The "real" Superman is a misogynistic, self-important JERK!!!!


Gold Member
Nov 2, 2013
Firstly, Clark Kent (AKA Superman) does not wear a cape - his mom made him one, but he traded it for Hummer. You see - "Superman" doesn't care about mankind. Why? I'll tell you why.......wouldn't you get sick of saving a bunch of stupid people who kept putting themselves in harms way? I sure would.

At first, he did a great job of saving the planet......but after about the 10,000th time, he began to see the futility in always looking out for dumb-asses. Eventually, he would act as if he were about to save a buss full of blind cub-scouts, but would allow them to parish at the last second......JUST FOR LAUGHS!

Since no one EVER paid SM for all the work he did, he began taking money from banks; hey, who was going to stop him? Batman? Bullets bounce right off his ass! There had come a point when SM just stopped giving a damn, or wearing pants for that matter.

Stoned Superman in fight with neighbor.

Where does Clark Kent spend most of his days if he doesn't save people anymore? Where would you go if you had X-ray vision? To the beach, of course! Can't say that I blame him. The man can do whatever he want's - why shouldn't he?

Also, he dumped Lois Lane for Lindsey Lohan......COME ON!!!! Who would you rather bang?


You would think sleeping with ten woman a night, indulging every whim WITHOUT repercussions and having god like powers over humans would be pretty cool, right? Well, Superman just seems to sit and the ancient Sphinx across the empty desert.

He wonders what it would be like to be "one of the guys" and have real friends and not band-wagoners who just want a photo opp with a superstar. Yup, it's lonely at the top - especially when the only woman who ever loved you, get's re-married, throws her ring in the Hudson and now tells jokes about your snoring and your "super-dumps".

You would think the fact that he never was a normal man would cushion the hurt, but in a way, it only makes things worse.

No wonder he got rid of the damn cape - being Super sucks ass.

Who needs Kryptonite, when just being yourself is as deadly as a rusted nail.


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