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The reality of the democrat party.......

The election campaign, the election aftermath, and Berkeley has exposed Democrats for what they TRULY are:

The campaign taught us:
- Liberals are racist, sexist, anti-Catholic/religion, homophobic Anti-Semites (Thanks to their own personal leaked e-mails)

- Liberals seek power so much that they are willing to do and say anything to win (As shown by the 'All-In' 'Fake News' Media ... by Liberals / the Hillary campaign vandalizing and firebombing GOP HQs ... By the Hillary campaign paying groups to intimidate, beat, and bloody Trump supporters ... by the DNC rigging their Primary, giving Hillary debate questions in advance, and engaging in voter fraud during the Primaries to help Hillary beat Bernie sanders...

The election aftermath taught us:
Despite declaring challenging the election results to be an attempt to undermine our democracy, Liberals have done nothing BUT do that ever since the election ended, proving again that winning - staying in power - is the only thing that matters.

Berkeley taught us:
That Liberals seek to eliminate the voice / freedom of speech of anyone who disagrees with them and / or has a different opinion, to the point that in order to succeed they are willing to engage in violence, arson, looting, vandalism, destruction of property, physical assault, etc...

In the last year the Democratic Party has resembled a terrorist group more than a Political Party, a definite THREAT to this country / citizens.

Liberals are racist, sexist, anti-Catholic/religion, homophobic Anti-Semites

Impossible. That's an oxymoron.

"Democrats" and "Liberals" are two different things, Dumbass. PICK one.

Nope....the left hijacked the word "liberal" in order to hide their left wing, big government statism....there is nothing in common to day with the modern liberal and the actual meaning of the word.

Nope. If anything the far-right McCarthyites did that in the 1940s.

A word can't mean two different things which are at odds with each other. Think about it. And once you've done that, quit misusing the damn term.

I am accurate.....democrats are not democratic at all....

Whatever. You still fail to distinguish between noun and adjective. Particularly when you fail to capitalize a proper name, which you also do regularly.

I could have mentioned that before but you don't impress one as the type who can handle more than one lesson at a time.
"Democrats" and "Liberals" are two different things, Dumbass. PICK one.
Progressive Liberals took over the Democratic Party.

In 2016 the Democratic Party ran a Communist Party Member as a candidate for their Presidential Nomination...and without help from the DNC that Communist Party member most probably would have won the Democratic Party's nomination.

Who else has become representatives / a symbol of the Democratic Party? The violent Berkeley Anti-Speech Left:

The University itself opposed free-speech by being against allowing a Conservative speech to be given, but the rioters have become the real face of the violent criminal acts being called a 'protest'. Among them were "the Black Bloc anarchists and so-called “Antifa” (anti-fascist) activists, who exemplify the very fascism they supposedly want to resist.

These groups openly and explicitly declare their intention to disrupt public gatherings where conservatives — or, really, anyone they do not like for whatever reason — are scheduled to appear. They not only celebrate violence, but they come armed, masked, and prepared to fight and vandalize. The groups that showed up Wednesday seem to exist to prevent others from exercising their civil and constitutional rights of free speech and assembly."

In the name of the Democratic Party presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, Democrats - Liberals - vandalized and FIREBOMBED GOP HQs, intimidated / beat / bloodied Trump supporters AT TRUMP EVENTS (which meant they came LOOKING for a fight / with the intent of engaging in violence), intimidated and threatened Electoral College voters that states had to provide security escorts for them before - and after - they cast their votes, liberals have threatened and called for the assassination of Trump, and have even called for a Military coup (ONE of those was an Ex-Obama official)!

THIS has become the NEW Democratic Party!

"After Berkeley, Treat the Violent, Anti-Speech Left Like the KKK"

"It is time to treat them the way that the Southern Poverty Law Center — before it busied itself with suppressing conservative opiniontook on the Ku Klux Klan. It filed a civil suit against the KKK under a theory of agency, wherein the organization was held collectively responsible for any and all of the crimes and civil rights violations its members committed in furtherance of its aims.

In this case, that would mean holding radical left-wing groups collectively accountable for damage and civil rights violations by individuals at any particular protest — whether of Milo in Berkeley or
Gavin McInnes in New York."

This would mean holding GROUPS responsible for actions taken by individuals in their (the groups') name!
--- THAT would mean holding BLM accountable when one of their members engages in violence, calls for the death of all whites / policemen, or declares 'we need to start killing' / 'kill the WH'!

--- THAT would mean holding Hillary Clinton / the DNC accountable when it is discovered Hillary's campaign financed agencies / groups that hired thugs to beat up and bloody Trump Supporters ... or firebombed a GOP HQ!

If they are going to start acting like the KKK or TERRORISTS then it is time to start TREATING them like the KKK or TERRORISTS!

There's no such thing as "Progressive Liberals". Yet another conflation of word salad.

The Progressive movement was around a hundred years ago and died out by the 1920s. Liberalism is older and is what founded this country and wrote its Constitution, the centerpiece of which is the concept of freedom of speech, assembly and religion.

Throw in "Democrats" and "the left" and you have FOUR different things. Learn the distinctions before you dig yourself even deeper.
There's no such thing as "Progressive Liberals".


"Progressive liberals believe themselves to be defenders of minorities and the downtrodden. They seek to eliminate society of political, social, and economic inequalities. Seemingly, this is a distinction without a difference, as one can advocate both liberty and equality simultaneously."


(Because I am posting it does not mean I agree with it.)
Whatever. You still fail to distinguish between noun and adjective. Particularly when you fail to capitalize a proper name, which you also do regularly.
While you are trying to divert why not use the WHITE BILL COSBY's 'Definition of 'IS'' technique as well?! :p
Whatever. You still fail to distinguish between noun and adjective. Particularly when you fail to capitalize a proper name, which you also do regularly.
While you are trying to divert why not use the WHITE BILL COSBY's 'Definition of 'IS'' technique as well?! :p

No idea what you're babbling about.

Proper names in English are capitalized. Period.

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