The REAL Reason Looney-Lefties Want To Kill The Electoral College: Fascism

Should California be able to pick our president every time?

  • No way. I'll keep the electoral college, thanks.

  • Yes, California knows what's best for the rest of the nation.

  • Maybe.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Fascism is the enemy of mass democracy.

But a mal-educated, brainwashed with propaganda mass of people is Fascism's vanguard.
Indeed, we see that on the far and alt rights. Good point.
We see that on either end of the spectrum where insanity lurks. Do you think Obama ordering girls in school to undress in front of deranged boys (trannies) is either 1. Sane or 2. Insane. ?
Your post is insane.
We see that on either end of the spectrum where insanity lurks. Do you think Obama ordering girls in school to undress in front of deranged boys (trannies) is either 1. Sane or 2. Insane. ?

And, more pertinent to the title of this thread....Do you think that order 1. Helped the democrats this election? or 2. Hurt the democrats this election ....with the middle voters they lost...?

It's OK. We know the answer:


Your post is insane.

Is that because you have nothing to rebut it with? Giving it the old "your post is insane" treatment? If it's so insane then why did SNL get tons of laughs from Colin Jost's joke a week ago? I'll tell you why...because painful truths delivered in a witty way are soothing and hilarious all at once. It's a way to sugar-coat the bitter pill with laughter.

This is the service comedians provide the world. We'd do well to pay heed and to thank them..
Sil, LGBT marriage is a done deal. That's not going to change in your lifetime.
Sil, LGBT marriage is a done deal. That's not going to change in your lifetime.
Unless an advocate for the main beneficiares of the marriage contract (children) comes forward and asks that Obergefell be reheard for these reasons
1. That one of the Justices had advertised to the public before the Hearing how she was going to vote on it: undermining the American judicial process, creating a mistrial (Capteron v A.T Massey Coal 2009) and

2. That that same Justice and one other were performing gay marriages as federal court Justices while the question of "should the fed preside over the states on the question of gay marriage being legitimate" was pending to be Heard (again, Caperton v A.T. Massey Coal 2009) and

3. That there isn't even a remote insinuation in the US Constitution that homosexual behaviors have special rights while other sexual behaviors like polyamory do not (somehow; ironically citing the 14th Amendment). Hively v Ivy Tech (7th circuit 2016) found that homosexuality is NOT covered under the 1964 Civil Rights Act even. and

4. That "gay marriage" uses a contract to dismiss even the hope of children (the main beneficiaries of the marriage contract) having the missing gendered parent (which may vitally be their own gender as a role model) missing from a "married" home..which is forbidden under the Infancy Doctrine, children, and contracts.

So, you may be quite wrong about that. The first priority the GOP has in the coming weeks is to fill lower federal court appointments with conservative judges; and to fill the vacancy on the USSC with a conservative Justice like Scalia. When Ginsburg either steps down or is impeached (see #s 1 & 2 above), they will replace her also with a conservative. Then your mistrial called "Obergefell" will be reheard; for the sake of the children it hurts if for no other reason..

Marriage was invented over 1,000 years ago to REMEDY the situation of a child not having either a vital mother or father....not to legally create an inescapable situation where the child will NEVER have a mother or father!
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Yes, it's so funny that Colin Jost & SNL made tons of people laugh about its painful truth.
Fascism is never, ever concerned about the democratic vote.

Fascists like Trump decry democracy.
and giving each resident of Wyoming several times the voting power as a each resident of California is promoting democracy, now, is it?

Without the electoral college Wyoming would have no voice whatsoever. that's tyranny of the Majority. Each state deserves a voice. You would have agreed if the roles were reversed I'm sure.
And yet he won legitimately. Fancy that.
Hitler won legitimately. Forewarned this time is forearmed.
Listen to yourself traitor. Democrats want to help stop voter fraud? Is that what I am hearing? Introduce a bill in Congress to give all eligible voters a free ID card.
No voter fraud of any significance has not existed for 50 years. That is an attack on the democratic process.

Ask our GOP to introduce such a card.

Make it, where possible, an e-verify work card.

Quit acting like a little fascist.
And yet he won legitimately. Fancy that.
Hitler won legitimately. Forewarned this time is forearmed.
Listen to yourself traitor. Democrats want to help stop voter fraud? Is that what I am hearing? Introduce a bill in Congress to give all eligible voters a free ID card.
No voter fraud of any significance has not existed for 50 years. That is an attack on the democratic process.

Ask our GOP to introduce such a card.

Make it, where possible, an e-verify work card.

Quit acting like a little fascist.

So you just want to whine about unfairness, not actually make a difference. I thought that, but the confirmation is helpful.
And yet he won legitimately. Fancy that.
Hitler won legitimately. Forewarned this time is forearmed.
Listen to yourself traitor. Democrats want to help stop voter fraud? Is that what I am hearing? Introduce a bill in Congress to give all eligible voters a free ID card.
No voter fraud of any significance has not existed for 50 years. That is an attack on the democratic process.

Ask our GOP to introduce such a card.

Make it, where possible, an e-verify work card.

Quit acting like a little fascist.

So you just want to whine about unfairness, not actually make a difference. I thought that, but the confirmation is helpful.
So you admit your Dread Lord, minion, was lying. Thanks for confirming you are a lying fascist turd.

I support the EC, just not the turds like you who want to mess with it. Stein has every right to petition a recount to evaluate the EC.
So you admit your Dread Lord, minion, was lying. Thanks for confirming you are a lying fascist turd.

I support the EC, just not the turds like you who want to mess with it. Stein has every right to petition a recount to evaluate the EC.

No Stein has no right to request a recount in an election she cannot win. Hillary would have that option, but even then, she falls outside the limits normally accepted to do so . I admitted nothing of the sort, but understand your desperation to lash out like a wounded beast and traitor to your country.
So you admit your Dread Lord, minion, was lying. Thanks for confirming you are a lying fascist turd.

I support the EC, just not the turds like you who want to mess with it. Stein has every right to petition a recount to evaluate the EC.

No Stein has no right to request a recount in an election she cannot win. Hillary would have that option, but even then, she falls outside the limits normally accepted to do so . I admitted nothing of the sort, but understand your desperation to lash out like a wounded beast and traitor to your country.
Constitution says you are a lying fascist turd. You hate America and the democratic process and the Constitution.
So you admit your Dread Lord, minion, was lying. Thanks for confirming you are a lying fascist turd.

I support the EC, just not the turds like you who want to mess with it. Stein has every right to petition a recount to evaluate the EC.

No Stein has no right to request a recount in an election she cannot win. Hillary would have that option, but even then, she falls outside the limits normally accepted to do so . I admitted nothing of the sort, but understand your desperation to lash out like a wounded beast and traitor to your country.
Constitution says you are a lying fascist turd. You hate America and the democratic process and the Constitution.

Hmm...I seem to be accepting the electoral college, Constitution, the US economy and the American way. Seems you want to change or destroy all of them.
So you admit your Dread Lord, minion, was lying. Thanks for confirming you are a lying fascist turd.

I support the EC, just not the turds like you who want to mess with it. Stein has every right to petition a recount to evaluate the EC.

No Stein has no right to request a recount in an election she cannot win. Hillary would have that option, but even then, she falls outside the limits normally accepted to do so . I admitted nothing of the sort, but understand your desperation to lash out like a wounded beast and traitor to your country.
Constitution says you are a lying fascist turd. You hate America and the democratic process and the Constitution.

Hmm...I seem to be accepting the electoral college, Constitution, the US economy and the American way. Seems you want to change or destroy all of them.
Not if you support the lie that there were million of illegal votes, you are not. Not if you are saying Stein does not have the right to a recount, you are not. you can lie all day, but that will never make you right.
Not if you support the lie that there were million of illegal votes, you are not. Not if you are saying Stein does not have the right to a recount, you are not. you can lie all day, but that will never make you right.

What grounds can Stein ask for a recount? She will not personally win the election. No harm has come to her from the process. She is not a resident of any of the disputed states. Frankly, the recount should come from Hillary or a resident of the state in question.

You are not interested in the least to eliminate illegal votes, yet are livid about the electoral college. :lol: Selective honesty once again.
and giving each resident of Wyoming several times the voting power as a each resident of California is promoting democracy, now, is it?

Without the electoral college Wyoming would have no voice whatsoever. that's tyranny of the Majority. Each state deserves a voice. You would have agreed if the roles were reversed I'm sure.

Wyoming wouldn't have a voice without the electoral college? What do you call 2 Senators and 1 Representative? That is their voice, and in order for ALL states to have some sort of an equal voice in government is the reason WHY we have 2 Senators from each state.

And..............the number of Senators, plus the number of Representatives, is what determines how many electoral votes each state gets.

I'd advise you to go back to high school civics class.

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