The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

I brought up mocking in the CDZ in a thread of its own, and you were right there to support your use of it.

Are you Tilly? I could have sworn she was a she.

Are you ABU alRahman Mustafa al-Qaduli?

I could have sworn he was a he.

People who have a problem with mocking should not be engaging in it themselves...just saying.

Whether it's mocking through "funny" or mocking through your posted words - it's the same thing.

This whole thread is a mockery - with it's accusations that members here support or excuse mysoginy, terrorism, domestic violence, rape, etc etc and not a single actual bit of evidence indicating it.

We all have national security interests at heart, we just don't all agree with how to balance freedom with security.

This is not the clean debate zone.

I realize your little internet Jihad is all that matters to you, but have you ever considered honesty instead of what you are actually doing?

All the time, but I am fully aware it's wasted on liars like you, who whine and cry about being mocked and while simultaneously mocking others.

You consider all Muslims to be child rapists or potential rapists, domestic abusers, potential terrorists and certainly less then human soley because of their faith - for no other reason. You pretend to be a liberal. National security issues are important, and I certainly agree with vetting refugees, but it's never been about that with you - it's about your claims that Britain "sells it's children" to Muslim rapists (as if all muslim immigrants did that regardless of culture) and rape jihad, with out ever once using your purported and much vaunted intelligence to question the veracity of the claims.
So THAT is why you think raping children is funny, killing Jews is funny and blowing up marketplaces is funny.

Thanks for explaining it.

Yep. If anybody doesn't like any of that sort of shit just claim they hate all Muslims, call them names and ridicule the fact they don't like it so to show your solidarity with the actions involved

What a piece of work you are.
, no, I won't shut up

You didn't actually need to confess to this severe case of monomania of yours.

Those of us with functioning intellects recognize that those who spend 10 hours a day defending Islam aren't exactly well-balanced individuals.

Those utterly bizarre charges that I electrocute dogs indicate something even deeper and darker at work, however.
Oh the irony, first call someone a liar. And then completely lie about his position regarding the matter.

Unless you can produce a piece of evidence where he claimed that all muslims are child rapists, please shut up. Also, the muslims rape insanely more, that is a fact.

These people just lack the IQ.

It's a very common ruse the Islamist supporters use and it is a form of projection.

Since they are out to protect all Muslims for all things, in order to defend particular actions, they try to project their own sense of all vs nothing upon those they hate.

Obviously, I have not said "all" Muslims even once here, but I HAVE pointed out that there are some pretty awful attitudes held by sizable minorities to the majority of all Muslims. Those who wish to defend these attitudes and actions are simply trying to flip things around.

It's all as obvious as it is stupid and dishonest.
Speaking as a person who does not believe in any religions, I do see more people on the left who defend Islam (amongst other crazy notions) and attack Christianity. Most of the people who post here (hopefully they are not accurate representations of our population in general), are VERY inconsistent and seem to fall right alongside their party lines. :D
this Admin is FRANTICALLY trying to avoid a "christian muslim" war by demanding the term "radical Islamic terrorists" not BE USED.

it's called international humanitarian diplomacy...

should Christianity and all Christians be forced to claim responsibility for Westboro Baptist psychotics...?

Westboro fanatics are ROUNDLY DENOUNCED and everyone SPECIFICALLY identifies the whackos by name. Identifying them BY NAME --- prevents any confusion about inferring things about their relationship to the Baptist Church.

Example --- I might have been confused by your post had you referred to the problem as "aggressively confrontational congregational members".. :rolleyes-41:
The best way to bring about religious freedom in Saudi Arabia is as yet undiscovered. However, I can say with certainty that ending religious freedom in London or NOT going to accomplish that goal.

Ya dumb shit.

It will get lots of us dead.

Which is why you-and-yours are being pushed back onto the sidelines again, this year.

Pushed where? Again?

Kondor is correct. This purposeful AVOIDANCE of the Radical Jihadist threat has ALREADY gotten too many people killed. We've already told you how this Admin is FRANTICALLY trying to avoid a "christian muslim" war by demanding the term "radical Islamic terrorists" not BE USED. By calling ISIS "the JV team" to RATIONALIZE his lack of outrage and reaction. By insisting that ISIS poses no existential to the US. By RE-injecting us into Iraq, Libya, Syria, NOW the Sinai and other theatres of Muslim carnage way too late. By forcing a fictional tale about the Ft Hood shootings being a "workplace violence" issue.. Need me to go on??

And a Vice Prez who recently lectured college grads to get USED TO a borderless world in an attempt to take a whack at Trump's equally despicable suggestions. Seems WE don't anyone speaking common and reason on the issue.

No leadership AT ALL on this issue. Just deflection, dithering or demagoguery.. You partisans need to clear the decks.

You use too many words.

No the decision not to use "radical Islamic terrorism" is a sound decision based on sound advice from diplomats and military leaders. The rest of your post is crap.

Words you use are insufficient to support the crap you tweet out. Like "based on sound advice". Think there is a huge contingency of military that mince words at work?? Think they use the term "man-caused disasters" ?? :banana:
Speaking as a person who does not believe in any religions, I do see more people on the left who defend Islam (amongst other crazy notions) and attack Christianity. Most of the people who post here (hopefully they are not accurate representations of our population in general), are VERY inconsistent and seem to fall right alongside their party lines. :D

That's nice. Would you like to name some names and cite some examples?
The best way to bring about religious freedom in Saudi Arabia is as yet undiscovered. However, I can say with certainty that ending religious freedom in London or NOT going to accomplish that goal.

Ya dumb shit.

It will get lots of us dead.

Which is why you-and-yours are being pushed back onto the sidelines again, this year.

Pushed where? Again?

Kondor is correct. This purposeful AVOIDANCE of the Radical Jihadist threat has ALREADY gotten too many people killed. We've already told you how this Admin is FRANTICALLY trying to avoid a "christian muslim" war by demanding the term "radical Islamic terrorists" not BE USED. By calling ISIS "the JV team" to RATIONALIZE his lack of outrage and reaction. By insisting that ISIS poses no existential to the US. By RE-injecting us into Iraq, Libya, Syria, NOW the Sinai and other theatres of Muslim carnage way too late. By forcing a fictional tale about the Ft Hood shootings being a "workplace violence" issue.. Need me to go on??

And a Vice Prez who recently lectured college grads to get USED TO a borderless world in an attempt to take a whack at Trump's equally despicable suggestions. Seems WE don't anyone speaking common and reason on the issue.

No leadership AT ALL on this issue. Just deflection, dithering or demagoguery.. You partisans need to clear the decks.

You use too many words.

No the decision not to use "radical Islamic terrorism" is a sound decision based on sound advice from diplomats and military leaders. The rest of your post is crap.

Here's the good part. You HONESTLY BELIEVE and admit you support that weanie practice of neutering the language. THAT's not really what makes me angry.

It's that your Leftist Dear Leader is out there mincing his way thru a forced confrontation with Radical Islamic Terrorism,---- while at the SAME TIME -- he LOVES to build the NSA a new HUGE facility in Utah to monitor and record the communications of EVERY CITIZEN in the name of protecting us from "man-caused disasters"..

No thanks,. That rattles my chains..
Speaking as a person who does not believe in any religions, I do see more people on the left who defend Islam (amongst other crazy notions) and attack Christianity. Most of the people who post here (hopefully they are not accurate representations of our population in general), are VERY inconsistent and seem to fall right alongside their party lines. :D

That's nice. Would you like to name some names and cite some examples?

All you have to do is read posts on the board. Probably difficult for those of you who spend most of your time in the Flamer Zone! :D Happens ALL the time. They say things about Christianity but whenever someone says something about Islam, they accuse you of being a "bigot."
The best way to bring about religious freedom in Saudi Arabia is as yet undiscovered. However, I can say with certainty that ending religious freedom in London or NOT going to accomplish that goal.

Ya dumb shit.

It will get lots of us dead.

Which is why you-and-yours are being pushed back onto the sidelines again, this year.

Pushed where? Again?

Kondor is correct. This purposeful AVOIDANCE of the Radical Jihadist threat has ALREADY gotten too many people killed. We've already told you how this Admin is FRANTICALLY trying to avoid a "christian muslim" war by demanding the term "radical Islamic terrorists" not BE USED. By calling ISIS "the JV team" to RATIONALIZE his lack of outrage and reaction. By insisting that ISIS poses no existential to the US. By RE-injecting us into Iraq, Libya, Syria, NOW the Sinai and other theatres of Muslim carnage way too late. By forcing a fictional tale about the Ft Hood shootings being a "workplace violence" issue.. Need me to go on??

And a Vice Prez who recently lectured college grads to get USED TO a borderless world in an attempt to take a whack at Trump's equally despicable suggestions. Seems WE don't anyone speaking common and reason on the issue.

No leadership AT ALL on this issue. Just deflection, dithering or demagoguery.. You partisans need to clear the decks.

You use too many words.

No the decision not to use "radical Islamic terrorism" is a sound decision based on sound advice from diplomats and military leaders. The rest of your post is crap.

Here's the good part. You HONESTLY BELIEVE and admit you support that weanie practice of neutering the language. THAT's not really what makes me angry.

It's that your Leftist Dear Leader is out there mincing his way thru a forced confrontation with Radical Islamic Terrorism,---- while at the SAME TIME -- he LOVES to build the NSA a new HUGE facility in Utah to monitor and record the communications of EVERY CITIZEN in the name of protecting us from "man-caused disasters"..

No thanks,. That rattles my chains..

I'm sorry. You've become incoherent. I have no idea what you are trying to say.
Speaking as a person who does not believe in any religions, I do see more people on the left who defend Islam (amongst other crazy notions) and attack Christianity. Most of the people who post here (hopefully they are not accurate representations of our population in general), are VERY inconsistent and seem to fall right alongside their party lines. :D

That's nice. Would you like to name some names and cite some examples?

All you have to do is read posts on the board. Probably difficult for those of you who spend most of your time in the Flamer Zone! :D Happens ALL the time. They say things about Christianity but whenever someone says something about Islam, they accuse you of being a "bigot."

That's great. Who is they? And, about some examples?

Read this thread. Yiu will find two posts by me which directly address this question and put it to rest. Perhaps you are interested enough to invest ten minutes of your time.
Speaking as a person who does not believe in any religions, I do see more people on the left who defend Islam (amongst other crazy notions) and attack Christianity. Most of the people who post here (hopefully they are not accurate representations of our population in general), are VERY inconsistent and seem to fall right alongside their party lines. :D

That's nice. Would you like to name some names and cite some examples?

All you have to do is read posts on the board. Probably difficult for those of you who spend most of your time in the Flamer Zone! :D Happens ALL the time. They say things about Christianity but whenever someone says something about Islam, they accuse you of being a "bigot."

That's great. Who is they? And, about some examples?

Read this thread. Yiu will find two posts by me which directly address this question and put it to rest. Perhaps you are interested enough to invest ten minutes of your time.

There are plenty here who do. It's been done to me, and I'm not even a Christian. :up: No, I'm not going to hunt down posts for you. You can take my word for it or not. Makes no difference to me. Other (honest) people know what I'm talking about. ;)
GW Bush said it best - it's not a war against Islam, it's a war against extremism.

I think that is a very important distinction.

The Reggressive Right want to leave out the "extremism" bit.
The Regressive Left want to leave out the "Islamic" bit.

"Radical Islamic Extremism" is the right term. But how much do you want to bet that many folks don't hear the "radical" or "extremism" bits that sandwitch the "Islamic" word.
Speaking as a person who does not believe in any religions, I do see more people on the left who defend Islam (amongst other crazy notions) and attack Christianity. Most of the people who post here (hopefully they are not accurate representations of our population in general), are VERY inconsistent and seem to fall right alongside their party lines. :D

That's nice. Would you like to name some names and cite some examples?

All you have to do is read posts on the board. Probably difficult for those of you who spend most of your time in the Flamer Zone! :D Happens ALL the time. They say things about Christianity but whenever someone says something about Islam, they accuse you of being a "bigot."

That's great. Who is they? And, about some examples?

Read this thread. Yiu will find two posts by me which directly address this question and put it to rest. Perhaps you are interested enough to invest ten minutes of your time.

There are plenty here who do. It's been done to me, and I'm not even a Christian. :up: No, I'm not going to hunt down posts for you. You can take my word for it or not. Makes no difference to me. Other (honest) people know what I'm talking about. ;)

Oh. I see. Now I'm not honest. Excellent.

You have made a claim and have not supported it. Maybe you can be like Mac and repeat the claim a hundred times without supporting it. Good luck.
Speaking as a person who does not believe in any religions, I do see more people on the left who defend Islam (amongst other crazy notions) and attack Christianity. Most of the people who post here (hopefully they are not accurate representations of our population in general), are VERY inconsistent and seem to fall right alongside their party lines. :D

That's nice. Would you like to name some names and cite some examples?

All you have to do is read posts on the board. Probably difficult for those of you who spend most of your time in the Flamer Zone! :D Happens ALL the time. They say things about Christianity but whenever someone says something about Islam, they accuse you of being a "bigot."

That's great. Who is they? And, about some examples?

Read this thread. Yiu will find two posts by me which directly address this question and put it to rest. Perhaps you are interested enough to invest ten minutes of your time.

There are plenty here who do. It's been done to me, and I'm not even a Christian. :up: No, I'm not going to hunt down posts for you. You can take my word for it or not. Makes no difference to me. Other (honest) people know what I'm talking about. ;)

Oh. I see. Now I'm not honest. Excellent.

You have made a claim and have not supported it. Maybe you can be like Mac and repeat the claim a hundred times without supporting it. Good luck.

Like I said . . . I don't care what you think about it. I and others know how it goes. You can speak ill of Christianity all you want, but if you say anything derogatory about Muslims or Islam, then you are a "bigot."
Speaking as a person who does not believe in any religions, I do see more people on the left who defend Islam (amongst other crazy notions) and attack Christianity. Most of the people who post here (hopefully they are not accurate representations of our population in general), are VERY inconsistent and seem to fall right alongside their party lines. :D

That's nice. Would you like to name some names and cite some examples?

All you have to do is read posts on the board. Probably difficult for those of you who spend most of your time in the Flamer Zone! :D Happens ALL the time. They say things about Christianity but whenever someone says something about Islam, they accuse you of being a "bigot."

That's great. Who is they? And, about some examples?

Read this thread. Yiu will find two posts by me which directly address this question and put it to rest. Perhaps you are interested enough to invest ten minutes of your time.

There are plenty here who do. It's been done to me, and I'm not even a Christian. :up: No, I'm not going to hunt down posts for you. You can take my word for it or not. Makes no difference to me. Other (honest) people know what I'm talking about. ;)

Oh. I see. Now I'm not honest. Excellent.

You have made a claim and have not supported it. Maybe you can be like Mac and repeat the claim a hundred times without supporting it. Good luck.

Fortunately, I don't really care if you think I'm a "bigot" and will speak out about these delusional beliefs and the delusional people who practice them. Christianity, Islam, whatever. I don't cherry pick. IMO, both are scourge on society, outdated and based on ignorance and brainwashing. No, I'm not pleased about more of these types of people being invited into my country, whether you "assure" me that they are "different" than the other ones or not.
Speaking as a person who does not believe in any religions, I do see more people on the left who defend Islam (amongst other crazy notions) and attack Christianity. Most of the people who post here (hopefully they are not accurate representations of our population in general), are VERY inconsistent and seem to fall right alongside their party lines. :D

That's nice. Would you like to name some names and cite some examples?

All you have to do is read posts on the board. Probably difficult for those of you who spend most of your time in the Flamer Zone! :D Happens ALL the time. They say things about Christianity but whenever someone says something about Islam, they accuse you of being a "bigot."

That's great. Who is they? And, about some examples?

Read this thread. Yiu will find two posts by me which directly address this question and put it to rest. Perhaps you are interested enough to invest ten minutes of your time.

There are plenty here who do. It's been done to me, and I'm not even a Christian. :up: No, I'm not going to hunt down posts for you. You can take my word for it or not. Makes no difference to me. Other (honest) people know what I'm talking about. ;)
When you give them examples, the examples are never good enough.

A thousand perfect examples would not be good enough, no matter how clear, no matter how obvious.

Then, when you say "to hell with it" and give up giving them examples, they claim victory.

This is how they roll.
One of the problems, here, is that since Islam is called a religion, then people try to claim there are no differences between it and other religions. Heck, just among the Abrahamic religions, there is a WORLD of difference. Judaism does not proselytize and actually makes it extremely difficult to convert to Judaism. Most Jews are secular and represent an ethnicity, as much or more than a religion.

Christianity proselytizes, and actively seeks converts, but not by force.

Islam is still using the age-old methods of using force.

Judaism does come with a certain degree of talmudic law, but precious few practice it. Most Jews do not use it.

Christianity does not come with any legal system.

Law and Islam are inexorably intertwined and it is impossible to separate the two.

Judaism does not have a central prophet figure upon which the religion rests.

Christianity has the gospels of Jesus,but was started by Paul and Peter. THe recanting of Jesus's teachings are by others and emphasize humility, honesty, lack of hypocrisy and forming a direct relationship with God.

Islam was begun quite intentionally by a man whose very business involved invading land, killing the men, raping the women and taking what was theirs. It is chock full of instructions to the warriors to kill and rape.

Those are just a few of the differences, but these three religions simply do not function the same, ESPECIALLY in the way they seek to expand (or not, in the case of Judaism).

I swear, it's like looking at a butterfly, a frisbee and a jet fighter filled with warheads and declaring them the same thing simply because they all fly through the air.
That's nice. Would you like to name some names and cite some examples?

All you have to do is read posts on the board. Probably difficult for those of you who spend most of your time in the Flamer Zone! :D Happens ALL the time. They say things about Christianity but whenever someone says something about Islam, they accuse you of being a "bigot."

That's great. Who is they? And, about some examples?

Read this thread. Yiu will find two posts by me which directly address this question and put it to rest. Perhaps you are interested enough to invest ten minutes of your time.

There are plenty here who do. It's been done to me, and I'm not even a Christian. :up: No, I'm not going to hunt down posts for you. You can take my word for it or not. Makes no difference to me. Other (honest) people know what I'm talking about. ;)

Oh. I see. Now I'm not honest. Excellent.

You have made a claim and have not supported it. Maybe you can be like Mac and repeat the claim a hundred times without supporting it. Good luck.

Fortunately, I don't really care if you think I'm a "bigot" and will speak out about these delusional beliefs and the delusional people who practice them. Christianity, Islam, whatever. I don't cherry pick. IMO, both are scourge on society, outdated and based on ignorance and brainwashing. No, I'm not pleased about more of these types of people being invited into my country, whether you "assure" me that they are "different" than the other ones or not.

That's nice. What types of people?
Fortunately, I don't really care if you think I'm a "bigot" and will speak out about these delusional beliefs and the delusional people who practice them. Christianity, Islam, whatever. I don't cherry pick. IMO, both are scourge on society, outdated and based on ignorance and brainwashing. No, I'm not pleased about more of these types of people being invited into my country, whether you "assure" me that they are "different" than the other ones or not.

Welcome to the "bigot" zone.

If you do not champion Islam, voila! -- you are a bigot

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