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The Real Story About What Ended The Great Depression

FDR could not get nominated by today's Democrat Party. Too much of a right wing extremist for their tastes. Which sez more about their tastes than about his politics.
So the people the people that voted FDR into office several times did it for the wrong reasons and were clueless I believe you are saying. Things would have gotten better even if republicans had stayed in office. Got it.

Again a deflection. I said nothing abut political parties. Nor did I reference the great prosperity of the 50s under Eisenhower. Got it?
So the people the people that voted FDR into office several times did it for the wrong reasons and were clueless I believe you are saying. Things would have gotten better even if republicans had stayed in office. Got it.

Again a deflection. I said nothing abut political parties. Nor did I reference the great prosperity of the 50s under Eisenhower. Got it?
Well, help me out then. The Milton Friedman youtube explanation of what caused the Great Depression has been linked so many times that it's becoming like schoolhouse rock and how a bill becomes a law. Simply put, the gold standard failed because when gold flowed from one country to another, as a result of currencyvalue, the country receiving gold failed to expand their own currency, and that resulted in fewer dollars chasing goods which is deflation. We have the ideological economic deniers who say "oh had we just following Coolidge and Harding," which ignores the key fact that 1929-32 was a global deflation. Simply doing nothing, which is what Harding did, was exactly what we did under Hoover. We didn't expand the fcking money supply.

Now if you choose to not go down the road of economic idiocy, as the Harding crew chooses, that's another issue, and it's a bit more subtle. Friedman's criticism of Keynes is basically that that school allowed politicians to simply deficit spend with the defense "we're stimulating." That doesn't mean there's no stimulus. When Reagan exploded defense production it really did create a lot of jobs building shite. Similarly, FDR really did put people to work in the CCC.

But the question that people like Friedman (or me for that matter) would ask is "well yes, you've put people to work, but are you building a sustainable economy?" That is, Hitler really did end the great depression in Germany with national socialism, ie the state consumed everything private industry could produce. FDR did end the great depression in the US after Dec 7, 1941 when every able bodied male, and a good many females, were put to work in the war effort. But, ultimately, where's that get us? Communism? What ended the soviets as much as anything was the fact that during the 70s they had to borrow billions from western banks to feed their masses because their economies were so inefficient. And Truman certainly didn't go down that road, as the great accomplishment of his presidency was backing the govt out of consuming all the goods, getting the GIs privately employed and transitioning back into a capitalist economy.

But, as to FDR, first he did end the depression. Secondly, and more importantly imo, any criticism of him ultimately goes to he didn't appreciate monetarism and the necessity of the first tier economies to have strong central banks that could use interest rates and put money into banks that would lend. Of course, monetarism and the central banking structure didn't exist in 1932.
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Hitler ended FDR's Depression

Hmm... Black Tuesday: October 29, 1929... Roosevelt's first Presidential race: November 8, 1932.

FDR musta had one a them O'bama teleprompter time machines that forced a depression on his predecessor. Three years before the election even happened.

What a guy.

FDR didn't have a Depression during his entire first 2 terms????

OK let's take this step by step....
Stock market crash: Fall of 1929.
Roosevelt elected: Fall of 1932 (inaugurated 1933). By which time the Depression was 3½ years old.

See if you can put these events in order. Take your time.

Um, OK. FDR still have the worst 2 terms in Presidential history. 14% Average unemployment. He had Hitlers conquest of France to thank for US finally dropping below 14%

Yabbut this, yabbut that, excuses excuses. The fact is the unemployment rate was around 25% when he came in so -- good luck selling this canard.



The overall course of the Depression in the United States, as reflected in per-capita GDP (average income per person)
shown in constant year 2000 dollars, plus some of the key events of the period

(Both graphs from here)
Some histories are easier to revise than others. Graphs tend to give you kind of an uphill climb.

You may now resume your "yabbut yabbut" excuses in the noble cause of Eliminationist partisanship.
Good graphs that support fact that Pearl Harbor ended Great Depression.
Hmm... Black Tuesday: October 29, 1929... Roosevelt's first Presidential race: November 8, 1932.

FDR musta had one a them O'bama teleprompter time machines that forced a depression on his predecessor. Three years before the election even happened.

What a guy.

FDR didn't have a Depression during his entire first 2 terms????

OK let's take this step by step....
Stock market crash: Fall of 1929.
Roosevelt elected: Fall of 1932 (inaugurated 1933). By which time the Depression was 3½ years old.

See if you can put these events in order. Take your time.

Um, OK. FDR still have the worst 2 terms in Presidential history. 14% Average unemployment. He had Hitlers conquest of France to thank for US finally dropping below 14%

Yabbut this, yabbut that, excuses excuses. The fact is the unemployment rate was around 25% when he came in so -- good luck selling this canard.



The overall course of the Depression in the United States, as reflected in per-capita GDP (average income per person)
shown in constant year 2000 dollars, plus some of the key events of the period

(Both graphs from here)
Some histories are easier to revise than others. Graphs tend to give you kind of an uphill climb.

You may now resume your "yabbut yabbut" excuses in the noble cause of Eliminationist partisanship.
Good graphs that support fact that Pearl Harbor ended Great Depression.

A good example of government spending ending unemployment it looks like (stimulus). There was no spending like war spending.
(Hint: It Wasn’t the New Deal)

Warning! All liberals – ignore this article. It will only cause you heartburn and perhaps stir up the ulcers you have due to your life of negativity.

The cruel irony of the New Deal is that the liberals’ honorable intentions to help the poor and the unemployed caused more human suffering than any other set of ideas in the past century.

More of the historical fabrication of FDR's presidency can be read @ The Real Story About What Ended the Great Depression
So do we now all agree that it was war time spending that ended the war not FDR spending, and do we all agree that FDR's spending was too little and wartime spending about right?
Many of the New Deal programs were trying to put food on the tables of people who needed it and some income right then, not 6 or 7 years down the road, so of course most of the 'arguments' against them are just bullshit and desperately avoid addressing existential realities. Sorry, but nobody but clueless sociopaths in those days were going to accept letting millions perish just because of some imaginary free market economic theory invented to pander to sniveling millionaires.
Many of the New Deal programs were trying to put food on the tables of people who needed it and some income right then, not 6 or 7 years down the road, so of course most of the 'arguments' against them are just bullshit and desperately avoid addressing existential realities. Sorry, but nobody but clueless sociopaths in those days were going to accept letting millions perish just because of some imaginary free market economic theory invented to pander to sniveling millionaires.

Pretty much the point I was trying to make in the old timers I talked to. FDR did give hope also besides helping with much needed income. More than one old timer said the wpa put guys to work and gave them well needed paychecks and also giving them a feeling of worth they had lost during years on unemployment. Some can't understand this feeling, I can.
Many of the New Deal programs were trying to put food on the tables of people who needed it and some income right then, not 6 or 7 years down the road, so of course most of the 'arguments' against them are just bullshit and desperately avoid addressing existential realities. Sorry, but nobody but clueless sociopaths in those days were going to accept letting millions perish just because of some imaginary free market economic theory invented to pander to sniveling millionaires.

Pretty much the point I was trying to make in the old timers I talked to. FDR did give hope also besides helping with much needed income. More than one old timer said the wpa put guys to work and gave them well needed paychecks and also giving them a feeling of worth they had lost during years on unemployment. Some can't understand this feeling, I can.
Not only did he give relief to millions, he did it in a way that built American infrastructure and modernized the American Navy which payed off in WWII. The infrastructure benefited the nation for decades and much of it is still being used today. It was probably the most profitable investments made by American tax payers in American history other than the Louisiana Purchase and the purchase of Alaska. When conservatives are told this they tend to mock it and claim it's a liberal lie, but when you begin listing the projects that are still being used today they quickly go into denial and than run away.
Hitler ended FDR's Depression

Hmm... Black Tuesday: October 29, 1929... Roosevelt's first Presidential race: November 8, 1932.

FDR musta had one a them O'bama teleprompter time machines that forced a depression on his predecessor. Three years before the election even happened.

What a guy.

FDR didn't have a Depression during his entire first 2 terms????

OK let's take this step by step....
Stock market crash: Fall of 1929.
Roosevelt elected: Fall of 1932 (inaugurated 1933). By which time the Depression was 3½ years old.

See if you can put these events in order. Take your time.

Um, OK. FDR still have the worst 2 terms in Presidential history. 14% Average unemployment. He had Hitlers conquest of France to thank for US finally dropping below 14%
You must get this information to the 238 noted historians that recently rated FDR as America's greatest president. In addition you might send copies to the hundreds of historians that have rated presidents since 1948 and never placed FDR lower that one of the top three American presidents. When the historians get this valuable information I'm sure they will change not only their ratings but rewrite their history books.
Are you suggesting as others have that Keynes works, and if FDR had only spent money as in a war the depression would have been cured?
historians work for the government and only tell the sheople what they want them to hear.corrupt presidents that were traiters to the american people like FDR and reagan,the true facts on them are always suppressed from the sheople so they naturally thinbk of these two traiter presidents as being one of the 5 best presidents ever all the time.
Did any of you live under the FDR administration?

Or is everyone spouting what so-called experts are saying?

I KNEW people who lived then and, to a person, they felt FDR was a tyrant who got the government involved in everything. Unemployment plummeted because so many people were working for the government!

Massive public works projects with so many alphabet names that it's nearly impossible to include in a single post.

Yes, public highways were improved.

Rural electrification resulted with many dams and generation plants built.

But, at what price.

Oh yes, a massive increase in jobs and production in the arms industry.
Geez, a lot of emotional investment in FDR. Some people people seem to think that winning four elections makes someone a great President. How about concealing terminal illness from the voters?

Who keeps bringing up these FDR threads? It's obvious who has a lot of emotional investment in these threads, and it isn't who you hope it is.

well for a refreshing change at least its not that troll political chic who has an obsession over him.she does expose his corruption all the time.That I have no problem with.However she has such an obsession on the corruption of the democrats ESPECIALLY with FDR,that she never talks about the corrption of republican presidents though which is what I do have a problem with on her.republican presidents like eisenhower and reagan can do no wrong in her mind and are her heros.:rolleyes-41:
Geez, a lot of emotional investment in FDR. Some people people seem to think that winning four elections makes someone a great President. How about concealing terminal illness from the voters?
It may have been lucky for Republicans that FDR died from something. Most Americans would probably still be voting for him had he lived.

Only if they continued to be brainwashed fools....like you.
the people that kept voting for him were indeed brainwashed fools.thats an understatement.
Under FDR's leadership, or lack of it, in an astonishing three terms the downturn in the economy under Hoover became a man killing, soup line, bodies in ditches depression. FDR's policies only made it worse until he managed to get us into a war which we weren't prepared for either.

amazing.I cant believe it.for once whitehall has done his homework and actually tells it like it really was.Im impressed.:biggrin::up:

I cant believe I am actually praising him for the first time ever.lol.

During the 30's the radio media and the print media was in the back pocket of liberal democrats. The media was the propaganda arm of the FDR administration and the poor fools who were struggling with the depression heard only promises of good times by a corrupt administration.

economy under Hoover became a man killing, soup line, bodies in ditches depression. FDR's policies only made it worse until he managed to get us into a war which we weren't prepared for either.
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So why did the American people vote for FDR four times in a row, and why have different sets of the America's best historians rated FDR as one of three best American presidents since 1948. And worse, recently rated FDR as America's best president? Besides the usual "historians are commies," do you have any other explanation that doesn't sound uneducated?
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During the 30's the radio media and the print media was in the back pocket of liberal democrats. The media was the propaganda arm of the FDR administration and the poor fools who were struggling with the depression heard only promises of good times by a corrupt administration.
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None of your assertions are true. FDR's policies didn't make the depression worse. Even his most stalwart critics don't make that claim, rather they claim it slowed down the recovery, which is only an opinion in and of itself. He didn't get us into WWII, Hitler and Hirohito did that. And the media of the 30's weren't in the pockets of the liberals. There was an abundance of anti FDR media in existence. Basically what you are saying is that what came to be know as the greatest generation began as a bunch of fools.
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There simply was no "abundance" of anti-FDR media during the 30's. Every single mainstream print media or radio station was supportive of FDR policies during the 30's or risk losing their FCC license.. What president in the entire history of the United States could get away with authorizing the confiscation of property of American citizens based on their ethnic background and rounding them up to be confined by barbed wire and armed guards unless it had total support from the media? The media writes the history books and the media was the propaganda arm of the FDR administration.
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