The REAL Reason Looney-Lefties Want To Kill The Electoral College: Fascism

Should California be able to pick our president every time?

  • No way. I'll keep the electoral college, thanks.

  • Yes, California knows what's best for the rest of the nation.

  • Maybe.

Results are only viewable after voting.
You know, the reasons we had the electoral college in the first place are no longer there.
You know, the reasons we had the electoral college in the first place are no longer there. Same with the reason we vote on Tuesday. Travel time from one place to the other.

Now? We have instant communication and can tally all the votes of each and every citizen fairly easily.

I say get rid of the electoral college, it's gone AGAINST the will of the people twice now. The popular vote should pick the president, not a small group that comprises the electoral college.

Wanna know why Trump was saying the election was rigged if he lost? Because he'd already managed to rig the electorate.

The smaller states are equal to the larger states now?

Actually, that is the reason that the Senate has 2 representatives from each state, and they are the ones that pass the important stuff like budgets. That way, each and every state has an equal voice in government.

I say get rid of the electoral college and let the popular vote pick the president.

and let 12-15 states run the country?

No thanks

Hey didn't read or you didn't comprehend. The reason we have an equal amount of Senators from each state is so that no one state has a majority voice in how the country is ran.

The electoral college has nothing to do with it, and that is also why the Senate and House have the ability to override the president if they feel he is going against the will of the people by overriding vetos and the like.

You didn't have civics in your high school, did you?

You want the popular vote to decide the presidency instead of the electoral vote..

12-15 states could have enough popular votes to decide the presidency.

senate and house have nothing to do with it.
You know, the reasons we had the electoral college in the first place are no longer there.
You know, the reasons we had the electoral college in the first place are no longer there. Same with the reason we vote on Tuesday. Travel time from one place to the other.

Now? We have instant communication and can tally all the votes of each and every citizen fairly easily.

I say get rid of the electoral college, it's gone AGAINST the will of the people twice now. The popular vote should pick the president, not a small group that comprises the electoral college.

Wanna know why Trump was saying the election was rigged if he lost? Because he'd already managed to rig the electorate.

The smaller states are equal to the larger states now?

Actually, that is the reason that the Senate has 2 representatives from each state, and they are the ones that pass the important stuff like budgets. That way, each and every state has an equal voice in government.

I say get rid of the electoral college and let the popular vote pick the president.

and let 12-15 states run the country?

No thanks

Hey didn't read or you didn't comprehend. The reason we have an equal amount of Senators from each state is so that no one state has a majority voice in how the country is ran.

The electoral college has nothing to do with it, and that is also why the Senate and House have the ability to override the president if they feel he is going against the will of the people by overriding vetos and the like.

You didn't have civics in your high school, did you?
50 years ago?
You know, the reasons we had the electoral college in the first place are no longer there.
You know, the reasons we had the electoral college in the first place are no longer there. Same with the reason we vote on Tuesday. Travel time from one place to the other.

Now? We have instant communication and can tally all the votes of each and every citizen fairly easily.

I say get rid of the electoral college, it's gone AGAINST the will of the people twice now. The popular vote should pick the president, not a small group that comprises the electoral college.

Wanna know why Trump was saying the election was rigged if he lost? Because he'd already managed to rig the electorate.

The smaller states are equal to the larger states now?

Actually, that is the reason that the Senate has 2 representatives from each state, and they are the ones that pass the important stuff like budgets. That way, each and every state has an equal voice in government.

I say get rid of the electoral college and let the popular vote pick the president.

and let 12-15 states run the country?

No thanks

Hey didn't read or you didn't comprehend. The reason we have an equal amount of Senators from each state is so that no one state has a majority voice in how the country is ran.

The electoral college has nothing to do with it, and that is also why the Senate and House have the ability to override the president if they feel he is going against the will of the people by overriding vetos and the like.

You didn't have civics in your high school, did you?

You want the popular vote to decide the presidency instead of the electoral vote..

12-15 states could have enough popular votes to decide the presidency.

senate and house have nothing to do with it.

Senate and House have nothing to do with it? Are you serious? What part of they can override the president if he goes against the will of the people by their votes do you not comprehend? And, what part of the Senate having an equal amount of representation so that each state is equally represented do you not understand? That is the reason why the really important stuff has to be passed by the Senate.
The smaller states are equal to the larger states now?

Actually, that is the reason that the Senate has 2 representatives from each state, and they are the ones that pass the important stuff like budgets. That way, each and every state has an equal voice in government.

I say get rid of the electoral college and let the popular vote pick the president.

and let 12-15 states run the country?

No thanks

Hey didn't read or you didn't comprehend. The reason we have an equal amount of Senators from each state is so that no one state has a majority voice in how the country is ran.

The electoral college has nothing to do with it, and that is also why the Senate and House have the ability to override the president if they feel he is going against the will of the people by overriding vetos and the like.

You didn't have civics in your high school, did you?

You want the popular vote to decide the presidency instead of the electoral vote..

12-15 states could have enough popular votes to decide the presidency.

senate and house have nothing to do with it.

Senate and House have nothing to do with it? Are you serious? What part of they can override the president if he goes against the will of the people by their votes do you not comprehend? And, what part of the Senate having an equal amount of representation so that each state is equally represented do you not understand? That is the reason why the really important stuff has to be passed by the Senate.
They have nothing to do with the election of the president under a popular vote scenario.

the most populous 12-15 states do
You know, the reasons we had the electoral college in the first place are no longer there.
You know, the reasons we had the electoral college in the first place are no longer there. Same with the reason we vote on Tuesday. Travel time from one place to the other.

Now? We have instant communication and can tally all the votes of each and every citizen fairly easily.

I say get rid of the electoral college, it's gone AGAINST the will of the people twice now. The popular vote should pick the president, not a small group that comprises the electoral college.

Wanna know why Trump was saying the election was rigged if he lost? Because he'd already managed to rig the electorate.

The smaller states are equal to the larger states now?

Actually, that is the reason that the Senate has 2 representatives from each state, and they are the ones that pass the important stuff like budgets. That way, each and every state has an equal voice in government.

I say get rid of the electoral college and let the popular vote pick the president.

and let 12-15 states run the country?

No thanks

Hey didn't read or you didn't comprehend. The reason we have an equal amount of Senators from each state is so that no one state has a majority voice in how the country is ran.

The electoral college has nothing to do with it, and that is also why the Senate and House have the ability to override the president if they feel he is going against the will of the people by overriding vetos and the like.

You didn't have civics in your high school, did you?
50 years ago?

I guess your school system wasn't as good as mine, because in Freshman and Sophmore years in my high school (Frenchtown, MT), we had government classes on both civics and history that were required.
Actually, that is the reason that the Senate has 2 representatives from each state, and they are the ones that pass the important stuff like budgets. That way, each and every state has an equal voice in government.

I say get rid of the electoral college and let the popular vote pick the president.

and let 12-15 states run the country?

No thanks

Hey didn't read or you didn't comprehend. The reason we have an equal amount of Senators from each state is so that no one state has a majority voice in how the country is ran.

The electoral college has nothing to do with it, and that is also why the Senate and House have the ability to override the president if they feel he is going against the will of the people by overriding vetos and the like.

You didn't have civics in your high school, did you?

You want the popular vote to decide the presidency instead of the electoral vote..

12-15 states could have enough popular votes to decide the presidency.

senate and house have nothing to do with it.

Senate and House have nothing to do with it? Are you serious? What part of they can override the president if he goes against the will of the people by their votes do you not comprehend? And, what part of the Senate having an equal amount of representation so that each state is equally represented do you not understand? That is the reason why the really important stuff has to be passed by the Senate.
They have nothing to do with the election of the president under a popular vote scenario.

the most populous 12-15 states do

I never said anything about that. I said, that because of the checks and balances that exist in our government, because the Senate has equal representation, even if the popular vote picks a president that goes against the will of the people, the House and Senate both have the ability to override the president if necessary, and impeach him if they have to.

The electoral college is not required anymore.
You know...our Founding Fathers really were very smart men who sniffed the winds quite well on the nature of how fascism and tyranny take root.. My hat's off to those guys! :clap2:
I agree. The founders did not trust democracy. The fascists hate democracy. Hmmm, were the founders fascists. Probably not. But you have some reading to do, Sil.
I think they did the electoral college because they didn't want one or five states to have too much power to do exactly what I said in the OP. You have some reading comprehension to do Jakey.
and let 12-15 states run the country?

No thanks

Hey didn't read or you didn't comprehend. The reason we have an equal amount of Senators from each state is so that no one state has a majority voice in how the country is ran.

The electoral college has nothing to do with it, and that is also why the Senate and House have the ability to override the president if they feel he is going against the will of the people by overriding vetos and the like.

You didn't have civics in your high school, did you?

You want the popular vote to decide the presidency instead of the electoral vote..

12-15 states could have enough popular votes to decide the presidency.

senate and house have nothing to do with it.

Senate and House have nothing to do with it? Are you serious? What part of they can override the president if he goes against the will of the people by their votes do you not comprehend? And, what part of the Senate having an equal amount of representation so that each state is equally represented do you not understand? That is the reason why the really important stuff has to be passed by the Senate.
They have nothing to do with the election of the president under a popular vote scenario.

the most populous 12-15 states do

I never said anything about that. I said, that because of the checks and balances that exist in our government, because the Senate has equal representation, even if the popular vote picks a president that goes against the will of the people, the House and Senate both have the ability to override the president if necessary, and impeach him if they have to.

The electoral college is not required anymore.
The electoral college is not required anymore.

More necessary than ever
they should make the entrance sign heading into los angeles county read,,,,"Welcome To Los Angeles, Land Of Sheer & Complete Stupidity".
No, that would be the sign leading to San Francisco & Sacramento. There's still a large stronghold in many sectors of the giant sprawl that is LA which is conservative, catholic hispanic and white Christians. San Diego even moreso + a large military presence which always leans to the right.
You know, the reasons we had the electoral college in the first place are no longer there. Same with the reason we vote on Tuesday. Travel time from one place to the other.

Now? We have instant communication and can tally all the votes of each and every citizen fairly easily.

I say get rid of the electoral college, it's gone AGAINST the will of the people twice now. The popular vote should pick the president, not a small group that comprises the electoral college.

Wanna know why Trump was saying the election was rigged if he lost? Because he'd already managed to rig the electorate.

Actually, it's now happened five times.
they should make the entrance sign heading into los angeles county read,,,,"Welcome To Los Angeles, Land Of Sheer & Complete Stupidity".
No, that would be the sign leading to San Francisco & Sacramento. There's still a large stronghold in many sectors of the giant sprawl that is LA which is conservative, catholic hispanic and white Christians. San Diego even moreso + a large military presence which always leans to the right.
i am sure san fran is the dummest! just look at who is their 198 yr old congresswoman
At 50 million plus California is a monopoly that should be split up into 3 to 4 states, splitting up the electors. Millions of California Republicans have no representation in government. Ditto for New York, those corrupt assholes in NY City dictate to the rest of the state. If the shoe was on the other foot its what Democrats would be demanding.
The Rainbow Reicht wants California to pick the president every California's huge population is one big reason why we have the electoral college.

They just don't want California to pick or not pick gay marriage. Even in Nutzville, it was voted down twice. Ouch!

They want California to pick every president because that always winds up being democrat. Then they want that democrat to shine rainbow lights on the Whitehouse the same day his or her handpicked liberal Justices force more gay stuff on Californians who don't want THAT part of the democrat platform..(evidenced by their vote record on it, as recent as 2008)

They want to use California's huge population to plant a tiny oligarchy in DC to force the Rainbow Agenda on all Americans (including dem Californians who don't want it) without their consent....long story short. It's a grab for total power & an end to democracy.
When did Democracy become Fascism?
The Rainbow Reicht wants California to pick the president every California's huge population is one big reason why we have the electoral college.

They just don't want California to pick or not pick gay marriage. Even in Nutzville, it was voted down twice. Ouch!

They want California to pick every president because that always winds up being democrat. Then they want that democrat to shine rainbow lights on the Whitehouse the same day his or her handpicked liberal Justices force more gay stuff on Californians who don't want THAT part of the democrat platform..(evidenced by their vote record on it, as recent as 2008)

They want to use California's huge population to plant a tiny oligarchy in DC to force the Rainbow Agenda on all Americans (including dem Californians who don't want it) without their consent....long story short. It's a grab for total power & an end to democracy.
When did Democracy become Fascism?
Ummm.... mob rule
You know...our Founding Fathers really were very smart men who sniffed the winds quite well on the nature of how fascism and tyranny take root.. My hat's off to those guys! :clap2:
I agree. The founders did not trust democracy. The fascists hate democracy. Hmmm, were the founders fascists. Probably not. But you have some reading to do, Sil.
For good reason. Democracy's are nothing more than glorified mob rule. The Founders knew that because they were far better educated, and waaay smarter than you fakey jake!
You are on the right track, westwall, finally. Your issue will be to refrain from adopting fascism in place of consitutional republicanism in fear of being overrun by the democrats.
You know, the reasons we had the electoral college in the first place are no longer there.
You know, the reasons we had the electoral college in the first place are no longer there. Same with the reason we vote on Tuesday. Travel time from one place to the other.

Now? We have instant communication and can tally all the votes of each and every citizen fairly easily.

I say get rid of the electoral college, it's gone AGAINST the will of the people twice now. The popular vote should pick the president, not a small group that comprises the electoral college.

Wanna know why Trump was saying the election was rigged if he lost? Because he'd already managed to rig the electorate.

The smaller states are equal to the larger states now?
so give two electoral votes to each state. equal power to each state.

Actually, that is the reason that the Senate has 2 representatives from each state, and they are the ones that pass the important stuff like budgets. That way, each and every state has an equal voice in government.

I say get rid of the electoral college and let the popular vote pick the president.
So give two electoral votes to each state. make all states equal

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