The Reason why the Creator wipes away the "good" with the Bad every so often

Nope. Nowhere in the scriptures is any of the Godhead as the “it.” Grow up.
Well the scriptures were written by men so it's no wonder they describe the "it" as a male, father figure. Other mythologies have women as Gods.
Well the scriptures were written by men so it's no wonder they describe the "it" as a male, father figure. Other mythologies have women as Gods.
Why would you assume this? Idolatry is false to start with. So, mythology is false and simply fun reading and for the movies. I know my Father lives and is our spiritual Father while Adam is our physical earthly father. And Eve our earthly physical mother and Mother in Heaven the mother of our spirits. Sorry you haven’t found this out yet.
Why would you assume this? Idolatry is false to start with. So, mythology is false and simply fun reading and for the movies. I know my Father lives and is our spiritual Father while Adam is our physical earthly father. And Eve our earthly physical mother and Mother in Heaven the mother of our spirits. Sorry you haven’t found this out yet.
Christian Mythology is just as false as those of the past.
Christian Mythology is just as false as those of the past.
Can’t be. They are diametrically opposed. If Mythological gods are false, the Christian-Judeo Godhead is true.
By the way, nice deflection to not have to answer your “it” nonsense.
Can’t be. They are diametrically opposed. If Mythological gods are false, the Christian-Judeo Godhead is true.
By the way, nice deflection to not have to answer your “it” nonsense.
It was man made then and now.
It was man made then and now.
Greek and Roman Mythology was man made which makes it idolatry. The Bible was communication between God and man through visions and dreams of truth. So, man did not make the Bible scriptures.
You can believe that. Personally, I think they listened to the voices in their heads......
That’s where recognizing the Holy Ghost answers the difference if the voices are yours or are from the one true Godhead. If you can’t tell the difference between someone who hears voices and someone who received revelation from God, you aren’t paying attention.
That’s where recognizing the Holy Ghost answers the difference if the voices are yours or are from the one true Godhead. If you can’t tell the difference between someone who hears voices and someone who received revelation from God, you aren’t paying attention.

Your faith is as real to you as theirs was to them.
If enough water existed to flood the earth it would still be flooded,
Would it? Your post has some real logic behind it. But maybe the land-locked ice (such as glaciers) took enough of the waters to allow the sea levels to recede.

I don’t know if the numbers add up. But I suspect you may have a valid point.
Would it? Your post has some real logic behind it. But maybe the land-locked ice (such as glaciers) took enough of the waters to allow the sea levels to recede.

I don’t know if the numbers add up. But I suspect you may have a valid point.
Not a clue. The water receded back into the earth as well as to the polar ice caps. The fountains of the deep opened up during the flood and the earth opened back up to receive the water back as well. There has been found 3 times the water 400 miles deep in the earth.
That was a movie. So, I gather you believe in Zeus and mythology. Do you push a shopping cart with your belongings and sleep under overpasses too?
I gather you believe in all the supernatural beings in the Judeo Mythology.

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