The Real Story on the Flotilla Ship!

LOL, you HAVE only listened to one side of the story and made up your mind well before this incident even took place. Heck you made up your mind before these boats even left dock!

Israel went to civilian ships in international waters and attacked them.

What other side is there?

Theres a video that clearly shows that the Israelis were attacked first, so your account of what happened is false, but you already know youre lying about it so i guess its not really necessary for me to point it out. It must suck to be in a debate where you have to lie in order to have a decent counter debate. :lol:

...attacked on a boat that they stormed like a fucking swat team?


you people crack me up.

Um, have you not seen the video of Israeli soldiers being attacked, literally before they even had their boots on the deck? Those poor soldiers were attacked by a blood thirsty mob as they were simply trying to get on the boat. Its quite obvious who the aggressors were in this skirmish.

Hmm. A video that is only 60 seconds long that was produced by the IDF.

Why do I think it might not be telling the entire story?

Who else would have had a video! This was Justiable raid at sea! Did you expect the evening news reporters to be right there?

I guess videos of the soldiers being attacked is not good enough for you. But then again anything the Jews do is NEVER going to be good enough for you.

I wonder which is more shocking: that a jew calls any action taken by israel justifiable or that you are somehow a lawyer and can't spell worth a fuck.
The IDF contacted the ship and told informed them of the blockade (as if they didn't know) and told them to dock in Israel and the goods would be shipped from there.

Very true, but the antisemites will ignore this little tidpit of information.
Israel went to civilian ships in international waters and attacked them.

What other side is there?

Theres a video that clearly shows that the Israelis were attacked first, so your account of what happened is false, but you already know youre lying about it so i guess its not really necessary for me to point it out. It must suck to be in a debate where you have to lie in order to have a decent counter debate. :lol:

...attacked on a boat that they stormed like a fucking swat team?


you people crack me up.


Yeah, retards are easilly amused.

Ive never seen a helicopter equipped with a stair case or elevator. If they didnt go down by rope (like a swat team), they wouldnt have been able to get on the boat. Logic isnt your strong suit is it?
Theres a video that clearly shows that the Israelis were attacked first, so your account of what happened is false, but you already know youre lying about it so i guess its not really necessary for me to point it out. It must suck to be in a debate where you have to lie in order to have a decent counter debate. :lol:

...attacked on a boat that they stormed like a fucking swat team?


you people crack me up.


Yeah, retards are easilly amused.

Ive never seen a helicopter equipped with a stair case or elevator. If they didnt go down by rope (like a swat team), they wouldnt have been able to get on the boat. Logic isnt your strong suit is it?

Rationalizing their swat team method doesn't invalidate the reaction that it caused by those on board. Maybe you are too stupid to realize that perhaps they should have simply not gone onto the boat like fucking stormtroopers. Alas, I know I know... israel can never be at fault.. *yawn*

Please, tell me more about how logic is YOUR strong suit though, you silly little bitch.

They were recruited specifically to attack!

Probe reveals flotilla lynchers have ties to Global Jihad - Israel News, Ynetnews
Interrogation of Gaza aid sail detainees reveals some of passengers recruited specifically to attack Israeli soldiers. Suspects found to be carrying multiple weapons, cash

VIDEO - The ongoing interrogation of passengers who were aboard the Marmara – the Gaza aid flotilla's flagship – revealed that the majority of those who attacked the Israeli Naval Commandos boarding the ship have direct and indirect Global Jihad ties.

Israel's investigation has revealed some 100 people infiltrated the peace and humanitarian aid activists making their way to Gaza, with the explicit design to attack Israeli soldiers using cold arms.

Some among that group are believed to have ties with World Jihad groups, mainly al-Qaeda.

The majority of suspects are Turks, but some are Yemenites and Indonesian. One Yemenite Islamist was photographed with a dagger in his belt prior to the raid.

IHH is a Turkish humanitarian relief fund with a radical Islamic anti-Western orientation.

Some of the suspects were found to be carrying large sums of money. Others had Kevlar vests and gas masks;
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Only someone who was incredibly blind could post only one side of an issue and claim it was "the real story".

Get a little bit of perspective for fucks sake.

Um, have you not seen the video of Israeli soldiers being attacked, literally before they even had their boots on the deck? Those poor soldiers were attacked by a blood thirsty mob as they were simply trying to get on the boat. Its quite obvious who the aggressors were in this skirmish.

Hmm. A video that is only 60 seconds long that was produced by the IDF.

Why do I think it might not be telling the entire story?

Hmm, American and other idiotic peace activists get used again? Hmm...

ynet. it was just a matter of time before they or the jpost insinuate as much..


Maybe because youre stupid? That would be my guess.

Right. Because someone listening to more than one side of a story is "stupid" :cuckoo:

I can see why you wouldn't tho. Can't let the facts get in the way of your opinions.

You mean facts like a video showing jew haters attacking jews? You are the only one denying facts around here Adolf.

Your the one advocating genocide, not me. Don't project your sick viewpoints onto others.
...attacked on a boat that they stormed like a fucking swat team?


you people crack me up.


Yeah, retards are easilly amused.

Ive never seen a helicopter equipped with a stair case or elevator. If they didnt go down by rope (like a swat team), they wouldnt have been able to get on the boat. Logic isnt your strong suit is it?

Rationalizing their swat team method doesn't invalidate the reaction that it caused by those on board. Maybe you are too stupid to realize that perhaps they should have simply not gone onto the boat like fucking stormtroopers. Alas, I know I know... israel can never be at fault.. *yawn*

Please, tell me more about how logic is YOUR strong suit though, you silly little bitch.


They used the same landing method on 5 other boats that day, yet they were smart enough not to atack the Israelis.

When armed Israeli soldiers come to inspect your ship, the last thing you want to do is attack them. That would be foolish, because someone could get killed, but dont take my word for it, just ask the half wits that came from Turkey.
...attacked on a boat that they stormed like a fucking swat team?


you people crack me up.


Yeah, retards are easilly amused.

Ive never seen a helicopter equipped with a stair case or elevator. If they didnt go down by rope (like a swat team), they wouldnt have been able to get on the boat. Logic isnt your strong suit is it?

Rationalizing their swat team method doesn't invalidate the reaction that it caused by those on board. Maybe you are too stupid to realize that perhaps they should have simply not gone onto the boat like fucking stormtroopers. Alas, I know I know... israel can never be at fault.. *yawn*

Please, tell me more about how logic is YOUR strong suit though, you silly little bitch.


People one ship attacked the Israeli soldiers, correct? Who were these people? I bet they were not the dupes like you, American peace activists with their heads up their asses.
Yeah, retards are easilly amused.

Ive never seen a helicopter equipped with a stair case or elevator. If they didnt go down by rope (like a swat team), they wouldnt have been able to get on the boat. Logic isnt your strong suit is it?

Rationalizing their swat team method doesn't invalidate the reaction that it caused by those on board. Maybe you are too stupid to realize that perhaps they should have simply not gone onto the boat like fucking stormtroopers. Alas, I know I know... israel can never be at fault.. *yawn*

Please, tell me more about how logic is YOUR strong suit though, you silly little bitch.


They used the same landing method on 5 other boats that day, yet they were smart enough not to atack the Israelis.

When armed Israeli soldiers come to inspect your ship, the last thing you want to do is attack them. That would be foolish, because someone could get killed, but dont take my word for it, just ask the half wits that came from Turkey.

again, rationalizing their method doesn't invalidate the reaction to being boarded like nazis looking for jews in the Frank house. Sorry to make your hardon for israel limp out on ya.

when israel decides that they are not above the same standards of behavior as everyone else then maybe they will be able to stop looking so horrible in the global opinion. Every other nation who would have reacted like israel did WOULD HAVE BEEN raked through the coals. But, because it's israel people like you want a free pass.

I'm sure that you could literally watch a jew pluck the eyes out of an arab toddler and drink blood from its neck and all you would do is fault the child for being around a thirsty jew and tempting them by having drinkable liquid in their body.
Yeah, retards are easilly amused.

Ive never seen a helicopter equipped with a stair case or elevator. If they didnt go down by rope (like a swat team), they wouldnt have been able to get on the boat. Logic isnt your strong suit is it?

Rationalizing their swat team method doesn't invalidate the reaction that it caused by those on board. Maybe you are too stupid to realize that perhaps they should have simply not gone onto the boat like fucking stormtroopers. Alas, I know I know... israel can never be at fault.. *yawn*

Please, tell me more about how logic is YOUR strong suit though, you silly little bitch.


People one ship attacked the Israeli soldiers, correct? Who were these people? I bet they were not the dupes like you, American peace activists with their heads up their asses.

I bet you'd attack someone who leaped on your boat and acted like they were going to take over your ship too. Then again, you are a giant pussy so I have no doubt that you'd grovel for some ass to kiss after soiling yourself.
I bet you'd attack someone who leaped on your boat and acted like they were going to take over your ship too. Then again, you are a giant pussy so I have no doubt that you'd grovel for some ass to kiss after soiling yourself.

not really. I'd do what everyone on the high seas does when a nation's armed forces say they are boarding. The Israeli's and teh boats had been talking for a while. It was no surprise.

your anti-semitism and your personal attacks aside, you are still nothing but a loud mouth bully hiding behind an internet keyboard.

I bet you'd attack someone who leaped on your boat and acted like they were going to take over your ship too. Then again, you are a giant pussy so I have no doubt that you'd grovel for some ass to kiss after soiling yourself.

not really. I'd do what everyone on the high seas does when a nation's armed forces say they are boarding. The Israeli's and teh boats had been talking for a while. It was no surprise.

your anti-semitism and your personal attacks aside, you are still nothing but a loud mouth bully hiding behind an internet keyboard.


...says the USMB-famous Devnell




But, I will say this, cowering like a little bitch when attacked does sound like something right up you alley. I hope your household has a big dog since, clearly, you have nothing to offer a burglar.
Rationalizing their swat team method doesn't invalidate the reaction that it caused by those on board. Maybe you are too stupid to realize that perhaps they should have simply not gone onto the boat like fucking stormtroopers. Alas, I know I know... israel can never be at fault.. *yawn*

Please, tell me more about how logic is YOUR strong suit though, you silly little bitch.


They used the same landing method on 5 other boats that day, yet they were smart enough not to atack the Israelis.

When armed Israeli soldiers come to inspect your ship, the last thing you want to do is attack them. That would be foolish, because someone could get killed, but dont take my word for it, just ask the half wits that came from Turkey.

again, rationalizing their method doesn't invalidate the reaction to being boarded like nazis looking for jews in the Frank house. Sorry to make your hardon for israel limp out on ya.

when israel decides that they are not above the same standards of behavior as everyone else then maybe they will be able to stop looking so horrible in the global opinion. Every other nation who would have reacted like israel did WOULD HAVE BEEN raked through the coals. But, because it's israel people like you want a free pass.

I'm sure that you could literally watch a jew pluck the eyes out of an arab toddler and drink blood from its neck and all you would do is fault the child for being around a thirsty jew and tempting them by having drinkable liquid in their body.

So, since you stick up for Hamas and the Palis at every turn, are we to assume its ok for Israel to indciscriminately fire rockets into the Palestinian territory? Is this the same standard you are referring to? Should they spray machine guns in palestinian night clubs without warning?

The Palis should be thankful Israel plays as nice as they do. Israel could wipe out the palestinian problem with ease if they really wanted to, but they dont share the same barbarism that their enemies have.
Right. Because someone listening to more than one side of a story is "stupid" :cuckoo:

I can see why you wouldn't tho. Can't let the facts get in the way of your opinions.

You mean facts like a video showing jew haters attacking jews? You are the only one denying facts around here Adolf.

Your the one advocating genocide, not me. Don't project your sick viewpoints onto others.

LOL genocide by old age! Not a great method! Genocide by allowing the population to increase like rabbits is not a great method either. Research genocide and you will probably see footnotes to the Aremians Holocaust!
Yeah, retards are easilly amused.

Ive never seen a helicopter equipped with a stair case or elevator. If they didnt go down by rope (like a swat team), they wouldnt have been able to get on the boat. Logic isnt your strong suit is it?

Rationalizing their swat team method doesn't invalidate the reaction that it caused by those on board. Maybe you are too stupid to realize that perhaps they should have simply not gone onto the boat like fucking stormtroopers. Alas, I know I know... israel can never be at fault.. *yawn*

Please, tell me more about how logic is YOUR strong suit though, you silly little bitch.


They used the same landing method on 5 other boats that day, yet they were smart enough not to atack the Israelis.

When armed Israeli soldiers come to inspect your ship, the last thing you want to do is attack them. That would be foolish, because someone could get killed, but dont take my word for it, just ask the half wits that came from Turkey.

Right. It was the protestors who were the stupid ones. I mean its not as if the Israeli's are in deep shit about their actions now.

Sorry, but any way you dice it, the Israelis are the losers in this little fiasco.

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