nothing in your post is true. you are a lying libtard, nothing more.
Every word is true and verifiable...unlike ANYTHING you say.
How about this? You don't want to wear a mask? Stay home.

How about this: if you are scared of covid, stay home. Let the rest of us make our own choices and live our lives as we choose.
Nope, the law is on our side (of reality) and not yours, Redfish. So you will comply or stay home or pay the price.

there is no LAW involved here, you ignorant fool. No federal or state or city has passed a law regarding mask wearing.
Does Google not work for you? The internet is literally at your fingertips and still you remain woefully ignorant.

and you cite Berkley as a legitimate example, you really are dumb

I gave you a list of all the places in California where masks are mandated by law...then followed up with the entire country. I'd say "stop being an ignorant Trumptard", but I might as well say "Sun, stop coming up".
Its easier to count sheep from satellites with a big circle on their face
How about this? You don't want to wear a mask? Stay home.

How about this: if you are scared of covid, stay home. Let the rest of us make our own choices and live our lives as we choose.
Nope, the law is on our side (of reality) and not yours, Redfish. So you will comply or stay home or pay the price.

there is no LAW involved here, you ignorant fool. No federal or state or city has passed a law regarding mask wearing.
Does Google not work for you? The internet is literally at your fingertips and still you remain woefully ignorant.

and you cite Berkley as a legitimate example, you really are dumb

I gave you a list of all the places in California where masks are mandated by law...then followed up with the entire country. I'd say "stop being an ignorant Trumptard", but I might as well say "Sun, stop coming up".
Preach sister, show those cities and counties, point them out to Redfish, and then gaff and fillet his other arguments.
After we have a vaccine there will still be many of us still wearing masks. I think it's up to the individual. Here we have no mandates but businesses have wisely chosen to require them. It's their call
The real reason for face mask mandates is not to stop the spread of the Covid virus. Despite all of the BS regarding overloading our health care system, the real reason is to prolong the "pandemic" into the fall elections in order to affect the outcome. If we had let this virus run its course, we would have had a few more deaths earlier in the infection cycle followed by its virtual elimination by the end of this summer as an all-encompassing public health concern.

Instead, we have done everything we can to perpetuate the infection rate into the next flu season, thereby increasing the ultimate number of casualties from this crusade. This is completely contrary to any rational reasoning save one: DUMP TRUMP!
Sweden tried the herd immunity approach. It didn't work out very well

because none of the bullshit works, its a minor virus with a 99.8% survival rate. Shutting down the world's economy was utter stupidity, and it was done by China to save their crumbling economy.

So by having fewer people buying stuff is good for their economy. That makes about as much sense as testing to see if someone is a witch by burning them alive...except in this case they're doing to themselves.

The virus was exploited to affect the outcome of the 2020 election,case closed.

No, but shutting down the US economy is good for China. come on, dude, think.

What country's name is after the words "Made in..." on 90% of merchandise bought in the U.S.? So if people are buying have less money to spend...? Someone is winning?

And if many people now buy LESS from China because the virus came from there....? China is winning?????

Chinese restaurants were the first to be turned away from! Many owners of Chinese restaurants would send money back home to their families and many Chinese restaurants went under. So...?

china was losing the trade war. Trump's tariffs were costing them billions every month. Releasing the virus on the world was their attempt to shut down the world economy and hurt the USA and Trump. china's goal was, and is, putting biden in the whitehouse because he is already on their payroll and they know that they can get everything they want from him.

the virus was political, not medical.
How about this? You don't want to wear a mask? Stay home.

How about this: if you are scared of covid, stay home. Let the rest of us make our own choices and live our lives as we choose.
Nope, the law is on our side (of reality) and not yours, Redfish. So you will comply or stay home or pay the price.

there is no LAW involved here, you ignorant fool. No federal or state or city has passed a law regarding mask wearing.
Does Google not work for you? The internet is literally at your fingertips and still you remain woefully ignorant.

and you cite Berkley as a legitimate example, you really are dumb

I gave you a list of all the places in California where masks are mandated by law...then followed up with the entire country. I'd say "stop being an ignorant Trumptard", but I might as well say "Sun, stop coming up".

mask mandates are a direct attack on individual freedom and a violation of the constitution. Using the screwed up state of california as an example just shows how ignorant you are and what a sheep you have become. the fires going on out there are the direct result of stupid libtardian policies that restrict common sense forest management, the dried up farmland is the direct result of stupid libtardian policies that put a tiny fish ahead of human beings, allowing good fresh water to be dumped into the ocean rather than used to produce food for humans. Stupid, stupid, and stupid.
State and local governments have every legal and moral right to require masks until early 2022.

and individual Americans have every legal and moral right to ignore those mandates. I am quite sure that you wear your mask when driving alone in your car. you probably sleep with it on as well. Your stupidity has been on display on this message board under both of your user names for years. YOU are a joke.
After we have a vaccine there will still be many of us still wearing masks. I think it's up to the individual. Here we have no mandates but businesses have wisely chosen to require them. It's their call

and citizens have every right to not patronize those businesses. If you wear a mask to protect yourself, why do I need one to protect you? If all of you who fear covid wear your masks, are you not protected? your arguments are totally illogical.

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