The REAL Reason Looney-Lefties Want To Kill The Electoral College: Fascism

Should California be able to pick our president every time?

  • No way. I'll keep the electoral college, thanks.

  • Yes, California knows what's best for the rest of the nation.

  • Maybe.

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The EC is a brilliant firewall against the democrats fascism.....the FF never cease to amaze me with their understanding of the danger of liberal losers in America....
Well if the situation were reversed and the dense urban areas concentrated (somehow) morality and conservativism, then the rural "liberals" would also have a voice.

The FFs really thought the whole process through. I remember reading once that they debated heatedly for a long time about how exactly, in fine print (since more than a few were lawyers), to set up a perpetuating democracy.
You know, the reasons we had the electoral college in the first place are no longer there.
You know, the reasons we had the electoral college in the first place are no longer there. Same with the reason we vote on Tuesday. Travel time from one place to the other.

Now? We have instant communication and can tally all the votes of each and every citizen fairly easily.

I say get rid of the electoral college, it's gone AGAINST the will of the people twice now. The popular vote should pick the president, not a small group that comprises the electoral college.

Wanna know why Trump was saying the election was rigged if he lost? Because he'd already managed to rig the electorate.

The smaller states are equal to the larger states now?

Actually, that is the reason that the Senate has 2 representatives from each state, and they are the ones that pass the important stuff like budgets. That way, each and every state has an equal voice in government.

I say get rid of the electoral college and let the popular vote pick the president.

and let 12-15 states run the country?

No thanks

Three states just decided the presidential election by a grand total of about 100,000 votes in those states.
They were only able to do that because the winner take all nature of the electoral college canceled out millions of votes in other states.
The Rainbow Reicht wants California to pick the president every California's huge population is one big reason why we have the electoral college.

They just don't want California to pick or not pick gay marriage. Even in Nutzville, it was voted down twice. Ouch!

They want California to pick every president because that always winds up being democrat. Then they want that democrat to shine rainbow lights on the Whitehouse the same day his or her handpicked liberal Justices force more gay stuff on Californians who don't want THAT part of the democrat platform..(evidenced by their vote record on it, as recent as 2008)

They want to use California's huge population to plant a tiny oligarchy in DC to force the Rainbow Agenda on all Americans (including dem Californians who don't want it) without their consent....long story short. It's a grab for total power & an end to democracy.
When did Democracy become Fascism?

You know, the reasons we had the electoral college in the first place are no longer there.
You know, the reasons we had the electoral college in the first place are no longer there. Same with the reason we vote on Tuesday. Travel time from one place to the other.

Now? We have instant communication and can tally all the votes of each and every citizen fairly easily.

I say get rid of the electoral college, it's gone AGAINST the will of the people twice now. The popular vote should pick the president, not a small group that comprises the electoral college.

Wanna know why Trump was saying the election was rigged if he lost? Because he'd already managed to rig the electorate.

The smaller states are equal to the larger states now?

Actually, that is the reason that the Senate has 2 representatives from each state, and they are the ones that pass the important stuff like budgets. That way, each and every state has an equal voice in government.

I say get rid of the electoral college and let the popular vote pick the president.

and let 12-15 states run the country?

No thanks
Shit....a half dozen plantation cities would run the country....

Cities have more people in them per square mile than rural areas. How can you not understand that?

By your reasoning, every state in the Union is a fascist state because their governors are elected by the popular vote.
Three states just decided the presidential election by a grand total of about 100,000 votes in those states.
They were only able to do that because the winner take all nature of the electoral college canceled out millions of votes in other states.

Yeah, you mean California. Just say it already. Poor nutty California.. :gay: ...the fringe people in that state didn't get to use its massive dem-leaning population to force their tiny will on the majority like they wanted, via the USSC appointments they so badly wanted. Poor spoiled crybullies.. :crybaby: :itsok:

Remember California's dems are a weird breed. They voted down gay marriage twice; as recently as 2008. The majority of dems there are more tree-huggers than they are fudge packers.
If the popular vote somehow allows the Democratic areas of big cities to control every election,

where do the Republican governors come from?
Three states just decided the presidential election by a grand total of about 100,000 votes in those states.
They were only able to do that because the winner take all nature of the electoral college canceled out millions of votes in other states.

Yeah, you mean California. Just say it already. Poor nutty California.. :gay: ...the fringe people in that state didn't get to use its massive dem-leaning population force their tiny will on the majority like they wanted, via the USSC appointments they so badly wanted. Poor spoiled crybullies.. :crybaby: :itsok:

Remember California's dems are a weird breed. They voted down gay marriage twice; as recently as 2008. They're more tree-huggers than they are fudge packers.

Individual Californians deserve as much voice in the presidential election as anyone else in the US.
Individual Californians deserve as much voice in the presidential election as anyone else in the US.
But there are too many of them; it would squeeze out the interest of the other 49 states. That's why the FF's created the electoral college: to balance voice of states & voice of individual voters. they did it so that weird populated subcultures couldn't overrun the will of other completely different and iconic states.

Let's reverse the scenario. Let's say that most Californians were for fracking and not allowing women to get abortions. And let's say many of the "flyover states" were against fracking and also pro-choice. You wouldn't want THAT California having too much weight picking our leadership, would you? No. No you wouldn't.

Now do you understand the wisdom of the balancing effects of the electoral college?
Three states just decided the presidential election by a grand total of about 100,000 votes in those states.
They were only able to do that because the winner take all nature of the electoral college canceled out millions of votes in other states.

Yeah, you mean California. Just say it already. Poor nutty California.. :gay: ...the fringe people in that state didn't get to use its massive dem-leaning population force their tiny will on the majority like they wanted, via the USSC appointments they so badly wanted. Poor spoiled crybullies.. :crybaby: :itsok:

Remember California's dems are a weird breed. They voted down gay marriage twice; as recently as 2008. They're more tree-huggers than they are fudge packers.

Individual Californians deserve as much voice in the presidential election as anyone else in the US.

and they get it...


California has a population of almost 39 million.

More than 20 of the lowest population states combined.

Is California more important than those other 20 states?
You either want a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, or you don't.

It's pretty clear that conservatives don't.
You mean, of, by & for the people of California... I want all the states to have a voice. Hence, the electoral-college balancing effect. Californians get a proportional influence in the US House of Representatives.
You either want a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, or you don't.

It's pretty clear that conservatives don't.
You mean, of, by & for the people of California... I want all the states to have a voice. Hence, the electoral-college balancing effect. Californians get a proportional influence in the US House of Representatives.

Do you even know how the states are given their electoral votes? The states get one vote for each Senator and Representative. Places like Montana get 3, and California gets 55.

Might wanna read up on it sometime.
You either want a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, or you don't...It's pretty clear that conservatives don't.
You mean, of, by & for the people of California... I want all the states to have a voice. Hence, the electoral-college balancing effect. Californians get a proportional influence in the US House of Representatives.

Do you even know how the states are given their electoral votes? The states get one vote for each Senator and Representative. Places like Montana get 3, and California gets 55.

Might wanna read up on it sometime.
Yeah, so? We aren't arguing that. And if that's true, then the proportionate vote is secure. It's just not as much of a punch as NYcarbineer wants for California.
You either want a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, or you don't...It's pretty clear that conservatives don't.
You mean, of, by & for the people of California... I want all the states to have a voice. Hence, the electoral-college balancing effect. Californians get a proportional influence in the US House of Representatives.

Do you even know how the states are given their electoral votes? The states get one vote for each Senator and Representative. Places like Montana get 3, and California gets 55.

Might wanna read up on it sometime.
Yeah, so? We aren't arguing that. And if that's true, then the proportionate vote is secure. It's just not as much of a punch as NYcarbineer wants for California.

Actually, no it's not, because all states except 2 (Maine and Nebraska) have a "winner take all" system for the votes. up on might learn something................

Electoral College (United States) - Wikipedia

There are even what are called "faithless voters" who are electoral college voters who vote against what their state wanted for president.
O/P is an idiot. People should not have to move to fly-over country in order for their vote to count. Fascism would be making them move away from where they CHOOSE to live.
Put a fork in this thread.
You either want a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, or you don't.

It's pretty clear that conservatives don't.

Let California secede and these "fascist!" screechers will be silenced after the world's 6th largest economy tells the rest of our country to go fuck itself.
It’s official: California grows to 6th-largest world economy

Good idea.

That will remove 55 guaranteed EV from the democrats. and millions of popular votes.

The may never win another election
O/P is an idiot. People should not have to move to fly-over country in order for their vote to count. Fascism would be making them move away from where they CHOOSE to live.
Put a fork in this thread.

Their votes do count, no need to move to 'flyover' country.

But their votes only count in their own state
O/P is an idiot. People should not have to move to fly-over country in order for their vote to count. Fascism would be making them move away from where they CHOOSE to live.
Put a fork in this thread.

Actually, because of the "winner take all" system of the electoral votes, those who vote for the candidate who doesn't take their state, their vote doesn't count.

For example...............Montana has 3 electoral votes, and they award all 3 to the winner of the state, not proportional. So, if you voted Dem in Montana this year, your vote didn't count because all the electoral votes went to the Reps.
The proportional ballot thing would still make California too weighty...because most of its populace is urban/democrat.

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