The Reason Donald Trump is Exactly What America Needs

If you are a Trump Supporter why?

  • His policy

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • His bluntness

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • He has nice hair

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters
I'm not a Trump fan but if I had to guess the reason for his popularity it would do with connecting with the long forgotten average-middle-class citizen. For far too long they've gotten only the shaft from both political parties. Democrats only concern themselves with the poor and society's sexual freaks. Then there are the mainstream Republicans that talk a good game but unless you've got a million bucks to hand over your concerns ain't much of theirs.
It used to surprise me when I saw Trump winning in the polls. How could this racist, sexist, con artist, lying scumbag be pulling votes? Then I realized that most Trump supporters are saying the same thing."We are tired of the lying scumbag politicians telling us what they think we want to hear and then selling their vote to the highest bidder".America needs someone like Trump, not as a president, but as a common enemy. Americans can use Donald Trump as the symbol that we must fight against. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens must all come together and prevent Trump from becoming president. It will break the barriers between parties and will allow things to get done. All these different parties united under the "Stop Donald Trump" banner. Then once we have a real candidate in office we will begin to see advancements under a new, united government. All because Americans found something to believe in. The stop of Donald Trump.

You obviously don't have a clue why people are voting for Trump.
Enlighten Me.
It used to surprise me when I saw Trump winning in the polls. How could this racist, sexist, con artist, lying scumbag be pulling votes? Then I realized that most Trump supporters are saying the same thing."We are tired of the lying scumbag politicians telling us what they think we want to hear and then selling their vote to the highest bidder".America needs someone like Trump, not as a president, but as a common enemy. Americans can use Donald Trump as the symbol that we must fight against. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens must all come together and prevent Trump from becoming president. It will break the barriers between parties and will allow things to get done. All these different parties united under the "Stop Donald Trump" banner. Then once we have a real candidate in office we will begin to see advancements under a new, united government. All because Americans found something to believe in. The stop of Donald Trump.

You obviously don't have a clue why people are voting for Trump.
Enlighten Me.

It' s not because they want to create a "common enemy," and his nomination will "break the barriers between parties and will allow things to get done." "Getting things done" is a leftwing euphemism meaning "get the leftwing agenda passed." They vote for Trump because he is fighting the common enemy: douche bags like you.
It used to surprise me when I saw Trump winning in the polls. How could this racist, sexist, con artist, lying scumbag be pulling votes? Then I realized that most Trump supporters are saying the same thing."We are tired of the lying scumbag politicians telling us what they think we want to hear and then selling their vote to the highest bidder".America needs someone like Trump, not as a president, but as a common enemy. Americans can use Donald Trump as the symbol that we must fight against. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens must all come together and prevent Trump from becoming president. It will break the barriers between parties and will allow things to get done. All these different parties united under the "Stop Donald Trump" banner. Then once we have a real candidate in office we will begin to see advancements under a new, united government. All because Americans found something to believe in. The stop of Donald Trump.
Yes, that works so well where all Muslims have the Jews as a common enemy. They all get along so well when not focused on Israel don't they?

Besides -- the liberals and tag-alongs voted obama in twice. We can never rely on them to do the right thing.
Donald Trump is symbolic of the hatred in America. That is what I mean by common enemy.

Also what is your problem with President Obama? The economy has had a steady growth since the start of his presidency.

The US always does better under a Dem admin and yes, we are currently the strongest economy on the planet.

When Bush left office, we were losing a million jobs a month. We lost more than 50K factories under bush. He bankrupted us, killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people and never looked back.

Drumpf said he would commit war crimes. Then someone told him to stfu and he side-stepped and back tracked. That's been his entire schtick. Lies and backtracking.

Except when he doubles down on his lies.

He's dangerous but, amazingly, Cruz and Rubio are even worse. And Kasich has no chance.

The left touts the economy because of the "numbers". We all know that quantitative easing has artificially inflated the stock market, and continues to do so. And most of the jobs created have been low paying service jobs.

The best way to gauge this "success" is to look around you and notice if your fellow countrymen are happy with our current economic conditions. If they aren't, then all the bluster is a smokescreen.

The main issues in this election are economically related. People feel that immigration, "free trade" and globalization are at the top of our problems list economically.

If the economy was really as good as the Obama acolytes claim, this wouldn't be happening.

Reality tells us the story that numbers miss.

The truth is is that people love to complain. They will never truly be happy with the economy until they are making the money they think they should be making. Often this has little to do with the current economic state and more to do with the unfair distribution of wealth in the U.S.

Then they have a right to be pissed, and the economy isn't as good as it is being presented by the left.

Drumpf appeals to the failures who glomed onto the tee potty and for the very same reason - he's openly racist, sexist, everything and everyone-ist. Those who can't succeed on their own, need to blame someone. Drumpf gives them a nice long list.

He's also the expected next step in the disintegration of the GOP.

If elected, he would take down the Repubs but would also do enormous damage to the US and the world. He would do away with the millions of jobs created by Obama and would end our economic recovery. We would not be the strongest economy for very long.

THAT's why they love him.

You posted: Those who can't succeed on their own, need to blame someone. Drumpf gives them a nice long list.

I think you are confused. The people you are referring to are OWS leftists.


Then why is it blue states and Dems who support red states and pubs?

Hmmm ?

Deflection. You made a statement, and I corrected your error. Blue versus red states is another debate.

OWS is blaming others, and OWS is made up of liberals.


I don't know what OWS is but its simply fact that those who support Drumpf are RWNJs who can't support themselves.

And now, I'm off to watch me some Walking Dead reruns.



So, I can assume that OWS are left wing nut jobs that can't support themselves.


You can ASSSume anything you want but I still don't know what "OWS" refers to.
We saw momentum tonight. We saw Trump take the first two states and the candidate who gave him the hardest time is barely breathing. Rubio needs to go. Two states showed him the door and there will probably be two more. Romney finally showed passion and people are laughing at them. Apple, Google, Tesla are playing their Gotcha Game and it didn't work. The only thing left for the Gop party to do is make nice with Trump and gulp hard.
It used to surprise me when I saw Trump winning in the polls. How could this racist, sexist, con artist, lying scumbag be pulling votes? Then I realized that most Trump supporters are saying the same thing."We are tired of the lying scumbag politicians telling us what they think we want to hear and then selling their vote to the highest bidder".America needs someone like Trump, not as a president, but as a common enemy. Americans can use Donald Trump as the symbol that we must fight against. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens must all come together and prevent Trump from becoming president. It will break the barriers between parties and will allow things to get done. All these different parties united under the "Stop Donald Trump" banner. Then once we have a real candidate in office we will begin to see advancements under a new, united government. All because Americans found something to believe in. The stop of Donald Trump.

You obviously don't have a clue why people are voting for Trump.
Enlighten Me.

It' s not because they want to create a "common enemy," and his nomination will "break the barriers between parties and will allow things to get done." "Getting things done" is a leftwing euphemism meaning "get the leftwing agenda passed." They vote for Trump because he is fighting the common enemy: douche bags like you.
That is not why I am saying people are voting for him I am saying that they are voting for him because they are tired of the lying scumbag politicians in Washington. Besides calling people names will get you nowhere other than proving your stupidity.
It used to surprise me when I saw Trump winning in the polls. How could this racist, sexist, con artist, lying scumbag be pulling votes? Then I realized that most Trump supporters are saying the same thing."We are tired of the lying scumbag politicians telling us what they think we want to hear and then selling their vote to the highest bidder".America needs someone like Trump, not as a president, but as a common enemy. Americans can use Donald Trump as the symbol that we must fight against. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens must all come together and prevent Trump from becoming president. It will break the barriers between parties and will allow things to get done. All these different parties united under the "Stop Donald Trump" banner. Then once we have a real candidate in office we will begin to see advancements under a new, united government. All because Americans found something to believe in. The stop of Donald Trump.
Anyone who votes for Trump is just a gullable stooge who just bought a bridge from a used car salesman. Trump is a leftist and bullshitting just like Hopey Changy did.
It used to surprise me when I saw Trump winning in the polls. How could this racist, sexist, con artist, lying scumbag be pulling votes? Then I realized that most Trump supporters are saying the same thing."We are tired of the lying scumbag politicians telling us what they think we want to hear and then selling their vote to the highest bidder" America needs someone like Trump, not as a president, but as a common enemy. Americans can use Donald Trump as the symbol that we must fight against. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens must all come together and prevent Trump from becoming president. It will break the barriers between parties and will allow things to get done. All these different parties united under the "Stop Donald Trump" banner. Then once we have a real candidate in office we will begin to see advancements under a new, united government. All because Americans found something to believe in. The stop of Donald Trump.
Anyone who votes for Trump is just a gullible stooge who just bought a bridge from a used car salesman. Trump is a leftist and bullshitting just like Hopey Changy did.

Calling Trump voters gullible is understandable. However, you need to take a deep breath and look at the situation. Who has the best shot at beating Hillary? I think the guy with the biggest pile of cash, and who knows how to use it effectively. The dems are running a commie and a crook. We need to shake-up the DC "establishment". Trump is the one to do that. If Trump names his cabinet, that might get everyone on the same page. I'm suggesting a crew something like:
Sec State Dave Petraeus (strategic thinker)
Sec DEF Jim Webb, should be a non-controversial pick
Homeland Security, Gen Stan McCrystal, got fucked-over by "rolling stone"
Dept of Ed, Michelle Rhee, knows her stuff and doesn't drink the cool-aid
USSC, nominate Ted Cruz to replace Scalia
Atty Gen, Chris Christie
VP, Nikki Haley?
Chief of Staff, Kasich and his agenda
HHH, Dr Ben Carson

just saying, Trump could soothe a lot of ruffled establishment feathers if he named an All-Star Team for his cabinet
It used to surprise me when I saw Trump winning in the polls. How could this racist, sexist, con artist, lying scumbag be pulling votes? Then I realized that most Trump supporters are saying the same thing."We are tired of the lying scumbag politicians telling us what they think we want to hear and then selling their vote to the highest bidder".America needs someone like Trump, not as a president, but as a common enemy. Americans can use Donald Trump as the symbol that we must fight against. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens must all come together and prevent Trump from becoming president. It will break the barriers between parties and will allow things to get done. All these different parties united under the "Stop Donald Trump" banner. Then once we have a real candidate in office we will begin to see advancements under a new, united government. All because Americans found something to believe in. The stop of Donald Trump.

You obviously don't have a clue why people are voting for Trump.
Enlighten Me.

It' s not because they want to create a "common enemy," and his nomination will "break the barriers between parties and will allow things to get done." "Getting things done" is a leftwing euphemism meaning "get the leftwing agenda passed." They vote for Trump because he is fighting the common enemy: douche bags like you.
That is not why I am saying people are voting for him I am saying that they are voting for him because they are tired of the lying scumbag politicians in Washington. Besides calling people names will get you nowhere other than proving your stupidity.

You apparently believe Trump supporters are going to get together with Trump haters and then vote for Hillary. That's about as idiotic an idea as has ever been posted in this forum. People support Trump because they hate Hillary and everything she stands for. They also hate the douche bag establishment Republicans who help people like Hillary and Obama get their agendas passed.

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