The reason Democrats are targeting "assault" rifles

Not banning assault rifles makes zero sense. They provide no tactical advantage for normal use, rather it is self-defense, and certainly not for hunting. Again, several threads, literally dozens of participants, and not a single one wants to take on the cost-benefit analysis of continuing to have legal assault rifles. One can easily substitute a legal arm to replace that AR-15, that provides little advantage. But the cost has continued to climb, and we seem to pay it now every single week with another mass shooting event where that AR-15 is used. Nope, no argument instead we get.


Want to take all the arms away.


I mean you guys are stupid. Knuckle dragging idiots that couldn't put a real argument together if your life depended on it. Your obsession with the AR-15 brings you to just about the same level as those mentally ill people that stroll on to an elementary school campus and start shooting. In fact, you guys are just one bad day away from doing the very same thing. That is how sick you are.

Consider: your obsession with medical abortion tools vs. my so-called obsession with the AR platform. Your obsession has murdered by dismemberment at least 60 million American children. America's obsession with the AR rifle platform has killed something like less than 100 American children. Tell me again, fool, which obsession should be banned.

We can do this all year if you like . . . make you look the fool you are.
Consider: your obsession with medical abortion tools vs. my so-called obsession with the AR platform. Your obsession has murdered by dismemberment at least 60 million American children. America's obsession with the AR rifle platform has killed something like less than 100 American children. Tell me again, fool, which obsession should be banned.

We can do this all year if you like . . . make you look the fool you are.

You have absolutely nothing to say on this subject.
A mentally disturbed 18 year old can stroll into a gun shop in Texas and purchase two AR-15's. That is a fawking problem.
It was legal for him to buy any long gin because he was not a prohibited person.
He was not a prohibited person because he had not been involuntarily committed to a mental institution or adjudicated mentally infirm.
You still don't get it. In the US, the mass murder records all go to one weapon and one weapon alone. Since the security of the schools started, the handguns and normal weapons no longer can go for the record. It takes the AR. While we may not have much control over the lower body counts, we do have control over the higher body counts. There is an old Military saying. You fight the Battles you have a chance to win. We can completely stop the school shootings through common sense actions. I won't cover them since they have been covered to death but we need to do it.
That's wrong.
No one is arguing that point except for you. Are you aware that the AR-15 is the father of the M-16? The Original AR was produced so that a scared 18 year old in a firefight could throw more firepower than his enemy. Nothing has changed. It's still the fastest, most powerful and deadly firearm that is portable that is made today. What's worse, there is a Cult AR going on and it's the preferred weapon for mass shootings. We need to break that cult.

That's the stupidest thing I've seen in weeks.
Dipshit........this is a lie.....handguns are used more often than these rifles in mass public shootings.......and there is only one mass public shooting where using an AR-15 made the difference in the number of people killed...and that was in Las Vegas where the range was about 400 yards......all of the other mass public shootings could have been done, with the same number of deaths, using a pump action shotgun or pistols...

How do we know?

Virginia Tech....32 killed with 2 pistols

Luby's Cafe....26 killed...two pistols

Russian Polytechnic shooting....20 killed, 70 wounded with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun....
Navy Yard shooter used a pump shotgun, IIRC.
Navy Yard shooter used a pump shotgun, IIRC.

As did the Russian, Polytechnic school shooter.....5 shot pump action shotgun, killed 20 wounded 70 with the local police station about 100 yards down the road...
A mentally disturbed 18 year old can stroll into a gun shop in Texas and purchase two AR-15's. That is a fawking problem. Your solution to the problem--well, let's just make sure we can get a "good guy with a gun", to him quick after he starts KILLING CHILDREN. And yet, in this case, we had dozens of "good guys with a gun" on the scene, and it took them an hour to work up enough nerve to breech the door.

If we have learned anything from this it is that the good guy with a gun concept falls flat on it's face, because in order for the good guy with a gun to be effective he has to have a set of balls. Most good guys with guns, those that carry in public, don't have a set of balls, that is why they carry the gun.
In a country with 330 million people we are going to have our share of mentality disturbed people.

They come in all ages.

Unfortunately sometimes these mentality disturbed people will do terrible things.

The fact that we have these nutcases is no reason to deprive normal people of their Constitutional rights.
Consider: your obsession with medical abortion tools vs. my so-called obsession with the AR platform. Your obsession has murdered by dismemberment at least 60 million American children. America's obsession with the AR rifle platform has killed something like less than 100 American children. Tell me again, fool, which obsession should be banned.

We can do this all year if you like . . . make you look the fool you are.
And what the fawk would you do if we had 60 million more American children? You bitch and moan about a few million immigrants, talk about being a fool. Ane there is that definition of stupid again. You gain absolutely nothing by outlawing abortion, but then there are all those millions of children that the state is going to have to support. Afterall, finances are the number one reason given for abortion. Most abortions are had by women that already have children. Think of the additional schools that would be required, financed by your property taxes. More teachers, not like we aren't struggling to have enough now. And again, financed with your property taxes.

Look, you want to ban abortion after viability, I am willing to support that. In fact, the historical record reflects just such an attitude by the founders. But these heartbeat rules, or the outright banning of abortion, is just stupid. I mean hell, use the old gun advocates argument. You think outlawing abortion is going to stop them? Did it before? You are only going to drive it underground, give organized crime another means of making money. And endanger the lives of countless women in the process.

Come to think of it though, it might bring us full circle. Laws against abortion were conceived for the sole purpose of wresting control of female pregnancy treatment from the midwives, mostly minorities, and delivering it to the male doctors, almost all white. Now we can ban abortion and return control of female pregnancies back to the midwives, who are better suited for that job anyway.

But back to that AR. I don't care if it has only killed a dozen children, it provides no distinct advantage that warrants the death of even one child. It is a piece of shit gun designed for one thing and one thing only, KILLING PEOPLE, and not very effective at that.
The AR15 is not an assault rifle.
The AR15 IS a "bearable arm" and thus protected by the constitution; it is impossible to demonstrate the necessity for and efficacy of banning them.
So, all "bearable arms" are protected by the Constitution? Sawed off shotguns, fully automatic weapons--they are bearable arms. Rocket launchers, RPG's, Javelins, are they not bearable arms? How about a flare gun equipped with a slug, that is a bearable arm, but it is considered a weapon of mass destruction. Shoot one off in your backyard and see how fast the SWAT team arrives.
As did the Russian, Polytechnic school shooter.....5 shot pump action shotgun, killed 20 wounded 70 with the local police station about 100 yards down the road...
How screwed up is it that you take that five shot pump shotgun hunting without a plug and the game warden catches you you lose the gun and get fined in the four figures. But you can stroll onto a school campus without that plug and not violate a single law until you start shooting people.
He's afraid of everything. He can't find the courage to go outside without being armed.
Is that why you want other men with guns to take his guns away from him? Because you're so courageous?
Your article is from the National Review, so it's bullshit.
No, you're just a pansy.
But I got to ask, some Republicans have made the claim that they don't want to attack the second amendment, they just want to make sure that guns don't fall into the hands of people that are dangerous, or could be dangerous. Is that not precisely what Hitler did? He didn't take away all the guns, he only took away the guns from people he considered "dangerous".

Just. Fucking. Wow.

If you morons couldn't say CONSERVATIVES ARE ALL NAZIS, you wouldn't have a fucking thing to say, would you?

Meanwhile, the left's doing the exact same thing, only the people you want disarmed are law-abiding gun owners. You see them as dangerous because they can resist leftist tyranny. Simultaneously, you don't even make a pretense of disarming criminals, because you WANT crime. You WANT people to be victims of crime -- so you can swoop in and save everyone.

It will be amusing watching you sputter and fume, lying that that isn't your goal. Amusing -- and completely unbelievable.
Not banning assault rifles makes zero sense. They provide no tactical advantage for normal use, rather it is self-defense, and certainly not for hunting. Again, several threads, literally dozens of participants, and not a single one wants to take on the cost-benefit analysis of continuing to have legal assault rifles. One can easily substitute a legal arm to replace that AR-15, that provides little advantage. But the cost has continued to climb, and we seem to pay it now every single week with another mass shooting event where that AR-15 is used. Nope, no argument instead we get.


Want to take all the arms away.


I mean you guys are stupid. Knuckle dragging idiots that couldn't put a real argument together if your life depended on it. Your obsession with the AR-15 brings you to just about the same level as those mentally ill people that stroll on to an elementary school campus and start shooting. In fact, you guys are just one bad day away from doing the very same thing. That is how sick you are.
So, you're afraid of the scary black rifles -- it's because they're black, isn't it? -- so nobody should be allowed to have them.

This is America. We don't remove people's rights because some leftists are afraid.
A mentally disturbed 18 year old can stroll into a gun shop in Texas and purchase two AR-15's. That is a fawking problem. Your solution to the problem--well, let's just make sure we can get a "good guy with a gun", to him quick after he starts KILLING CHILDREN. And yet, in this case, we had dozens of "good guys with a gun" on the scene, and it took them an hour to work up enough nerve to breech the door.

If we have learned anything from this it is that the good guy with a gun concept falls flat on it's face, because in order for the good guy with a gun to be effective he has to have a set of balls. Most good guys with guns, those that carry in public, don't have a set of balls, that is why they carry the gun.
"Excuse me, sir, are you carrying a firearm?...You are? May I see your balls?"

Leftists have a bizarre fascination with everyone's genitals.
And what the fawk would you do if we had 60 million more American children? You bitch and moan about a few million immigrants, talk about being a fool. Ane there is that definition of stupid again. You gain absolutely nothing by outlawing abortion, but then there are all those millions of children that the state is going to have to support. Afterall, finances are the number one reason given for abortion. Most abortions are had by women that already have children. Think of the additional schools that would be required, financed by your property taxes. More teachers, not like we aren't struggling to have enough now. And again, financed with your property taxes.

Look, you want to ban abortion after viability, I am willing to support that. In fact, the historical record reflects just such an attitude by the founders. But these heartbeat rules, or the outright banning of abortion, is just stupid. I mean hell, use the old gun advocates argument. You think outlawing abortion is going to stop them? Did it before? You are only going to drive it underground, give organized crime another means of making money. And endanger the lives of countless women in the process.

Come to think of it though, it might bring us full circle. Laws against abortion were conceived for the sole purpose of wresting control of female pregnancy treatment from the midwives, mostly minorities, and delivering it to the male doctors, almost all white. Now we can ban abortion and return control of female pregnancies back to the midwives, who are better suited for that job anyway.

But back to that AR. I don't care if it has only killed a dozen children, it provides no distinct advantage that warrants the death of even one child. It is a piece of shit gun designed for one thing and one thing only, KILLING PEOPLE, and not very effective at that.
So, you're glad children are killed by abortion.

But you're angry children are killed by firearms.

You have no concern about children; you just want people who can resist leftist tyranny disarmed.

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