The Reality of Man Made Global Warming Shows Up In Michigan.

I doubt if at any time sense the last ice age the river had failed to freeze over for at least a couple weeks. At LEAST.

And you would be wrong. Which river are you talking about and I will show you.

The Saginaw river. And it has frozen over every year that I can remember. Sometimes at least for a couple months. Maybe longer. Maybe you would like to look up the icebergs that pushed up against the shore of Saginaw bay. I think it was back in the mid to late 60's.

It failed to freeze twice in the 1930's. I am trying to figure out a way to get a section of a study past a paywall in a way the author will approve of. When I do I will post the section. They had extensive drought through the 1930's especially in the western part of the basin.

I wasn't around in the 30's. But the dust bowl was. And that was caused by human activity too.

Yes, it was, but not the heat part of it. The misuse of farmland was the cause brought about by extreme drought. And that shows why your experience is meaningless. You live a very short time so the Earths processes, which operate on vast time scales are beyond your ability to understand.

I don't know what you're saying. I don't think that you do either. But I will guess what you're saying. You can tell me if I an right or not. It was a drought that brought about the dust bowl and not the misuse of marginal farm land. Next, you must have seen a graph or two that I showed. The problem is the man made problems that are going on over a very short time scale. Or is that beyond your understanding.
Man makes the climate change. Interesting.
How did our 200K year old species do it 3 billion years ago?

Man made global warming started to show up at the beginning of the industrial revolution. Coincidence?

It also showed up at times before that. Coincidence?

Yeah. Tens of millions of years ago. With the continents in different places.

Try a few hundred, genius

According to a website by usatoday, the last time the earth was this warm was 125,000 years ago.
And you would be wrong. Which river are you talking about and I will show you.

The Saginaw river. And it has frozen over every year that I can remember. Sometimes at least for a couple months. Maybe longer. Maybe you would like to look up the icebergs that pushed up against the shore of Saginaw bay. I think it was back in the mid to late 60's.

It failed to freeze twice in the 1930's. I am trying to figure out a way to get a section of a study past a paywall in a way the author will approve of. When I do I will post the section. They had extensive drought through the 1930's especially in the western part of the basin.

I wasn't around in the 30's. But the dust bowl was. And that was caused by human activity too.

Yes, it was, but not the heat part of it. The misuse of farmland was the cause brought about by extreme drought. And that shows why your experience is meaningless. You live a very short time so the Earths processes, which operate on vast time scales are beyond your ability to understand.

I don't know what you're saying. I don't think that you do either. But I will guess what you're saying. You can tell me if I an right or not. It was a drought that brought about the dust bowl and not the misuse of marginal farm land. Next, you must have seen a graph or two that I showed. The problem is the man made problems that are going on over a very short time scale. Or is that beyond your understanding.

Mankind is very capable of screwing up the local area, in fact my career was spent cleaning up those disasters. The dust bowl was a drought that caused the misuse of the land to occur. Had there not been a drought, the dust bowl wouldn't have happened. When the drought occurred, the plants that held the top soil were no longer there so the winds blew the soil away. The erosion was exacerbated by the bad systems they were using to plant their crops.

The graphs you have presented are both based on fraudulent data. Thus they are less than worthless.
Man makes the climate change. Interesting.
How did our 200K year old species do it 3 billion years ago?

Man made global warming started to show up at the beginning of the industrial revolution. Coincidence?

We were exiting the Little Ice Age at the start of the industrial revolution.. SO your claiming that all of the warming is man made when it is easily shown to be natural variation?

The only "coincidence" is the fact we have just left an active solar phase (which created the increased heat) and our warming is coming to an end..

What little ice age are you talking about. There have been at least a few in historical times. And for those that did happen, could something like the eruption of Krakatoa have anything to do with it?
Running in circles with sharp objects are you?

View attachment 108730

I guess you missed this... Its called scientific evidence..

Your evidence is bullshit that has little to do with the present day. I have a similar graph that I will show you.
Do you want to educate yourself regarding the matter?? If so, do some research to find out whether a rise in ambient CO2 precedes a rise in temperatures.

Logically, if the temperature changes are not preceded by the rise in CO2 levels, then the rise in CO2 levels can be ruled out as the causative factor of those temperature changes.

Been there, done that.
And did you find that the rise in CO2 preceded the rise in temperature? Or did you find that the rise in temperature preceded the rise in CO2 like all of us climatologists.

Wow! Are you full of crap! Each year all the volcanoes on earth release about 200 million tons of CO2 into the environment. The activities of humans are responsible for the release of about 26.8 BILLION tons. Like it or not, CO2 IS leading the way.
You are dodging the question. The question you responded to has nothing to do with volcanoes. It was regarding whether rises in ambient temperature tend to precede rises of the CO2 levels in the ambient air or vice-versa.The fact that you dodged the question strongly indicates that you either have no clue or that you know that you are being deceptive.

How many ways do I need to say that CO2 leads the way.

Try one that makes some sense.
Man makes the climate change. Interesting.
How did our 200K year old species do it 3 billion years ago?

Man made global warming started to show up at the beginning of the industrial revolution. Coincidence?

It also showed up at times before that. Coincidence?

Yeah. Tens of millions of years ago. With the continents in different places.

Try a few hundred, genius

According to a website by usatoday, the last time the earth was this warm was 125,000 years ago.

Which is a crock of poo. Over 100 peer reviewed studies show that the Medieval Warming Period was global, and at least two degrees warmer than today. The Holocene Climate Optimum of 8,000 years ago was FIVE degrees warmer than today. I don't know who you are listening too but they don't know squat.
The Saginaw river. And it has frozen over every year that I can remember. Sometimes at least for a couple months. Maybe longer. Maybe you would like to look up the icebergs that pushed up against the shore of Saginaw bay. I think it was back in the mid to late 60's.

It failed to freeze twice in the 1930's. I am trying to figure out a way to get a section of a study past a paywall in a way the author will approve of. When I do I will post the section. They had extensive drought through the 1930's especially in the western part of the basin.

I wasn't around in the 30's. But the dust bowl was. And that was caused by human activity too.

Yes, it was, but not the heat part of it. The misuse of farmland was the cause brought about by extreme drought. And that shows why your experience is meaningless. You live a very short time so the Earths processes, which operate on vast time scales are beyond your ability to understand.

I don't know what you're saying. I don't think that you do either. But I will guess what you're saying. You can tell me if I an right or not. It was a drought that brought about the dust bowl and not the misuse of marginal farm land. Next, you must have seen a graph or two that I showed. The problem is the man made problems that are going on over a very short time scale. Or is that beyond your understanding.

Mankind is very capable of screwing up the local area, in fact my career was spent cleaning up those disasters. The dust bowl was a drought that caused the misuse of the land to occur. Had there not been a drought, the dust bowl wouldn't have happened. When the drought occurred, the plants that held the top soil were no longer there so the winds blew the soil away. The erosion was exacerbated by the bad systems they were using to plant their crops.

The graphs you have presented are both based on fraudulent data. Thus they are less than worthless.

I wish I could unsee what you wrote. "The dust bowl was a drought that caused the misuse of the land to occur." The misuse of the land came first. The drought came second. Next, when a denier says your data is fraudulent, it means your are on the right track. You should check out the documentary "Greedy Lying Bastards." In it, they have an English lord who is just like you.
Been there, done that.
And did you find that the rise in CO2 preceded the rise in temperature? Or did you find that the rise in temperature preceded the rise in CO2 like all of us climatologists.

Wow! Are you full of crap! Each year all the volcanoes on earth release about 200 million tons of CO2 into the environment. The activities of humans are responsible for the release of about 26.8 BILLION tons. Like it or not, CO2 IS leading the way.
You are dodging the question. The question you responded to has nothing to do with volcanoes. It was regarding whether rises in ambient temperature tend to precede rises of the CO2 levels in the ambient air or vice-versa.The fact that you dodged the question strongly indicates that you either have no clue or that you know that you are being deceptive.

How many ways do I need to say that CO2 leads the way.

Try one that makes some sense.

What is there about it that you don't understand. It shows historical global temperatures and CO2 levels.
And did you find that the rise in CO2 preceded the rise in temperature? Or did you find that the rise in temperature preceded the rise in CO2 like all of us climatologists.

Wow! Are you full of crap! Each year all the volcanoes on earth release about 200 million tons of CO2 into the environment. The activities of humans are responsible for the release of about 26.8 BILLION tons. Like it or not, CO2 IS leading the way.
You are dodging the question. The question you responded to has nothing to do with volcanoes. It was regarding whether rises in ambient temperature tend to precede rises of the CO2 levels in the ambient air or vice-versa.The fact that you dodged the question strongly indicates that you either have no clue or that you know that you are being deceptive.

How many ways do I need to say that CO2 leads the way.

Try one that makes some sense.

What is there about it that you don't understand. It shows historical global temperatures and CO2 levels.
And did you find that the rise in CO2 preceded the rise in temperature? Or did you find that the rise in temperature preceded the rise in CO2 like all of us climatologists.

Wow! Are you full of crap! Each year all the volcanoes on earth release about 200 million tons of CO2 into the environment. The activities of humans are responsible for the release of about 26.8 BILLION tons. Like it or not, CO2 IS leading the way.
You are dodging the question. The question you responded to has nothing to do with volcanoes. It was regarding whether rises in ambient temperature tend to precede rises of the CO2 levels in the ambient air or vice-versa.The fact that you dodged the question strongly indicates that you either have no clue or that you know that you are being deceptive.

How many ways do I need to say that CO2 leads the way.

Try one that makes some sense.

What is there about it that you don't understand. It shows historical global temperatures and CO2 levels.

How about a graph of ice cream and the number of people on food stamps. They probably correlate at the same level.
Man makes the climate change. Interesting.
How did our 200K year old species do it 3 billion years ago?

Man made global warming started to show up at the beginning of the industrial revolution. Coincidence?

We were exiting the Little Ice Age at the start of the industrial revolution.. SO your claiming that all of the warming is man made when it is easily shown to be natural variation?

The only "coincidence" is the fact we have just left an active solar phase (which created the increased heat) and our warming is coming to an end..

What little ice age are you talking about. There have been at least a few in historical times. And for those that did happen, could something like the eruption of Krakatoa have anything to do with it?
Running in circles with sharp objects are you?

View attachment 108730

I guess you missed this... Its called scientific evidence..

Your evidence is bullshit that has little to do with the present day. I have a similar graph that I will show you.
Tell me you ignorant little dumb fuck, tell me why the earth didn't runaway with heat 400 million years ago? According to your fantasy religion it should have went up in a ball of flame and never returned.. Tell me how the earth glaciated over and over again with levels of CO2 above 4,000ppm..

The Null Hypothesis shows your religious belief a fraud and a lie.. Your own graph shows you an ignorant little fool who has no concept of science or how its done correctly..
Man makes the climate change. Interesting.
How did our 200K year old species do it 3 billion years ago?

Man made global warming started to show up at the beginning of the industrial revolution. Coincidence?

We were exiting the Little Ice Age at the start of the industrial revolution.. SO your claiming that all of the warming is man made when it is easily shown to be natural variation?

The only "coincidence" is the fact we have just left an active solar phase (which created the increased heat) and our warming is coming to an end..

What little ice age are you talking about. There have been at least a few in historical times. And for those that did happen, could something like the eruption of Krakatoa have anything to do with it?
Running in circles with sharp objects are you?

View attachment 108730

I guess you missed this... Its called scientific evidence..

Your evidence is bullshit that has little to do with the present day. I have a similar graph that I will show you.

What is is this supposed to prove ?
Man made global warming started to show up at the beginning of the industrial revolution. Coincidence?

It also showed up at times before that. Coincidence?

Yeah. Tens of millions of years ago. With the continents in different places.

Try a few hundred, genius

According to a website by usatoday, the last time the earth was this warm was 125,000 years ago.

Which is a crock of poo. Over 100 peer reviewed studies show that the Medieval Warming Period was global, and at least two degrees warmer than today. The Holocene Climate Optimum of 8,000 years ago was FIVE degrees warmer than today. I don't know who you are listening too but they don't know squat.

Some time ago I heard somebody else say that the last time the earth was this hot was around 65,000 years ago. Or maybe it was the last time CO2 levels were this high. I don't remember. But you forced me to look at the internet again. This time, I looked at the FIRST website. It said that the last time the earth was this hot was 130,000 years ago. I am tired of looking up websites to prove you wrong. Believe what you will.
It failed to freeze twice in the 1930's. I am trying to figure out a way to get a section of a study past a paywall in a way the author will approve of. When I do I will post the section. They had extensive drought through the 1930's especially in the western part of the basin.

I wasn't around in the 30's. But the dust bowl was. And that was caused by human activity too.

Yes, it was, but not the heat part of it. The misuse of farmland was the cause brought about by extreme drought. And that shows why your experience is meaningless. You live a very short time so the Earths processes, which operate on vast time scales are beyond your ability to understand.

I don't know what you're saying. I don't think that you do either. But I will guess what you're saying. You can tell me if I an right or not. It was a drought that brought about the dust bowl and not the misuse of marginal farm land. Next, you must have seen a graph or two that I showed. The problem is the man made problems that are going on over a very short time scale. Or is that beyond your understanding.

Mankind is very capable of screwing up the local area, in fact my career was spent cleaning up those disasters. The dust bowl was a drought that caused the misuse of the land to occur. Had there not been a drought, the dust bowl wouldn't have happened. When the drought occurred, the plants that held the top soil were no longer there so the winds blew the soil away. The erosion was exacerbated by the bad systems they were using to plant their crops.

The graphs you have presented are both based on fraudulent data. Thus they are less than worthless.

I wish I could unsee what you wrote. "The dust bowl was a drought that caused the misuse of the land to occur." The misuse of the land came first. The drought came second. Next, when a denier says your data is fraudulent, it means your are on the right track. You should check out the documentary "Greedy Lying Bastards." In it, they have an English lord who is just like you.

Now we have alternative "history" and alternative "science" where you change it to appease your cult belief.. The only greedy lying bastards are the envirowacks like you who want to take everyone's money to make you feel good as you deprive them of the ability to feed themselves and live free of government tyranny..

Ignorant fools like you like lies.. And then you spread them because you have no ability to use cognitive or critical thought skills.
Man made global warming started to show up at the beginning of the industrial revolution. Coincidence?

We were exiting the Little Ice Age at the start of the industrial revolution.. SO your claiming that all of the warming is man made when it is easily shown to be natural variation?

The only "coincidence" is the fact we have just left an active solar phase (which created the increased heat) and our warming is coming to an end..

What little ice age are you talking about. There have been at least a few in historical times. And for those that did happen, could something like the eruption of Krakatoa have anything to do with it?
Running in circles with sharp objects are you?

View attachment 108730

I guess you missed this... Its called scientific evidence..

Your evidence is bullshit that has little to do with the present day. I have a similar graph that I will show you.
Tell me you ignorant little dumb fuck, tell me why the earth didn't runaway with heat 400 million years ago? According to your fantasy religion it should have went up in a ball of flame and never returned.. Tell me how the earth glaciated over and over again with levels of CO2 above 4,000ppm..

The Null Hypothesis shows your religious belief a fraud and a lie.. Your own graph shows you an ignorant little fool who has no concept of science or how its done correctly..

Try asking me the question in a non-queerbait manner and maybe I will tell you.
Man made global warming started to show up at the beginning of the industrial revolution. Coincidence?

We were exiting the Little Ice Age at the start of the industrial revolution.. SO your claiming that all of the warming is man made when it is easily shown to be natural variation?

The only "coincidence" is the fact we have just left an active solar phase (which created the increased heat) and our warming is coming to an end..

What little ice age are you talking about. There have been at least a few in historical times. And for those that did happen, could something like the eruption of Krakatoa have anything to do with it?
Running in circles with sharp objects are you?

View attachment 108730

I guess you missed this... Its called scientific evidence..

Your evidence is bullshit that has little to do with the present day. I have a similar graph that I will show you.

What is is this supposed to prove ?

Not much. That's the point. What is going on today IS the point.
I wasn't around in the 30's. But the dust bowl was. And that was caused by human activity too.

Yes, it was, but not the heat part of it. The misuse of farmland was the cause brought about by extreme drought. And that shows why your experience is meaningless. You live a very short time so the Earths processes, which operate on vast time scales are beyond your ability to understand.

I don't know what you're saying. I don't think that you do either. But I will guess what you're saying. You can tell me if I an right or not. It was a drought that brought about the dust bowl and not the misuse of marginal farm land. Next, you must have seen a graph or two that I showed. The problem is the man made problems that are going on over a very short time scale. Or is that beyond your understanding.

Mankind is very capable of screwing up the local area, in fact my career was spent cleaning up those disasters. The dust bowl was a drought that caused the misuse of the land to occur. Had there not been a drought, the dust bowl wouldn't have happened. When the drought occurred, the plants that held the top soil were no longer there so the winds blew the soil away. The erosion was exacerbated by the bad systems they were using to plant their crops.

The graphs you have presented are both based on fraudulent data. Thus they are less than worthless.

I wish I could unsee what you wrote. "The dust bowl was a drought that caused the misuse of the land to occur." The misuse of the land came first. The drought came second. Next, when a denier says your data is fraudulent, it means your are on the right track. You should check out the documentary "Greedy Lying Bastards." In it, they have an English lord who is just like you.

Now we have alternative "history" and alternative "science" where you change it to appease your cult belief.. The only greedy lying bastards are the envirowacks like you who want to take everyone's money to make you feel good as you deprive them of the ability to feed themselves and live free of government tyranny..

Ignorant fools like you like lies.. And then you spread them because you have no ability to use cognitive or critical thought skills.

You are clearly a moron.
Seriously? You "heard" something? Get real silly boy. We don't go by ridiculous hearsay. I don't like wiki but it seems to be the max level of your comprehension..

The Holocene Climate Optimum warm event consisted of increases of up to 4 °C near the North Pole (in one study, winter warming of 3 to 9 °C and summer of 2 to 6 °C in northern central Siberia).[1] The northwest of Europe experienced warming, while there was cooling in the south.[2] The average temperature change appears to have declined rapidly with latitude so that essentially no change in mean temperature is reported at low and middle latitudes. Tropical reefs tend to show temperature increases of less than 1 °C; the tropical ocean surface at the Great Barrier Reef ~5350 years ago was 1 °C warmer and enriched in 18O by 0.5 per mil relative to modern seawater.[3] In terms of the global average, temperatures were probably colder than present day (depending on estimates of latitude dependence and seasonality in response patterns). While temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere were warmer than average during the summers, the tropics and areas of the Southern Hemisphere were colder than average.[4]

Holocene climatic optimum - Wikipedia
It also showed up at times before that. Coincidence?

Yeah. Tens of millions of years ago. With the continents in different places.

Try a few hundred, genius

According to a website by usatoday, the last time the earth was this warm was 125,000 years ago.

Which is a crock of poo. Over 100 peer reviewed studies show that the Medieval Warming Period was global, and at least two degrees warmer than today. The Holocene Climate Optimum of 8,000 years ago was FIVE degrees warmer than today. I don't know who you are listening too but they don't know squat.

Some time ago I heard somebody else say that the last time the earth was this hot was around 65,000 years ago. Or maybe it was the last time CO2 levels were this high. I don't remember. But you forced me to look at the internet again. This time, I looked at the FIRST website. It said that the last time the earth was this hot was 130,000 years ago. I am tired of looking up websites to prove you wrong. Believe what you will.


You cant even identify the normal cyclical variation of earths warm and cold cycles..


Cycles of 90,000 of glaciation followed by 12,000-16,000 years of warm called INTERGLACIALS.. Our current one is 14,600 years long already..

I have to laugh about the warming your so worried about.. Its all been seen before and its natural..
Yes, it was, but not the heat part of it. The misuse of farmland was the cause brought about by extreme drought. And that shows why your experience is meaningless. You live a very short time so the Earths processes, which operate on vast time scales are beyond your ability to understand.

I don't know what you're saying. I don't think that you do either. But I will guess what you're saying. You can tell me if I an right or not. It was a drought that brought about the dust bowl and not the misuse of marginal farm land. Next, you must have seen a graph or two that I showed. The problem is the man made problems that are going on over a very short time scale. Or is that beyond your understanding.

Mankind is very capable of screwing up the local area, in fact my career was spent cleaning up those disasters. The dust bowl was a drought that caused the misuse of the land to occur. Had there not been a drought, the dust bowl wouldn't have happened. When the drought occurred, the plants that held the top soil were no longer there so the winds blew the soil away. The erosion was exacerbated by the bad systems they were using to plant their crops.

The graphs you have presented are both based on fraudulent data. Thus they are less than worthless.

I wish I could unsee what you wrote. "The dust bowl was a drought that caused the misuse of the land to occur." The misuse of the land came first. The drought came second. Next, when a denier says your data is fraudulent, it means your are on the right track. You should check out the documentary "Greedy Lying Bastards." In it, they have an English lord who is just like you.

Now we have alternative "history" and alternative "science" where you change it to appease your cult belief.. The only greedy lying bastards are the envirowacks like you who want to take everyone's money to make you feel good as you deprive them of the ability to feed themselves and live free of government tyranny..

Ignorant fools like you like lies.. And then you spread them because you have no ability to use cognitive or critical thought skills.

You are clearly a moron.

You are clearly a fool and ignorant little child who doesn't know shit about anything, parroting your handlers instructions..

I'll stack my Atmospheric Physics Masters degree (doctoral candidate) up against your lying little bastard lies any day of the week.. now slink away to your safe place..
We were exiting the Little Ice Age at the start of the industrial revolution.. SO your claiming that all of the warming is man made when it is easily shown to be natural variation?

The only "coincidence" is the fact we have just left an active solar phase (which created the increased heat) and our warming is coming to an end..

What little ice age are you talking about. There have been at least a few in historical times. And for those that did happen, could something like the eruption of Krakatoa have anything to do with it?
Running in circles with sharp objects are you?

View attachment 108730

I guess you missed this... Its called scientific evidence..

Your evidence is bullshit that has little to do with the present day. I have a similar graph that I will show you.

What is is this supposed to prove ?

Not much. That's the point. What is going on today IS the point.

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