The REAL Reason Looney-Lefties Want To Kill The Electoral College: Fascism

Should California be able to pick our president every time?

  • No way. I'll keep the electoral college, thanks.

  • Yes, California knows what's best for the rest of the nation.

  • Maybe.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Actually, because of the "winner take all" system of the electoral votes, those who vote for the candidate who doesn't take their state, their vote doesn't count.

So the elections then properly take place at the state level. Then the 50 states cast their ballot in December. So if a state's majority party wants a certain candidate to win, it needs to convince all members of its party that that candidate (and his/her platform especially) is one that all can stomach.

Which still keeps the power in the People and the States after all... So individual votes within a state DO count because if a majority fails to nominate a certain candidate, it's because people didn't vote that way, or at all. Individuals voting DOES count within a state's boundaries.
I disagree, pull our military out completely - CA has 33 military installations (including the Coast Guard) Give those military folks an option to opt out of the US if they want to remain in the new nation of CA. Move all military and US trade functions to Oregon and Washington (Alaska could take some too down in the panhandle - also Hawaii)

Then let them go I'm sick and tired of these divisive non-constitutional fucks having so much weight in the direction of our country.
I disagree, pull our military out completely - CA has 33 military installations (including the Coast Guard) Give those military folks an option to opt out of the US if they want to remain in the new nation of CA. Move all military and US trade functions to Oregon and Washington (Alaska could take some too down in the panhandle - also Hawaii)

Then let them go I'm sick and tired of these divisive non-constitutional fucks having so much weight in the direction of our country.
:lmao: Yeah...the US Military and our interests will just walk away from half our Pacific Coast strategic outposts. See what smokin' rope does to the brain?
"Smoking Rope" WTF are you talking about? I neither drink nor do drugs.


California Military Bases | ( Click on the states to the right to see the various bases in different states. I find it interesting :) )

This contains an interactive map of every military installation in CA - there are 33 in total according to my research, it even includes training centers and depots. (click the flags to see what the base is)

Anyway, About the California Military Department

"The California Military Department is a diverse, community-based organization composed of four pillars: the California Army National Guard, the California Air National Guard, the California State Military Reserve and the California Youth and Community Programs.

At our core, more than 23,000 soldiers, airmen and state military reservists stand ready to respond to emergencies in California and across the United States."

Alameda and the Navy training center are the only real "losses" in CA, ie hard installed equipment that couldn't easily be moved to OR, WA, or even the panhandle of Alaska (Alaska really doesn't "need" it though, it would serve the economy of OR and WA far better.)


Hypothetical, if CA manages to change their state constitution and votes to succeed in 2019 are we going to go to war with them just to keep them in the union?

Frankly I don't think CA serves the interests of the rest of the lower 48 at all, they are consistently on a seemingly opposite pathway from the rest of the states, they're in general socialists vs the rest of the country being aligned to the constitutional values (or at a minimum not being fond of socialists.) In fact, they ignore the constitution with their sanctuary cities and they seem to want to be Mexico - hell half their southern cities have already been taken over by Mexico as we saw during the Trump riots - where the Mexican population waves their foreign flags and informs us that they didn't follow US laws, that their cities "belonged" to Mexico, etc.

Do you think that our soldiers have any desire to shoot up Californian's in order to deny their states vote? I mean we know that /they/ are willing to destroy shit in order to defy the rest of the countries vote, so it stands to reason they would be willing to fight to succeed.

So, what "interests" does the US have in CA (aside from a couple choice located military bases that could be moved) which are worth mowing Californian's down and subjugate them to continued US rule? Frankly, a bottle of wine and Hollywood ain't worth it to me.

(I'll admit I'm a bit biased on this matter, I am a firm believer in states rights, I the the US as a /mutual/ agreement, I believe that if a states population has the votes and desire to leave the union then it should be allowed. I do not believe in forcing states to stay in the union. Having been annexed by a "larger power" myself and lived most of my life under the subjugation of said city, I sympathize heavily with the offense of ignoring the voice of the people for mob rule. - Also why I rail against the popular vote argument.)
Hypothetical, if CA manages to change their state constitution and votes to succeed in 2019 are we going to go to war with them just to keep them in the union?

Yes. And the battleground will be the strategic forces unity & the Supreme Court. California's real estate is literally the jewel in the crown of America. If you think the US will walk away from California's strategic position on the Pacific Coast and her breadbasket (and her oil reserves under that bread basket) you most definitely are high as a kite.

Our food is our strength worldwide. And our Pacific Coast shore is exceedingly strategic. It just simply isn't going to happen. If the USSC can force gay marriage on dozens of states who voted it down soundly, then the USSC can nix any talk of California leaving the Union....even if every voter there approved the idea.

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Real estate? So basically you argue to essentially steal their land... I'm not high but I disagree with that premise.

What food comes out of California? Oranges? Wine? What? I personally cannot think of a single thing that I get from CA, seriously not a single thing... (Though admittedly fruit doesn't barge well to up here)

The breadbasket of the US is the center of America that CA is trying to run over with their PV argument...
Edit/addition: Now that I think about it I believe I recall some cooking show saying that CA grows Artichokes(?)
Real estate? So basically you argue to essentially steal their land...

How naive you are. The US has been absorbing real estate all over the world for strategic reasons...with or without the permission of the people who live there. California joined the Union. As such, the US also presides over her lands as it does all 50 states. You'll see if and when your idea passes by the USSC's review of the US Constitution and associated charters.

What food comes out of California? Oranges? Wine? What? I personally cannot think of a single thing that I get from CA, seriously not a single thing...

1/3 of the entire country's produce comes from California. All the avocados. Much of the citrus. Much of the almonds & walnuts. Most of its wine. Most of its rice.

Crops I've seen filling the eye over hundreds of acres to the horizon on either side of I-5 include cauliflower, tomatoes, almonds, peppers, peaches, melons, squash. And in the Salinas valley, lettuce, broccoli, kale, chard, garlic, onions, spinach. Along with greenhouse after greenhouse of strawberries.

In the more southern areas of agriculture there are olives, oranges, lemons, limes, mandarins, avocados, apricots and grapefruit in the more desert regions.

If California evaporated off the earth today, you'd watch most of the produce you see in your market vanish from sight. You'd have to wait until Chile & Argentina had their growing season (winter) to see any of it come back. In the summer, you'd have to plant your own garden or eat frozen or canned vegetables.

The Midwest focuses mainly on grain & cereal or fodder crops for animals. Corn, wheat, oats, barley, potatoes around Idaho, lentils & other legumes. Those things are good, but you'd miss California's products; I guarantee you.
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"My idea"? There's almost no way in hell CA is going to get this through. As I said it's a hypothetical if they voted to leave the union. I say we let them cause I believe it is the right of the governed to chose their future, if they want to swing socialism and leave the union then so be it. You had a chance to give me reasons not to and convince me otherwise but instead you decided to be an insulting bitch like the left losers. Far right or Far left its the same stupid failed game-plan. I don't know why I keep bothering.

Nevermind, Silhouette go back to bitching and crying about gays ruining the world at least that's amusing.
If there was no electoral college the USA would not exist.
Well, it would be very different for sure. Come to think of it, it would've devolved into some fascist regime based on urban voters...probably by now.
The Rainbow Reicht wants California to pick the president every California's huge population is one big reason why we have the electoral college.

They just don't want California to pick or not pick gay marriage. Even in Nutzville, it was voted down twice. Ouch!

They want California to pick every president because that always winds up being democrat. Then they want that democrat to shine rainbow lights on the Whitehouse the same day his or her handpicked liberal Justices force more gay stuff on Californians who don't want THAT part of the democrat platform..(evidenced by their vote record on it, as recent as 2008)

They want to use California's huge population to plant a tiny oligarchy in DC to force the Rainbow Agenda on all Americans (including dem Californians who don't want it) without their consent....long story short. It's a grab for total power & an end to democracy.
I knew this have to be about the queers before even looking at the OP LOL
Fascism is the enemy of mass democracy.

But a mal-educated, brainwashed with propaganda mass of people is Fascism's vanguard.
Indeed, we see that on the far and alt rights. Good point.

No, FAKEY. You imagine that. The Left controls most schools and Universities in the U.S. Thank you for the SJW Bully Snowflakes. I suspect you'll be disappointed in ther ability to be effective shock troops as they are such WIMPS.
Fascism is the enemy of mass democracy.

But a mal-educated, brainwashed with propaganda mass of people is Fascism's vanguard.
Indeed, we see that on the far and alt rights. Good point.
I agree with Boedecca to an extent, but this never would have happened with the hubris necessary to nominate Hillary, and run the campaign she did. Did Bill EVER say he'd stop raising Foundation money. JFC.

Between the EC making votes not count and these twio candidates, we gave people a lot of reasons to not vote. And now the Greens, who did trun the election, want a recount.
Fascism is the enemy of mass democracy.

But a mal-educated, brainwashed with propaganda mass of people is Fascism's vanguard.
Indeed, we see that on the far and alt rights. Good point.
We see that on either end of the spectrum where insanity lurks. Do you think Obama ordering girls in school to undress in front of deranged boys (trannies) is either 1. Sane or 2. Insane. ?

And, more pertinent to the title of this thread....Do you think that order 1. Helped the democrats this election? or 2. Hurt the democrats this election ....with the middle voters they lost...?

It's OK. We know the answer:

Fascism is the enemy of mass democracy.

But a mal-educated, brainwashed with propaganda mass of people is Fascism's vanguard.
Indeed, we see that on the far and alt rights. Good point.

No, FAKEY. You imagine that. The Left controls most schools and Universities in the U.S. Thank you for the SJW Bully Snowflakes. I suspect you'll be disappointed in ther ability to be effective shock troops as they are such WIMPS.
No, we all know that. Brighter, more educated people voted against Trump, while the uneducated voted more for him. You are such a snowflake. Stop whining.

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