The reason Conservatives lie so much


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Conservative lies: You've heard them all before-

Liberals want to take all our guns away, Liberals want open borders, Liberals never work, Liberals are soft on crime, Liberals just want is "free stuff" Liberals are Socialists, Liberals hate white people, Liberals are destroying our cities with crime and violence. On and on it goes. Here is the cold, hard truth why these lies persist to this day-

Conservatives have nothing better to offer the American people!

Think about it...was the American economy better under Reagan, the Bush's and Trump than that of Clinton, Obama, and Biden? Answer: NO. Was America any safer? Answer: NO Was the crime rate any lower? Answer: NO Was the national debt any smaller? Answer: NO. (Clinton was the last President to record a national surplus) Was the environment any cleaner? Answer: NO Were our children any better educated? Answer: NO. Did our justice system work any better? Answer: NO And the list goes on -

The bottom line is the Conservative agenda has little to offer average Americans, and a great deal to offer the 1%. To make up for this, Conservative America resorts to district gerrymandering, name calling, conspiracy theory's, soundbites such as "deep state" "MSM", as well as deeply questioning the legitimacy of America's 240+ year electoral process to create the impression that "it's all rigged!" When in fact it's really not.

But, Conservatives have nothing better to offer....
Conservative lies: You've heard them all before-

Liberals want to take all our guns away, Liberals want open borders, Liberals never work, Liberals are soft on crime, Liberals just want is "free stuff" Liberals are Socialists, Liberals hate white people, Liberals are destroying our cities with crime and violence. On and on it goes. Here is the cold, hard truth why these lies persist to this day-

Conservatives have nothing better to offer the American people!

Think about it...was the American economy better under Reagan, the Bush's and Trump than that of Clinton, Obama, and Biden? Answer: NO. Was America any safer? Answer: NO Was the crime rate any lower? Answer: NO Was the national debt any smaller? Answer: NO. (Clinton was the last President to record a national surplus) Was the environment any cleaner? Answer: NO Were our children any better educated? Answer: NO. Did our justice system work any better? Answer: NO And the list goes on -

The bottom line is the Conservative agenda has little to offer average Americans, and a great deal to offer the 1%. To make up for this, Conservative America resorts to district gerrymandering, name calling, conspiracy theory's, soundbites such as "deep state" "MSM", as well as deeply questioning the legitimacy of America's 240+ year electoral process to create the impression that "it's all rigged!" When in fact it's really not.

But, Conservatives have nothing better to offer....
I dunno, Bill. I think that, for the most part, they're not really lying.

It looks to me like they just believe everything they're told in their universe, and they no longer have the fundamental human curiosity required to check it out and honestly question or challenge it. That was part of the brilliance of Limbaugh, telling them daily to avoid and attack any media that disagreed with them. That becomes impulse over time. This is just intense, voluntary intellectual myopia. Informational isolation.

Look in their eyes when they talk. They're enraged and they're terrified. That seems pretty real to me.

Now, if you're saying that their "leaders" in the media and politics know better and are lying to them for their own professional advantage, that it just drips down from there, I think that's where the problem is. Those people have to know better.
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Conservatives crave a simple world where even complex problems have simple solutions where leaders rule with moral certainty and never feel sorry for their mistakes. Their information bubble allows them to have this. Of course it's all run by opportunistic liars but it would never work if everyday right wingers did not believe it. They do not think they are lying. (for the most part)
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Getting worried about 2022 and 2024 already? Democrats should be worried, their policies suck.

p.s. I like the way the OP lies and then doesn't even bother to post bullshit links to try to prove them.
Not really worried as long as Trump is still considered a party leader. 1/6 videos will be on an endless loop. Good luck with your ‘22&’24 fantasies.
Not really worried as long as Trump is still considered a party leader. 1/6 videos will be on an endless loop. Good luck with your ‘22&’24 fantasies.
Take a good look at the democrats. Who do you like in 2024, Xiden or Kamala? Good luck with either of those.
Voters in the middle always vote their pocketbook, your 1/6 videos will be seen as desperate, since you have no policies that work.
Trump is a narcissist, but at least he knows how to run the country, democrats don't.
I dunno, Bill. I think that, for the most part, they're not really lying.

It looks to me like they just believe everything they're told in their universe, and they no longer have the fundamental human curiosity required to check it out and honestly question or challenge it. That was part of the brilliance of Limbaugh, telling them daily to avoid and attack any media that disagreed with them. That becomes impulse over time. This is just intense, voluntary intellectual myopia. Informational isolation.

Look in their eyes when they talk. They're enraged and they're terrified. That seems pretty real to me.

Now, if you're saying that their "leaders" in the media and politics know better and are lying to them for their own professional advantage, that it just drips down from there, I think that's where the problem is. Those people have to know better.

Reading your posts vs. your signature is some kind of lesson in psychology on the daily Mac
Conservative lies: You've heard them all before-

Liberals want to take all our guns away, Liberals want open borders, Liberals never work, Liberals are soft on crime, Liberals just want is "free stuff" Liberals are Socialists, Liberals hate white people, Liberals are destroying our cities with crime and violence. On and on it goes. Here is the cold, hard truth why these lies persist to this day-

Conservatives have nothing better to offer the American people!

Think about it...was the American economy better under Reagan, the Bush's and Trump than that of Clinton, Obama, and Biden? Answer: NO. Was America any safer? Answer: NO Was the crime rate any lower? Answer: NO Was the national debt any smaller? Answer: NO. (Clinton was the last President to record a national surplus) Was the environment any cleaner? Answer: NO Were our children any better educated? Answer: NO. Did our justice system work any better? Answer: NO And the list goes on -

The bottom line is the Conservative agenda has little to offer average Americans, and a great deal to offer the 1%. To make up for this, Conservative America resorts to district gerrymandering, name calling, conspiracy theory's, soundbites such as "deep state" "MSM", as well as deeply questioning the legitimacy of America's 240+ year electoral process to create the impression that "it's all rigged!" When in fact it's really not.

But, Conservatives have nothing better to offer....

Well we're going to see in 2022 if Americans agree if they're better under liberals or conservatives.

See you then.
Conservative lies: You've heard them all before-

Liberals want to take all our guns away, Liberals want open borders, Liberals never work, Liberals are soft on crime, Liberals just want is "free stuff" Liberals are Socialists, Liberals hate white people, Liberals are destroying our cities with crime and violence. On and on it goes. Here is the cold, hard truth why these lies persist to this day-

Conservatives have nothing better to offer the American people!

Think about it...was the American economy better under Reagan, the Bush's and Trump than that of Clinton, Obama, and Biden? Answer: NO. Was America any safer? Answer: NO Was the crime rate any lower? Answer: NO Was the national debt any smaller? Answer: NO. (Clinton was the last President to record a national surplus) Was the environment any cleaner? Answer: NO Were our children any better educated? Answer: NO. Did our justice system work any better? Answer: NO And the list goes on -

The bottom line is the Conservative agenda has little to offer average Americans, and a great deal to offer the 1%. To make up for this, Conservative America resorts to district gerrymandering, name calling, conspiracy theory's, soundbites such as "deep state" "MSM", as well as deeply questioning the legitimacy of America's 240+ year electoral process to create the impression that "it's all rigged!" When in fact it's really not.

But, Conservatives have nothing better to offer....
The Conservative base is very gullible and will repeat any lie they are told.
Lies Conservatives believe….

Obama was born in Kenya
Hillary murdered Seth Rich and Justice Scalia
Hillary ran a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
The election was stolen
Covid is a hoax
Vaccines will kill you
The goal of every "conservative" is to dominate society and every individual in it. It appears that they believe that they are, for some reason, entitled to do so and substitute their own judgment for that of others. They also believe that they are somehow qualified for this role, more qualified than all of their fellow citizens who don't agree with them. It's no surprise that many of them probably believe the shit they spew while the more cynical among them don't, but do recognize that their fellow "conservatives' " gullibility is a powerful tool to help them achieve their objective of dominance. There is nothing like having an army of easily-manipulated useful idiots behind you.
Lies Conservatives believe….

Obama was born in Kenya
Hillary murdered Seth Rich and Justice Scalia
Hillary ran a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
The election was stolen
Covid is a hoax
Vaccines will kill you

Obama was born in Kenya--I don't
Hillary murdered Seth Rich and Justice Scalia--Not directly, as crooked as our gov is who knows
Hillary ran a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor--um, no
The election was stolen--Democrats cheat and have for years
Covid is a hoax--absolutely not
Vaccines will kill you--They can, do and have

Open your mind and stop believing all the talking points

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