The REAL War on Women....

You posted an article about something that happened in Egypt.

You had to reach thousands of miles from America to find such a horrific action by a woman.

Which has nothing to do with America. America can't do one damn thing about it.

What was done is horrific. It doesn't happen in America. No mother kills their child because it was rapped here in America.

Well damn, lets not bring musical tastes into the subject, please.

And how would you know it doesnt happen here in America? Just because it isnt on MSNBC? roflmao

Meanwhile, here in America republicans want to force women to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term.

No, we dont want children to be murdered in the womb because their moms cant handle their responsibility for fucking their brains out.

They want to force rape survivors to carry a pregnancy that's the result of the rape to term.

That is bullshit. Some do, but most do not, and even in the few cases where rape conceives a prgnancy, there is not reason, IMO, to murder a baby because of the evil of their father.

They want to force women who's pregnancy has gone wrong to die.

That is total bullshit. No one supports that and what they do support you apparently couldnt understand because you dont want to. It's just easier to blame evil Republicans.

They want incest survivors to carry and deliver a pregnancy that was caused by being rapped by a family member.

These damned rappists, what the hell?

That's on top of wanting to take contraception from women. Their excuse is that it causes abortion. Which it doesn't.

Anyone that thinks contraception itself causes abortion is a moron. But you are obviousy confused by the claim that the use of contraceptives eventually leads to pregnancy among many women, as contraceptives have about a 5% failure rate depending on the method used, and so they think it is unwise to allow young teens to get contraceptives enmasse.

IT is not the view shared by a majority of conservatives or Republicans, liar.

Why not stick to the issues here at home in America?

Why so you can lie about them too?

The point of this OP is that this is the culture that these cretins come from and that is how they will act once here BECAUSE YOU LIBTARDS NO LONGER DEMAND THAT THEY ASSIMILATE. In your view they can come here and live just like they do in Egypt, you stupid ass, and that is going to bring that shit here as well, honor killings Sharia law, the whole nine yards.

And it most certainly does happen here to, you lying fuck.

Honor killing in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cherry-picking criminal acts by religion is called bigotry, bigot.

Stupid fear-mongering posts like this only add fuel to the fire for home-grown terrorism.
Lol, so I am a bigot because I simply shared a report on a horrific crime in Egypt, but witht he Identity Politics of the modern LEft, these immigrants are no longer told they have to assimilate into American culture, and so they bring that shit here, and you dont give a fuck because it produces Dhimmicrat voters, you flagrant hypocrit.
Sexual Abuse - U.S. Statistics
  • Approximately 30% of sexual assault cases are reported to authorities. 3
  • 9.3% of cases of maltreatment of children in 2012 were classified as sexual abuse. 9
  • 62,939 cases of child sexual abuse were reported in 2012. 9
  • According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Criminal Victimization Survey, in 2012, there were 346,830 reported rapes or sexual assaults of persons 12 years or older.17
  • In 2010, 12% of rapes and sexual assaults involved a weapon. 13
  • In 2010, 25% of the female victims of rape/sexual assault were victimized by strangers. 13
  • According to “Have Sexual Abuse and Physical Abuse Declined Since the 1990s?” an article released by the Crimes Against Children Research Center in 2012: 19
    • There was a 56% decline in physical abuse and a 62% decline in sexual abuse from 1992 to 2010.
    • Despite some skepticism of reporting methods by various agencies, declines in child physical and sexual abuse since the 1990s, as reported to National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), reflect a true decline in prevalence.
    The decline in sexual abuse in NCANDS was consistent with other data sources.
Facts and Statistics

roflmao, you think that generic sexual abuse equates to what happened to the little girl?

You are a sick bastard.
and it is the same old war, rape of the innocent who are then punished for the whole thing, but since it is Muslims doing it, the Mhimmicrats defend it.

Grandpa Rapes 2-Year-Old Granddaughter, Muslim Mother Decides To "Fix It"

after 23-year-old Merfat had put her child down for the night, she retired to her bedroom in the house she shared with her 59-year-old father, Faraj, in Sohag, Egypt. However, she soon awoke to the cries of her little girl, coming from her father’s room.

Merfat opened the door to find her daughter, 2-year-old Grace Ahmed, being violently raped by Faraj, the child’s own grandfather.

Instead of attacking her daughter’s rapist and saving her child, Merfat ran some bath water in a small tub, undressed the girl, and placed her terrified, bleeding baby inside. At the hands of her own mother, little Grace was held underwater until she drown.

According to Merfat, she murdered her own daughter to “avoid scandal” in the overwhelmingly Muslim town.

Chief Detective Ali Akhmim told Karama Press that the medical examiner found “traces of blood” in the child’s anus, revealing that the little girl suffered immensely before her death.

But this is OK as long as it wasnt done by a European male.

You posted an article about something that happened in Egypt.

You had to reach thousands of miles from America to find such a horrific action by a woman.

Which has nothing to do with America. America can't do one damn thing about it.

What was done is horrific. It doesn't happen in America. No mother kills their child because it was rapped here in America.

Meanwhile, here in America republicans want to force women to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term. They want to force rape survivors to carry a pregnancy that's the result of the rape to term. They want to force women who's pregnancy has gone wrong to die. They want incest survivors to carry and deliver a pregnancy that was caused by being rapped by a family member.

That's on top of wanting to take contraception from women. Their excuse is that it causes abortion. Which it doesn't.

Why not stick to the issues here at home in America?

Spot on, Dana. You just blew JimBlowie right out of the water....or, his kiddie pool.

Thank you NoTea

It wasn't that hard.

When you're dealing with mental midgets who don't have a working brain it's very easy to do.

It's pathetic to post such an article and compare it to America or insinuate that it happened in America. Or use it to excuse the republican war on women here in America.

But then those stupid people believe everyone is as stupid as they are.
Thank you NoTea

It wasn't that hard.

When you're dealing with mental midgets who don't have a working brain it's very easy to do.

It's pathetic to post such an article and compare it to America or insinuate that it happened in America. Or use it to excuse the republican war on women here in America.

But then those stupid people believe everyone is as stupid as they are.

It is hilarious how you Sorosbots seem to think that back slapping each other proves a damned thing other than you both share your Marxist ideology and hatred for American people.
and it is the same old war, rape of the innocent who are then punished for the whole thing...

Agreed. So instead of combing the Internet for examples from other countries, you're volunteering to do something about the beatings, rape, and murder of women and girls by the men in their lives in your own country, aren't you?

Tell us about your efforts.
and it is the same old war, rape of the innocent who are then punished for the whole thing...

Agreed. So instead of combing the Internet for examples from other countries, you're volunteering to do something about the beatings, rape, and murder of women and girls by the men in their lives in your own country, aren't you?

Tell us about your efforts.
Are you now trolling for my personal data, libtard?
I seriously believe that Soros is a communist agent sent into the West to disrupt our currencies, first targeting the Franc, then the Pound and now he is trying to destroy the US dollar. Now that communism has largely collapsed, he is settling in for promoting and financing every destructive movement he can find, most of which are in the Dhimmicratic Party.

and it is the same old war, rape of the innocent who are then punished for the whole thing...

Agreed. So instead of combing the Internet for examples from other countries, you're volunteering to do something about the beatings, rape, and murder of women and girls by the men in their lives in your own country, aren't you?

Tell us about your efforts.
Are you now trolling for my personal data?

No. Something along the line of "I volunteer at the women's shelter in my town" would be sufficient...if it were true.

I suspect this thread is just the Let's Go Invade Another Muslim Country Outrage du Jour.
I seriously believe that Soros is a communist agent sent into the West to disrupt our currencies, first targeting the Franc, then the Pound and now he is trying to destroy the US dollar. Now that communism has largely collapsed, he is settling in for promoting and financing every destructive movement he can find, most of which are in the Dhimmicratic Party.

lol, you are such a moron.
No. Something along the line of "I volunteer at the women's shelter in my town" would be sufficient...if it were true.

I suspect this thread is just the Let's Go Invade Another Muslim Country Outrage du Jour.

Invade another Muslim country? God no, there is no foreign nation that is worth a single drop of American blood.

I just dont want them bringing their violent insanity over here.

Islam is, when practiced according to its actual tenets, like most religions, Islam is a beautiful religion.

But people with agendas very often hijack those religions in part in order to advance other causes, like the way Marxists have hijacked main stream Protestantism and is killing it from the inside, or the way that fagots have hijacked the US branch of Roman Catholicism, and even at the Vatican itself.

So while a religion in and of itself, in terms of its own ideas, maybe a beautiful thing, it can be mutated into the most ghastly evil cesspools of human thought and action.

The only thing surpassing that in the magnitude of evil is ideological Marxism.
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I seriously believe that Soros is a communist agent sent into the West to disrupt our currencies, first targeting the Franc, then the Pound and now he is trying to destroy the US dollar. Now that communism has largely collapsed, he is settling in for promoting and financing every destructive movement he can find, most of which are in the Dhimmicratic Party.

lol, you are such a moron.

Tell us more about your "theories" of international finance.

They're awesome.
Tell us more about your "theories" of international finance.
They're awesome.
While I know you are being sarcastic, I will anyway, dude.

We are currently in a nexus of asset bubbles created by too many years of a ZIRP that has put a lot of investment into bad institutions. These institutions have lived off of cheap credit and with the Federal Reserve now raising interest rates again, these ass\et bubbles will start to pop.

Due to the mechanisms used to control deflation being inadequate because interest rates are already too low, we will flounder in a recession until we have a President that will take appropriate measures by focusing on growing the consumer market again in the USA by growing jobs here and not overseas. Removing the tax incentives to engage in 'inversions' and hiding money overseas and bringing that money back to the US for investment here will help. Introducing new tax breaks based on number of US citizens under employment will help also.

Curtailing the H1-B visa abuses and ending black market labor by enforcing the immigration laws already on the books and seizing the property of those businesses that were built using black market labor will go far to ending black market labor completely.

Once job growth is re-invigorated we will see the economy lift up out of the doldrums that they are currently in, but not till then, whether it is Trump that does it or someone else. Keynesian economics does not work outside of a macro-economy built on large scale manufacturing that exploits economy of scale. It cannot incentivize small scale organic production that is local in nature and economic factors as central banks once could when there were relatively few corporations that controlled most of the large scale plants and foundries.

And also, go fuck yourself.
Was his last name Duggar?
Proves your support of Muslim terrorist.
What's so funny about that? I think both men should be executed. You want to make the terrorist look better by bringing a so called christian in it. A terrorist sympathizer.
So, I see you think of a baby being raped then drowned funny? I see why you applaud abortion. Two peas in a pod.

Considering one of your conservative brethren stated that he hoped I got raped, any indignation coming from your quarter I find hilarious and empty.
Considering one of your conservative brethren stated that he hoped I got raped, any indignation coming from your quarter I find hilarious and empty.
So because someone that YOU classify as in the same group as JKNOWGOOD said something probably in jest that you took offense at, t hat mamkes JKNOWGOOD share in the guilt because of how YOU do your grouping of people?

You know, you make the Nazis look completely rational.
No. Something along the line of "I volunteer at the women's shelter in my town" would be sufficient...if it were true.

I suspect this thread is just the Let's Go Invade Another Muslim Country Outrage du Jour.

Invade another Muslim country? God no, there is no foreign nation that is worth a single drop of American blood.

I just dont want them bringing their violent insanity over here.

Islam is, when practiced according to its actual tenets, like most religions, Islam is a beautiful religion.

But people with agendas very often hijack those religions in part in order to advance other causes, like the way Marxists have hijacked main stream Protestantism and is killing it from the inside, or the way that fagots have hijacked the US branch of Roman Catholicism, and even at the Vatican itself.

So while a religion in and of itself, in terms of its own ideas, maybe a beautiful thing, it can be mutated into the most ghastly evil cesspools of human thought and action.

The only thing surpassing that in the magnitude of evil is ideological Marxism.

I'll take that little speech to confirm that you don't do a damn thing about abused women in your own country, just point fingers at others.
Was his last name Duggar?
Proves your support of Muslim terrorist.
What's so funny about that? I think both men should be executed. You want to make the terrorist look better by bringing a so called christian in it. A terrorist sympathizer.
So, I see you think of a baby being raped then drowned funny? I see why you applaud abortion. Two peas in a pod.

Considering one of your conservative brethren stated that he hoped I got raped, any indignation coming from your quarter I find hilarious and empty.
Considering I never said that about you, but you try to side with a terrorist pedophile says a lot about you.
Was his last name Duggar?
Proves your support of Muslim terrorist.
What's so funny about that? I think both men should be executed. You want to make the terrorist look better by bringing a so called christian in it. A terrorist sympathizer.
So, I see you think of a baby being raped then drowned funny? I see why you applaud abortion. Two peas in a pod.

Considering one of your conservative brethren stated that he hoped I got raped, any indignation coming from your quarter I find hilarious and empty.
Considering I never said that about you, but you try to side with a terrorist pedophile says a lot about you.

Can you read? I never said you did. Nor have I sided with anyone asswipe.
Proves your support of Muslim terrorist.
What's so funny about that? I think both men should be executed. You want to make the terrorist look better by bringing a so called christian in it. A terrorist sympathizer.
So, I see you think of a baby being raped then drowned funny? I see why you applaud abortion. Two peas in a pod.

Considering one of your conservative brethren stated that he hoped I got raped, any indignation coming from your quarter I find hilarious and empty.
Considering I never said that about you, but you try to side with a terrorist pedophile says a lot about you.

Can you read? I never said you did. Nor have I sided with anyone asswipe.
Bullshit you brought a fake christian in the conversation to make excuses for a pedophile terrorist. Why are you so vain?

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