The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

Anyone who wants to see how you spin for Islam and it's utter lack of commitment to human and women rights need only visit the so called clean debate zone, and, particularly, your own thread where you end up supporting sharia law, even though it would take an imbecile (or an Islamist) to support its involvement in 'family law' outside of a sharia hell hole. Thanks :)

What those who support Sharia family law are saying is that as long as an Islamic man can threaten an Islamic women with enough violence that she claims she is using it "voluntarily", they are in full support of this system that denies her due process because she is a women.

Trying to claim this is a liberal position is so repugnant and vile as to be beneath contempt. Let's hear it for Chattel, eh!

Hip hip hooray! Hip hip Hooray! Hip hip Hooray!!
Most Muslim women in the Middle East are abused by men, if not outright killed.
Most Muslim women in the ME are abused if not outright killed????
Ok, guess we need a link.

Is it possible that there is a dedicated group of right wingers trying to portray left wingers as the most ignorant people imaginable?

They are called Poes in internet vernacular.
Anyone who wants to see how you spin for Islam and it's utter lack of commitment to human and women rights need only visit the so called clean debate zone, and, particularly, your own thread where you end up supporting sharia law, even though it would take an imbecile (or an Islamist) to support its involvement in 'family law' outside of a sharia hell hole. Thanks :)

and you can tell by her mocking reaction to this post that she thinks it is funny that she does this underhanded crap.

Just as she thinks subjects such as the rape of children or mass murder of Jews is funny.
Most Muslim women in the Middle East are abused by men, if not outright killed.


Ah -- so that's why you wish to import the legal system that enables such.

Thanks for explaining that one.

Nobody here has said that they want to import any legal system.

You have been a major disappointment. Back when you were dropping names of philosophers, I thought you might actually try hard here.

Not so much. You are as lazy as Mac.

So, you not only think sharia isn't a legal system, but you think those who support it's operation in the United States via the sharia family courts aren't wanting to import it.

What other idiotic denials do you want to engage in? The Flat Earth society is always looking for new members.
This post further illustrates how ignorance and fear give rise to hate and bigotry, followed by demagoguery and lies in an effort to advance the demagogue’s hateful agenda.

Your attempt to ‘indict’ Islam has failed.
Most Muslim women in the Middle East are abused by men, if not outright killed.


Ah -- so that's why you wish to import the legal system that enables such.

Thanks for explaining that one.

Nobody here has said that they want to import any legal system.

You have been a major disappointment. Back when you were dropping names of philosophers, I thought you might actually try hard here.

Not so much. You are as lazy as Mac.

So, you not only think sharia isn't a legal system, but you think those who support it's operation in the United States via the sharia family courts aren't wanting to import it.

What other idiotic denials do you want to engage in? The Flat Earth society is always looking for new members.

You accused Ravi of wanting to bring Sharia here. You suck at English....or you are frighteningly stupid.
Most Muslim women in the Middle East are abused by men, if not outright killed.


Ah -- so that's why you wish to import the legal system that enables such.

Thanks for explaining that one.

Nobody here has said that they want to import any legal system.

You have been a major disappointment. Back when you were dropping names of philosophers, I thought you might actually try hard here.

Not so much. You are as lazy as Mac.

What is it that you want to "import" then? A bunch of poor third world unskilled people who will more than likely be sucking the taxpayers dry? I'm not getting why it is so important to you people to allow ANYONE to immigrate to the US? Care to explain that line of thought and what lies behind it? Are you trying to convince people that you are SUCH a humanitarian or something? :D
Most Muslim women in the Middle East are abused by men, if not outright killed.


Ah -- so that's why you wish to import the legal system that enables such.

Thanks for explaining that one.

Nobody here has said that they want to import any legal system.

You have been a major disappointment. Back when you were dropping names of philosophers, I thought you might actually try hard here.

Not so much. You are as lazy as Mac.

What is it that you want to "import" then? A bunch of poor third world unskilled people who will more than likely be sucking the taxpayers dry? I'm not getting why it is so important to you people to allow ANYONE to immigrate to the US? Care to explain that line of thought and what lies behind it? Are you trying to convince people that you are SUCH a humanitarian or something? :D display an ugly side. Has anyone ever to,d you that?

I don't want to import anything. However, this nation is a member of the international community. The international community will absorb these refugees. This nation has....since its founding....been a place that welcomes refugees. It's part of who and what we are.

Outside of a few lapses in judgement, we have never refused to do our part in this regard.

When you allow fear...especially irrational guide you, you no longer get to claim the banner as "greatest nation on earth". It's really that simple.

We have a vetting process. We are not in danger of falling prey to sharia law. Historically, refugees brought here have become productive members of society. A net positive when it comes to revenue.

That's it.
Most Muslim women in the Middle East are abused by men, if not outright killed.


Ah -- so that's why you wish to import the legal system that enables such.

Thanks for explaining that one.

Nobody here has said that they want to import any legal system.

You have been a major disappointment. Back when you were dropping names of philosophers, I thought you might actually try hard here.

Not so much. You are as lazy as Mac.

What is it that you want to "import" then? A bunch of poor third world unskilled people who will more than likely be sucking the taxpayers dry? I'm not getting why it is so important to you people to allow ANYONE to immigrate to the US? Care to explain that line of thought and what lies behind it? Are you trying to convince people that you are SUCH a humanitarian or something? :D display an ugly side. Has anyone ever to,d you that?

I don't want to import anything. However, this nation is a member of the international community. The international community will absorb these refugees. This nation has....since its founding....been a place that welcomes refugees. It's part of who and what we are.

Outside of a few lapses in judgement, we have never refused to do our part in this regard.

When you allow fear...especially irrational guide you, you no longer get to claim the banner as "greatest nation on earth". It's really that simple.

We have a vetting process. We are not in danger of falling prey to sharia law. Historically, refugees brought here have become productive members of society. A net positive when it comes to revenue.

That's it.

An "ugly side?" How so? Because I think most of you people are full of bullshit? Lol.

Why should we "absorb refugees?" Because of some delusional sense of humanitarianism on YOUR part? Do you want to "absorb" refugees from Africa too? Do you ever ask yourself any questions or challenge your own belief system?

How many people do we have in this country? Is over 300 million not enough for you and you believe we have to import MORE? Now, think about how many jobs we have.
Most Muslim women in the Middle East are abused by men, if not outright killed.


Ah -- so that's why you wish to import the legal system that enables such.

Thanks for explaining that one.

Nobody here has said that they want to import any legal system.

You have been a major disappointment. Back when you were dropping names of philosophers, I thought you might actually try hard here.

Not so much. You are as lazy as Mac.

What is it that you want to "import" then? A bunch of poor third world unskilled people who will more than likely be sucking the taxpayers dry? I'm not getting why it is so important to you people to allow ANYONE to immigrate to the US? Care to explain that line of thought and what lies behind it? Are you trying to convince people that you are SUCH a humanitarian or something? :D display an ugly side. Has anyone ever to,d you that?

I don't want to import anything. However, this nation is a member of the international community. The international community will absorb these refugees. This nation has....since its founding....been a place that welcomes refugees. It's part of who and what we are.

Outside of a few lapses in judgement, we have never refused to do our part in this regard.

When you allow fear...especially irrational guide you, you no longer get to claim the banner as "greatest nation on earth". It's really that simple.

We have a vetting process. We are not in danger of falling prey to sharia law. Historically, refugees brought here have become productive members of society. A net positive when it comes to revenue.

That's it.

An "ugly side?" How so? Because I think most of you people are full of bullshit? Lol.

Why should we "absorb refugees?" Because of some delusional sense of humanitarianism on YOUR part? Do you want to "absorb" refugees from Africa too? Do you ever ask yourself any questions or challenge your own belief system?

How many people do we have in this country? Is over 300 million not enough for you and you believe we have to import MORE? Now, think about how many jobs we have.

You've said nothing here. Please try to advance the discussion.
Ah -- so that's why you wish to import the legal system that enables such.

Thanks for explaining that one.

Nobody here has said that they want to import any legal system.

You have been a major disappointment. Back when you were dropping names of philosophers, I thought you might actually try hard here.

Not so much. You are as lazy as Mac.

What is it that you want to "import" then? A bunch of poor third world unskilled people who will more than likely be sucking the taxpayers dry? I'm not getting why it is so important to you people to allow ANYONE to immigrate to the US? Care to explain that line of thought and what lies behind it? Are you trying to convince people that you are SUCH a humanitarian or something? :D display an ugly side. Has anyone ever to,d you that?

I don't want to import anything. However, this nation is a member of the international community. The international community will absorb these refugees. This nation has....since its founding....been a place that welcomes refugees. It's part of who and what we are.

Outside of a few lapses in judgement, we have never refused to do our part in this regard.

When you allow fear...especially irrational guide you, you no longer get to claim the banner as "greatest nation on earth". It's really that simple.

We have a vetting process. We are not in danger of falling prey to sharia law. Historically, refugees brought here have become productive members of society. A net positive when it comes to revenue.

That's it.

An "ugly side?" How so? Because I think most of you people are full of bullshit? Lol.

Why should we "absorb refugees?" Because of some delusional sense of humanitarianism on YOUR part? Do you want to "absorb" refugees from Africa too? Do you ever ask yourself any questions or challenge your own belief system?

How many people do we have in this country? Is over 300 million not enough for you and you believe we have to import MORE? Now, think about how many jobs we have.

You've said nothing here. Please try to advance the discussion.

I said plenty. If you want to have a discussion, then discuss. What is your reason for wanting to import MORE people into our country where jobs are lacking? Do you think we have 300 million jobs available? No, we do not. Why do you want to exacerbate our problems by importing more people? That's stupid.
Ah -- so that's why you wish to import the legal system that enables such.

Thanks for explaining that one.

Nobody here has said that they want to import any legal system.

You have been a major disappointment. Back when you were dropping names of philosophers, I thought you might actually try hard here.

Not so much. You are as lazy as Mac.

What is it that you want to "import" then? A bunch of poor third world unskilled people who will more than likely be sucking the taxpayers dry? I'm not getting why it is so important to you people to allow ANYONE to immigrate to the US? Care to explain that line of thought and what lies behind it? Are you trying to convince people that you are SUCH a humanitarian or something? :D display an ugly side. Has anyone ever to,d you that?

I don't want to import anything. However, this nation is a member of the international community. The international community will absorb these refugees. This nation has....since its founding....been a place that welcomes refugees. It's part of who and what we are.

Outside of a few lapses in judgement, we have never refused to do our part in this regard.

When you allow fear...especially irrational guide you, you no longer get to claim the banner as "greatest nation on earth". It's really that simple.

We have a vetting process. We are not in danger of falling prey to sharia law. Historically, refugees brought here have become productive members of society. A net positive when it comes to revenue.

That's it.

An "ugly side?" How so? Because I think most of you people are full of bullshit? Lol.

Why should we "absorb refugees?" Because of some delusional sense of humanitarianism on YOUR part? Do you want to "absorb" refugees from Africa too? Do you ever ask yourself any questions or challenge your own belief system?

How many people do we have in this country? Is over 300 million not enough for you and you believe we have to import MORE? Now, think about how many jobs we have.

You've said nothing here. Please try to advance the discussion.

I want to know why it is so important to people like yourself that we take on people from other countries, SELECTIVELY.
And don't give me that BS about us being a "country of immigrants" and those corny quotations from more than a century ago either. Times have changed since those days a LOT.
Nobody here has said that they want to import any legal system.

You have been a major disappointment. Back when you were dropping names of philosophers, I thought you might actually try hard here.

Not so much. You are as lazy as Mac.

What is it that you want to "import" then? A bunch of poor third world unskilled people who will more than likely be sucking the taxpayers dry? I'm not getting why it is so important to you people to allow ANYONE to immigrate to the US? Care to explain that line of thought and what lies behind it? Are you trying to convince people that you are SUCH a humanitarian or something? :D display an ugly side. Has anyone ever to,d you that?

I don't want to import anything. However, this nation is a member of the international community. The international community will absorb these refugees. This nation has....since its founding....been a place that welcomes refugees. It's part of who and what we are.

Outside of a few lapses in judgement, we have never refused to do our part in this regard.

When you allow fear...especially irrational guide you, you no longer get to claim the banner as "greatest nation on earth". It's really that simple.

We have a vetting process. We are not in danger of falling prey to sharia law. Historically, refugees brought here have become productive members of society. A net positive when it comes to revenue.

That's it.

An "ugly side?" How so? Because I think most of you people are full of bullshit? Lol.

Why should we "absorb refugees?" Because of some delusional sense of humanitarianism on YOUR part? Do you want to "absorb" refugees from Africa too? Do you ever ask yourself any questions or challenge your own belief system?

How many people do we have in this country? Is over 300 million not enough for you and you believe we have to import MORE? Now, think about how many jobs we have.

You've said nothing here. Please try to advance the discussion.

I said plenty. If you want to have a discussion, then discuss. What is your reason for wanting to import MORE people into our country where jobs are lacking? Do you think we have 300 million jobs available? No, we do not. Why do you want to exacerbate our problems by importing more people? That's stupid.

I gave you my reasons. The argument you are making is weak. We have always accepted refugees. Our economy is currently the strongest economy in the world. If any country can absorb refugees, it is us.

And...lets stop using numbers until we can understand them. We do not need 300 million jobs. Not even close. You sound stupid when you say stupid things.
What is it that you want to "import" then? A bunch of poor third world unskilled people who will more than likely be sucking the taxpayers dry? I'm not getting why it is so important to you people to allow ANYONE to immigrate to the US? Care to explain that line of thought and what lies behind it? Are you trying to convince people that you are SUCH a humanitarian or something? :D display an ugly side. Has anyone ever to,d you that?

I don't want to import anything. However, this nation is a member of the international community. The international community will absorb these refugees. This nation has....since its founding....been a place that welcomes refugees. It's part of who and what we are.

Outside of a few lapses in judgement, we have never refused to do our part in this regard.

When you allow fear...especially irrational guide you, you no longer get to claim the banner as "greatest nation on earth". It's really that simple.

We have a vetting process. We are not in danger of falling prey to sharia law. Historically, refugees brought here have become productive members of society. A net positive when it comes to revenue.

That's it.

An "ugly side?" How so? Because I think most of you people are full of bullshit? Lol.

Why should we "absorb refugees?" Because of some delusional sense of humanitarianism on YOUR part? Do you want to "absorb" refugees from Africa too? Do you ever ask yourself any questions or challenge your own belief system?

How many people do we have in this country? Is over 300 million not enough for you and you believe we have to import MORE? Now, think about how many jobs we have.

You've said nothing here. Please try to advance the discussion.

I said plenty. If you want to have a discussion, then discuss. What is your reason for wanting to import MORE people into our country where jobs are lacking? Do you think we have 300 million jobs available? No, we do not. Why do you want to exacerbate our problems by importing more people? That's stupid.

I gave you my reasons. The argument you are making is weak. We have always accepted refugees. Our economy is currently the strongest economy in the world. If any country can absorb refugees, it is us.

And...lets stop using numbers until we can understand them. We do not need 300 million jobs. Not even close. You sound stupid when you say stupid things.

You didn't give anything but talking points. Puhleese. We have always accepted refugees? That's your answer? Now, THAT is weak sauce.

We don't have enough jobs for the people who are already here. Why do you want to exacerbate our issues? I want a straight answer out of one of you people for a change. display an ugly side. Has anyone ever to,d you that?

I don't want to import anything. However, this nation is a member of the international community. The international community will absorb these refugees. This nation has....since its founding....been a place that welcomes refugees. It's part of who and what we are.

Outside of a few lapses in judgement, we have never refused to do our part in this regard.

When you allow fear...especially irrational guide you, you no longer get to claim the banner as "greatest nation on earth". It's really that simple.

We have a vetting process. We are not in danger of falling prey to sharia law. Historically, refugees brought here have become productive members of society. A net positive when it comes to revenue.

That's it.

An "ugly side?" How so? Because I think most of you people are full of bullshit? Lol.

Why should we "absorb refugees?" Because of some delusional sense of humanitarianism on YOUR part? Do you want to "absorb" refugees from Africa too? Do you ever ask yourself any questions or challenge your own belief system?

How many people do we have in this country? Is over 300 million not enough for you and you believe we have to import MORE? Now, think about how many jobs we have.

You've said nothing here. Please try to advance the discussion.

I said plenty. If you want to have a discussion, then discuss. What is your reason for wanting to import MORE people into our country where jobs are lacking? Do you think we have 300 million jobs available? No, we do not. Why do you want to exacerbate our problems by importing more people? That's stupid.

I gave you my reasons. The argument you are making is weak. We have always accepted refugees. Our economy is currently the strongest economy in the world. If any country can absorb refugees, it is us.

And...lets stop using numbers until we can understand them. We do not need 300 million jobs. Not even close. You sound stupid when you say stupid things.

You didn't give anything but talking points. Puhleese. We have always accepted refugees? That's your answer? Now, THAT is weak sauce.

We don't have enough jobs for the people who are already here. Why do you want to exacerbate our issues? I want a straight answer out of one of you people for a change.

You are boring me to death by pretending that you haven't been answered.
An "ugly side?" How so? Because I think most of you people are full of bullshit? Lol.

Why should we "absorb refugees?" Because of some delusional sense of humanitarianism on YOUR part? Do you want to "absorb" refugees from Africa too? Do you ever ask yourself any questions or challenge your own belief system?

How many people do we have in this country? Is over 300 million not enough for you and you believe we have to import MORE? Now, think about how many jobs we have.

You've said nothing here. Please try to advance the discussion.

I said plenty. If you want to have a discussion, then discuss. What is your reason for wanting to import MORE people into our country where jobs are lacking? Do you think we have 300 million jobs available? No, we do not. Why do you want to exacerbate our problems by importing more people? That's stupid.

I gave you my reasons. The argument you are making is weak. We have always accepted refugees. Our economy is currently the strongest economy in the world. If any country can absorb refugees, it is us.

And...lets stop using numbers until we can understand them. We do not need 300 million jobs. Not even close. You sound stupid when you say stupid things.

You didn't give anything but talking points. Puhleese. We have always accepted refugees? That's your answer? Now, THAT is weak sauce.

We don't have enough jobs for the people who are already here. Why do you want to exacerbate our issues? I want a straight answer out of one of you people for a change.

You are boring me to death by pretending that you haven't been answered.

Why are you libs so dishonest and so reluctant to answer questions? You have not answered my question. Now, humor me and answer it again.
I'm quite sure I know the WHY as to the reason why you will not answer questions. It's because you don't know. It's what your politicians tell you. Right?
The United States needed immigrants during the first 150 years or so of its existence.

We had a continent to conquer and claim and settle, and we had land for the taking, and jobs for anyone who wanted one.

By the early 20th century, we had conquered the continent, allocated the land, and distributed jobs throughout the existing population.

We are now a full century past that point.

We are still masters of our part of the continent.

We no longer have unlimited land to give away.

We no longer have enough jobs for our own people, never mind newcomers.

We have grown so numerous that we can no longer even properly take care of our own, much less, outsiders, trying to get in.

We have doubled our population - from 150 to 300 millions and beyond - within a single century - without increasing our land mass, and with no prospect of doing so.

Metaphorically speaking, we're full-up - no vacancy - we really don't need any more.

If we come up short in area A or B, we need to train our own people to fulfill such roles, not import outsiders.

Oh, we can continue to accept a (relative) few newcomers each year, for old time's sake, but we really don't need them any longer.

When is it enough?

If we let the LibTards have their way, the answer would be "Never".

Fortunately, some sanity will probably be re-introduced into this equation, on January 20, 2017, as the Democrats are pushed aside, once again.

We sure-as-hell don't need to be importing dozens or scores or hundreds of thousands of refugees from Muslim countries.

We already have enough Neanderthals, killing each other, within our inner cities, now that they've fouled their own nests, and ruined those settings.

No point in importing hordes of fresh Barbarians who follow an infidel-hating, backwards, misogynistic, intolerant, savage belief system like Islam.

Europe (Eurabia) is already paying a terrible and steep price for such multi-culti stupidity.

We need to learn from the stupidity of our distant and foolish European cousins, and not make their mistake, of admitting the Barbarians at our gate.
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I think it is cute when the uneducated use the term "rwnj" to describe people who support the views of liberals like Sam Harris and Bill Maher. What's next in this little Orwellian world of the uneducated -- calling somebody who supports the work of George Will a Communist?
The shallow, simplistic, binary thinking of hardcore partisan ideologues.

If you're not a LWNJ, you must be a RWNJ. And vice versa.

But I am convinced they don't even see it.
I think some of them see it, and it might even make them vaguely uncomfortable. For example, when they find themselves making excuses for aspects of Islam that go against the principles of universal human rights and women's rights, the very rights they are supposed to champion.
However, remain in lockstep they must, so they can't/won't back down and therefore find themselves having to employ false equivalances and reductio ad absurdums galore, to both safe face, and to insinuate those in opposition are bigots, racists and islamophobes, who therefore they have an alterior motive, whos word is dirt, and who are (hopefully), discredited.
I suspect some wouldn't behave like this in RL if faced with someone attempting to discuss where Islam and women's rights, for example, diverge, at least I hope so. In fact, we have an example in this thread where coyote is amicable and even in agreement with flacc, but virulently disagrees and mock funnies other posters when they express exactly the same concerns. Go figure.

I see the regressive left making the comparisons of which is worse. Trump is worse than Clinton, earlier in this thread Christians are worse than Muslims. You also so them comparing transgenders using bathrooms as an equivalent to the Civil Rights of blacks.

This entire thread has been enlightening to the regressive left.
You accused Ravi of wanting to bring Sharia here. You suck at English....or you are frighteningly stupid.

What I actually said is that those who support the establishment of sharia family courts in the United States are supporting the importation of this legal system. This was in respose to Mac pointing out a thread in the CDZ where leftists were doing exactly that.

And you call ME stupid and unable to comprehend English, child?

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