The reason Trump is going crazy on judge? Trump facing RICO charges!!

Here's what Trump's latest drama queen episode is all about: His junk is shrinking fast and has been ever since he got the nomination. It was all supposed to be about a Charlie Sheen-type "Winning!" thing, another reality t.v. show to star in until he actually clinched it. And the real truth is he doesn't want the damn job. He knows he is not qualified.

But he can't lose face, can't back down, can't backtrack because he never does and, hey, has it ever hurt him before? Not unless you consider four corporate bankruptices and one personal bankruptcy some sort of acknowledgment and apology that he was WRONG.
Yeah good luck on The Atlantic?

In the eyes of the simpleminded, they believe that the only resources that count, are those who preach to the far right or left choir and that life is a one-sided coin.
Thank God, most people with an ounce of intellectual backbone, look at life at both sides of the coin, thus exercising the brain to determine what is real and what is not real.

"The high quality of its literature—notably, serialized novels, including best-sellers—and its literary criticism have preserved the magazine’s reputation as a lively literary periodical with a moderate worldview"
The Atlantic Monthly | American journal

If you refuse to your brain and are intellectually lazy, therefore allowing an ideology to dictate your thought, move over and get out of the way
Yeah good luck on The Atlantic?

In the eyes of the simpleminded, they believe that the only resources that count, are those who preach to the far right or left choir and that life is a one-sided coin.
Thank God, most people with an ounce of intellectual backbone, look at life at both sides of the coin, thus exercising the brain to determine what is real and what is not real.

"The high quality of its literature—notably, serialized novels, including best-sellers—and its literary criticism have preserved the magazine’s reputation as a lively literary periodical with a moderate worldview"
The Atlantic Monthly | American journal

If you refuse to your brain and are intellectually lazy, therefore allowing an ideology to dictate your thought, move over and get out of the way

You know, you can't fix stupid...
The reason Trump is going crazy on judge? Trump facing RICO charges!!

That would help explain why the man-child has come unhinged. Here is another possibility:

What Makes Trump Such A Cranky Baby?

That could explain his mental temper tantrums. I still think he is seriously impaired, even beyond the sleep deprivation.

I totally agree! Sleep deprivation may only be making his serious mental problems more noticeable.
This is as good a place as any to share this:

An NGC membership was an "investment in yourself," Wiseman told one crowd. Poor people don’t know what an investment is, he explained—but successful people do.

"I cannot teach people how to get $107,000 when they think $1,000 is a lot of money," he said with a knowing smile.

But when we checked out Wiseman's story, Utah officials told us the state grants didn't exist. (Researching his home, we found that Wiseman did apply for a few tax credits, which were approved.) What really made Wiseman wealthy, according to sources who knew the business intimately, was getting a cut of every NGC membership he sold. This appeared to be enough, based on our observations of his sizable crowds, to clear five figures in a good week.

Who was paying all that money? We interviewed nearly 50 customers who purchased NGC memberships and found that all had some source of income, but most were on the periphery of the middle class. Almost everyone appeared to pay by credit card. None of the people we interviewed had received any grants. Their experiences were telling, and some were eerily similar to allegations later leveled against Trump University.

Some buyers were upset at NGC, feeling like they’d been had. This was especially true of the go-getters who diligently pursued help from the company but who told us they were stonewalled or sent on wild goose chases.

“The counselor would say, ‘I don’t know how to help you if you don’t know what you want,’” one NGC customer, a Maryland resident named Michele Guarino, told us. “I said, ‘I know what I want! I want to buy a house, and find out what grants are available to help me. If I knew the particular program, I wouldn’t have needed you!’”

Read the whole thing:
Trump University and the art of the get-rich seminar

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