The Reprehensible Right: Conservatives Attempt to Demonize George Floyd

‘“You talked about how you don’t like to demonize people,” the CNN anchor noted. “Three days after you said that, though, the president retweeted a video clip that featured conservative personalities, talking about George Floyd’s past drug use, arrest record, one of them said, ‘The fact that George Floyd has been held up as a martyr sickens me.’ I know you didn’t retweet this, but the president did. Does that help the nation heal?”’

It doesn’t.

It further divides the nation, which is the goal of conservatives when they seek to vilify Floyd.

the TRULY reprehensible part is that they are trying to JUSTIFY murdering a man in the streets WITHOUT A TRIAL by saying....."well...turns out....he was a all is ok!"

it is NEVER ok to MURDER ANYONE in the streets!

and the fact that conservatives think it is proves what human garbage they are
‘“You talked about how you don’t like to demonize people,” the CNN anchor noted. “Three days after you said that, though, the president retweeted a video clip that featured conservative personalities, talking about George Floyd’s past drug use, arrest record, one of them said, ‘The fact that George Floyd has been held up as a martyr sickens me.’ I know you didn’t retweet this, but the president did. Does that help the nation heal?”’

It doesn’t.

It further divides the nation, which is the goal of conservatives when they seek to vilify Floyd.

the TRULY reprehensible part is that they are trying to JUSTIFY murdering a man in the streets WITHOUT A TRIAL by saying....."well...turns out....he was a all is ok!"

it is NEVER ok to MURDER ANYONE in the streets!

and the fact that conservatives think it is proves what human garbage they are
We don't think that and you are a lying piece of trash.
" No Need To Attempt The Obvious "

* Bad Choice For A Martyr *

George Floyd’s Criminal Past
  • George Floyd moved to Minneapolis in 2014 after being released from prison in Houston, Texas following an arrest for aggravated robbery
  • On May 25, 2020, Floyd was arrested for passing a counterfeit $20 bill at a grocery store in Minneapolis
  • He was under the influence of fentanyl and methamphetamine at the time of arrest
  • Floyd has more than a decade-old criminal history at the time of the arrest and went to jail for at least 5 times
  • George Floyd was the ringleader of a violent home invasion
  • He plead guilty to entering a woman’s home, pointing a gun at her stomach and searching the home for drugs and money, according to court records
  • Floyd was sentenced to 10 months in state jail for possession of cocaine in a December 2005 arrest
  • He had previously been sentenced to eight months for the same offense, stemming from an October 2002 arrest
  • Floyd was arrested in 2002 for criminal trespassing and served 30 days in jail
  • He had another stint for a theft in August 1998
" No Need To Attempt The Obvious "

* Bad Choice For A Martyr *

George Floyd’s Criminal Past
  • George Floyd moved to Minneapolis in 2014 after being released from prison in Houston, Texas following an arrest for aggravated robbery
  • On May 25, 2020, Floyd was arrested for passing a counterfeit $20 bill at a grocery store in Minneapolis
  • He was under the influence of fentanyl and methamphetamine at the time of arrest
  • Floyd has more than a decade-old criminal history at the time of the arrest and went to jail for at least 5 times
  • George Floyd was the ringleader of a violent home invasion
  • He plead guilty to entering a woman’s home, pointing a gun at her stomach and searching the home for drugs and money, according to court records
  • Floyd was sentenced to 10 months in state jail for possession of cocaine in a December 2005 arrest
  • He had previously been sentenced to eight months for the same offense, stemming from an October 2002 arrest
  • Floyd was arrested in 2002 for criminal trespassing and served 30 days in jail
  • He had another stint for a theft in August 1998

so the constitutional and moral thing would have been for him to go to jail
go to trial
and be punished properly for whatever crimes he is currently guilty of....

we are the USA.....

only barbaric nazi fascist murderous shitholes murder people in the streets without a fair trial....

no matter what crimes you NOW FIND OUT he was guilty of the FACT REMAINS that you did NOT know if he was or was NOT a decent person. you just killed him........
" No Need To Attempt The Obvious "

* Bad Choice For A Martyr *

George Floyd’s Criminal Past
  • George Floyd moved to Minneapolis in 2014 after being released from prison in Houston, Texas following an arrest for aggravated robbery
  • On May 25, 2020, Floyd was arrested for passing a counterfeit $20 bill at a grocery store in Minneapolis
  • He was under the influence of fentanyl and methamphetamine at the time of arrest
  • Floyd has more than a decade-old criminal history at the time of the arrest and went to jail for at least 5 times
  • George Floyd was the ringleader of a violent home invasion
  • He plead guilty to entering a woman’s home, pointing a gun at her stomach and searching the home for drugs and money, according to court records
  • Floyd was sentenced to 10 months in state jail for possession of cocaine in a December 2005 arrest
  • He had previously been sentenced to eight months for the same offense, stemming from an October 2002 arrest
  • Floyd was arrested in 2002 for criminal trespassing and served 30 days in jail
  • He had another stint for a theft in August 1998
Sheet, he looks like a dude in the prison I worked at.
" Left Wing Criminal Injustice "

* Godwin Stupidity *

so the constitutional and moral thing would have been for him to go to jail
go to trial
and be punished properly for whatever crimes he is currently guilty of....
we are the USA.....
only barbaric nazi fascist murderous shitholes murder people in the streets without a fair trial....
no matter what crimes you NOW FIND OUT he was guilty of the FACT REMAINS that you did NOT know if he was or was NOT a decent person. you just killed him........
From the video of the floyd arrest , floyd was setting up handcuffed and was not resisting arrest , then he was walked across the street and handed to chauvin and was promptly laid to the ground .

Now chauvin and floyd both worked as bouncers at similar clubs and one might guess that the two had a history with each other , because it seemed that floyd was hand delivered to chauvin for abuse .

Ask whites about their concern for a violent criminal that is apprehended by the law where somehow abuse occurs and they are inclined to overlook a bit of street justice for the victim no matter what the color of the individual , but blacks seem to be taking it personally even when they are involved in behaviors that put them in contact with the police .

Consider crime from a police officer point of view and consider the risks they take and the stress associated with it ; so , if the issue is about abuse by police departments and its procedures , then make that the focus , because all this anti-racist racism tripe is not going anywhere , especially when the one whom was abused was far less than the church going community organizer being portrayed .
I will say one thing for myself as a privileged white man with a guilty conscience: it's the lily white media that
bombards blacks with negative stereotypes that holds up criminals, fools and morons as role models and
treats all other blacks as losers and coons.

Unless you are a rap clown, a drug pusher, a dunking machine or a foul mouthed ghetto whore you likely
won't see anyone holding your image up on tv or in the media as someone to emulate .

Not when Micheal Brown, Tookie Williams or George Floyd is glorified and David Dorn is just quietly put in a box and planted in the ground, mourned by a very few.
‘“You talked about how you don’t like to demonize people,” the CNN anchor noted. “Three days after you said that, though, the president retweeted a video clip that featured conservative personalities, talking about George Floyd’s past drug use, arrest record, one of them said, ‘The fact that George Floyd has been held up as a martyr sickens me.’ I know you didn’t retweet this, but the president did. Does that help the nation heal?”’

It doesn’t.

It further divides the nation, which is the goal of conservatives when they seek to vilify Floyd.

I don't think that anyone is trying to "demonize" Floyd at all.

They are merely questioning whether or not he should really be a Role Model for black youths. Its a good question.

Now if you think that Floyd's example is something for young people to aspire to, that's fine. Others disagree.
A lifetime of crime has demonized Floyd himself. His greatest achievement has been using his neck as a resting place for a cop named Chauvin.
Maybe if you guys hadn't murdered him your have a keg to stand on.

Too bad you did, now you kinda lost the right to complain about who/what he was.

An asshole cop murdered him shit-for-brains. Floyd was a piece of crap. But he did not deserve to die. Pointing out who is really was is not racist.
" No Need To Attempt The Obvious "

* Bad Choice For A Martyr *

George Floyd’s Criminal Past
  • George Floyd moved to Minneapolis in 2014 after being released from prison in Houston, Texas following an arrest for aggravated robbery
  • On May 25, 2020, Floyd was arrested for passing a counterfeit $20 bill at a grocery store in Minneapolis
  • He was under the influence of fentanyl and methamphetamine at the time of arrest
  • Floyd has more than a decade-old criminal history at the time of the arrest and went to jail for at least 5 times
  • George Floyd was the ringleader of a violent home invasion
  • He plead guilty to entering a woman’s home, pointing a gun at her stomach and searching the home for drugs and money, according to court records
  • Floyd was sentenced to 10 months in state jail for possession of cocaine in a December 2005 arrest
  • He had previously been sentenced to eight months for the same offense, stemming from an October 2002 arrest
  • Floyd was arrested in 2002 for criminal trespassing and served 30 days in jail
  • He had another stint for a theft in August 1998

Facts don’t mean shit to the left. Nothing gets in the way of their narrative.
‘“You talked about how you don’t like to demonize people,” the CNN anchor noted. “Three days after you said that, though, the president retweeted a video clip that featured conservative personalities, talking about George Floyd’s past drug use, arrest record, one of them said, ‘The fact that George Floyd has been held up as a martyr sickens me.’ I know you didn’t retweet this, but the president did. Does that help the nation heal?”’

It doesn’t.

It further divides the nation, which is the goal of conservatives when they seek to vilify Floyd.

the TRULY reprehensible part is that they are trying to JUSTIFY murdering a man in the streets WITHOUT A TRIAL by saying....."well...turns out....he was a all is ok!"

it is NEVER ok to MURDER ANYONE in the streets!

and the fact that conservatives think it is proves what human garbage they are
No one here said it was okay to murder him in the streets either?
‘“You talked about how you don’t like to demonize people,” the CNN anchor noted. “Three days after you said that, though, the president retweeted a video clip that featured conservative personalities, talking about George Floyd’s past drug use, arrest record, one of them said, ‘The fact that George Floyd has been held up as a martyr sickens me.’ I know you didn’t retweet this, but the president did. Does that help the nation heal?”’

It doesn’t.

It further divides the nation, which is the goal of conservatives when they seek to vilify Floyd.

First off, Trump needs to lose Twitter. I don't see either of the extreme sides uniting. At this point and time we have Democrats saying that if we aren't for the looting we are now racist. You have the left saying that no one can protest the stay at home orders, however you can go out and protest for BLM. The Democrats create double standards and then can't figure out why the population gets pissed/
Maybe if you guys hadn't murdered him your have a keg to stand on.

Too bad you did, now you kinda lost the right to complain about who/what he was.

You guys? One dumb cop killed Floyd, three others helped him. The cop had 18 complaints on him and the public sector union, which "you guys" support, helped him keep his job. In fact the public sector union that "you guys" support is now trying to get all four reinstated.

Looks like "you guys" murdered Floyd.
‘“You talked about how you don’t like to demonize people,” the CNN anchor noted. “Three days after you said that, though, the president retweeted a video clip that featured conservative personalities, talking about George Floyd’s past drug use, arrest record, one of them said, ‘The fact that George Floyd has been held up as a martyr sickens me.’ I know you didn’t retweet this, but the president did. Does that help the nation heal?”’

It doesn’t.

It further divides the nation, which is the goal of conservatives when they seek to vilify Floyd.
Noting that a career criminal is a career criminal, his completely unjust death notwithstanding, isn't demonizing anything....It's telling a truth that overbearing peckerheads like you want to keep a secret.

So there.

When he was killed, he wasn't doing anything that required deadly force. Hell, he was unconscious for two of the eight minutes he had the neck to the neck. The cop is way out of line and this should be investigated, because the cop has had 18 complaints, he is a career bad cop. We don't need people like him, they need to be fired.

Too many good police officers are getting a bad rap because of an ignorant cop.
‘“You talked about how you don’t like to demonize people,” the CNN anchor noted. “Three days after you said that, though, the president retweeted a video clip that featured conservative personalities, talking about George Floyd’s past drug use, arrest record, one of them said, ‘The fact that George Floyd has been held up as a martyr sickens me.’ I know you didn’t retweet this, but the president did. Does that help the nation heal?”’

It doesn’t.

It further divides the nation, which is the goal of conservatives when they seek to vilify Floyd.
Noting that a career criminal is a career criminal, his completely unjust death notwithstanding, isn't demonizing anything....It's telling a truth that overbearing peckerheads like you want to keep a secret.

So there.

When he was killed, he wasn't doing anything that required deadly force. Hell, he was unconscious for two of the eight minutes he had the neck to the neck. The cop is way out of line and this should be investigated, because the cop has had 18 complaints, he is a career bad cop. We don't need people like him, they need to be fired.

Too many good police officers are getting a bad rap because of an ignorant cop.
True as all of that is, it doesn't address the fact that pointing out Floyd's extensive criminal record isn't "demonizing" him....Though he didn't deserve a summary execution in the streets, his criminal record is a matter of fact.
‘“You talked about how you don’t like to demonize people,” the CNN anchor noted. “Three days after you said that, though, the president retweeted a video clip that featured conservative personalities, talking about George Floyd’s past drug use, arrest record, one of them said, ‘The fact that George Floyd has been held up as a martyr sickens me.’ I know you didn’t retweet this, but the president did. Does that help the nation heal?”’

It doesn’t.

It further divides the nation, which is the goal of conservatives when they seek to vilify Floyd.
Noting that a career criminal is a career criminal, his completely unjust death notwithstanding, isn't demonizing anything....It's telling a truth that overbearing peckerheads like you want to keep a secret.

So there.

When he was killed, he wasn't doing anything that required deadly force. Hell, he was unconscious for two of the eight minutes he had the neck to the neck. The cop is way out of line and this should be investigated, because the cop has had 18 complaints, he is a career bad cop. We don't need people like him, they need to be fired.

Too many good police officers are getting a bad rap because of an ignorant cop.
True as all of that is, it doesn't address the fact that pointing out Floyd's extensive criminal record isn't "demonizing" him....Though he didn't deserve a summary execution in the streets, his criminal record is a matter of fact.

His past didn't matter. The cop knew nothing of his past. He didn't kill Floyd because of his past. The cop had 18 prior complaints, that is also a fact, the union saved him and is continuing to do so, the cops past is more relevant to the events since he is the one who committed murder.

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