The reason Trump is going crazy on judge? Trump facing RICO charges!!

Trump could be the one going to prison.
The Plotz thickens
Florida AG Asked Trump for Donation Before Nixing Fraud Case
Source: Associated Press

Florida's attorney general personally solicited a political contribution from Donald Trump around the same time her office deliberated joining an investigation of alleged fraud at Trump University and its affiliates

The new disclosure from Attorney General Pam Bondi's spokesman to The Associated Press on Monday provides additional details around the unusual circumstances of Trump's $25,000 donation to Bondi. After the money came in, Bondi's office nixed suing Trump.

The money came from a Trump family foundation in apparent violation of rules surrounding political activities by charities. A political group backing Bondi's re-election, called And Justice for All, reported receiving the check Sept. 17, 2013 — four days after Bondi publicly announced she was considering joining a New York state probe of Trump University's activities.

Marc Reichelderfer, a political consultant who worked for Bondi's re-election effort and fielded questions on the donation at her request, told AP that Bondi spoke with Trump "several weeks" before her office publicly announced it was deliberating whether to join a multi-state lawsuit proposed by New York's Democratic attorney general. Reichelfelder said Bondi was unaware of dozens of consumer complaints received by her office about Trump University filed before she requested the donation.


Read more: Florida AG Asked Trump for Donation Before Nixing Fraud Case
The reason that Trump is going crazy on the judge is real simple. He's looking for a way out because he doesn't want to be president .. he never did.

Donald Trump is not the racist he's pretending to be. He's not the buffoonish clown that he's pretending to be. He is however, PT Barnum looking to cash in on his failed run for president..

He's already told you .. "This is all an act." :0)

What candidate for national office purposefully alienates every demographic he'll need to win?

He's looking for a way out and a reason to blame his failed attempt on somebody else .. that way he can still make money off all the mindless mole people who support him.

Trump doesn't want to be prsident .. and by now that should be pretty obvious.

That is insane, especially if true!
The reason that Trump is going crazy on the judge is real simple. He's looking for a way out because he doesn't want to be president .. he never did.

Donald Trump is not the racist he's pretending to be. He's not the buffoonish clown that he's pretending to be. He is however, PT Barnum looking to cash in on his failed run for president..

He's already told you .. "This is all an act." :0)

What candidate for national office purposefully alienates every demographic he'll need to win?

He's looking for a way out and a reason to blame his failed attempt on somebody else .. that way he can still make money off all the mindless mole people who support him.

Trump doesn't want to be prsident .. and by now that should be pretty obvious.

That is insane, especially if true!

It is true.

Ask yourself .. is this how someone would act who really wanted to be the president?

.. and, he wants his good friend, Hillary Clinton to win .. and he's destroying the Republican Party in the process.

Donald Trump is a democrat .. I believe that he and Bill Clinton cooked this up .. but it could be coming from just PT all by himself.

In any case, no sane persoin runs for office the way Trump is doing .. guaranteeing himself NOT to win.
What's Behind the Attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel?

Here's the key part:

We’ll start at the beginning. Curiel is presiding over two separate class-action lawsuits about Trump University. One of them, Low v. Trump University, was filed in April 2010 under the name Markaeff v. Trump University. The other, Cohen v. Trump, was filed in October 2013. (A third case brought by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in 2013 is alsounder way in that state.) Trump is named as a defendant in both cases.

The plaintiffs in Low and Cohen portray Trump University as a basically fraudulent endeavor, one that promised Trump’s secrets to real-estate success but instead dispensed generic advice for tens of thousands of dollars. They’ve amassed a collection of evidence and testimony that seems to support their claims. Trump strongly denies the allegations and often cities numerous positive testimonials the seminars received from former customers of Trump University.

In his public remarks, Trump appears to make no distinction between Low andCohen. But there are crucial differences between the two civil class-action lawsuits. The Low plaintiffs sued Trump University and Trump himself under various consumer-protection laws in California, Florida, and New York—a relatively standard class-action lawsuit.

Cohen, on the other hand, targets Trump through a provision of the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, more commonly known as the RICO Act—the same statute federal prosecutors use to bring down mob bosses. In essence, Low accuses Trump University of engaging in fraudulent business practices, while Cohen frames Trump University itself as a criminal enterprise with Trump as the orchestrator of a racketeering scheme.

It's going to have hard for Trump to get out of this one. He claimed he didn't promise them them that they'll receive real estate advice from people who were experts. Except there are tapes where he says he "hand picked" the experts himself.

From the article: “Based on the foregoing, the Court concludes that Plaintiffs have raised a genuine dispute of material fact as to whether Mr. Trump can be personally liable for the alleged misrepresentations and misconduct,” Curiel wrote about one of Trump’s assertions. “For example, Plaintiffs have provided evidence that Mr. Trump reviewed and approved all advertisements. These advertisements included the alleged core misrepresentations, such as that Mr. Trump ‘hand-picked’ the instructors and mentors.”

How come Bammer gets a pass for slamming judges for ruling in a way people don't like but Trump is somehow evil for it?
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America?

Just a couple of weeks ago this article appeared and got nowhere near the attention it merited. Stephanie Cegielski, communications director for the now defunct pro-Trump Make America Great Again PAC (are you seeing a pattern with the “defunct” part?) wrote an open letter in which she labeled the Trump campaign a con, a publicity stunt:

Almost a year ago, recruited for my public relations and public policy expertise, I sat in Trump Tower being told that the goal was to get The Donald to poll in double digits and come in second in delegate count. That was it.

The Trump camp would have been satisfied to see him polling at 12% and taking second place to a candidate who might hold 50%. His candidacy was a protest candidacy.

But something surprising and absolutely unexpected happened. Every other candidate misestimated the anger and outrage of the “silent majority” of Americans who are not a part of the liberal elite. So with each statement came a jump in the polls. Just when I thought we were finished, The Donald gained more popularity.

I don’t think even Trump thought he would get this far. And I don’t even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all.
He certainly was never prepared or equipped to go all the way to the White House, but his ego has now taken over the driver’s seat, and nothing else matters. The Donald does not fail. The Donald does not have any weakness. The Donald is his own biggest enemy.
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America? | RedState

Trump didn't con America .. he conned dumb people .. and I'd consider that a public service. :0)
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America?

Just a couple of weeks ago this article appeared and got nowhere near the attention it merited. Stephanie Cegielski, communications director for the now defunct pro-Trump Make America Great Again PAC (are you seeing a pattern with the “defunct” part?) wrote an open letter in which she labeled the Trump campaign a con, a publicity stunt:

Almost a year ago, recruited for my public relations and public policy expertise, I sat in Trump Tower being told that the goal was to get The Donald to poll in double digits and come in second in delegate count. That was it.

The Trump camp would have been satisfied to see him polling at 12% and taking second place to a candidate who might hold 50%. His candidacy was a protest candidacy.

But something surprising and absolutely unexpected happened. Every other candidate misestimated the anger and outrage of the “silent majority” of Americans who are not a part of the liberal elite. So with each statement came a jump in the polls. Just when I thought we were finished, The Donald gained more popularity.

I don’t think even Trump thought he would get this far. And I don’t even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all.
He certainly was never prepared or equipped to go all the way to the White House, but his ego has now taken over the driver’s seat, and nothing else matters. The Donald does not fail. The Donald does not have any weakness. The Donald is his own biggest enemy.
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America? | RedState

Trump didn't con America .. he conned dumb people .. and I'd consider that a public service. :0)

RedState is all out against Trump. Hardly unbiased
What's Behind the Attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel?

Here's the key part:

We’ll start at the beginning. Curiel is presiding over two separate class-action lawsuits about Trump University. One of them, Low v. Trump University, was filed in April 2010 under the name Markaeff v. Trump University. The other, Cohen v. Trump, was filed in October 2013. (A third case brought by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in 2013 is alsounder way in that state.) Trump is named as a defendant in both cases.

The plaintiffs in Low and Cohen portray Trump University as a basically fraudulent endeavor, one that promised Trump’s secrets to real-estate success but instead dispensed generic advice for tens of thousands of dollars. They’ve amassed a collection of evidence and testimony that seems to support their claims. Trump strongly denies the allegations and often cities numerous positive testimonials the seminars received from former customers of Trump University.

In his public remarks, Trump appears to make no distinction between Low andCohen. But there are crucial differences between the two civil class-action lawsuits. The Low plaintiffs sued Trump University and Trump himself under various consumer-protection laws in California, Florida, and New York—a relatively standard class-action lawsuit.

Cohen, on the other hand, targets Trump through a provision of the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, more commonly known as the RICO Act—the same statute federal prosecutors use to bring down mob bosses. In essence, Low accuses Trump University of engaging in fraudulent business practices, while Cohen frames Trump University itself as a criminal enterprise with Trump as the orchestrator of a racketeering scheme.

It's going to have hard for Trump to get out of this one. He claimed he didn't promise them them that they'll receive real estate advice from people who were experts. Except there are tapes where he says he "hand picked" the experts himself.

From the article: “Based on the foregoing, the Court concludes that Plaintiffs have raised a genuine dispute of material fact as to whether Mr. Trump can be personally liable for the alleged misrepresentations and misconduct,” Curiel wrote about one of Trump’s assertions. “For example, Plaintiffs have provided evidence that Mr. Trump reviewed and approved all advertisements. These advertisements included the alleged core misrepresentations, such as that Mr. Trump ‘hand-picked’ the instructors and mentors.”

Oh bitch, so Trump really is a criminal and is headed to jail. His opponent simply used personal email for work where no secrets were lost and no crimes committed, the same way the previous 15 years of Secretaries of State used their personal email, none of whom were investigated or face any charges.

Turn out the lights, the party's over...

LOL Isn't going to happen. But you left loons keep wetting yourselves over it

I'm glad you've moved on from calling real things conspiracies.
Well now we have motive
What's Behind the Attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel?

Here's the key part:

We’ll start at the beginning. Curiel is presiding over two separate class-action lawsuits about Trump University. One of them, Low v. Trump University, was filed in April 2010 under the name Markaeff v. Trump University. The other, Cohen v. Trump, was filed in October 2013. (A third case brought by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in 2013 is alsounder way in that state.) Trump is named as a defendant in both cases.

The plaintiffs in Low and Cohen portray Trump University as a basically fraudulent endeavor, one that promised Trump’s secrets to real-estate success but instead dispensed generic advice for tens of thousands of dollars. They’ve amassed a collection of evidence and testimony that seems to support their claims. Trump strongly denies the allegations and often cities numerous positive testimonials the seminars received from former customers of Trump University.

In his public remarks, Trump appears to make no distinction between Low andCohen. But there are crucial differences between the two civil class-action lawsuits. The Low plaintiffs sued Trump University and Trump himself under various consumer-protection laws in California, Florida, and New York—a relatively standard class-action lawsuit.

Cohen, on the other hand, targets Trump through a provision of the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, more commonly known as the RICO Act—the same statute federal prosecutors use to bring down mob bosses. In essence, Low accuses Trump University of engaging in fraudulent business practices, while Cohen frames Trump University itself as a criminal enterprise with Trump as the orchestrator of a racketeering scheme.

It's going to have hard for Trump to get out of this one. He claimed he didn't promise them them that they'll receive real estate advice from people who were experts. Except there are tapes where he says he "hand picked" the experts himself.

From the article: “Based on the foregoing, the Court concludes that Plaintiffs have raised a genuine dispute of material fact as to whether Mr. Trump can be personally liable for the alleged misrepresentations and misconduct,” Curiel wrote about one of Trump’s assertions. “For example, Plaintiffs have provided evidence that Mr. Trump reviewed and approved all advertisements. These advertisements included the alleged core misrepresentations, such as that Mr. Trump ‘hand-picked’ the instructors and mentors.”

How come Bammer gets a pass for slamming judges for ruling in a way people don't like but Trump is somehow evil for it?

Obama was out of line but the major difference was he wasn't a litigant who is forbidden from derogatory comments about the case, against the parties involved, and against the prosecutor or the judge. He could be held in contempt by his outburst and I hope his attorney advises him an apology might be necessary to keep him out of jail.
Democrats are getting so hysterical they will explode long before the election.
What's Behind the Attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel?

Here's the key part:

We’ll start at the beginning. Curiel is presiding over two separate class-action lawsuits about Trump University. One of them, Low v. Trump University, was filed in April 2010 under the name Markaeff v. Trump University. The other, Cohen v. Trump, was filed in October 2013. (A third case brought by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in 2013 is alsounder way in that state.) Trump is named as a defendant in both cases.

The plaintiffs in Low and Cohen portray Trump University as a basically fraudulent endeavor, one that promised Trump’s secrets to real-estate success but instead dispensed generic advice for tens of thousands of dollars. They’ve amassed a collection of evidence and testimony that seems to support their claims. Trump strongly denies the allegations and often cities numerous positive testimonials the seminars received from former customers of Trump University.

In his public remarks, Trump appears to make no distinction between Low andCohen. But there are crucial differences between the two civil class-action lawsuits. The Low plaintiffs sued Trump University and Trump himself under various consumer-protection laws in California, Florida, and New York—a relatively standard class-action lawsuit.

Cohen, on the other hand, targets Trump through a provision of the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, more commonly known as the RICO Act—the same statute federal prosecutors use to bring down mob bosses. In essence, Low accuses Trump University of engaging in fraudulent business practices, while Cohen frames Trump University itself as a criminal enterprise with Trump as the orchestrator of a racketeering scheme.

It's going to have hard for Trump to get out of this one. He claimed he didn't promise them them that they'll receive real estate advice from people who were experts. Except there are tapes where he says he "hand picked" the experts himself.

From the article: “Based on the foregoing, the Court concludes that Plaintiffs have raised a genuine dispute of material fact as to whether Mr. Trump can be personally liable for the alleged misrepresentations and misconduct,” Curiel wrote about one of Trump’s assertions. “For example, Plaintiffs have provided evidence that Mr. Trump reviewed and approved all advertisements. These advertisements included the alleged core misrepresentations, such as that Mr. Trump ‘hand-picked’ the instructors and mentors.”

How come Bammer gets a pass for slamming judges for ruling in a way people don't like but Trump is somehow evil for it?

Uhhh, because one case was over and the other isnt. Let's be smarter moving on.
Well now we have motive
What's Behind the Attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel?

Here's the key part:

We’ll start at the beginning. Curiel is presiding over two separate class-action lawsuits about Trump University. One of them, Low v. Trump University, was filed in April 2010 under the name Markaeff v. Trump University. The other, Cohen v. Trump, was filed in October 2013. (A third case brought by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in 2013 is alsounder way in that state.) Trump is named as a defendant in both cases.

The plaintiffs in Low and Cohen portray Trump University as a basically fraudulent endeavor, one that promised Trump’s secrets to real-estate success but instead dispensed generic advice for tens of thousands of dollars. They’ve amassed a collection of evidence and testimony that seems to support their claims. Trump strongly denies the allegations and often cities numerous positive testimonials the seminars received from former customers of Trump University.

In his public remarks, Trump appears to make no distinction between Low andCohen. But there are crucial differences between the two civil class-action lawsuits. The Low plaintiffs sued Trump University and Trump himself under various consumer-protection laws in California, Florida, and New York—a relatively standard class-action lawsuit.

Cohen, on the other hand, targets Trump through a provision of the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, more commonly known as the RICO Act—the same statute federal prosecutors use to bring down mob bosses. In essence, Low accuses Trump University of engaging in fraudulent business practices, while Cohen frames Trump University itself as a criminal enterprise with Trump as the orchestrator of a racketeering scheme.

It's going to have hard for Trump to get out of this one. He claimed he didn't promise them them that they'll receive real estate advice from people who were experts. Except there are tapes where he says he "hand picked" the experts himself.

From the article: “Based on the foregoing, the Court concludes that Plaintiffs have raised a genuine dispute of material fact as to whether Mr. Trump can be personally liable for the alleged misrepresentations and misconduct,” Curiel wrote about one of Trump’s assertions. “For example, Plaintiffs have provided evidence that Mr. Trump reviewed and approved all advertisements. These advertisements included the alleged core misrepresentations, such as that Mr. Trump ‘hand-picked’ the instructors and mentors.”

How come Bammer gets a pass for slamming judges for ruling in a way people don't like but Trump is somehow evil for it?

Obama was out of line but the major difference was he wasn't a litigant who is forbidden from derogatory comments about the case, against the parties involved, and against the prosecutor or the judge. He could be held in contempt by his outburst and I hope his attorney advises him an apology might be necessary to keep him out of jail.

It would be funny to see him in jail on election eve.
Well now we have motive
What's Behind the Attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel?

Here's the key part:

We’ll start at the beginning. Curiel is presiding over two separate class-action lawsuits about Trump University. One of them, Low v. Trump University, was filed in April 2010 under the name Markaeff v. Trump University. The other, Cohen v. Trump, was filed in October 2013. (A third case brought by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in 2013 is alsounder way in that state.) Trump is named as a defendant in both cases.

The plaintiffs in Low and Cohen portray Trump University as a basically fraudulent endeavor, one that promised Trump’s secrets to real-estate success but instead dispensed generic advice for tens of thousands of dollars. They’ve amassed a collection of evidence and testimony that seems to support their claims. Trump strongly denies the allegations and often cities numerous positive testimonials the seminars received from former customers of Trump University.

In his public remarks, Trump appears to make no distinction between Low andCohen. But there are crucial differences between the two civil class-action lawsuits. The Low plaintiffs sued Trump University and Trump himself under various consumer-protection laws in California, Florida, and New York—a relatively standard class-action lawsuit.

Cohen, on the other hand, targets Trump through a provision of the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, more commonly known as the RICO Act—the same statute federal prosecutors use to bring down mob bosses. In essence, Low accuses Trump University of engaging in fraudulent business practices, while Cohen frames Trump University itself as a criminal enterprise with Trump as the orchestrator of a racketeering scheme.

It's going to have hard for Trump to get out of this one. He claimed he didn't promise them them that they'll receive real estate advice from people who were experts. Except there are tapes where he says he "hand picked" the experts himself.

From the article: “Based on the foregoing, the Court concludes that Plaintiffs have raised a genuine dispute of material fact as to whether Mr. Trump can be personally liable for the alleged misrepresentations and misconduct,” Curiel wrote about one of Trump’s assertions. “For example, Plaintiffs have provided evidence that Mr. Trump reviewed and approved all advertisements. These advertisements included the alleged core misrepresentations, such as that Mr. Trump ‘hand-picked’ the instructors and mentors.”

How come Bammer gets a pass for slamming judges for ruling in a way people don't like but Trump is somehow evil for it?

Obama was out of line but the major difference was he wasn't a litigant who is forbidden from derogatory comments about the case, against the parties involved, and against the prosecutor or the judge. He could be held in contempt by his outburst and I hope his attorney advises him an apology might be necessary to keep him out of jail.

It would be funny to see him in jail on election eve.

It's not going to happen
Well now we have motive
What's Behind the Attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel?

Here's the key part:

We’ll start at the beginning. Curiel is presiding over two separate class-action lawsuits about Trump University. One of them, Low v. Trump University, was filed in April 2010 under the name Markaeff v. Trump University. The other, Cohen v. Trump, was filed in October 2013. (A third case brought by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in 2013 is alsounder way in that state.) Trump is named as a defendant in both cases.

The plaintiffs in Low and Cohen portray Trump University as a basically fraudulent endeavor, one that promised Trump’s secrets to real-estate success but instead dispensed generic advice for tens of thousands of dollars. They’ve amassed a collection of evidence and testimony that seems to support their claims. Trump strongly denies the allegations and often cities numerous positive testimonials the seminars received from former customers of Trump University.

In his public remarks, Trump appears to make no distinction between Low andCohen. But there are crucial differences between the two civil class-action lawsuits. The Low plaintiffs sued Trump University and Trump himself under various consumer-protection laws in California, Florida, and New York—a relatively standard class-action lawsuit.

Cohen, on the other hand, targets Trump through a provision of the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, more commonly known as the RICO Act—the same statute federal prosecutors use to bring down mob bosses. In essence, Low accuses Trump University of engaging in fraudulent business practices, while Cohen frames Trump University itself as a criminal enterprise with Trump as the orchestrator of a racketeering scheme.

It's going to have hard for Trump to get out of this one. He claimed he didn't promise them them that they'll receive real estate advice from people who were experts. Except there are tapes where he says he "hand picked" the experts himself.

From the article: “Based on the foregoing, the Court concludes that Plaintiffs have raised a genuine dispute of material fact as to whether Mr. Trump can be personally liable for the alleged misrepresentations and misconduct,” Curiel wrote about one of Trump’s assertions. “For example, Plaintiffs have provided evidence that Mr. Trump reviewed and approved all advertisements. These advertisements included the alleged core misrepresentations, such as that Mr. Trump ‘hand-picked’ the instructors and mentors.”

How come Bammer gets a pass for slamming judges for ruling in a way people don't like but Trump is somehow evil for it?

Obama was out of line but the major difference was he wasn't a litigant who is forbidden from derogatory comments about the case, against the parties involved, and against the prosecutor or the judge. He could be held in contempt by his outburst and I hope his attorney advises him an apology might be necessary to keep him out of jail.

It would be funny to see him in jail on election eve.

It's not going to happen

I love to disagree with you. He is party to a federal lawsuit against himself, he is bound to respect the presiding judge in this matter. There are rules for disagreeing with this judge and it doesn't involve bad mouthing him publicly.

Trump is running for president. If anything, he should be an example of respect, not an example of boorish behavior.
Well now we have motive
What's Behind the Attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel?

Here's the key part:

We’ll start at the beginning. Curiel is presiding over two separate class-action lawsuits about Trump University. One of them, Low v. Trump University, was filed in April 2010 under the name Markaeff v. Trump University. The other, Cohen v. Trump, was filed in October 2013. (A third case brought by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in 2013 is alsounder way in that state.) Trump is named as a defendant in both cases.

The plaintiffs in Low and Cohen portray Trump University as a basically fraudulent endeavor, one that promised Trump’s secrets to real-estate success but instead dispensed generic advice for tens of thousands of dollars. They’ve amassed a collection of evidence and testimony that seems to support their claims. Trump strongly denies the allegations and often cities numerous positive testimonials the seminars received from former customers of Trump University.

In his public remarks, Trump appears to make no distinction between Low andCohen. But there are crucial differences between the two civil class-action lawsuits. The Low plaintiffs sued Trump University and Trump himself under various consumer-protection laws in California, Florida, and New York—a relatively standard class-action lawsuit.

Cohen, on the other hand, targets Trump through a provision of the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, more commonly known as the RICO Act—the same statute federal prosecutors use to bring down mob bosses. In essence, Low accuses Trump University of engaging in fraudulent business practices, while Cohen frames Trump University itself as a criminal enterprise with Trump as the orchestrator of a racketeering scheme.

It's going to have hard for Trump to get out of this one. He claimed he didn't promise them them that they'll receive real estate advice from people who were experts. Except there are tapes where he says he "hand picked" the experts himself.

From the article: “Based on the foregoing, the Court concludes that Plaintiffs have raised a genuine dispute of material fact as to whether Mr. Trump can be personally liable for the alleged misrepresentations and misconduct,” Curiel wrote about one of Trump’s assertions. “For example, Plaintiffs have provided evidence that Mr. Trump reviewed and approved all advertisements. These advertisements included the alleged core misrepresentations, such as that Mr. Trump ‘hand-picked’ the instructors and mentors.”

How come Bammer gets a pass for slamming judges for ruling in a way people don't like but Trump is somehow evil for it?

Obama was out of line but the major difference was he wasn't a litigant who is forbidden from derogatory comments about the case, against the parties involved, and against the prosecutor or the judge. He could be held in contempt by his outburst and I hope his attorney advises him an apology might be necessary to keep him out of jail.

It would be funny to see him in jail on election eve.

It's not going to happen

I love to disagree with you. He is party to a federal lawsuit against himself, he is bound to respect the presiding judge in this matter. There are rules for disagreeing with this judge and it doesn't involve bad mouthing him publicly.

Trump is running for president. If anything, he should be an example of respect, not an example of boorish behavior.

Save it for someone that isn't married to an attorney. Bye now
Well now we have motive
How come Bammer gets a pass for slamming judges for ruling in a way people don't like but Trump is somehow evil for it?

Obama was out of line but the major difference was he wasn't a litigant who is forbidden from derogatory comments about the case, against the parties involved, and against the prosecutor or the judge. He could be held in contempt by his outburst and I hope his attorney advises him an apology might be necessary to keep him out of jail.

It would be funny to see him in jail on election eve.

It's not going to happen

I love to disagree with you. He is party to a federal lawsuit against himself, he is bound to respect the presiding judge in this matter. There are rules for disagreeing with this judge and it doesn't involve bad mouthing him publicly.

Trump is running for president. If anything, he should be an example of respect, not an example of boorish behavior.

Save it for someone that isn't married to an attorney. Bye now

That makes me pretty happy, because when you bring it up over dinner you are going to get schooled but good.
Well now we have motive
Obama was out of line but the major difference was he wasn't a litigant who is forbidden from derogatory comments about the case, against the parties involved, and against the prosecutor or the judge. He could be held in contempt by his outburst and I hope his attorney advises him an apology might be necessary to keep him out of jail.

It would be funny to see him in jail on election eve.

It's not going to happen

I love to disagree with you. He is party to a federal lawsuit against himself, he is bound to respect the presiding judge in this matter. There are rules for disagreeing with this judge and it doesn't involve bad mouthing him publicly.

Trump is running for president. If anything, he should be an example of respect, not an example of boorish behavior.

Save it for someone that isn't married to an attorney. Bye now

That makes me pretty happy, because when you bring it up over dinner you are going to get schooled but good.

I've already spoken with him, he suggested you take law classes. Trump will not be going to jail. Take it to the bank
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America?

Just a couple of weeks ago this article appeared and got nowhere near the attention it merited. Stephanie Cegielski, communications director for the now defunct pro-Trump Make America Great Again PAC (are you seeing a pattern with the “defunct” part?) wrote an open letter in which she labeled the Trump campaign a con, a publicity stunt:

Almost a year ago, recruited for my public relations and public policy expertise, I sat in Trump Tower being told that the goal was to get The Donald to poll in double digits and come in second in delegate count. That was it.

The Trump camp would have been satisfied to see him polling at 12% and taking second place to a candidate who might hold 50%. His candidacy was a protest candidacy.

But something surprising and absolutely unexpected happened. Every other candidate misestimated the anger and outrage of the “silent majority” of Americans who are not a part of the liberal elite. So with each statement came a jump in the polls. Just when I thought we were finished, The Donald gained more popularity.

I don’t think even Trump thought he would get this far. And I don’t even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all.
He certainly was never prepared or equipped to go all the way to the White House, but his ego has now taken over the driver’s seat, and nothing else matters. The Donald does not fail. The Donald does not have any weakness. The Donald is his own biggest enemy.
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America? | RedState

Trump didn't con America .. he conned dumb people .. and I'd consider that a public service. :0)

RedState is all out against Trump. Hardly unbiased

:0) Oh really?

Conservative Review: Is Trump Preparing His Exit Strategy?
Is Trump Preparing His Exit Strategy?

From Donald Trump: Hints of a Campaign Exit Strategy

This is just so priceless ..

Donald Trump wants to ban the internet, plans to ask Bill Gates to ‘close it up’
Speaking as he called for a ‘complete shutdown’ on Muslims entering the US, Mr Trump dismissed claims that ‘closing up the internet’ would be a freedom of speech issue
Donald Trump wants to ban the internet, will ask Bill Gates to ‘close it up’

I mean seriously .. do you really need a newspaper to tell you what is so plainly right in front of your face?

You're being played for a fool. :0)

The one thing Trump is absolutely right about ..

Donald Trump Thinks Americans Are Stupid. And You Know What? He Might Be Right.
Donald Trump Thinks Americans Are Stupid. And You Know What? He Might Be Right.

He is right .. Americans are stupid.
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America?

Just a couple of weeks ago this article appeared and got nowhere near the attention it merited. Stephanie Cegielski, communications director for the now defunct pro-Trump Make America Great Again PAC (are you seeing a pattern with the “defunct” part?) wrote an open letter in which she labeled the Trump campaign a con, a publicity stunt:

Almost a year ago, recruited for my public relations and public policy expertise, I sat in Trump Tower being told that the goal was to get The Donald to poll in double digits and come in second in delegate count. That was it.

The Trump camp would have been satisfied to see him polling at 12% and taking second place to a candidate who might hold 50%. His candidacy was a protest candidacy.

But something surprising and absolutely unexpected happened. Every other candidate misestimated the anger and outrage of the “silent majority” of Americans who are not a part of the liberal elite. So with each statement came a jump in the polls. Just when I thought we were finished, The Donald gained more popularity.

I don’t think even Trump thought he would get this far. And I don’t even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all.
He certainly was never prepared or equipped to go all the way to the White House, but his ego has now taken over the driver’s seat, and nothing else matters. The Donald does not fail. The Donald does not have any weakness. The Donald is his own biggest enemy.
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America? | RedState

Trump didn't con America .. he conned dumb people .. and I'd consider that a public service. :0)

RedState is all out against Trump. Hardly unbiased

But you didn't say it wasnt true. But this is the same thing you do to all info you don't like...just say it's phoney somehow and move on.
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America?

Just a couple of weeks ago this article appeared and got nowhere near the attention it merited. Stephanie Cegielski, communications director for the now defunct pro-Trump Make America Great Again PAC (are you seeing a pattern with the “defunct” part?) wrote an open letter in which she labeled the Trump campaign a con, a publicity stunt:

Almost a year ago, recruited for my public relations and public policy expertise, I sat in Trump Tower being told that the goal was to get The Donald to poll in double digits and come in second in delegate count. That was it.

The Trump camp would have been satisfied to see him polling at 12% and taking second place to a candidate who might hold 50%. His candidacy was a protest candidacy.

But something surprising and absolutely unexpected happened. Every other candidate misestimated the anger and outrage of the “silent majority” of Americans who are not a part of the liberal elite. So with each statement came a jump in the polls. Just when I thought we were finished, The Donald gained more popularity.

I don’t think even Trump thought he would get this far. And I don’t even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all.
He certainly was never prepared or equipped to go all the way to the White House, but his ego has now taken over the driver’s seat, and nothing else matters. The Donald does not fail. The Donald does not have any weakness. The Donald is his own biggest enemy.
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America? | RedState

Trump didn't con America .. he conned dumb people .. and I'd consider that a public service. :0)

RedState is all out against Trump. Hardly unbiased

:0) Oh really?

Conservative Review: Is Trump Preparing His Exit Strategy?
Is Trump Preparing His Exit Strategy?

From Donald Trump: Hints of a Campaign Exit Strategy

This is just so priceless ..

Donald Trump wants to ban the internet, plans to ask Bill Gates to ‘close it up’
Speaking as he called for a ‘complete shutdown’ on Muslims entering the US, Mr Trump dismissed claims that ‘closing up the internet’ would be a freedom of speech issue
Donald Trump wants to ban the internet, will ask Bill Gates to ‘close it up’

I mean seriously .. do you really need a newspaper to tell you what is so plainly right in front of your face?

You're being played for a fool. :0)

The one thing Trump is absolutely right about ..

Donald Trump Thinks Americans Are Stupid. And You Know What? He Might Be Right.
Donald Trump Thinks Americans Are Stupid. And You Know What? He Might Be Right.

He is right .. Americans are stupid.


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