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The real reason for Mar-a-Lago raid

.6 years now the radical left has been on a witch hunt cause Hillary lost. They've destroyed confidence in voting and destroyed this nation. I can't wait for the pendulum to swing back.
I am not sure if the pendulum will ever swing back.
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They were fishing for spygate documents, planting evidence and/or if what Eric Trump says about them going through Melania Trump's belongings they were being their perverted selves.

6 years now the radical left has been on a witch hunt cause Hillary lost. They've destroyed confidence in voting and destroyed this nation. I can't wait for the pendulum to swing back.
Yeah..here's some of the Wierd Crap your talking about. A lawyer from the FBI changed a CIA email to make it say pretty much the exact opposite of what it said... in order to get a warrant against Trump from a Fisa judge. Wierd crap right? except it was true... and oh ? what was it a simply" mistak'ie 'aike"? ohh how cute of the poor little FBI agent. just a simple mistake .

And we are supposed to believe that the Democrats did not have a political vendetta against TRump before he set foot in office. It's wierd crap like that that makes people rightfully suspicious.
It just keeps on rolling... The current crop of Democrat's in modern day time are simply corrupt scum I hate to say it.

I'd like to know when the FBI agents will be forced to provide DNA samples, to verify if any of them gratified themselves with the First Ladies' underwear.

Don't the people have a right to know?
I am not sure if the pendulum will ever swing back.
Keep hope alive... No way can this corrupt bull crap hold, no way.

One wonder's if this corruption might be what finally took Putin over the edge with him attacking Ukraine.... Hmmmm strange timing I'd say. How would you like to be Putin, and being accused of everything under the sun in regards to Donald Trump running or becoming the 45th president (?), especially when it wasn't even true..... Then later it was found that no foreign entity was actually involved in the alledged election tampering, but rather it was a war in America that got started between the left and the right who were jockeying for political power in order to effect change in the nation by way of that government power........ This crap is unbelievable when one thinks about it.
That's a great point. The political elite that controls BOTH PARTIES never again wants to be threatened by a wealthy outsider. That's their worst nightmare.
Exposes to much.... How about this, maybe they can all clean up their act and serve the people honorably just as the military private is told to do so when he's ordered to kill other's on the battlefield ? He does so honorably, can they say as much or do they hide behind their facade ??
Keep hope alive... No way can this corrupt bull crap hold, no way.

One wonder's if this corruption might be what finally took Putin over the edge with him attacking Ukraine.... Hmmmm strange timing I'd say. How would you like to be Putin, and being accused of everything under the sun in regards to Donald Trump running or becoming the 45th president (?), especially when it wasn't even true..... Then later it was found that no foreign entity was actually involved in the alledged election tampering, but rather it was a war in America that got started between the left and the right who were jockeying for political power in order to effect change in the nation by way of that government power........ This crap is unbelievable when one thinks about it.
I hope Putin is just sane enough to avoid using nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

We know the Steele Dossier was false. Plus it was bought and paid for by the Clintons and the DNC. Rather than accept that Hillary lost, the left did everything it could to ruin the Trump Presidency and make sure he would not be elected again.

The hell with the country. Politics and stupid political games must come first.

If Trump was in office right now, Putin might not have invaded Ukraine and be threatening to start all all out nuclear war. Supposedly Putin cold take out every city on the east coast with just a few nukes.

Then I keep hearing that we were sponsoring gain of function virus reseal in the UKraine. Doing that in China is bad enough but in the Ukraine? Where else are we doing this and WHY? To make things even more strange, Hunter Biden was possibley involved.

Another thing that bothers me is our wonderful liberal media is basically ignoring everything I just mentioned.

At the rate things are going I wonder if the only thing that can save us is space aliens.

I hope Putin is just sane enough to avoid using nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

We know the Steele Dossier was false. Plus it was bought and paid for by the Clintons and the DNC. Rather than accept that Hillary lost, the left did everything it could to ruin the Trump Presidency and make sure he would not be elected again.

The hell with the country. Politics and stupid political games must come first.

If Trump was in office right now, Putin might not have invaded Ukraine and be threatening to start all all out nuclear war. Supposedly Putin cold take out every city on the east coast with just a few nukes.

Then I keep hearing that we were sponsoring gain of function virus reseal in the UKraine. Doing that in China is bad enough but in the Ukraine? Where else are we doing this and WHY? To make things even more strange, Hunter Biden was possibley involved.

Another thing that bothers me is our wonderful liberal media is basically ignoring everything I just mentioned.

At the rate things are going I wonder if the only thing that can save us is space aliens.

I wonder if the media is actually just scared shiteless of these people, and so they go along to get along regardless of how corrupt the entire debacle from hell is, and them knowing it.

4+ year's of pure hell they put Donald Trump through, so you know that rascal's got to be pissed. They didn't care if they destroyed his family ( trying to play one against the other), his friend's, certain supreme court judge's even threatening their live's, or just about anyone they had too. They are just that corrupt I do believe.

The good people have got to win back power in this nation. They've got too.
I wonder if the media is actually just scared shiteless of these people, and so they go along to get along regardless of how corrupt the entire debacle from hell is, and them knowing it.

4+ year's of pure hell they put Donald Trump through, so you know that rascal's got to be pissed. They didn't care if they destroyed his family ( trying to play one against the other), his friend's, certain supreme court judge's even threatening their live's, or just about anyone they had too. They are just that corrupt I do believe.

The good people have got to win back power in this nation. They've got too.
Winning back power is not going to be easy.

Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have corrupt elected members. The FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA and most other alphabet intelligence agencies are rotten at the top if not all the way through. Our liberal media is the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party. They knowingly publish false news and often simply fail to report news that embarrasses Democrats. The liberal media will bark and snarl at Republicans but will roll over and pee on its belly for powerful Democrats like the Clintons, Obamas, Joe and Hunter Biden and Nancy and Paul Pelosi.

The Swamp is a lot bigger and deeper than most people believe. Had Trump known how bad it actually is he might not have ran for President In 2016. Thank God he did as he stopped Hillary hopefully for good.

Most people believe we live in a democracy, a representative democracy or a constitution republic. We actually live in an oligarchical banana republic.
And one more thing. Musk is a clown. A freakin' retard. A whimpering manchild bitch boi. I know that the Trump cult sees those qualities as resume-builders, but it's not how normal people see things.
Just highlighting my brilliance and foresight. That's from August. Damn, I'm good.

I see the Trump cultists here been soiling themselves more than usual lately. That's always a sign that good things are happening in the USA. They're shaking in their jackboots. Trump's shrieking meltdowns are clearly having an effect on his cult followers.

Keep on sucking it hard, Trump cult losers. Don't worry. If you just keep making up stupid crap, it will save DearLeader. Really it will. No, you're not just preaching to the fascist sore-loser choir, your propaganda is really making a difference!
Winning back power is not going to be easy.

Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have corrupt elected members. The FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA and most other alphabet intelligence agencies are rotten at the top if not all the way through. Our liberal media is the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party. They knowingly publish false news and often simply fail to report news that embarrasses Democrats. The liberal media will bark and snarl at Republicans but will roll over and pee on its belly for powerful Democrats like the Clintons, Obamas, Joe and Hunter Biden and Nancy and Paul Pelosi.

The Swamp is a lot bigger and deeper than most people believe. Had Trump known how bad it actually is he might not have ran for President In 2016. Thank God he did as he stopped Hillary hopefully for good.

Most people believe we live in a democracy, a representative democracy or a constitution republic. We actually live in an oligarchical banana republic.
Very well thought out and spoken batcat. Good job.
I'd like to know when the FBI agents will be forced to provide DNA samples, to verify if any of them gratified themselves with the First Ladies' underwear.

Don't the people have a right to know?

Do you think Trump has cameras in Melania's dressing room and bedroom? 😂😂😂😂 You must be an idiot.
Do you think Trump has cameras in Melania's dressing room and bedroom? 😂😂😂😂 You must be an idiot.

Trump doesn't need cameras there at all.

Just DNA samples from the G-Men.

The DNA samples will prove the case, unless the FBI is too cowardly to produce them.
Just highlighting my brilliance and foresight. That's from August. Damn, I'm good.

I see the Trump cultists here been soiling themselves more than usual lately. That's always a sign that good things are happening in the USA. They're shaking in their jackboots. Trump's shrieking meltdowns are clearly having an effect on his cult followers.

Keep on sucking it hard, Trump cult losers. Don't worry. If you just keep making up stupid crap, it will save DearLeader. Really it will. No, you're not just preaching to the fascist sore-loser choir, your propaganda is really making a difference!
Kidding right ? ROTFLMBO 🤣

This is the mastery of the fake leftist deceptive tactics, otherwise to accuse the enemy of exactly what they are actually doing, and doing so as a usery of various groups who are conveniently at their beckoning.

I think that tactic is exposed now mammoth so better luck next time.

Oh and by the way, it is hilarious how you knucklehead's claim to be for anything under the sun these days, but it's quickly found out constantly in your languages used that you are hypocrites, otherwise you try and paint Republican's with a brush, but you are exposing your complete hypocrisy when you say you support this or you support that in these modern times, but then your outspoken attack rhetoric says otherwise .

Yes using your anti-everything attack languages/rhetoric in order to attack the republicans with, should be very revealing to the people you claim to support, otherwise only when politically expedient in doing so.

I've seen the tactic used a lot here, otherwise in order to just attack other's with, but you forget and use the very language's you claim to hate, otherwise you all are just using those groups for your political ends, but truly deplore them as is found in your attack language's chosen or used....

You truly can't make the crap up.
Do you think Trump has cameras in Melania's dressing room and bedroom? 😂😂😂😂 You must be an idiot.
Uhh you and the FBI stay out of Trump and Melania's bedroom, because you don't know what they got in there, and it's no business of your's to ever go in there.
Do you think Trump has cameras in Melania's dressing room and bedroom? 😂😂😂😂 You must be an idiot.
The strange thing is that I really don’t consider this allegation that FBI agents might have masturbated in Melanie’s panties to be totally out of line and impossible. I consider it to be just unlikely and implausible.

Twenty years ago I had a much different and far better view of the FBI.

Today I can only hope the FBI is only corrupt at the top not top to bottom.

What a sad opinion to have.
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The strange thing is that I really don’t consider this allegation that FBI agents might have masturbated in Melanie’s panties to be totally out of line and impossible.(/b] I consider it to be just unlikely and implausible.

Twenty years ago I had a much different and far better view of the FBI.

Today I can only hope the FBI is only corrupt at the top not top to bottom.

What a sad opinion to have.

Maybe it's not the FBI, but rather the influence on your thinking. I've known several agents.. Flawed men.. some drank heavily, but on the whole pretty straight laced, honorable patriots.
Uhh you and the FBI stay out of Trump and Melania's bedroom, because you don't know what they got in there, and it's no business of your's to ever go in there.

Junior was lying which is what Trump men do. There were no surveillance cameras in Melania's dressing room or bedroom.
Maybe it's not the FBI, but rather the influence on your thinking. I've known several agents.. Flawed men.. some drank heavily, but on the whole pretty strait laced, honorable patriots.
I also knew a retired police officer 15 years ago who had a low option of the FeeBees as he called the FBI. He said they would come in and take over an investigation and muck things up.

I only had one encounter with the FBI back in the 1960s. A number of mailboxes in a tourist town about 30 miles from where I lived had been run over. An observant neighbor told the police that I had a car similiar to to one described as the mailbox murderer and oddly I had parked it behind the house on the morning following the incident.

The FBI investigates mailbox murders or at least did way back then.

So two FBI agents show up at the store where I was working as stock clerk. They ask me where I was at the night before. (I had been in the resort town.) They ask why my car was in the back of my house in the morning. (My mon’s boyfriend was delivering a stove.) Finally they ask where my car is at now. (It was at a the house of a guy who repairs cars)

I watched their eyes light up at the last answer and I could see they were sure they had solved the case.

When I picked up my car I asked Bucky the Mechanic if the agents had showed up to investigate my car.

He said, “Yes they did. They were real disappointed to find no body damage and decided to search the interior.” (I may have authorized that, I don’t remember.)

Bucky continued, “They found the knife sheath you had taped under the steering column and seemed rather upset about it even though it was empty. They also found the empty machete sheath under the driver’s seat.“

The agents then spend some time questioning Bucky about my personality and if I might be a gang member or involved in drugs.

Bucky simply told them, “This kid is not going to be going around knocking down mail boxes for kicks and grins. He is more likely to rob a bank.”

Overall the two agents involved seemed profession to me.
Maybe it's not the FBI, but rather the influence on your thinking. I've known several agents.. Flawed men.. some drank heavily, but on the whole pretty straight laced, honorable patriots.
Pffft, influence on one's thinking eh ? Did you really go there after knowing how bad you Democrat's are brainwashed and following each other like little ducklings ??

How bad were you all influenced to following behind old papa Bill Clinton, and moma Hillary or worse ?? Wait can there actually be any worse ? Oh yeah that's right the slick snake oil salesman named Obama, my bad.

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