The REAL War on Women....

Tell us more about your "theories" of international finance.
They're awesome.
While I know you are being sarcastic, I will anyway, dude.

We are currently in a nexus of asset bubbles created by too many years of a ZIRP that has put a lot of investment into bad institutions. These institutions have lived off of cheap credit and with the Federal Reserve now raising interest rates again, these ass\et bubbles will start to pop.

Due to the mechanisms used to control deflation being inadequate because interest rates are already too low, we will flounder in a recession until we have a President that will take appropriate measures by focusing on growing the consumer market again in the USA by growing jobs here and not overseas. Removing the tax incentives to engage in 'inversions' and hiding money overseas and bringing that money back to the US for investment here will help. Introducing new tax breaks based on number of US citizens under employment will help also.

Curtailing the H1-B visa abuses and ending black market labor by enforcing the immigration laws already on the books and seizing the property of those businesses that were built using black market labor will go far to ending black market labor completely.

Once job growth is re-invigorated we will see the economy lift up out of the doldrums that they are currently in, but not till then, whether it is Trump that does it or someone else. Keynesian economics does not work outside of a macro-economy built on large scale manufacturing that exploits economy of scale. It cannot incentivize small scale organic production that is local in nature and economic factors as central banks once could when there were relatively few corporations that controlled most of the large scale plants and foundries.

And also, go fuck yourself.

Well, I guess it's my turn to piss on this parade of ignorance in motion.

Many of your asset bubbles already popped back when commodities prices went down, here a while back. And it was all due to over borrowing due to cheap credit, or greed.

Just saying.
The war on women as waged over here, is all I care about. I couldn't careless about third world Arab Muslim shitholes.
In the Name of Honor: Female Genital Mutilation Comes to America
Lorie Johnson

Most immigration talk is dominated by the issue of illegals, but some legal immigrants can also bring problems into our country. A practice called female genital mutilation (FGM), predominantly seen in Muslim-controled countries, is now an issue in the United States.
In the Name of Honor: Female Genital Mutilation Comes to America
Well, I guess it's my turn to piss on this parade of ignorance in motion.

Many of your asset bubbles already popped back when commodities prices went down, here a while back. And it was all due to over borrowing due to cheap credit, or greed.

Just saying.
Ignorance in motion?

You mean like your apparent ignorance of continued asset bubbles like we have today and the never fixed bubble blowing machine at the Federal Reserve?

Well, parade it all you want, pwj. I wont hold you back at all, promise.
I'll take that little speech to confirm that you don't do a damn thing about abused women in your own country, just point fingers at others.
Sure I do.

I get every door that comes their way, if I am near it.
I'll take that little speech to confirm that you don't do a damn thing about abused women in your own country, just point fingers at others.
Sure I do.

I get every door that comes their way, if I am near it.

You hold the door for all women or only the abused ones? Do you ask them if they've been abused? Your reply makes no sense.

What are you doing for abused women in America?
Well, I guess it's my turn to piss on this parade of ignorance in motion.

Many of your asset bubbles already popped back when commodities prices went down, here a while back. And it was all due to over borrowing due to cheap credit, or greed.

Just saying.
Ignorance in motion?

You mean like your apparent ignorance of continued asset bubbles like we have today and the never fixed bubble blowing machine at the Federal Reserve?

Well, parade it all you want, pwj. I wont hold you back at all, promise.

Yes ignorance in motion. That be you.
I'll take that little speech to confirm that you don't do a damn thing about abused women in your own country, just point fingers at others.
Sure I do.

I get every door that comes their way, if I am near it.

You hold the door for all women or only the abused ones? Do you ask them if they've been abused? Your reply makes no sense.

What are you doing for abused women in America?

I hold doors for all women and do not discriminate between abused and unabused.

Well, I guess it's my turn to piss on this parade of ignorance in motion.

Many of your asset bubbles already popped back when commodities prices went down, here a while back. And it was all due to over borrowing due to cheap credit, or greed.

Just saying.
Ignorance in motion?

You mean like your apparent ignorance of continued asset bubbles like we have today and the never fixed bubble blowing machine at the Federal Reserve?

Well, parade it all you want, pwj. I wont hold you back at all, promise.

Yes ignorance in motion. That be you.
Because an ignoramus like you says so?

Thank you NoTea

It wasn't that hard.

When you're dealing with mental midgets who don't have a working brain it's very easy to do.

It's pathetic to post such an article and compare it to America or insinuate that it happened in America. Or use it to excuse the republican war on women here in America.

But then those stupid people believe everyone is as stupid as they are.

It is hilarious how you Sorosbots seem to think that back slapping each other proves a damned thing other than you both share your Marxist ideology and hatred for American people.
Actually it's quite evident how much you hate a large portion of the American public. The liberals, the minorities, the women........a large portion if you add them all up.
The real war on women has been the war waged against women by conservatives and republicans for the last 45 years.

Conservatives and republicans who seek to deny women their right to privacy, who seek to deny women reproductive autonomy, and to deny women their protected liberty to decide whether to have a child or not absent unwarranted interference from the state.

Most conservatives seek to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty by denying women the right to make a choice concerning matters both personal and private.

And each of the republican candidates for president will continue to prosecute that war against women.
Thank you NoTea

It wasn't that hard.

When you're dealing with mental midgets who don't have a working brain it's very easy to do.

It's pathetic to post such an article and compare it to America or insinuate that it happened in America. Or use it to excuse the republican war on women here in America.

But then those stupid people believe everyone is as stupid as they are.

It is hilarious how you Sorosbots seem to think that back slapping each other proves a damned thing other than you both share your Marxist ideology and hatred for American people.
Actually it's quite evident how much you hate a large portion of the American public. The liberals, the minorities, the women........a large portion if you add them all up.
lol, I dont hate anyone, moron
Was his last name Duggar?
Proves your support of Muslim terrorist.
How does that prove it...connect the dots for us.
You libtards deflect criticisms of Muslim terrorists with stupid bullshit like comparisons to Duggar.
Not seeing any dots connected. You were lying. Not surprised.
Your inability to understand does not prove me a liar, doofus.
The real war on women has been the war waged against women by conservatives and republicans for the last 45 years.

Conservatives and republicans who seek to deny women their right to privacy, who seek to deny women reproductive autonomy, and to deny women their protected liberty to decide whether to have a child or not absent unwarranted interference from the state.

Most conservatives seek to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty by denying women the right to make a choice concerning matters both personal and private.

And each of the republican candidates for president will continue to prosecute that war against women.
How awful. It's understandable how you would find these acts worse than throwing acid in a woman's face, stoning her to death or drowning a bleeding two year old girl.

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