The Recovery Thread

Lie after lie after lie after lie from a grossly stupid shit like you! Go do you homework and stop trying to lie your way out of your embarrassment for being so damn stupid for the hundredth time.
I love it...even when I explicitly say I'm not sure I'm getting your position correct, you can't accept that but have to accuse me of lying. I'm not even sure what you're accusing me of lying about? Are you saying I am lying about your position (even though I said I wasn't sure I was getting it correct) or are you saying I'm lying about not being sure I'm getting it correct? The implications of the latter, become even more odd.

The Positive GDP for the past few quarters was all the product of Government spending as I have stated over a hundred times.
You have stated this, yes, but I don't recall a single bit of evidence or argument.

Every time I prove it to you, you resort to your nonsense statements like the childish gibberish above.
Now you're lying...I've never addressed this with you before, and I certainly don't recall you "proving" a damn thing.
"proving" a damn thing.

I have exposed you over and over and over again you lying satanic whore. You constantly lie about what I have posted. YOU constantly lie about economics. You constantly lie about what the government is doing. It is obvious to me that you are demon possessed. Satan is the father of all liars and all you do all of the time is lie.

May God damn you to hell where you belong. You are condemnded to hell for all eternity because you worship the lies of the Obama administration.

For a week, I will be back on the East Coast talking to the three militias there to try to dissuade them from moving to take over this country. It will be hard, but I am the only one who seems to have an impact. My only remaining ploy is to tell them that Impeachment must be used. If I can not dissuade them with my "Let the legal process work." speech, we'll let you try to convince them that they "need to worship Obama and his lying minions because government would never lie to you." Good luck with that.
Silicon Valley is hiring.

The pickup in tech hiring is spreading beyond Silicon Valley, forcing companies outside the big tech center to rethink their recruiting tactics.

Companies in second-tier tech locations such as Austin, Texas, and Raleigh, N.C., had an easier time recruiting talented employees during the slump. But now that Silicon Valley firms have started aggressively hiring, and the general economy is improving, competition is stiffening. ...

Valley Job Revival Raises Competition for Talent -
Rail traffic


For a week, I will be back on the East Coast talking to the three militias there to try to dissuade them from moving to take over this country. It will be hard, but I am the only one who seems to have an impact. My only remaining ploy is to tell them that Impeachment must be used. If I can not dissuade them with my "Let the legal process work." speech, we'll let you try to convince them that they "need to worship Obama and his lying minions because government would never lie to you." Good luck with that.

Fuck in 'ell...what a delusional weirdo...Get help...quick....
For a week, I will be back on the East Coast talking to the three militias there to try to dissuade them from moving to take over this country. It will be hard, but I am the only one who seems to have an impact. My only remaining ploy is to tell them that Impeachment must be used. If I can not dissuade them with my "Let the legal process work." speech, we'll let you try to convince them that they "need to worship Obama and his lying minions because government would never lie to you." Good luck with that.

Fuck in 'ell...what a delusional weirdo...Get help...quick....

The State militias are very real. You can ignore them if you want. By speaking at their gatherings, I have tried to show them that using the established procedures is the only way to go. The majority of them do not agree with me. If that Majority ever takes total control over the militias, we are going to see civil war in this country.

As it is, this government is the most corrupt in world history. Something needs to be done about all of the corruption. Do you have a plan? Mine is a new Constitutional Convention to pass a constitution that allows for firing squads and hanging and then mandates death for all felony crime. All graft and corruption by government officials will be punished by death. It is the only way to straighten this horrible mess out.

Your wishing that the corruption will just go away will not solve a damn thing. We need to take action before the radicals do.
As Goldman Sachs has consistently proven, anything and everyone in Washington can be bought for a price. Washington is a very ugly and corrupt town. The corruption has to be stomped out, or like the Roman Empire, the remaining days of the Great United States are numbered and few.

The American Trucking Associations’ advance seasonally adjusted (SA) For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index increased for the sixth time in the last seven months, gaining another 0.9 percent in April. This followed a 0.4 percent increase in March. The latest improvement put the SA index at 110.2 (2000=100), which is the highest level since September 2008. Over the last seven months, the tonnage index grew a total of 6.5 percent.


it leaped 2.7% in november last year.
For a week, I will be back on the East Coast talking to the three militias there to try to dissuade them from moving to take over this country. It will be hard, but I am the only one who seems to have an impact. My only remaining ploy is to tell them that Impeachment must be used. If I can not dissuade them with my "Let the legal process work." speech, we'll let you try to convince them that they "need to worship Obama and his lying minions because government would never lie to you." Good luck with that.

Fuck in 'ell...what a delusional weirdo...Get help...quick....

The State militias are very real. You can ignore them if you want. By speaking at their gatherings, I have tried to show them that using the established procedures is the only way to go. The majority of them do not agree with me. If that Majority ever takes total control over the militias, we are going to see civil war in this country.

Yeah that'll solve exactly nothing.

A bunch a good old boys meting out their idea of social justice.

Can't wait for that.

As it is, this government is the most corrupt in world history. Something needs to be done about all of the corruption. Do you have a plan? Mine is a new Constitutional Convention to pass a constitution that allows for firing squads and hanging and then All graft and corruption by government officials will be punished by death. It is the only way to straighten this horrible mess out.

Don't forget the jackboots!

Your wishing that the corruption will just go away will not solve a damn thing. We need to take action before the radicals do.

Before the radicals do?

Sport if you think the death penalty is the appropriate punishment for "all felony crime" it's you who is the dangerous radical.
For a week, I will be back on the East Coast talking to the three militias there to try to dissuade them from moving to take over this country. It will be hard, but I am the only one who seems to have an impact. My only remaining ploy is to tell them that Impeachment must be used. If I can not dissuade them with my "Let the legal process work." speech, we'll let you try to convince them that they "need to worship Obama and his lying minions because government would never lie to you." Good luck with that.

Fuck in 'ell...what a delusional weirdo...Get help...quick....

The State militias are very real. You can ignore them if you want. By speaking at their gatherings, I have tried to show them that using the established procedures is the only way to go. The majority of them do not agree with me. If that Majority ever takes total control over the militias, we are going to see civil war in this country.

As it is, this government is the most corrupt in world history. Something needs to be done about all of the corruption. Do you have a plan? Mine is a new Constitutional Convention to pass a constitution that allows for firing squads and hanging and then mandates death for all felony crime. All graft and corruption by government officials will be punished by death. It is the only way to straighten this horrible mess out.

Your wishing that the corruption will just go away will not solve a damn thing. We need to take action before the radicals do.

Do you really think that these 'militias' are the only people with guns and training in how to use them among the citizenery of this nation?

They are good at developing individuals that blow up buildings with that have childrens daycare facilities in them. Not much else to say for them.
Do you really think that these 'militias' are the only people with guns and training in how to use them among the citizenery of this nation? ................. ............... ...............

That is really a stupid question!

Look the militias are a reality in this country. My effort has been to keep them educated so they do not do something stupid as has happened several times in this nation's past. People like you are the cause of other people setting off explosives in populated places. Damn! If you do not have a solution to the problem, get the hell out of the way.
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The State militias are very real. You can ignore them if you want. By speaking at their gatherings, I have tried to show them that using the established procedures is the only way to go. The majority of them do not agree with me. If that Majority ever takes total control over the militias, we are going to see civil war in this country.

Yeah that'll solve exactly nothing.

A bunch a good old boys meting out their idea of social justice.

Can't wait for that.

As it is, this government is the most corrupt in world history. Something needs to be done about all of the corruption. Do you have a plan? Mine is a new Constitutional Convention to pass a constitution that allows for firing squads and hanging and then All graft and corruption by government officials will be punished by death. It is the only way to straighten this horrible mess out.

Don't forget the jackboots!

Your wishing that the corruption will just go away will not solve a damn thing. We need to take action before the radicals do.

Before the radicals do?

Sport if you think the death penalty is the appropriate punishment for "all felony crime" it's you who is the dangerous radical.

You are one of the buffoons who has absolutely no idea what is going on in this country. Before the Oklahoma City bombing I was warning people that the militias were getting radical. People pooh poohed it and said that it was just good ol' boys getting drunk and talking loud.

Well, it wasn't.

Now, I am warning again that they are upset about the massive corruption in government. The entire system is corrupt beyond comprehension and nincompoops like you are pooh poohing it again. Damn! How dumb can people be. We have got a serious problem here, and ignoring it does not do any good. Attacking me because I tell you of the problem is exactly what I saw before Oklahoma City. I can not believe how stupid you clowns are.
This much I know, I am tired of warning the FBI and local Police departments. I have tried for thirty years now to be proactive. If the FBi does not try to be more proactive, we are going to see a massive wave of violence in this nation. The Governmental corruption is totally oppressive and completely out of control. Everybody is stealing public funds for their own self interest. The entire political system is graft and special privilege for state and federal representatives.

If we do not find a way in the next few months to clamp down on all of the felony crime on the national level, the whole house of cards will come tumbling down. Corruption destroyed Rome. Corruption will destroy the US, too.

I am old and tired. As of today, I wash my hands of the matter. Somebody else can worry about it and try to talk sense to the militias. There are just too many grossly stupid people in this country who are fomenting the coming malaise. It is all going to go to hell, and I no longer care.
perhaps a localized, holistic impression of the state of the economy can be taken from a conversation i had with the publisher of a weekly free classifieds paper with which i have recently resumed my regular ads. he claims that a few construction firms have dropped off the map and that a few handymen previously in their employ have popped on the scene in the last 6-8 months. overall, the local small business economy has shrunk by about a third in as much time based on advertising outlays.

i halted advertising because i broke a leg and my dudes are tied up in a long-term contract (which saved our asses from the curb). the principle at the classifieds says that most of the other businesses no longer advertising have bellied up. some firms weathering the storm have increased their ad size, which may indicate that they've swallowed up market share. i placed a larger ad, but it should be noted that it cost little more than the quarter page i used to get - the prices have dropped with demand, i guess. he says that his papers are doing ok, notwithstanding.

my ad published on wednesday, and has got the phone ringing as before (november 2009).
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I think the economy is slowing down, and the second half of the year could be weak. However,


Bears Need To Explain Away The U.S. Trucking Boom

The jobs report explained.

As I was driving back to Baltimore from New York on Friday afternoon, I heard a radio news report on the jobs number. The report began by stating the basic facts of the jobs release. There was a soundbyte from an economist or two. Then there was a quote from a local manufacturer of custom doors and windows. He stated that he hadn't hired any one new recently, although demand for his products had picked up considerably. He had increased hours and even brought in some temporary help from time to time, but hadn't actually hired any new full-time people.

The report was attempting to make this sound like the problem. But in fact, this is exactly how we always come out of recessions. It is exactly why jobs are a lagging indicator. Employers don't add to headcount until they have to. Almost all employers could handle a small increase in demand by just expanding hours, even running some over-time. This is safer than hiring a full-time person. Only once the pick-up in demand proves sustainable do firms start hiring full-time people.

Now looking at Friday's releases. Yes, the headline was very disappointing. But the fact that hours worked increased tells you that the basic fundamentals for job growth remain in place. Economic growth drives job gains, not the other way around.
So as bearish as I am on European matters, the basic U.S. growth picture is the one bright spot in a fairly bleak investment world. Friday's number doesn't change that.

It is also misleading to label this a "jobless" recovery, which indeed took place in the early 2000s. After the recession of 2001 ended that November, the number of private jobs continued to fall by 1.3 million through July 2003. Yet production continued to grow.

This year, by contrast, civilian employment has increased by more than 1.6 million jobs, according to the BLS Current Population Survey of households. True, the Current Employment Survey of employers shows a smaller gain of 982,000 in nonfarm jobs over the past five months, nearly half of which were government jobs. But that still leaves private employment up by 495,000 or roughly 100,000 a month. ...

Despite these severe limitations, the trend has been more upbeat than you might gather from depressing news reports. "The number of job openings increased in April to 3.1 million," reports the BLS. "Since the most recent trough of 2.3 million in July 2009, the number of job openings has risen by 740,000."

Another popular device for denigrating this year's modest-yet-positive job gains is to claim the "real" unemployment rate is actually 16.6%. That figure, called U6, is the largest of six BLS measures. The more familiar U3 rate (now 9.7%) defines "unemployment" as people who say they have looked for work at some time during the past month but have not yet started a new job.

An alternative U2 measure includes only those who were unemployed because they were laid off or fired—not because they quit or were newcomers to the job market. That rate of job loss unemployment is 6%.

A broader U4 measure, by contrast, adds "discouraged workers." People need not have looked for a job recently to be counted as discouraged. It is sufficient for them to think no work is available, or think they are too young or too old, or think they lack the necessary schooling or training. Psychological discouragement adds relatively little to the conventional unemployment rate, lifting the U4 measure to 10.3% in May (down from 10.6% in April).

The broadest U6 statistic goes much further by adding "all marginally attached workers, plus total employed part-time for economic reasons."

The phrase "working part-time for economic reasons" implies a clear divide between part-time and full-time status. That creates the misimpression that those working part-time for economic reasons means would rather have different ("full-time") jobs. In reality, only a fourth of them say they could not find a full-time job; the rest work in occupations where hours vary. The BLS counts anything below 35 hours as part-time, so those who normally work 9-to-5 are counted as working part-time for economic reasons if they report losing even a single hour due to "slack work or unfavorable business conditions . . . or seasonal declines in demand."

The "marginally attached" in the U6 statistic do not even claim to imagine they can't find work. They are not looking for work, the BLS explains, "for such reasons as school or family responsibilities, ill health, and transportation problems." To describe people who are not available for work as unemployed or even underemployed is a misuse of the language.

Alan Reynolds: Don't Believe the Double-Dippers -

BTW, the author of that piece is a fellow at the CATO Institute, not exactly a bastion of Democrat liberalism.

However, the ECRI index of leading economic indicators has plunged.

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Anyone who thinks our economy is "recovering" is suffering from delusions. We are staggering forward, ready to fall on our faces any second. We are like drunks stumbling away from the bar stool after yet another night of heavy, heavy drinking. The"booze" is our massive debt and the coffee (stimulus) the gov't is pouring down our throats will only make us a wide-awake drunk - not a sober one. What we really need is an intervention.........
Anyone who thinks our economy is "recovering" is suffering from delusions. We are staggering forward, ready to fall on our faces any second. We are like drunks stumbling away from the bar stool after yet another night of heavy, heavy drinking. The"booze" is our massive debt and the coffee (stimulus) the gov't is pouring down our throats will only make us a wide-awake drunk - not a sober one. What we really need is an intervention.........
are you drunk, zander?

your statement that our massive debt is what is intoxicating the economy is not accurate. while that is a problem of its own, deflation, unemployment and fear effecting demand in the microeconomy around me seems more plausible. aggregate trends show this to be the case nationwide... worldwide.

having labeled so many delusional, maybe you can vindicate yourself from that label and explain the mechanism whereby the national debt is affecting an economic drag.

maybe you cant.
Anyone who thinks our economy is "recovering" is suffering from delusions. We are staggering forward, ready to fall on our faces any second. We are like drunks stumbling away from the bar stool after yet another night of heavy, heavy drinking. The"booze" is our massive debt and the coffee (stimulus) the gov't is pouring down our throats will only make us a wide-awake drunk - not a sober one. What we really need is an intervention.........
are you drunk, zander?

your statement that our massive debt is what is intoxicating the economy is not accurate. while that is a problem of its own, deflation, unemployment and fear effecting demand in the microeconomy around me seems more plausible. aggregate trends show this to be the case nationwide... worldwide.

having labeled so many delusional, maybe you can vindicate yourself from that label and explain the mechanism whereby the national debt is affecting an economic drag.

maybe you cant.
Maybe I can, but I am not your college professor, look it up yourself.

You've already made a complete ass of yourself with your inane comments regarding Austrian economic theory, now you cannot see how government debt at 90% of GDP and climbing is a drain on the economy? :rofl:

It is never simply one thing that crashes an economy, it is a combination of events and policies. We have deflation, high unemployment, the social mood is negative, govt debt is at 90% of GDP and climbing, we have two wars to fund, and we have an inexperienced, anti-business, incompetent President, and unfunded mandates to pay for. In short, we need a major intervention..........Clear enough?

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