The real reason US Republicans really, really hate this Pope.

every year, year in year out, for decades, cons have out donated leftist.

morons think raising taxes is charity, nowhere did jesus say give your money to the romans and let them to the work for you.

leftist, once again, prove they are not capable of thinking for themselves
Not really. Republicans think giving money to their local church which gives money to people they know is such good "charity".

Democrats give money for scholarships and give to colleges and universities. That is not really considered "charity". Republicans think education is for snobs but want people to take "free stuff". They rail against free stuff but that's the only way they know how to give. And I suspect many Republicans give away clothes and shoes with holes.
Democrats want to help people to earn a degree so they can make good money. Republicans fight for minimum wage jobs against unskilled immigrants.

Colleges and universities are not charities. They are businesses.

Do you know what a charity is?
I am not a member of the GOP, but I am a Conservative. I LIKE the Pope.

I detest his POLITICS. He is a socialist acting out the role of religious leader.
every year, year in year out, for decades, cons have out donated leftist.

morons think raising taxes is charity, nowhere did jesus say give your money to the romans and let them to the work for you.

leftist, once again, prove they are not capable of thinking for themselves
Don't be bragging about what you claim your side gives to the needy and poor, Jesus says it is fruitless....if you do it to brag about it...and that's all your side has done with this study that was done nearly 10 years ago.......which was a ridiculous study and couldn't possibly have any accurate figures in the first does anyone know if a person is liberal of conservative when they give to the poor or work food kitchens? Seriously????
every year, year in year out, for decades, cons have out donated leftist.

morons think raising taxes is charity, nowhere did jesus say give your money to the romans and let them to the work for you.

leftist, once again, prove they are not capable of thinking for themselves
Don't be bragging about what you claim your side gives to the needy and poor, Jesus says it is fruitless....if you do it to brag about it...and that's all your side has done with this study that was done nearly 10 years ago.......which was a ridiculous study and couldn't possibly have any accurate figures in the first does anyone know if a person is liberal of conservative when they give to the poor or work food kitchens? Seriously????
Liberals believe in taking someone else's money and giving it to the poor.
Conservatives use their own money to give to the poor.
every year, year in year out, for decades, cons have out donated leftist.

morons think raising taxes is charity, nowhere did jesus say give your money to the romans and let them to the work for you.

leftist, once again, prove they are not capable of thinking for themselves
Don't be bragging about what you claim your side gives to the needy and poor, Jesus says it is fruitless....if you do it to brag about it...and that's all your side has done with this study that was done nearly 10 years ago.......which was a ridiculous study and couldn't possibly have any accurate figures in the first does anyone know if a person is liberal of conservative when they give to the poor or work food kitchens? Seriously????
Liberals believe in taking someone else's money and giving it to the poor.
Conservatives use their own money to give to the poor.
Spare me the political bull crud please...

Liberals like me and my parents and my sister and all of our Liberal, church going neighbors and friends, DO.... and support BOTH, without a nanosecond of bitching and moaning, like Mamon's worshiping minions on the right. Amen!
every year, year in year out, for decades, cons have out donated leftist.

morons think raising taxes is charity, nowhere did jesus say give your money to the romans and let them to the work for you.

leftist, once again, prove they are not capable of thinking for themselves
Not really. Republicans think giving money to their local church which gives money to people they know is such good "charity".

Democrats give money for scholarships and give to colleges and universities. That is not really considered "charity". Republicans think education is for snobs but want people to take "free stuff". They rail against free stuff but that's the only way they know how to give. And I suspect many Republicans give away clothes and shoes with holes.
Democrats want to help people to earn a degree so they can make good money. Republicans fight for minimum wage jobs against unskilled immigrants.
churches are not counted as charity

and dems keep people poor, mostly minorities, if this wasn't true fewer ghettos would be filled with minorities.

look at reality, if you can.
The reality is the largest single group of poor are white Republicans.
every year, year in year out, for decades, cons have out donated leftist.

morons think raising taxes is charity, nowhere did jesus say give your money to the romans and let them to the work for you.

leftist, once again, prove they are not capable of thinking for themselves
Don't be bragging about what you claim your side gives to the needy and poor, Jesus says it is fruitless....if you do it to brag about it...and that's all your side has done with this study that was done nearly 10 years ago.......which was a ridiculous study and couldn't possibly have any accurate figures in the first does anyone know if a person is liberal of conservative when they give to the poor or work food kitchens? Seriously????
Liberals believe in taking someone else's money and giving it to the poor.
Conservatives use their own money to give to the poor.
And yet, conservative Red States rely on the Free Money they get from Blue States to balance their budgets. Odd that.
every year, year in year out, for decades, cons have out donated leftist.

morons think raising taxes is charity, nowhere did jesus say give your money to the romans and let them to the work for you.

leftist, once again, prove they are not capable of thinking for themselves
Not really. Republicans think giving money to their local church which gives money to people they know is such good "charity".

Democrats give money for scholarships and give to colleges and universities. That is not really considered "charity". Republicans think education is for snobs but want people to take "free stuff". They rail against free stuff but that's the only way they know how to give. And I suspect many Republicans give away clothes and shoes with holes.
Democrats want to help people to earn a degree so they can make good money. Republicans fight for minimum wage jobs against unskilled immigrants.

Colleges and universities are not charities. They are businesses.

Do you know what a charity is?
no he does not and he does not care b/c it doesn't support his lies.

leftist need their lies b/c w/o them they would have no foundation for their future lies.
every year, year in year out, for decades, cons have out donated leftist.

morons think raising taxes is charity, nowhere did jesus say give your money to the romans and let them to the work for you.

leftist, once again, prove they are not capable of thinking for themselves
Don't be bragging about what you claim your side gives to the needy and poor, Jesus says it is fruitless....if you do it to brag about it...and that's all your side has done with this study that was done nearly 10 years ago.......which was a ridiculous study and couldn't possibly have any accurate figures in the first does anyone know if a person is liberal of conservative when they give to the poor or work food kitchens? Seriously????
the studies are done every year, every single year, for decades, cons support the poor and needy more than leftist.

raising taxes so the government will do the work halfassed for you, isn't charity or help.

the results are in for any person with the ability to be honest with themselves.

and jesus never told you to raise taxes so the government will do it for you.
Three Supreme Court Justices didn't even want to know what this Pope had to say.

The Pope talked about helping the poor, why greed is evil, feeding the poor, helping sick people and so on. And he talked about climate change.

It was as if he took a list of everything the GOP is proud of and stands for and then stood up for the opposite. He even talked about immigrants.
It's been pretty amusing watching the hardcore partisan ideologues from both sides react to this guy.

The hardcore right wing partisan ideologues have been stumbling all over themselves trying to deal with this Pope's anti-GOP positions.

The hardcore left wing partisan ideologues like you have been so aggressive in suddenly quoting the biggest figure in Christianity, a religion they attack so regularly.

And the funniest part of all has been the reinforcement of how similar the two ridiculous ends of our political spectrum are. And you guys don't even see it.

yes they are so similar. Gay marriage, the ten commandments,prayer in schools, abortion are all so similar in both parties, right? You truly are a dumbass.
every year, year in year out, for decades, cons have out donated leftist.

morons think raising taxes is charity, nowhere did jesus say give your money to the romans and let them to the work for you.

leftist, once again, prove they are not capable of thinking for themselves
Don't be bragging about what you claim your side gives to the needy and poor, Jesus says it is fruitless....if you do it to brag about it...and that's all your side has done with this study that was done nearly 10 years ago.......which was a ridiculous study and couldn't possibly have any accurate figures in the first does anyone know if a person is liberal of conservative when they give to the poor or work food kitchens? Seriously????
Liberals believe in taking someone else's money and giving it to the poor.
Conservatives use their own money to give to the poor.
And yet, conservative Red States rely on the Free Money they get from Blue States to balance their budgets. Odd that.

Odd isn't it, conservatives flap their gums but the facts are opposite of what they claim.

Red states are the takers. Blue states are the providers. Somehow though, conservatives are just ungreatful for all that free money.

Almost like they feel someone owes them a living. LOL
Three Supreme Court Justices didn't even want to know what this Pope had to say.

The Pope talked about helping the poor, why greed is evil, feeding the poor, helping sick people and so on. And he talked about climate change.

It was as if he took a list of everything the GOP is proud of and stands for and then stood up for the opposite. He even talked about immigrants.
It's been pretty amusing watching the hardcore partisan ideologues from both sides react to this guy.

The hardcore right wing partisan ideologues have been stumbling all over themselves trying to deal with this Pope's anti-GOP positions.

The hardcore left wing partisan ideologues like you have been so aggressive in suddenly quoting the biggest figure in Christianity, a religion they attack so regularly.

And the funniest part of all has been the reinforcement of how similar the two ridiculous ends of our political spectrum are. And you guys don't even see it.
Yea, I don't see it. Because it's not true. Sheesh!
every year, year in year out, for decades, cons have out donated leftist.

morons think raising taxes is charity, nowhere did jesus say give your money to the romans and let them to the work for you.

leftist, once again, prove they are not capable of thinking for themselves
Don't be bragging about what you claim your side gives to the needy and poor, Jesus says it is fruitless....if you do it to brag about it...and that's all your side has done with this study that was done nearly 10 years ago.......which was a ridiculous study and couldn't possibly have any accurate figures in the first does anyone know if a person is liberal of conservative when they give to the poor or work food kitchens? Seriously????
Liberals believe in taking someone else's money and giving it to the poor.
Conservatives use their own money to give to the poor.
And yet, conservative Red States rely on the Free Money they get from Blue States to balance their budgets. Odd that.

Odd isn't it, conservatives flap their gums but the facts are opposite of what they claim.

Red states are the takers. Blue states are the providers. Somehow though, conservatives are just ungreatful for all that free money.

Almost like they feel someone owes them a living. LOL
Because they think they speak for God. The Pope showed them that's not true. No wonder they hate his guts.
every year, year in year out, for decades, cons have out donated leftist.

morons think raising taxes is charity, nowhere did jesus say give your money to the romans and let them to the work for you.

leftist, once again, prove they are not capable of thinking for themselves
Not really. Republicans think giving money to their local church which gives money to people they know is such good "charity".

Democrats give money for scholarships and give to colleges and universities. That is not really considered "charity". Republicans think education is for snobs but want people to take "free stuff". They rail against free stuff but that's the only way they know how to give. And I suspect many Republicans give away clothes and shoes with holes.
Democrats want to help people to earn a degree so they can make good money. Republicans fight for minimum wage jobs against unskilled immigrants.
churches are not counted as charity

and dems keep people poor, mostly minorities, if this wasn't true fewer ghettos would be filled with minorities.

look at reality, if you can.
The reality is the largest single group of poor are white Republicans.

Is that why you hate the poor so much?
op quote: "The Pope talked about helping the poor"

How many times do I have to say this:
Sometimes what seems good is not what's best. ...
In trying to help the poor the people thinking they are helping have caused them dependancy and opposite our created purpose to be all we could and should be, thus keeping us from being whole (Shalem). They are anti existance while thinking they are pro existance.
By being socially just they are taking away the drive and Essence that developes and fuels motivation and self worth and that takes away from the abundance that allows jobs, greater incoming taxes=spuring grwater ability to assist, growth, investment returns, food, commodities, supplies & convenience. You end up poorer for your social awareness creating more volumes and depths of poor and starvation.

Hence doing good is not always what's best.

So, just ignore the cycle of poverty patterns?
That's easy ... if you really don't care.
View attachment 50923

That's not what I said...but this proves my point.
Let me make it easier.
The old addage give a man a fish he eats a single meal, *but is dependant* and hungry again the next day and thereafter.
Teach a man to fish and he's self sufficient and feed for a lifetime.
Give a homeless man a dollar and he'll buy booze, give him your left over food he'll have 1 meal, give him a blanket & he'll have just a little comfort throughout the winter. Start or donate to a program that job trains or gives answering phone services so they can get work or a capitalist society that creates jobs thus feeds protects that person for life.
Creates more tax revenue so they can afford programs that teach them to fish instead of feeding them to dependancy. Hell they tell you not to feed animals in the wild for a reason, so you can't play dumb and ignore the same premise not to make people dependant.
Programs like volunteer job training fixing homes of poor elderly help both the poor homeowners while youth get their first work training and resume starting job=prevent homeless or hopeless or poverty.
Once again just because something "seems" right doesn't mean it's what is best and some people just can't see past their Blinders to notice their acts cause the opposite their good intentions.
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op quote: "The Pope talked about helping the poor"

How many times do I have to say this:
Sometimes what seems good is not what's best. Sometimes people with ego and hate for opposing views are arrogantly boasting about their doing good but it's never what is best and their arrogance blinds them from noticing or learning why.

In trying to help the poor the people thinking they are helping have caused them dependancy and opposite our created purpose to be all we could and should be, thus keeping us from being whole (Shalem). They are anti existance while thinking they are pro existance.
By being socially just they are taking away the drive and Essence that developes and fuels motivation and self worth and that takes away from the abundance that allows jobs, greater incoming taxes=spuring grwater ability to assist, growth, investment returns, food, commodities, supplies & convenience. You end up poorer for your social awareness creating more volumes and depths of poor and starvation.
See Russia and China and Cuba as examples.
Hence doing good is not always what's best. Dems don't think deeply, they only react while using the few brain cell that's left after smoking all that weed.
Damn Hippies.

I have the feeling you are confusing your own ungrace with the loveful grace of god. It's the grace of god everyone needs. Beg - and you will receive. How are you able to say "Hence doing good is not always what's best" and to try to propagate indirectly: 'never to do good is the best'. What do you call such a form of argument? Intellectual richdom? Whenever in the history of the USA or the history of the world tried Christians not to help poor people? Intellectual short cuts like 'because bad Commies are existing so I am [a] good [Capitalist]' or 'because bad Capitalists are existing I am [a] good [Commie]' are causing only intellectual blindness. There's only one who is absolutelly good - our father in heaven. And everyone needs help - our help, your help, the own help. The best way to help others is to follow the rule "help them to be able to help themselve". But sometimes someone needs always help - in case of an apoplexy for example. Tell me something about the theories of Adam Smith or Karl Marx about the economy of the apoplectic insult of the old Mrs. Geraldine Brokes and what to do in such cases - and then you will know what "intellectual poorness" is. We don't have for everything alway theories if someone like Mrs. Geraldine Brokes needs help. From time to time - more concrete from second to second - we need living human beings with a great heart - doing a very important work. Not always is someone ready to pay money for such a very important work, specially often not atheistic Commies or also not darwinistic Capitalists. But I hope we - the children of god - will always have some power to be able to help if someone needs help.

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op quote: "The Pope talked about helping the poor"

How many times do I have to say this:
Sometimes what seems good is not what's best. Sometimes people with ego and hate for opposing views are arrogantly boasting about their doing good but it's never what is best and their arrogance blinds them from noticing or learning why.

In trying to help the poor the people thinking they are helping have caused them dependancy and opposite our created purpose to be all we could and should be, thus keeping us from being whole (Shalem). They are anti existance while thinking they are pro existance.
By being socially just they are taking away the drive and Essence that developes and fuels motivation and self worth and that takes away from the abundance that allows jobs, greater incoming taxes=spuring grwater ability to assist, growth, investment returns, food, commodities, supplies & convenience. You end up poorer for your social awareness creating more volumes and depths of poor and starvation.
See Russia and China and Cuba as examples.
Hence doing good is not always what's best. Dems don't think deeply, they only react while using the few brain cell that's left after smoking all that weed.
Damn Hippies.
All the Pope is saying is that cutting employees wages while raising CEO pay is not a good formula for success.

And global warming is caused by man. Hell even the Chinese get that.
op quote: "The Pope talked about helping the poor"

How many times do I have to say this:
Sometimes what seems good is not what's best. ...
In trying to help the poor the people thinking they are helping have caused them dependancy and opposite our created purpose to be all we could and should be, thus keeping us from being whole (Shalem). They are anti existance while thinking they are pro existance.
By being socially just they are taking away the drive and Essence that developes and fuels motivation and self worth and that takes away from the abundance that allows jobs, greater incoming taxes=spuring grwater ability to assist, growth, investment returns, food, commodities, supplies & convenience. You end up poorer for your social awareness creating more volumes and depths of poor and starvation.

Hence doing good is not always what's best.

So, just ignore the cycle of poverty patterns?
That's easy ... if you really don't care.
View attachment 50923

That's not what I said...but this proves my point.
Let me make it easier.
The old addage give a man a fish he eats a single meal, *but is dependant* and hungry again the next day and thereafter.
Teach a man to fish and he's self sufficient and feed for a lifetime.
Give a homeless man a dollar and he'll buy booze, give him your left over food he'll have 1 meal, give him a blanket & he'll have just a little comfort throughout the winter. Start or donate to a program that job trains or gives answering phone services so they can get work or a capitalist society that creates jobs thus feeds protects that person for life.
Creates more tax revenue so they can afford programs that teach them to fish instead of feeding them to dependancy. Hell they tell you not to feed animals in the wild for a reason, so you can't play dumb and ignore the same premise not to make people dependant.
Programs like volunteer job training fixing homes of poor elderly help both the poor homeowners while youth get their first work training and resume starting job=prevent homeless or hopeless or poverty.
Once again just because something "seems" right doesn't mean it's what is best and some people just can't see past their Blinders to notice their acts cause the opposite their good intentions.
Where are these Republican programs? They sound wonderful. Maybe they could also convince their business buddies to start hiring the unemployed. Give them a chance. Start with vets.
yes they are so similar. Gay marriage, the ten commandments,prayer in schools, abortion are all so similar in both parties, right? You truly are a dumbass.
Similar in their behaviors.

Was this really that complicated?

Three Supreme Court Justices didn't even want to know what this Pope had to say.

The Pope talked about helping the poor, why greed is evil, feeding the poor, helping sick people and so on. And he talked about climate change.

It was as if he took a list of everything the GOP is proud of and stands for and then stood up for the opposite. He even talked about immigrants.
It's been pretty amusing watching the hardcore partisan ideologues from both sides react to this guy.

The hardcore right wing partisan ideologues have been stumbling all over themselves trying to deal with this Pope's anti-GOP positions.

The hardcore left wing partisan ideologues like you have been so aggressive in suddenly quoting the biggest figure in Christianity, a religion they attack so regularly.

And the funniest part of all has been the reinforcement of how similar the two ridiculous ends of our political spectrum are. And you guys don't even see it.
Yea, I don't see it. Because it's not true. Sheesh!

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